Chapter 368

368 corner gun

Fade Chen and Shang Qiu chatted briefly, finalized the matter for tomorrow, and then hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back into his pocket, when he looked up, he found that Xue Jingzhe's two eyes were like two small light bulbs, shining brightly as if they would glow.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Fade Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Tell me honestly, do you have something...that?" Xue Jingzhe's fire of gossip has long been burning.

After hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't laugh or cry anymore, so he had to explain patiently: "Didn't you hear the phone call I made just now? We haven't met yet?"

Xue Jingzhe also seemed to feel that he was going too far, but he refused to admit it: "I just think you have that!"

Fade Chen shook his head, and muttered: "I am finally sure of one thing now, you are really a woman!"

When Xue Jingzhe heard it, she was dissatisfied: "What do you mean I'm really a woman? I was originally a woman—"

I never thought of you as a woman.

Fade Chen muttered silently in his heart.

But he didn't want to argue with Xue Jingzhe on this matter anymore, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Xiao Xue, let's talk to the battalion commander about tomorrow's affairs together."

After hearing this, Xue Jingzhe stood up quickly and said, "Okay, wait for me, I'll be fine soon." She ran into the bedroom while speaking, because she was in such a hurry, she ran into the bedroom for some reason, with a bang Fade fell, and Fade Chen hurriedly turned his head to look, only to find that her bathrobe almost fell off. He shook his head, and quickly suppressed the urge to look over, but turned around and asked loudly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, this broken bed is blocking my way!" Xue Jingzhe replied inside, and after she finished speaking, she kicked very annoyedly, but instead of making her vent her anger, this kick broke her toe She felt pain as if she was hurting, and took a deep breath, but in order not to embarrass herself in front of Fade Chen, she gritted her teeth, and almost burst out laughing just looking at Fade Chen outside.

Xue Jingzhe looked normal on the surface but was actually limping. Fade Chen deliberately walked a few steps ahead, and the two went to find Qi Huan one after the other.

dong dong dong.

Fade Chen knocked on the door.

"Old Qi—"

Hearing the sound, Qi Huan poked out from the inside, and because of the angle, he only saw Fade Chen alone at first, so he was very surprised, and asked with a smile: "Oh, you finally dumped the man-in-law—"

After finishing speaking, Xue Jingzhe limped into sight, and the expression on Qi Huan's face froze.

"Butcher, what did you call me just now?" Xue Jingzhe asked coldly.

Butcher is Qi Huan's nickname, it was given to him by Tuo Yonggang when Xu Sanduo participated in the old A's selection, and then it spread quickly, and it lasted for a long time, now it has become Qi Huan's second name.

The soldiers of the 101st Battalion were actually called Butcher Qi Huan in private, and of course there were some called Kitchen Knife, but they were not as famous as Butcher.

Fade Chen had only arrived at Battalion 101 for a few days, and was still in contact with Qi Huan, so it was naturally impossible to call him the nickname of Butcher. Xue Jingzhe came many days earlier than Fade Chen, and he and Xue Jingzhe were more familiar with each other. Both of them nicknamed each other in private. For example, Qi Huan called Xue Jingzhe the man-in-law, and Xue Jingzhe called Qi Huan the butcher. It's just that both of them were more reserved in front of Fade Chen, and they generally wouldn't bark. Shi Qihuan missed the point.

Although Fade Chen was amused in his heart, he knew that one of them was not good at this time, and the two of them might start arguing, so he quickly resolved: "Old Qi, the engineer Shang Qiu from Ordnance Industry Group will come with things tomorrow, we Gotta get ready."

Qi Huan called Xue Jingzhe a man-in-law in front of Fade Chen, so he was naturally a little embarrassed, and quickly went downhill, and said in a serious manner: "Really? Tomorrow? That's really great, are they in the morning or in the afternoon?" Arrived? They came at the right time, we really need them right now"

He was still a little guilty, so his words were a bit out of line.

Fade Chen naturally understood Qi Huan's embarrassment, and quickly introduced the weapons and equipment that Shang Qiu might bring tomorrow. No matter it was Qi Huan or Xue Jingzhe, their eyes were shining brightly. Both of them had forgotten about the little episode just now.

Although Shang Qiu told Fade Chen some names on the phone just now, they were just names, so even Xue Jingzhe, who had heard the conversation between Fade Chen and Shang Qiu, was at a loss as to what those weapons were, so at this time When you hear it, your eyes light up.

The weapons brought by Shang Qiu are, on the one hand, their research, and on the other hand, Fade Chen put forward ideas and designs based on some experience of later generations, and asked Shang Qiu to help realize them or improve them, so those things are really very useful. attractive.

Fade Chen first gave an introduction to the weapons that Shang Qiu was about to bring, and then the three of them discussed the procedures for the next day together.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Shang Qiu brought a group of people to Camp 101.

