343 Wu Liuyi
The night was still very dark.

But Wu Liuyi, who was hiding in the darkness, only felt his heart beating wildly.

If I measure my heart rate at this moment, I'm afraid it will be more than 120.

This wasn't Wu Liuyi's first fight, but for some reason, this time, he was particularly excited and nervous.

The rumble of the infantry chariot was getting closer and closer, and the ground trembled. Wu Liuyi was lying on the ground, and on the slope next to him, small gravel and dirt fell rustlingly, and some of them landed on his body. Kevlar helmet on.

Wu Liuyi lightly raised his hand and lifted the brim of the Kevlar helmet up. Then, he blinked and let out a deep breath. Then he knelt down on one knee and used the most comfortable posture to put the anti-tank missile on. carried on the shoulders.

The Blue Army has a lot of infantry fighting vehicles, the establishment of a whole battalion, but these infantry fighting vehicles are still very old models, and they are all tracked armored infantry fighting vehicles, like the old seventh company, moving very slowly.

It is obviously much easier to fight such an infantry fighting vehicle than the wheeled infantry fighting vehicle of the Red Third Company. Zero Fire wanted to hit their infantry combat vehicle, but it was difficult to do it just by putting the front sight on the target, but at this moment, the opponent was coming from a tracked armored vehicle, and the speed was very slow, so their work was easy and comfortable.

As soon as he stabilized the anti-tank missile, the company commander's calm and powerful voice came from the radio: "All companies have it, the missile is powered on, and the seeker is activated!"

Wu Liuyi pressed lightly with his finger, and with a beep, the missile was powered on. After two seconds, he activated the seeker again, and then he aimed his missile at his target.

The Blue Army has a lot of infantry armored vehicles, but they are not as many as the Red Third Company. There are only more than 20 vehicles in total. With such a number of vehicles, one platoon is enough.

At this time, the Red Third Company sent enough manpower to form an anti-tank team, one team with one anti-tank missile, and each team was responsible for an infantry fighting vehicle.

Wu Liuyi was naturally in charge of one of them.

He pressed the crosshairs to the target.

But what he hit was not the chassis of the armored vehicle, but the weapon.

The company commander just said that their first task is to kill the weapons on the infantry tanks.


Wu Liuyi exhaled lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his finger touched the trigger lightly. All the noise in his heart had disappeared, and he only had that infantry chariot in his consciousness.


The command of the company commander came suddenly,

Wu Liuyi was like a conditioned reflex. He pulled the trigger immediately after hearing the command sent by the company commander on the radio, and the connection was almost seamless.


An anti-tank missile burst out of the air instantly, and the blazing tail flame burned Wu Liuyi's face a little hot.

After shooting the missile, he immediately threw the launch vehicle away, grabbed the Type [-] automatic rifle that was set aside, clicked the trigger, and held the gun in front of him in an instant. The pose is set.

I dare not say anything about other aspects, but shooting has always been Wu Liuyi's strong point, it is also his specialty, and it is also the source of his self-confidence.


There was a loud bang on the roof of the infantry chariot.

This shot was extremely accurate, killing the infantry tank's on-board machine gun and [-]mm cannon in one shot.

The machine gunner and gunner in the car were taken aback by the brilliant light and shadow, reacted, and hurriedly pulled the trigger, but the trigger remained motionless as if it had been welded to death.

"Report—machine gun damage!"

The machine gunner immediately shrank back and shouted a report.

As soon as his voice fell, another soldier also shouted: "Report, the machine gun is damaged!"

"Get out of the car. Prepare to fight!" Inside the car, the captain yelled loudly.

If the Red Army's sneak attack is slow and someone takes it all at once, the loss will be heavy, so the first priority at the moment is to get out of the car as soon as possible and spread out to fight back.


The car door opened, and a soldier rushed down with a whoosh, but before he could raise his gun, a puff of smoke spewed out from his body, illuminating the dark night brightly of.

"Get out of the way—don't block the way!" The people behind shouted, and immediately, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, one after another, soldiers jumped off the chariot.


The Type [-] squad roared with machine guns.

