Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 357 The Challenge from the Assistant Instructor

357Challenges from the assistant trainer

Chen Fei just said a few words before leaving the training ground with Xue Jingzhe.

It is not suitable to talk too much at this time, otherwise the first impression you will leave on everyone will not be good. Be clean and neat, but it will make everyone refreshed and brighten their eyes.

He knows that his first impression is very important, and it is even related to the success of his subsequent work.

Moreover, Fade Chen didn't like to work hard in person. His philosophy has always been that ideological and political work should turn into rain, and great achievements are invisible.

"I find that you don't like to talk about those things any more than I do."

Xue Jingzhe sighed as he walked, he became more and more curious about Fade Chen.

In her impression, political cadres are role models for mothers-in-law, and she naturally doesn't like them, so after she started working in political work, she made up her mind to be a different cadre. Set a time for yourself and never extend it.

She always thought that she should be regarded as a different type of political worker, but just now, she found that Fade Chen didn't like to talk about those things, and was even more different than her.

"Ideological and political education is definitely very important. This is the most important feature that distinguishes our army from other armies. In addition, so many years of historical experience also tell us that ideological and political education is very important, but ideological and political education cannot be forced. , To turn the wind into rain, great achievements are invisible.

I think we should learn from Laomei on this point.

Of course, there is no such thing as ideological and political education in the United States, but their propaganda is very good. The whole world likes the United States, and people all over the world yearn for the United States. It is not easy to achieve this, but they really did it , and they have done a good job. Their method is not to use TV broadcasts to preach every day that the United States is good and the United States is great. Their method is worth learning from. "

Fade Chen walked forward with a smile while explaining his point of view again.

Xue Jingzhe didn't speak, but her eyes were shining. When she heard Fade Chen say that for the first time, she didn't take it seriously, and even thought that Fade Chen would only brag. But now, when she heard these words again, she felt a little Inspired, she suddenly understood why her old father asked her to be Fade Chen's deputy. She could really learn a lot.

But right now, she is most concerned about another issue. She wants to quickly learn the tricks of five kilometers from Fade Chen, because this is the most urgent thing for her, so she quickly shifted the topic to this up:
"Hey, Lao Chen, how can you run such a good five kilometers? Do you have any tricks? Or are you born a genius for running?"

Fade Chen glanced at Xue Jingzhe. At this time, the sky was gradually brightening up. A ray of light shot over from the distant sky, and just happened to shine on Xue Jingzhe's face. The lines of her already beautiful face became more and more perfect. Seeing that she seemed very interested, he said with a smile: "When I first joined the recruit company, Xu Sanduo and I were the last ones in the company. He was the first and my second child, and he often had the same hands and feet. You think I will be running. genius?"

"So what secret do you have mastered? Old Chen, tell me what is your secret?"

Xue Jingzhe grabbed Fade Chen's arm excitedly, not thinking of the difference between the two men and women at all, and it was not appropriate to talk about it early in the morning.

She just looked at Fade Chen excitedly, thinking in her heart that if she learned Fade Chen's secret, then she would definitely be able to go further in the five kilometers, and then she would no longer be afraid in old a.

In the old army, her training results were all slapping all the officers and soldiers, but after coming to the old A, she can't do it anymore. All the soldiers here are masters. The one she is best at, after coming here It was also a little bit out of the question, so at this time, she was very anxious, so seeing that Fade Chen's five kilometers was so awesome, she couldn't help but want to ask for a secret.

Fade Chen broke free from her hand unobtrusively, and quietly opened a little distance. After all, he is a political cadre, so he must pay attention to the influence. He smiled and said as he walked: "If you want to talk about the secret, there is one. I am still old. When I was in Qilian, I learned a trick from Yuan Lu."

Fade Chen spoke unhurriedly, with soft eyes and a gentle tone of voice, as if telling a story belonging to someone else. In fact, every time he talked about the things about Lao Qilian, his heart couldn't help softening. It was the happiest and most memorable period of his life.

"Old Chen, are you free today?" After hearing this, Xue Jingzhe became excited again.

"Yes, yes, I'll teach you later." Fade Chen nodded quickly.

He had no doubt that if he dared to say no, Xue Jingzhe would be able to push him to the ground on the spot and ask him when he could teach her. Therefore, he didn't have the slightest backbone, so he immediately gave up.

