Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 377 Fade Chen's Command

Chapter 377 Fade Chen's Command

377 Fade Chen's Command

Qi Huan is a very decisive and responsible person.

It is a blessing to work with someone like Qi Huan.

So it didn't take long for Fade Chen to agree on the next action plan with Qi Huan.

The two sides agreed to launch a surprise attack from the direction of three o'clock, drive straight in, strike hard, and take down the target area in one fell swoop.

For this operation, Chen Fei and Qi Huan were each responsible for a part, Qi Huan was in charge of leading the charge in the front, and Chen Fei was in charge of intelligence research and judgment and support in the back.

In fact, Chen Fei also wanted to lead troops to the front line, but was rejected by Qi Huan. Qi Huan said that he was the first person responsible for the war and he wanted to be on the front line.

Chen Fei naturally understood what Qi Huan meant, and was moved in his heart, but he didn't say anything more, he just patted Qi Huan on the shoulder: "Okay, Lao Qi, then I will escort you from behind!"

"Okay!" Qi Huan readily agreed and strode forward.

Fade Chen picked up the microphone and ordered: "Wu Zhe, get on the hummingbird drone. Check the coordinates I gave you carefully."

"Yes!" Wu Zhe replied loudly.

This kid was full of energy, even though he stayed up all night, he didn't feel tired at all.

After receiving Fade Chen's order, he immediately operated the smallest drone, quickly entered at low altitude, and approached for reconnaissance.

Although the staff department has comprehensively studied and judged all kinds of information before, and deduced the main coordinates of the main force of the blue army, it is not afraid of [-], but just in case. You can't just rely on guesswork in a war. There is no [-]% to [-]% certainty. It's messed up, so before starting the fight, Fade Chen has to make another confirmation.

The drone operator immediately controlled the drone, which was only the size of a small hummingbird, quickly entered the target area at low altitude, and quickly reconnaissance according to the coordinates given by Chen Fei.

This kind of hummingbird drone is very fast, and the noise is very low. You can't hear any sound from two meters away. It is very suitable for reconnaissance during street fighting. Although it is not street fighting at this time, use it to detect people in buildings. The situation is still very appropriate.

There aren't many blue troops out there, so the big ones should be hiding in buildings.

The drone flew out for more than 30 seconds, and the operator's report came from the radio: "Report, about 50 people from the Blue Army were found at point 7, equipped with a large number of light weapons, and a small amount of rpg-[-] was found;"

Number three?
Holding the tablet in his hand, Fade Chen quickly drew a circle and marked it at the place the operator said.

"Report, a large number of blue troops were found at point nine, the number is unknown, and the equipment is unknown!" The drone operator reported again.

The situation at the target is too complicated, the drone is too close, and it will be exposed, so you can only take a look at it from a distance, so the situation you can see is not very clear.

Fade Chen marked it again.


Next to him, Chief of Staff Li Hanshan also looked at a tablet and frowned in silence.

At this time, the situation detected by the drone is slightly different from the previous judgment.

This is a bit troublesome, what should I do next?
But Li Hanshan was not silent for too long. When the drone sent back the last message, his eyelids lit up immediately, and he pointed to a place on the tablet and said: "Instructor, according to my judgment, the Blue Army should want to lure We launched an attack from the southwest and northeast at the same time, and then they can make a pocket here, catch us all, surround them, and consume them slowly."

Fade Chen also had this guess. After listening to Li Hanshan's words, he nodded and asked, "Then how do you think we should break the situation?"

"Instructor, I suggest storming NO.11. You can even blow up the back wall and insert it directly!"

"No. 11 o'clock? Blow up the back wall and insert it in?" Fade Chen couldn't help but twitch his eyelids when he heard Li Hanshan's words.

Li Hanshan's idea is very unconstrained, isn't it?

Does this tactic work?
Fade Chen narrowed his eyes, focused his attention, concentrated all his intuition, and sensed it with battalion-level battlefield intuition. After three seconds, he let out a deep breath, picked up the microphone hanging on the side: "Dong Yao, I It’s Dong Er, please answer if you hear it!”

"I'm Dongyao!" Qi Huan's voice came back.

"Dong Yao, based on all the information, we judge that point No. 11 is the weakest point of the blue army, so we mean to blow up the back wall of point No. 11 and insert it straight in from behind. It's over."

"No. 11 o'clock?" Qi Huan was obviously taken aback by this bold idea, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "Dong Er, how sure are you?"

Li Hanshan also heard Qi Huan's words, he raised his head and looked at Fade Chen.

Although he made a bold guess just now, if he wants to say how confident he is.
Maybe forty or fifty?
He raised his head to look at Fade Chen, but when he found that Fade Chen was looking at him, his eyes immediately retreated like lightning, and he immediately lowered his head, pretending to look at other things.

But his ears are pricked up.

"Dongyao, I'm 80.00% sure!" Fade Chen's voice came.

Li Hanshan was startled.

His deduction just now was at most 80.00 to [-]% sure, but how did he come to Fade Chen and become [-]% sure after a while?

Do instructors like to exaggerate so much?

Or do the instructors have their own judgment?

He was a little stunned and a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, Qi Huan replied: "Dongyao understands, then insert it from No. 11 o'clock. It's over!"

Fade Chen let out a sigh of relief. He held the microphone, pondered for about two seconds, and then called a cannon.

The 101st Battalion has many mortar teams, and different teams have different numbers. One shot is the so-called first team.

Obviously, the name of the first group is not as loud as Yipao, so the soldiers in the first group like everyone to call them Yipao.

The mortar team is now equipped with new mortars that Fade Chen asked Shang Qiu to improve. They can be operated by a single soldier, or can be quickly fixed on a vehicle. They can fire various types of ammunition, which is very powerful!
But the first artillery is a reserve force, and only when the other mortar teams have missions will it be their turn to take action.

Fade Chen picked up the microphone and called for a shot.

"Two holes call for a cannon, please answer if you hear it!"

"I'm one shot, two holes, one shot is waiting for your call at any time!" The leader of the first mortar team was a dude, and when he heard Fade Chen's call, his voice trembled with excitement.

Fade Chen was unmoved, and just ordered in a calm and forceful voice: "All the members of the First Artillery are ready to fight, No. 101 target, instant fuze, No. 2 charge, scale XX, benchmark shooting to XXX..."

A series of precise instructions were issued by Fade Chen.

"Understand in one shot!"

After issuing this set of instructions, Fade Chen turned his head to look at Li Hanshan. Li Hanshan let out a deep breath, and then nodded heavily at Fade Chen, indicating that everything is ready and there is nothing to change.

Fade Chen then raised his hand again and brought the microphone to his mouth, saying: "Dongyao, Dongyao is ready, you can start, finish!"

Qi Huan's voice began to sound on the radio: "Everyone is there, ready for battle—"

(End of this chapter)

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