After the red tape procedures were completed, Fade Chen personally performed a very important part, which was the display of relevant weapons.

In order to give the officers and soldiers of the 101st Battalion an unparalleled shock, Fade Chen went off in person.

All the exhibition activities are hosted by Xue Jingzhe.

She held the microphone and said passionately: "I think, everyone here, there should be no one who doesn't know who introduced the CQB in our country and carried him forward? Tell me, who introduced the CQB for the first time in China ?”

"Old a—" Nearly a thousand officers and soldiers of the 101st Battalion answered loudly, their voices like rushing waves.

"Who combined cqb tactics with the real combat environment and carried forward him?" Xue Jingzhe posted again.

"Old a—" the officers and soldiers shouted again.

"Who has won the first place in the cqb competition for ten consecutive years!" Xue Jingzhe asked loudly again.

"Old a—"

The pride and heroism of the officers and soldiers reached the highest height in Xue Jingzhe's three questioning.

"Then let me ask another question, who is the strongest cqb in the 101st Battalion?"

This time, there was no answer like a wave of waves. Many people looked left and right, not knowing the answer, and some people shouted not very confidently: "Instructor—" Of course, some people answered the battalion commander, and some answered Deputy Battalion Commander Leng, All in all, this time the question has no answer.

Xue Jingzhe shouted with the loudest voice: "Next, please enjoy the strongest CQB combat demonstration of the 101st Battalion——the instructor of the 101st Battalion, Comrade Chen Fei, and his special operations team!"

In the astonishment of everyone, on the demonstration field, Chen Fei, who was fully armed, led five team members to perform a thrilling and wonderful CQB combat performance for everyone.

Everyone was shocked after watching it.

"Fuck, so the trainer is so powerful?"

"It turns out that the trainer is the king of soldiers in 101."

"I used to think that Deputy Battalion Commander Leng was awesome, but now I know that the instructor is really awesome—"


After more than 20 seconds of silence, the applause exploded like thunder.

After a while, Fade Chen came out, holding a microphone in his hand.

"Comrades, everyone says my CQB is good or not?"


"Everyone said my corner tactics, is it good or not?"


The voices of the officers and soldiers became louder.

Fade Chen waited quietly for more than ten seconds, until everyone was quiet, and then said in a deep voice: "But, comrades, do you know how much I have paid to achieve this level of combat? I won't say more , I will reveal a number, I have worn out more than 50 pairs of combat boots alone—"

Of course he just made it up.

But what he said was really shocking.


The soldiers of the 101st Battalion exclaimed together.

"However, I dare say that many of us here, even if we wear out a hundred pairs of shoes, we can't reach my level!"

The audience was silent.

Everyone didn't know what Fade Chen was going to say, they just pricked up their ears.

Just when everyone thought that Fade Chen was going to train people, Fade Chen said, "But—what's the use of having the best CQB ability in the world?"

Just as the group of people were stunned, Fade Chen stretched out his hand, and soon, a staff member ran up with a turning gun.

The turning gun is a high-tech weapon system that bypasses corners to observe and shoot targets. Since any part of the combatants' body does not need to be exposed, it plays a role in protecting the combatants.

In 2003, the turning gun jointly researched by the United States and Israel appeared in Israel.

In May 2009, the turning gun independently developed by my country was officially unveiled.

Fade Chen took the turning gun, tried it, then raised the gun, and said loudly, "The gun in my hand is different from the ones we used before."

click -

He bent the gun ninety degrees.

"This kind of gun is called a turning gun. Look, I folded it into a [-]-degree angle. I hid on the side of the right-angle bend. I observed the situation at the other end of the [-]-degree right-angle bend through the observation mirror and saw where the target was. , I just pulled the trigger—”

He demonstrated while speaking, and the staff member held a microphone to help.


He pulled the trigger, fired a bullet, and at the end of the ninety-degree bend, an iron chest ring target fell in response.

Fade Chen unloaded the magazine, clicked the trigger, checked the magazine, then turned around, facing nearly a thousand stunned officers and soldiers of the 101st Battalion.

"Comrades, tell me now, your proud CQB, what else is there to be proud of?"

The audience was silent and silent.

"In the past two days, we have had a big discussion in the whole camp. I know that many people don't take it seriously. Many people still think that they can eat all over the world with the money of old A. Now, tell me, you still Do you think what you think is right?"

Afterwards, Fade Chen showed some new weapons, new equipment and new tactics one by one, including a miniature unmanned reconnaissance drone the size of a butterfly, a quadrotor drone that can drop mortar shells in the air, and a drone with only one A palm-sized tracked reconnaissance vehicle, and an unmanned assault vehicle about one meter long, etc.
After seeing these equipments and listening to another deafening question from Fade Chen, all the officers and soldiers of the 101st Battalion fell silent.

Those special operations techniques of the old A are very powerful, but if they encounter a 101st Battalion equipped with many advanced weapons.
(End of this chapter)

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