365 Take Xu Sanduo for surgery
Fade Chen is not a very serious person, and he won't be scary just looking at it.

On the contrary, the first impression he gives people is that he is kind and smiling. Even if something unexpected happens, he will not be impatient, gentle and gentle, and he is doing the work of an instructor , so many people instinctively thought he was a nice guy.

So no one would have thought that in today's company-level chief officer meeting, Fade Chen would act uncharacteristically, giving people a sense of ruthlessness and decisiveness.

His stern eyes swept down, and everyone he saw trembled. Everyone had no doubt that at this moment, if he dared to really disobey, then Fade Chen would definitely shoot himself Son.

Everyone was shocked: "Damn, it turns out that the trainer also has a fierce side, careless—"

Chen Fei stood on the stage with a serious expression and a heavy tone.

"Comrades, the superiors transferred us to the 101st Battalion, not for us to enjoy, nor for us to be gilded. The superiors asked us to come to 101, to complete the impossible tasks for others, to overcome difficulties !"

"The difficulty in the construction of the 101st Battalion lies in the transformation of ideas and concepts, and there is no ready-made road to go!"

"Now, the first difficulty we are facing is the change of thinking! I can leave my words here now. If the people here cannot even pass this level, then the difficulties in the future will be even more serious. Don't try to chew him off."

"I know that everyone here is the best in the original old army, and they are all No. 1. However, the better you do in the old army, the stronger your current fetters will be, and the more backward your concepts will be. The 101st Battalion is not a special warfare battalion, the 101st Battalion is not a special warfare battalion, and I repeat, the 101st Battalion is not a special warfare battalion!"

Chen Fei's eyes were serious, and his voice was like thunder, which shocked the ears of all the company commanders, instructors and platoon leaders present.

Today's meeting is mainly about deterrence, using thunderous means to make the company-level chief officers of the 101st Battalion and the battalion-level chief officers seriously pay attention to the issue of ideological change.

Of course, if you want to say how good the effect of this meeting is, that's not enough. It would be really naive to expect that a meeting as big as the 101st Battalion could be solved.

After the meeting, Fade Chen left the instructors of each company and held a small meeting separately. The purpose of the meeting was only one, to strengthen the understanding of the new combat mode of 101, and organize a large discussion on the combat mode of 101 in the whole company. Reverse everyone's misunderstanding about this issue as soon as possible.

This meeting was relatively simple. Fade Chen was the direct supervisor of the instructors of each company, and everyone dared not make any comments on his request, so they all agreed.

Afterwards, relevant training plans were issued to each company.

As long as Fade Chen has time, he and Battalion Commander Qi Huan will lead a few staff officers to inspect and guide companies one by one.

On this day, he and Qi Huan came to the company together, which is the company where Xu Sanduo was.

The company commander of the first company was Xu Anhua, a guy with a round face and a good smile.

Seeing Fade Chen and Qi Huan, he hurriedly came to the door with the instructor to greet them.

"battalion commander!"


Fade Chen and Qi Huan returned the salute, then shook hands with each other, and then walked inside together.

At this moment, Lian Lian was training in full swing.

Fade Chen asked Xu Anhua while watching: "Commander Xu, how is your training for these two days?"

"Overall, it's not bad, but there are still one or two small problems." Xu Anhua glanced at Fade Chen carefully, and said carefully.

"What's the problem?" Fade Chen was startled, and turned to look at Xu Anhua.

"Xu Sanduo Xu platoon leader?" Xu Anhua hesitated to speak.

Xu Sanduo?
Fade Chen stared.

Xu Anhua's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said with a smile on his face, "Instructor, it's not a big problem, actually."

He didn't know the relationship between Xu Sanduo and Fade Chen at first, but since he heard other people's gossip, he couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart and secretly had a headache.

That's why I hesitated at this time.

After hearing this, Fade Chen really looked a bit unhappy, but what Xu Anhua didn't expect was that, after pondering for a while, Fade Chen said: "This fellow Xu Sanduo will indeed be a trouble, so, Company Commander Xu, I will deal with it myself in a while!"

"Yes!" Xu Anhua listened with joy on his face, his eyes couldn't hide the surprise.

Several people walked towards the inside together, and arrived at Yilian's training ground in a short while. At this time, several soldiers were conducting tactical training according to the relevant plan issued by the staff. It just so happened that when Fade Chen arrived, he happened to It was Xu Sanduo who led the training.

Xu Sanduo did a good job in Old A. Since he has been working hard like a fool, his special abilities are among the best. Of course, he can't compare with the freaks like Leng Jun. To be honest, Xu Sanduo is really He is not suitable for special operations, but he is good for conventional operations.

But the trouble with this guy now is that he often consciously or unconsciously uses the special operations method in training. For example, at this time, he led them to the front and went out near the target. They need to perform a task of occupying the target point. His approach is As for the special forces, several assault teams are sent in a row to approach the target point and clear the target one by one. Of course, this kind of practice is fine in the old A, but in 101, it is wrong.

When Xu Sanduo saw Fade Chen, he grinned, and then became more passionate, and bravely led his soldiers to charge towards the target point.

"Everyone, please be careful, my old squad leader is here, everyone help me grow my face!"

Xu Sanduo lowered his voice, encouraging his soldiers.

When his soldiers met, they screamed more and more strangely, and the group used the tactics of the top soldiers of special warfare more and more, in order to get Fade Chen's applause.

But when Fade Chen saw it, he was extremely annoyed.

Xu Sanduo, Xu Sanduo——

You took the things I taught you as food——

He was very angry.

And he just needs someone to make an example to others.

If you want to implement new tactics and methods as soon as possible, it is definitely a good way to catch a backward model and deal with it severely.

Moreover, pick the soft persimmons, and Fade Chen is the same. Compared with offending other people, he would definitely choose Xu Sanduo, so he stretched out his hand: "Commander Xu, let me use your loudspeaker!"

Xu Anhua hurriedly handed the trumpet to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen took it and shouted: "Xu Sanduo——"

Xu Sanduo, who was performing the training task, was taken aback for a moment, then stopped, turned around and looked at Fade Chen, and agreed with joy.

"Xu Sanduo, what did I say at yesterday's meeting?"

Xu Sanduo was taken aback.

Fade Chen snarled: "Xu Sanduo, where is your cannon? You ate your cannon! What did I say yesterday? Do you, the platoon leader, don't want to do it anymore!"

Chen Fei turned around and looked at Xu Anhua: "First company commander!"

"Here!" Xu Anhua shouted.

"Suspend Xu Sanduo's position as platoon leader. When did he change his mind? When will you resume his position? If he is still like this within a month, then he will be dismissed directly!"


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