Seeing that Fade Chen agreed, Xue Jingzhe was so excited that he punched hard, and muttered excitedly: "This is good, now I can finally use five kilometers to teach those who look down on me!"

After a pause, she said: "Old Chen, you have helped me so much, tell me, how do you want me to thank you?"

"Huh?" Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he chuckled: "We can't thank you for anything, everyone will work together in the future and do the job well together, that's better than anything else!"

"That can't be done. I don't have any other skills, but I know how to repay you. You have helped me so much, how could I not repay you with anything?" Frowning, she suddenly remembered something , quickly turned his head and asked Fade Chen: "How is your fighting?"

"Fighting?" Fade Chen was taken aback, and suddenly remembered that he performed arm punches in front of many leaders in the exercise command center during the exercise codenamed Chunlei.

"My fighting. Should be okay, right?"

"Then I'll teach you how to fight!" Xue Jingzhe immediately made a decision, there was no doubt about it, she was afraid that Fade Chen would not agree, and said quickly: "I have learned back fist with my father since I was five years old, and my fighting skills are still very strong of!"

five years old?

Fade Chen was taken aback.

Then I almost laughed out loud, no wonder this guy used to fight a lot when he was a child, it turned out to be the reason.

When he was laughing endlessly, Zhou Jingzhe asked him: "How about it, did you just learn back boxing from me?"

Fade Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to say: "My fighting skills are not bad, have I also learned Tongbeiquan?"

"What? You also learned the arm fist?" Xue Jingzhe was taken aback. "What kind of arm fist did you practice? The white ape? Or the Qi family?"

"I practice a small genre of DL. I don't know where it should be classified. I learned it from an old squad leader when I went to teach the team." Fade Chen talked about the past with a smile.

Xue Jingzhe heard this, his brows were filled with joy, and he couldn't help but said: "Then your kung fu should not be as high as mine, Lao Chen, then it's settled like this, I will teach you how to master the back, and I will improve your level, Yeah - there is a training ground there, let's go there, I'll show you where to go now!"

Fade Chen wanted to refuse, but Xue Jingzhe, who was eager to repay his debts, dragged him to the fighting training ground over there.

"Old Chen, how about this, please call me first." Xue Jingzhe looked like a master who had only been out of the mountain for 50 years, with his hands folded on his chest, full of confidence.

"Do you really want to fight?"

"Of course it's true, Old Chen, hurry up and stop talking!"

Fade Chen glanced at Xue Jingzhe, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he didn't hesitate, he came to the center of the field, and with a snap, he hung out a hand gesture. After a while, his body moved, crackling, and only heard The crackling sound was endless, and the eyes were dazzled. I couldn't see what Fade Chen was doing. I just felt that it was about to disappear.

"." Xue Jingzhe opened his small mouth enough to stuff an egg.

I don't know how long, she never said a word.

Fade Chen didn't want to practice fighting at first, but after this practice, he suddenly became interested. First, he fought a routine, and then his body flashed, and he came under the sandbag after a few jumps. He punched and kicked the sandbag, He began to train hard, bang bang bang bang, the huge sandbags were shaken by him, and some were even almost blown up.

Xue Jingzhe was just dumbfounded.

[Ding——you seize the opportunity and train hard. You are not proud and complacent because your level is already very high. Instead, you become more modest and study hard. Your battalion-level military theory +5, your battalion-level command art +5, Your battalion-level battlefield intuition, your personal charm and personal prestige in the 101st Battalion +5, your individual combat ability +5]

A pleasant voice rang in Fade Chen's mind.

Hearing this voice, he became more excited and practiced harder.

After a crackling fight, he was covered in sweat, but he didn't feel tired at all. Instead, he became more energetic and felt that he could still fight for 360 rounds. He turned his head and said to Xue Jingzhe, "Xiao Xue, just practicing routines seems boring, why don't we come here?" How about sparring?"

"Sparring?" Xue Jingzhe was taken aback for a moment, her eyelids twitched, and she hurriedly turned around: "Sparring. Another day!"

"It's better to hit the sun another day, today is the day! Xiaoxue, come quickly—"

"Oh, my aunt is here, I have to go back quickly—" Xue Jingzhe left a word, turned around and left, and disappeared after a while.

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