Under the powerful firepower, one-third of the fighters who jumped out of the car were knocked out, and two-thirds managed to escape and found a bunker. After the machine gun fire, it was impossible to counterattack the Red Army.


Wu Liuyi fired a few shots and killed three blue soldiers, and then shouted at the top of his voice.

He had tried his best, but there was a mess of gunshots and explosions at the scene, so his voice could not be heard very far, but Wu Liuyi's shouting was actually for the blue army on purpose, so after shouting a few times , he immediately pressed the launch button of the individual radio station and said: "Third row, proceed as planned, hurry up!"

After giving the order, Wu Liuyi immediately picked up the Type [-] automatic rifle, turned around and ran away.

Bang bang bang!
Someone in the blue army aimed at him and fired a series of bursts, but Wu Liuyi was too fast to hit him.


Wu Liuyi dashed forward, then dashed over a small ridge, then threw himself on the ground and crawled in a low position. After a few whizzing swishes, he came to a suitable bunker and hid.

He leaned on the bunker, took a few breaths, then looked around slightly, and then said by radio: "Every class reports the situation!"

"Report, the seventh squad is in place! One person was lost in battle!"

"Report, the eighth squad is in place, no battle damage!"

"The ninth squad is in place, no battle damage! It's over."

Wu Liuyi frowned, feeling a little displeased, why did he lose one person in the battle?

It seems that the training is still not enough, and the actual combat awareness is not in place yet!

Wu Liuyi concluded silently in his heart.

But this idea just flashed in his mind, and soon he said on the individual soldier radio: "Seventh squad, nine o'clock position, eighth squad, wait in place, ninth squad, five o'clock position, act—"

After issuing the combat order, Wu Liuyi immediately pulled down the binocular night vision goggles on his head, and spied carefully behind the cover, observing his third row.

Fortunately, the tactical actions of classes [-] and [-] were in place, and they completed the task quickly and well.

Wu Liuyi observed for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Squad Eight, fire!"

Bang bang bang.

The soldiers of the Eighth Squad immediately fought back against the chasing Blue Army infantry from their respective shooting positions.

There were three blue army casualties on the spot.

But the number of the blue army is too many, after all, it is a battalion, and a large number of them rush over in the blink of an eye, and they can't finish fighting.

Wu Liuyi squinted his eyes, watching the battlefield situation vigilantly through the binocular night vision goggles, and touched the radio with the fingers of his left hand, ready to call for fire support at any time.

After three or four seconds, he felt that the time was right, so he immediately pressed the radio: "Squad Nine machine guns are ready! The target is a slope 100 meters away from me at three o'clock! End 1"

"Squad Nine machine guns are ready!"

Wu Liuyi looked ahead nervously and was ready at any time. After a while, he couldn't wait to say: "Squad Nine machine guns fire!"


500 meters away, a vehicle-mounted 12.7mm heavy machine gun fired at the target Wu Liuyi mentioned.

Whether in the drill or in actual combat, the firepower of the 12.7mm heavy machine gun is terrifying. In just a moment, two-thirds of the blue infantry who were chasing the third row just now were out and unable to continue fighting.

Wu Liuyi calmed down and waited patiently for five or six seconds. When the soldiers of the blue army started to turn around and look for cover, he immediately pressed the radio and shouted: "Third row, all of them, counterattack—"

With an order, Wu Liuyi was the first to stand up, raised the 21-type automatic rifle in his hand, and shot a shuttle of bullets in an area, shooting out all 5.8 rounds of [-]mm ammunition in the magazine in one go Although the continuous firing of the Type [-] automatic rifle still has a strong recoil, Wu Liuyi's ability to control the gun is very strong. He has been steadily controlling the muzzle of the gun, just like a Type [-] squad machine gun Generally, the firepower is strong and the stability is good——


The commander of the blue army saw that the situation was not good, and immediately shouted, ordering their soldiers to hide.

The red and blue sides fought endlessly, and the fighting was in full swing. The red three companies had advanced weapons and equipment, and their individual combat effectiveness was very strong, while the blue soldiers had many soldiers and were very brave in combat.

There was an instant chaos on the earth.

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