Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 418 One Wheel Hover

418 single wheel hovering
The helicopter roared forward.

The height is not high, about 100 meters above the ground.

But the speed is fast.

Wu Bin was originally the pilot with the best driving skills in the helicopter squadron, and at this time he was completely following the requirements of wartime, and this kid wanted to show off his driving skills in front of Fade Chen and Anna, so he was flying fast and as close to the ground as possible. Avoid being detected by opponent scouting.

After flying for more than 20 minutes, we arrived at the NO.13 area.

Wu Bin turned on the reconnaissance equipment and quickly conducted a reconnaissance of the area ahead.

The 101st Battalion does not have a dedicated reconnaissance helicopter. They only have one model, the Mi-171, so they can only slightly modify this helicopter and add some reconnaissance equipment. Fortunately, the 101st Battalion does not need too sophisticated reconnaissance equipment. Simple modification That's enough. Higher-level reconnaissance is generally handed over to the brigade headquarters. They will only do a little tactical reconnaissance when they are top-notch, so it is not difficult.

Wu Bin turned on the reconnaissance equipment and did some reconnaissance, but found nothing. Then he used the radio to ask Fade Chen who was sitting in the back cabin: "Instructor, it's safe, is it up?"

Fade Chen concentrated on it, felt it with his battlefield intuition, and there was no bad feeling in his heart, so he nodded: "Pull it up!"

Wu Bin pulled the joystick, and the helicopter quickly flew up.

Of course, the height is not too high, and I dare not go higher than the mountains. Instead, I have been flying forward under the cover of the mountains, but I have been flying on the ground before, and now I have pulled it to a height of more than 200 meters above the ground.

There are two next tasks, one is to find a suitable place to put a few scouts on it, and the other is to continue the reconnaissance.

These scouts will lie in ambush here and scout the situation here and further afield at the right time.

If the 101st Battalion wanted to protect this section of the supply line, they had to enlarge their field of vision, so they had to set up an observation post here.

At this time, the helicopter flew high, looking for a suitable commanding height.

Fade Chen was sitting in the back cabin, holding a telescope, watching for a while, then he asked by radio: "Wu Bin, look at eleven o'clock on your left."

There is a commanding height there.

The peaks there are about 50 meters higher than other places. If you can hide there, you only need to station a few scouts there, and you can put everything in a radius of tens of kilometers into your observation field of vision.

But the terrain there is steep, I don't know if I can hide?

"Understood!" Hearing Fade Chen's instruction, Wu Bin agreed, and after a while, the helicopter turned around and flew towards eleven o'clock.

Because the distance between the two is not too far, they arrived in a short time. Wu Bin is very skilled and understands Fade Chen's thoughts very well. With a slight turn, he adjusted the helicopter to a horizontal posture. You don't have to do it, you can see where he wants to see.

After watching for a while, Fade Chen put down the binoculars, turned his head and asked the scouts beside him, "How is it? Is this place okay? I feel like it's a little more conspicuous, what do you think?"

The team leader of the reconnaissance team also took a look with the reconnaissance device, and then he said: "Instructor, why don't you go over there!" …

Another soldier said: "Instructor, it's still sour there. I think the terrain there is quite special, and it's difficult for helicopters to hover. We just want to do rappelling, and it's not convenient."

Fade Chen picked up the binoculars and looked at it for a while, then asked Wu Bin, "Wu Bin, are you okay with what you just said?"

"No problem, the unicycle hovering can solve it!" Wu Bin replied with a grin.

"Hovering on a unicycle?" Anna was taken aback.

But everyone didn't pay much attention to her. After hearing Wu Bin's reply that it was okay, Fade Chen immediately ordered Wu Bin to fly the helicopter there.

In order to show off his helicopter piloting skills to Anna, and to make it easier for the scouts to jump out of the cabin, Wu Bin played a trick of one-wheel hovering.

Sure enough, Anna covered her mouth when she saw Wu Bin's operation, and was so shocked that she didn't respond for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, several scouts had already jumped out of the helicopter cabin and disappeared from sight.

Fade Chen was about to close the hatch.

"Fade Chen, wait!" Anna stopped, and then she looked out carefully, and then she exclaimed: "God——"

Wu Bin's one-wheel hovering stunt really amazed her.

You know, there are not many Maozi pilots who claim to be brave enough to do anything.

However, this one-wheel hovering trick is not just good-looking, it is actually very useful in actual combat.

The "one-wheel hovering" technique that Wu Bin demonstrated this time is actually a branch of "NOE flight", that is, ultra-low-altitude flight.

This technique was perfected by the U.S. Army during the Vietnam-South War and was mainly used to quickly project troops into enemy-occupied areas and avoid the attack of ground-based anti-aircraft weapons.

But while piloting seems easy in various movies, in reality, low-altitude flying and hovering are extremely difficult.

American helicopter flight instructor Tom Harris pointed out that it seems simple to make a helicopter look motionless, but it actually requires a lot of flying experience and skills.

First, the pilot needs to stop moving in any direction and keep the aircraft at a specific point;

Secondly, the pilot needs to detect small changes in the attitude of the aircraft in time and make corrections, which are generally caused by airflow;

Finally, the pilot needs to control the pointing and height of the plane, otherwise, once it hits an obstacle, the result may be a plane crash...

This technique is widely used in disaster relief operations because it is very suitable for getting helicopters into various situations where normal landing is difficult.

Of course, in actual combat, he is also very useful. In order to avoid being detected by radar, in many raids of a special nature, helicopters enter "unfriendly areas" by flying at ultra-low altitudes below 100 feet or even 50 feet. Directly throws troops near the target.

Wu Bin didn't have the ability to hover with a single wheel before. He wanted to try it a long time ago, but he was rejected by his superiors. His superiors thought he was doing some fancy things and firmly refused. But Fade Chen knew that this thing is actually very useful after practice. , so boldly encouraged, and also asked Wu Bin to write the relevant techniques into textbooks, and other soldiers in the third squadron should also try their best to learn and figure out, so at this moment, this guy can play this unique skill.

After a while, the helicopter flew away from the mountains, then descended and flew towards the canyon.

They took a helicopter around the NO.13 area and took photos of the geographical terrain of the entire area. With these photos, the staff can make corresponding sand tables. After that, the command of 101 will be more accurate For example, if a strike unit of the opponent comes here to hide, and the 101st Battalion wants to take them all together, then they will know where each strike unit is going to attack, and the time connection between each other can be coordinated more precisely and seamlessly. butt.

After going around for a while, just as Wu Bin was about to contact the command post and planned to return, the reconnaissance team that had been released before suddenly sent an urgent report: "Gou Liang called Eagle One, please answer if you hear it!"

"I am Eagle One!"

"Eagle 101, emergency information, I am heading at eleven o'clock, ten kilometers away, there are five helicopters flying in, unidentifiable, suspected to be the target of the blue army, probably wanting to launch an attack on my [-] camp."

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