Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 405 Fade Chen's Opponent: The Polar Bear Group

405 Chen Fei's Opponent: The Polar Bear Group
Fade Chen and Qi Huan inspected each company and department together before returning to their barracks.

Just as Fade Chen sat down, a soldier came in and said, "Instructor, Deputy Brigade Commander Yuan called just now and asked you to come back and contact him."

Yuan Lang?

Fade Chen was startled.

In this exercise, all members of the 101st Battalion were dispatched, led by a leader of the military region, and Yuan Lang was in charge of the brigade headquarters.

"Okay, I see!" Fade Chen nodded.

After taking a sip of water, Fade Chen stood up and said to Qi Huan, "Then I'll go to Vice Yuan's side to have a look!"

"Okay, go get busy, I'm watching over here!"

Chen Fei bent down and got out of the tent.

Under the bright blue sky, Fade Chen took out his mobile phone, found Yuan Lang's number from the address book, and dialed it.

Although Yuan Lang and the one from the military region are the leaders, when they came here, the relevant actions were subject to the unified management of 101. For example, this mobile phone, like the 101 battalion, they also use a confidential mobile phone, so their numbers are also recorded for communication record.

The call was connected quickly.

Amidst the noise, Yuan Lang's voice was clearly audible.

"Vice Yuan, are you looking for me?"

"Fade Chen, where are you?"

"I just got back to the command post."

"I'm in District 8, can you come over?" Yuan Lang said.

"Alright Deputy Yuan, I'll be right over."

Fade Chen hung up the phone, turned around and looked around, looking for the vehicle.

This is the area where the exercise troops are stationed. For the convenience of management, it is divided into several areas, starting from the first and continuing to the tenth.

After a while, Fade Chen waved to stop a military vehicle.

Because the distances between the districts are relatively long, there are often four military vehicles running around, specially for military officers who need to go out. They stop at the beck and call, and they can arrive when they tell their destination, just like the free taxis here.

Fade Chen said his destination, and the car roared instantly, galloping all the way, and rushed a long distance in the blink of an eye.

The ground was a bit muddy, but the military vehicle roared all the way as if it didn't know it, and the splashed mud flew to both sides. Some soldiers who were not in a hurry to escape couldn't help but cursed, but even so, the military vehicle still didn't seem to slow down, and continued to drive wildly. In other words, the old man's rage is still very obvious.

The road was bumpy, and his butt was about to be bumped. Only then did Chen Fei reach the eighth area.


The car stops suddenly.

Fade Chen jumped out of the car.

Yuan Lang was already waiting at the door of a large military tent.

"You came very fast!" Yuan Lang greeted him with a smile.

"It's not that I came very fast, it's that they drove very fast!" Fade Chen pointed to the military vehicle that was roaring away with his eyes.

Yuan Lang was taken aback, then laughed loudly: "That's their style, just get used to it."

There was no one around, that's why Yuan Lang spoke so recklessly.

After hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help laughing.

"I called you here, you want you to be my interpreter." Yuan Lang said.

Fade Chen was startled.

This time, there were quite a few translators accompanying him, and Yuan Lang naturally had a designated translator, so Yuan Lang called him at this time, and he was very puzzled.

"That guy is not acclimatized, he has loose bowels!" Yuan Lang moved closer to Fade Chen, and said under his breath.

"Diarrhea?" Fade Chen was startled, and turned to look at Yuan Lang.

Yuan Lang winked at him mischievously.

Chen Fei suddenly had a feeling that this guy was a little gloating.

Originally assigned to Yuan Lang as an interpreter, she was a female officer, and she was quite attractive. I should be very happy to have such a beautiful female officer as my interpreter, but Yuan Lang...
Is this guy a bit of a woman-phobic?
Fade Chen secretly laughed.

"Let's go, accompany me in, and be my interpreter for a while!"


Fade Chen followed Yuan Lang in.

Just as Yuan Lang walked in, a bearded man greeted him: "Hey, Yuan, why did you run away? Are you afraid that you can't beat us—"

Chen Fei quickly translated.

Yuan Lang smiled and briefly explained the situation. Fade Chen then translated at the same time. He translated every sentence Yuan Lang said. The bearded man listened, his eyes widened, and he looked at Fade Chen in amazement. Fade Chen naturally made a self-introduction.

The bearded man clapped his hands, interrupting everyone who was talking, then he pointed to Fade Chen and said, "Everyone, I have to interrupt, I want to introduce a friend from China to everyone, His name is Fade Chen, and he speaks Russian really well! Come, Chen——say hello to everyone!"

Fade Chen politely introduced himself to everyone. His Russian language is quite fluent and standard. After hearing this, a group of military officers all stared at him or felt admiration.

After Fade Chen finished his introduction, the bearded man said: "Okay, everyone, let's continue our topic just now, Yuan, since you are back, please speak first!"

Fade Chen translated the words to Yuan Lang.

Yuan Lang thought about it for a second, then smiled and said, Fade Chen translated his words at the same time: "I have always believed that modern information warfare does not only exist in a certain field, but spreads across land, sea, Air, sky, electricity, network, heart and many other fields, the multi-dimensional battlefield space is interdependent and forms an inseparable whole.

In this full-dimensional space, the battlefield is fluid, information is real-time, elements such as time, space, and power are integrated, and the use of power will be very flexible, adjustable, and controllable.

With the rapid development of military technology, the relevant combat space in the future will continue to expand to greater depth, more dimensions, and wider space, presenting a development trend of multi-dimensional integration, integration and interaction, and unlimited expansion.”

When Yuan Lang said something, Chen Fei translated it, very timely, accurate and clear.

All the military officers from various countries standing aside nodded their heads.

At this time, at three o'clock, in an unnoticed corner, a bearded man turned his head and asked a middle-aged officer next to him: "The Chinese officer who is translating seems to be the commander of a synthetic battalion, right? "

"Yes, the instructor of the 101st Battalion."

"I heard that their battalion is very powerful?"

"That's what they said, they can fight a reinforced regiment with one battalion?"

"A reinforcement regiment?"

"That's what they say anyway!" The officer shrugged.

"Then how about making them the opponents of the polar bear group?"

"Polar Bear Regiment? General, this is inappropriate, isn't it? That is the main regiment that has just been withdrawn from the battlefield—"

"But didn't they say that the combat effectiveness of their synthetic battalion is very strong? Over the years, they have said that their synthetic battalion has made great progress, and they are the most powerful synthetic battalion. Let's take this opportunity to take a look. Look?"

"This? General, is this appropriate?"


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