Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 407 Tiger Armored Vehicle

407 Tiger armored vehicle

Fade Chen found a free time to find Yuan Lang, and consulted his superiors. Yuan Lang gave clear instructions. To sum it up in one sentence: What should be shown must be clearly seen by them, and what should not be leaked , can't say a word.

Fade Chen naturally knew what to do.

So after that, unless something happened, Fade Chen would accompany the Russian liaison officer. In addition, every day, what the two sides said and did would be recorded. If Fade Chen had something to do, Fade Chen would appoint a Accompanied by a reliable staff officer.

All in all, in one sentence, Anna will never be allowed any chance to stay in the 101st Battalion alone.

So in the next few days, Fade Chen was very busy. Sometimes he had to be busy with various things, and when he was not working, he had to stare at the liaison officer.

Fortunately, after several days of preparation, the exercise is finally about to start.

This afternoon, at around four o'clock local time, Anna came over to inform Fade Chen, asking them to send a person from Battalion 101 to a meeting.

The 101st Battalion has two military chief officers, but this is our characteristic. The foreign army has one military chief officer per unit.

This kind of meeting should have been attended by Qi Huan, but Qi Huan can't speak Russian, so he knows a few simple words "thank you" and "goodbye", so both the superior and the battalion department decided to let Chen Fei attend on behalf of the 101st battalion related meetings.

Anna drove an assault vehicle to pick up Fade Chen.

"Major, get in the car!" Anna winked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen went over with a smile, but he was not busy getting into the car, but circled around Anna's assault car.

This is a Tiger armored vehicle, light.

Fade Chen naturally knew about this kind of car, but he had only seen it on the Internet before, and this was the first time he encountered a real car.

This Tiger-style light armored vehicle is a wheeled armored vehicle developed and produced by Russia. It is relatively compact overall, somewhat similar to the American Hummer, but the body structure is very different.

The basic parameters of this Tiger light armored vehicle are 5.7 meters in length, 2.4 meters in width, 2.5 meters in height, a maximum turning radius of 8.9 meters, a curb weight of 7.2 tons, a payload of 1.5 tons, and a maximum road maneuvering speed of 125-140 kph. Between meters per hour, the cruising range is 1000 kilometers, and the maximum personnel can carry 9 infantrymen.

His main weapons are the 12.7mm Kolder heavy machine gun, the 7.62mm Bechenek general-purpose machine gun, or the AGS-17 30mm automatic grenade launcher.

At this time, the car Anna was driving was only equipped with a general-purpose machine gun.

This kind of car, with armor attached to the body, can withstand the attack of 2 kg of TNT equivalent explosives, and can easily resist small-caliber bullets and fragments.Some specially made vehicles are also equipped with contact explosive reactive armor, which can deal with the anti-tank ammunition capabilities of conventional armor-piercing warheads, such as RPG or something.

Fade Chen looked here and there, touched it, and did some on-the-spot investigations. Then he came to the driver's seat where Anna was sitting, and asked with a smile: "Captain, can I make a request to you? Can I come and try this car?" car?"

Chen Fei has driven the assault vehicle of our army, but it is the first time he has seen Lao Maozi's Tiger assault vehicle. He wants to compare it secretly. He has a few friends who are doing equipment research and development. When the time comes, he can Telling them the first-hand information is also a kind of contribution. For many things, no matter how much research is done on the Internet, it will not be true if you operate it truthfully.

Anna was a little surprised when she heard Fade Chen's request, she looked at Fade Chen with questioning eyes, and when she saw Fade Chen's affirmative reply, she immediately smiled: "Of course, but I have to explain to you first, this The big guy is not easy to control, she is just like our Russian beauties, she looks very beautiful, but it is not easy to control!"

"Thank you for the reminder, but I believe I should be able to!"

"Then there's no problem!" Anna pushed open the car door and jumped out with a whoosh.

Fade Chen climbed into the car, sat down, adjusted the seat, then stepped on the clutch, put on the gear, released the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator. However, because he was just getting used to it, his movements were a little stiff, and Anna, who was sitting in the co-pilot, smiled sweetly.

Fade Chen was not shy, and calmly familiarized himself with various operations. On the one hand, he wanted to increase his proficiency, and on the other hand, he also tried his best to understand the difference between domestic warriors and this kind of car, and secretly speculated about the performance of this kind of car on the battlefield. Combat effectiveness, while comparing it with various data and speculations on the Internet, Fade Chen was busy thinking about it, and it was his first time driving, so naturally, the speed was slower.

Anna smiled and said: "Major, you can't drive like this. In our place, you will be looked down upon by others if you drive like this."

Fade Chen didn't take it seriously, his heart was calm, and he continued to feel the various performances of this car, but he still said: "It's the first time to drive a Tiger assault vehicle, and there must be a process of adaptation, and I saw it before. A statement, and I'm thinking, is that reasonable?"

Anna wanted to get information from him, so why didn't he have such an idea, so he also planned to get something cleverly, but first he had to throw out the bait and catch Anna.

"What do you say?" Anna's attention was indeed attracted by Fade Chen.

Fade Chen didn't rush to talk, but first concentrated on driving the car through a depression, and then said unhurriedly: "I read an article before, and the article said that a simple Tiger light armored vehicles are only suitable for patrolling in occupied areas, or for public security and special operations, not for regular field operations. At the end of that article, it is also jokingly said that the time to ride a Tiger assault vehicle must be Remember that you are an infantryman, not an armored infantryman."

After hearing this, Anna's self-esteem was indeed at stake, and she said a little unconvinced: "Major, where did you read the article? His views are too biased and not accurate."

Chen Fei smiled and did not refute.

Anna was a little strange, she turned her head to look at Fade Chen: "Major, do you disagree with my point of view?"

Fade Chen smiled lightly, and said while driving the vehicle skillfully: "I don't know whether the opinions on the Internet are right or not. There is a saying in our place. I don't know if you have heard of it. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. I haven't driven this kind of car on the battlefield, so I can't answer your question. But there is one thing I am absolutely certain of."


"The combat effectiveness of light and high aircraft units without a high degree of synthesis is actually very weak. When encountering enemy firepower, they have almost no power to fight back. The ability to independently complete combat tasks is actually relatively low. Only highly synthetic light and high aircraft units, Only then can we really adapt to the battlefield. We also have light-duty high-mobility combat vehicles, and you also have them, but the gap between the two of us is very large. Our characteristic is that we will explode when we disagree, and we will explode before we meet."

Fade Chen talked eloquently while driving, persuasively and persuasively.

Anna frowned when she heard this, and said nothing more.

In the past few days, the 101st Battalion has arrived at the exercise area. I believe everyone on Anna's side has seen their performance. The differences between them must have been studied. At this time, Fade Chen pointed out that on the one hand, it is to help the other party. On the one hand, on the other hand, they actually have the idea of ​​showing themselves and suppressing each other. Generally speaking, the people on Anna's side are still a little too confident. They have been shouting about synthesis and information, and they have been doing it, but the real What exactly is the synthesis and informatization of human resources, they have not studied thoroughly. Of course, lack of money is also an important reason, but I have to say that in this regard, we can really be their masters. In fact, I was frightened by them at first, and crossed the river by touching them, but as I walked, I realized, damn, I was the only one who crossed the river, and the others were still on the other side of the river.
Therefore, what Chen Fei said at this time is both true and false. Some of them are really teaching them real things, but others are just bait to get other information.

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