Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 399 Fade Chen's Instructions

399 Fade Chen's Instructions

In November of this year, the new equipment of the 101st Battalion was finally in place.

Therefore, the 101st Battalion immediately started a quick change of clothes.

Most of the soldiers in the 101st Battalion are veterans of the old A. These soldiers used to work in special forces, so their understanding and use of equipment far exceeds that of ordinary troops. They basically understand the most advanced weapons and equipment today. , and basically know how to use it, including domestic and foreign ones. Therefore, the soldiers of the 101st Battalion can basically use the equipment issued by their superiors at this time, but they are not so proficient, especially some heavy equipment. The coordination between them is not so skilled.

But no matter what, this point is still very critical. He made the dressing work of the 101st Battalion into a fast lane, and the change of appearance every day has made great progress.

Seeing this scene, of course Fade Chen and Qi Huan grinned, extremely happy.

"Old Chen, do you have any ideas about the next step of work?" Qi Huan sat down in front of Fade Chen and asked with a smile.

Fade Chen actually knew that Qi Huan must have had some ideas, but he still decided to talk about his thoughts, he moved forward and said: "Old Qi, I think, the first thing we need to do next is first It's an assessment of our combat capabilities."

"Combat capability?" Qi Huan was taken aback. Obviously, what he thought was not the same as what Fade Chen thought.

Chen Fei explained: "Now, all our equipment is in place, so it's time to make an accurate assessment of our combat effectiveness in theory, how fast we can run, how strong our firepower is, How about our commanding ability, these, we must first understand clearly, know ourselves and the enemy, only when we know how much we are, can we be confident in fighting, right?"

Qi Huan listened, nodded, and said seriously: "Old Chen, what you said is very reasonable. It seems that I still don't think as comprehensively as you. What to do next, you tell me, I will listen to you."

The synthetic battalion is actually being implemented by many troops across the country, and it started a long time ago.

But neither was very successful.

The key point is that the synthetic battalion has too high requirements for the commander's command ability. Not only must he understand infantry, but he must also operate artillery, tank soldiers, engineers, scouts, signal soldiers, and pilots.
Unlike the old battalion-level troops, infantry battalions only need to understand infantry, artillery battalions only need to understand artillery, and tank battalions only need to understand tanks.

Therefore, generally speaking, the battalion commanders of the synthetic battalion are all deputy regimental level officers, and only after the experience of the regiment level troops can they have a little bit of ability in this area.

But even so, the command of the synthetic battalion is quite difficult, and few of them do a good job. Therefore, although there have been many experimental synthetic battalions across the country in the past, they have rarely been successful. 101 This time, it was a desperate situation, and success was a must, which is why the superior had to transfer Fade Chen over.

101 belongs to the experimental unit, Chen Fei and Qi Huan are both special talents, they are promoted exceptionally, and special talents are used for special purposes.

Fade Chen is okay, he has a system, comprehensive thinking, and perfect technique, but Qi Huan has always been a little bit less interesting, especially in the aspect of multi-army coordination, he is somewhat lacking, he didn't feel it at first, but at this time, He was a little struggling, but fortunately, at this time, he was clearly aware of his own problems, and he was also very humble, knowing his own shortcomings, and needed to ask Fade Chen for advice, so he was the first to ask Fade Chen for some important questions. Fade Chen checked.

So at this moment, when he heard Fade Chen's words, he immediately knew that he was wrong again, so he quickly asked for advice seriously: "Old Chen, how to carry out the next work, please tell me your opinion. In this regard, I It's never as comprehensive as you think!"

"It's not that you don't have my comprehensive thinking, you are too eager to form a 101 combat power!" Fade Chen found a way for Qi Huan.

After hearing this, Qi Huan laughed loudly: "The one who knows me is Fade Chen." Soon, he restrained his smile: "Old Chen, recently, do you feel that the camp is a little impetuous, especially when the new equipment comes out? Afterwards, everyone seemed a little restless."

"It's true!" Fade Chen nodded.

"I suggest we have a meeting."

"Well, it's time to hold a meeting!" Fade Chen nodded.

Qi Huan stopped talking when enough was enough.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, all the company-level and battalion-level chief officers of the 101st Battalion had a meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Chen Fei.

"Comrades, the new equipment of our 101st Battalion is now in place. I think the most urgent thing for everyone now is to train with the new equipment, but I think that before that, we actually have one more important thing to do. That is to first analyze the combat capabilities of the 101st Battalion."

"The combat effectiveness of the 101st Battalion, we think it is very strong, and the superiors also said that it is very strong, but no one can tell why it is strong or powerful. So, next, the work we need to carry out first That is, we have to evaluate our own combat capability. The squad evaluates the squad, the company evaluates the company, and the staff department evaluates the combat capability of the entire battalion. The specific evaluation method will be conducted by Comrade Li Hanshan, chief of staff illustrate."

Fade Chen looked at Li Hanshan.

Li Hanshan began to speak: "How to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the synthetic battalion is a precedent in China, and there is no unified approach yet, so we can only study the practices of some foreign synthetic battalions first, learn from them, and analyze foreign We found that they mainly analyze from six aspects: command and control, battlefield maneuvering, intelligence support, fire strike, protection capability, and comprehensive support, and provide a more objective evaluation standard for combat capability.”

Li Hanshan talked eloquently, this kid is really awesome, many things are really clear in his stomach.

After Li Hanshan had finished speaking, Fade Chen continued, "Let's talk about the second thing."

"In the next period of time, the training work of our 101st Battalion will start soon, but before these tasks officially start, there are some problems that we must pay close attention to. First of all, our concept must be changed. We are Synthesis camp, synthesis, is the foundation of our life."

"101 has also engaged in synthesis before, but in fact it was not very successful. We still had many problems at that time. The combination of various elements in the synthesis battalion is by no means a simple arrangement of building blocks, but further integration to form a whole .

So next, our top priority is to strengthen the synthesis. After research, the battalion department decided that the synthesis of the 101st Battalion will be divided into three steps.

Using an image metaphor to describe, the first stage is similar to "several eggs in a bowl" to achieve superficial synthesis, which we have already done;

The second stage is similar to "several opened eggs in a bowl" to achieve preliminary synthesis. We are currently doing this. When the 101st Battalion was doing light synthesis, we had a small achievement, but to be honest, we only did it At this point, there is still a distance from the real synthesis, so I hope everyone will be vigilant enough. Our current level has not yet reached the second level, so we must not be proud;

The third stage is similar to "put a few opened eggs in a bowl and stir them evenly with chopsticks" to achieve a high degree of synthesis. This is the direction we will work on in the next step of 101. Everyone must have a clear understanding of this cognition.

The current synthesis of our 101 has reached the second stage at most, and it is not perfect yet, so the next important task is to use chopsticks to stir the eggs evenly.

The synthetic battalion as a whole is integrated into the entire combat system as a basic combat unit, and its internal elements need a high degree of integration and close cooperation to produce an aggregation effect.The construction of the synthetic battalion must work hard to break the "eggshell" restrictions among various elements and seek aggregation efficiency, so as to give full play to its modular advantages, adapt to the needs of various complex tasks in the future, and meet the requirements of combat based on information systems. "

"To achieve this goal, we will take the next two steps and work hard in two aspects. One is to strengthen the construction of the command system, and the other is to strengthen coordinated training."

Fade Chen's voice echoed in the not-so-big conference room.

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