Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 396 Helicopter Sniper

396 helicopter sniper

Fade Chen returned to his dormitory contentedly.

He is very satisfied with today's affairs.

He finally managed to match a pair.

One of the responsibilities of an instructor is to care for and care for the cadres. His caring is a pair, two people, and he has a strong sense of accomplishment.

He opened the door, walked in, and was about to turn around and close the door when he suddenly found Qi Huan and Li Hanshan following behind with a smile.

"Old Qi, what's the matter?"

"Go in and talk." Qi Huan said, he couldn't help but drill into Fade Chen's dormitory after speaking, Li Hanshan followed behind.

Chen Fei had no choice but to close the door. He originally planned to be alone for a while, but now it seems that he doesn't want to.

After boiling water and making tea to greet the guests, it took a while before Fade Chen was able to sit down.

"Old Qi, what do you want from me?"

"That?" Qi Huan was a little embarrassed and hesitated to speak.

"It's okay, then I'll get to work!" Fade Chen stood up.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Qi Huan quickly pulled Fade Chen to sit down, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Old Chen, I only now know how good you are as a matchmaker, and you can get Xue Jingzhe in a few simple strokes." I have matched up with Leng Jun, so...Old Chen, can you quickly help me find one too?"

"Ah?" Fade Chen was stunned.

Qi Huan was a little embarrassed at first, but now that the conversation has been made, he doesn't have so many scruples, and immediately said: "Old Chen, I am in my thirties, and I am still a bachelor. I'm in a hurry, if I don't marry a wife, I won't be able to have children, Lao Chen, you must help me!"

Before Fade Chen could answer, Qi Huan said pitifully: "Old Chen, whether my old Qi family will end or not depends on you!"

Fade Chen saw that such a big hat had been buttoned down, and hurriedly said: "Old Qi, I will try my best to help you, but the only woman I know now is Xue Jingzhe, and she has been abducted by Leng Jun."

Before Fade Chen could finish speaking, Qi Huan stood up and said shamelessly, "Comrade instructor, you don't need to make excuses. Anyway, it is your duty to care about the lives of the cadres. I am also a battalion-level cadre of the 101st Battalion. , My personal problem is also your job responsibility, anyway, I don't care, you have to find me a wife, or I will go to the brigade commander!"

"Instructor, and me, I'm single too!" Li Hanshan finally found a chance to speak, and hurriedly said.

"Hey, I'm not a dating agency. Is it appropriate for you to ask me like this?"

"Anyway, I don't care!"

Qi Huan and Li Hanshan answered in unison.

The two left behind these words, turned around and ran away, leaving Fade alone, dumbfounded.

Fade Chen shook his head and smiled helplessly.

He sat down and took a sip of water, but he fell silent.

The problem that Qi Huan and Li Hanshan mentioned is indeed a big problem. There are too many single cadres in the 101st Battalion, and many of them cannot find girlfriends.

It seems that he really needs to think about this issue carefully.

Marriage of military officers has always been a problem, but if the 101st Battalion can handle this matter well, among other things, military officers at all levels will definitely be more motivated to conduct training and make revolution.

"Go for a walk in the city someday!" Fade Chen touched his chin and murmured secretly.

The trade unions in the city also have departments in charge of marriage introduction, and they have abundant resources, such as teachers, doctors and nurses, and so on. Most of these have a good impression on the soldiers, so you can try them.

But this matter can't be settled in one go, so next, he has to focus on another matter, which is the one thing that must be dealt with tomorrow.

He has to organize the snipers of the battalion headquarters to conduct helicopter sniper training tomorrow.

Helicopter sniping is a new thing for the 101st Battalion at this time, even for the entire old A, and even the entire army. Many snipers have never even heard of this subject. Qi Huan and Li Hanshan do not know this subject, so, He has to do it himself.

Helicopter sniping was first created by Lao Mei.

Of course, it's not that Lao Mei is bored and insists on producing such a thing to show her awesomeness. The reason why they do this is because they are forced to come out.

Laos and the United States often fight overseas and often need to face some mobile high-value targets.

But it is very difficult to kill these maneuvering targets.

These targets often use geographical terrain to hide themselves, and run away with one shot, guerrilla warfare.

Although Lao Mei has advanced weapons and strong combat effectiveness, she is also overwhelmed by these targets, so how to clear the maneuvering targets has become the number one problem on Lao Mei's table.

The first thing they want is to put the sniper on the car, so that the sniper has high mobility. As long as he finds the target, he can quickly approach and shoot the head.

But soon, they discovered that the target often used the natural geographical terrain as a cover, such as hiding on the mountain, and the vehicle could only run at the bottom of the valley and could not go up the mountain. They could only look at the target and sigh.

After suffering a lot, Lao Mei finally had a flash of inspiration and came up with the idea of ​​a helicopter sniper.

First, helicopters can maneuver quickly, faster than cars, and can be deployed quickly.

Secondly, the helicopter flies in the air, the altitude can be high or low, and it is not affected by the terrain, even if the target runs to the top of the mountain, it will not be affected.

Moreover, since the helicopter flies in the air, it can be condescending, which is of great benefit to both shooting and observation. Targets that are difficult to find on the ground can be found at a high altitude with just a glance.

Of course, doing this is not without its drawbacks. First of all, the security of the helicopter is very low and it is easy to be attacked. A single rocket can easily kill a valuable helicopter and an advanced sniper. It is really a good deal !

The second is that helicopters cannot provide a stable and quiet shooting environment. The requirements for shooters are several levels higher, and ordinary people can't do it at all.

However, due to the fast speed and wide coverage of helicopters, a helicopter sniper team can protect a large area, which is more efficient than traditional sniper teams or vehicle-mounted sniper teams. A team can control hundreds of square kilometers. place.

Fade Chen had long wanted to carry out training on this subject in 101, but because he didn't have his own helicopter, he had to give up.

But now, it's time for the sniper team of 101 to start training in this area.

Currently, helicopter sniping is a new thing in the whole army. As far as Fade Chen knows, the subject of 101 is the first in the whole army. Everyone has to come to 101, and, by teaching this subject, Chen Fei can make the soldiers of 101 look at him with admiration.

Of course, the most important thing is that the future operations of the 101st Battalion need this kind of tactics.

But this training, Qi Huan had never done it, Li Hanshan hadn't done it, Leng Jun hadn't done it, so Fade Chen had to do it himself.

So he had to figure out the relevant plan tonight, or he would be blind tomorrow.

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