Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 359 The Life of the Deputy Battalion Commander X X

359 Deputy Battalion Commander's Awesome Life
Fade Chen was very excited when he saw the word Hei Xuejun on the list.

So far, he has found two acquaintances, Xu Sanduo and Hei Xuejun. For some reason, he has a vague feeling that he can find more old comrades in arms.

So he hurriedly checked the list one by one, hoping to find more acquaintances. If he could find more old comrades in the 101st Battalion, then he would be really lucky. Information, on the other hand, he can help his old comrades in arms. It is not easy for everyone to work together, but it is a great help.

But Xue Jingzhe couldn't wait for him: "Oh, don't look, go eat breakfast first, look, my stomach is so hungry!"

While she was talking, she grabbed the sides of the uniform with both hands and pulled it back. Fade Chen took a look, and sure enough, her stomach was flat.

"Okay, okay, let's have breakfast first." Fade Chen put away the list, folded it up and handed it back to Xue Jingzhe.

The two strode towards the cafeteria.

The fine tradition of our army is that officers and soldiers eat together in a cafeteria, unlike foreigners who want to highlight the particularity of officers.

There are three companies in the 101st Battalion, and each company has its own canteen. Because the battalion headquarters is relatively close to the third company, they share a canteen with the third company.

Walking into the cafeteria, Fade Chen stood at the door and scanned around, and soon he found Leng Jun, that guy was sitting in the most remote corner of the cafeteria, eating with his head depressed.

"Let's sit with him." Fade Chen turned his head and whispered to Xue Jingzhe.

Xue Jingzhe didn't speak, but frowned. Obviously, she didn't get along very well with Leng Jun.

In fact, Fade Chen doesn't like that guy very much, but as an instructor, he has to deal with every officer in the battalion. There is no doubt that the relationship between the battalion headquarters is directly related to the combat effectiveness of the entire battalion. It can be a bit petty, but between Fade Chen and every cadre, there must be honesty and harmony. In other words, Fade Chen is the Dingjun Mountain and the ballast stone of the cadres of the 101st Battalion. As long as he is there, the cadres of the 101st must Unite tightly around him, firm as a rock, and work together.

"Instructor Chen! Deputy instructor Xue."

"Instructor Chen! Deputy instructor Xue."

Several officers and soldiers sitting at the door saw Fade Chen and quickly stood up to say hello.

Leng Jun in the innermost place heard the movement at the door, raised his head and glanced slightly, but immediately lowered his head and continued to eat his breakfast, pretending not to see.

Fade Chen walked into the cafeteria and walked around, looking for the breakfast he wanted, and then walked straight to Leng Jun with a big bowl.

Leng Jun obviously didn't expect Fade Chen to come to him at all, he was taken aback for a moment, then stood up hastily, and said hello: "Instructor!"

Fade Chen nodded, sat down opposite him, glanced at his dinner plate, and said, "Have you eaten too little breakfast?"

"I'm not very hungry this morning." Leng Jun replied indifferently.

At this time, Xue Jingzhe also came over with a plate.

"Deputy Instructor Xue!" Leng Jun stood up and greeted again.

Although he looks cold, but what he should do and say, he is still the same, and no one will find out what's wrong with him.

Chen Fei moved inside, and Xue Jingzhe sat down next to Chen Fei.

The three of them chatted without saying a word. After two or three minutes, Fade Chen asked, "Leng Jun, why didn't you get up this morning to do morning exercises together? What's wrong with you?"

Leng Jun was going to use his chopsticks to pick up a handful of noodles, but after hearing what Fade Chen said, he put down his chopsticks, raised his head, looked at Fade Chen seriously and asked, "Instructor, is this a rule?"

"It's not a rule!" Fade Chen said.

"Oh—" Leng Jun responded blankly, then picked up his chopsticks and continued eating.

"However, I still suggest that you should get up and do morning exercises with the soldiers." Fade Chen said calmly.

Leng Jun raised his head and looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen didn't say what happened to other troops, I don't care, but my 101st Battalion has to do this, and I will deal with anyone who doesn't do it. He knows very well that the cold army is not such a person. The more you force him, the more he will resist , so he didn't say a single hard word.

Leng Jun took a look at Fade Chen, lowered his head, and ate the last bit of noodles in his bowl, then he stood up and picked up the bowl and said: "Instructor Chen, Deputy Instructor Xue, I finished eating, I'll go back first, you guys eat slowly."

Fade Chen nodded with a smile.

Xue Jingzhe was expressionless.

Leng Jun turned and left, never looking back.

"This guy" stayed far away from Leng Jun, Xue Jingzhe was very dissatisfied, wishing to rush up and beat him up violently.

Leng Jun's appearance is really a bit unbearable.

She is very dissatisfied.

"What's the background of this guy?" Fade Chen turned his head and asked Xue Jingzhe.

He probably knows a little about the cold army, but he hasn't seen more detailed information.

"His family seems to be in business. He is very rich, not a few million, but hundreds of millions."

"Hundreds of millions?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

With assets of hundreds of millions this year, that is very remarkable, a truly rich man.

"I don't know how much money his family has. Anyway, I heard that it is at least hundreds of millions of dollars. Originally, his father wanted him to learn management and inherit his father's business after graduation, but he insisted on not agreeing. In order to get rid of his father's management, he When I was more than ten years old, I went to the XX genius class to study. After graduating from university, I seemed to disregard my father’s objection and took a graduate student in physics. Because of this, the father and son had a very unhappy relationship. After graduation, I came to the army for some reason. I have to say that this guy is really born to be a soldier. He was favored by old A in just a few years. Vice Yuan personally went to dig him out. so many"

Xue Jingzhe raised his hand and slapped him openly.

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, thinking that no wonder he was so arrogant.

Xue Jingzhe continued: "Vice Yuan actually wanted to transfer him to the special brigade, but he said that he was tired of playing special warfare and didn't want to do it anymore. Although Vice Yuan was heartbroken, he still had to let go, so he came last. 101."

After hearing Xue Jingzhe's narration, Fade Chen nodded: "It seems that the reason why he doesn't do morning exercises is because he thinks it's unnecessary!"

"That's almost what it means. He used to be number one, and no one could be better than him, so he didn't do morning exercises and didn't train with other people."

Fade Chen pondered for a while, as if he had thought of something, but he didn't speak, just lowered his head and ate.

Xue Jingzhe bent him with his elbow, his eyes sparkled: "Did you find some way to punish him?"

"Comrade Xue Jingzhe, please pay attention to your words, you are the assistant instructor—how can you say such words?"

"Cut—" Xue Jingzhe snorted: "It's just the two of us, what are you pretending to be!" Then she abducted Fade Chen with her hands: "Old Chen, what are you going to do?"

Chen Fei took a mouthful of noodles, and then said lightly: "Since he thinks that he doesn't need to train because his grades are too good, let him know that his grades are actually not very good."

"Are you going to fight him one-on-one? When? This afternoon?" Xue Jingzhe was so excited that he stopped eating, and just looked at Fade Chen with bright eyes.

"Look at your appearance, what do you look like, you are the deputy instructor, Comrade Xue Jingzhe!"

"Cut—" Xue Jingzhe sneered.

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