Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 423 Air Force Brigade, Yuan Lang, Gao Cheng

Chapter 423 Air Force Brigade, Yuan Lang, Gao Cheng

423 Air Force Brigade, Yuan Lang, Gaocheng

The 101st Battalion became more and more courageous in the Vietnam War, and became more and more famous.

Therefore, the joint command center issued other related tasks to the 101st Battalion one after another.

But no matter what the task is, whether it is rescue or destruction, the 101st Battalion can complete it like a ruin.

Facing opponents who are basically still in the era of mechanization, the 101st Battalion is like a magic soldier descending from the sky, and the dimensionality reduction strike is crushed every time.

Relying on the dedicated reconnaissance aircraft and small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of the helicopter squadron, they face the opponent with a fully open map, and the opponent is like a blind man in their eyes.

Their firepower is not very strong. After all, there are only a few tank companies, an artillery company, and a squadron of helicopters. They are not dedicated armed attack aircraft, but transport aircraft. The other basic firepower is the 120mm infantry fighting vehicle. Machine guns and some [-]mm mortars, but their cooperative combat capabilities are very strong, and they can always concentrate all their firepower on one point skillfully, hitting the opponent's most vulnerable place, forming a local absolute advantage.

If the opponent is too strong, they will engage in guerrilla warfare again, concentrate on hitting the opponent with a heavy punch, turn around and run, rely on super mobility to distance themselves, stay safe, and rely on the advantages of drones, long-distance artillery fire Strike, hit and run, let the opponent get frustrated, but there is nothing to do, so again and again, the opponent's defense and formation are completely messed up. At this time, 101 once again opened the map, and quickly found the opponent's weakest and most important goal. , and then concentrate all their strength, cooperate to fight, maneuver at high speed, and plunge into the heart like a dagger, and the opponent will soon be over.

In the end, the 101st Battalion, relying on its strong combat effectiveness, cooperated with another armored division of the Red Army to fight together, and beat the Blue Army to the point of crying and howling, throwing away their helmets and armor.

When the final result was presented in front of the joint fingers, they were stunned. It is said that the senior-level-general-leader of the Russian side slapped the table because of this.

It is a pity that these details cannot be described in detail in view of the reason why 404 is so eager.

All in all, the 101st Battalion's outing exercise this time was very successful and became famous in one fell swoop.

After that, no matter which country you are in, when you mention the PLA synthesis camp, you will think of 101.

So when returning from abroad, the 101st Battalion was treated like a hero. Various media and officials rushed to greet and express their congratulations.

But Fade Chen didn't enjoy this courtesy.

Of course, he didn't care much, and he didn't want to be put in the spotlight.

He did not return with the officers and soldiers of 101, and was asked to follow Yuan Lang.

Yuan Lang was mysterious, saying that he wanted to take him to a certain place, but he didn't say where, making it look like an underground party joint.

On this day, Yuan Lang brought Chen Fei to a mysterious office building in the military area.

But Yuan Lang didn't rush to take him into the organ building, but sat with him in the small garden outside the organ building.

"Fade Chen." Yuan Lang changed from his usual hippie smile to a serious expression.

"Chief." Fade Chen saw Yuan Lang's appearance and knew that Yuan Lang was going to talk about something important, so he straightened himself up and listened carefully.

"I'm about to leave old A, have you heard about it?" Yuan Lang didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

"Yes, Chief, I heard that you will serve in an army aviation brigade. Congratulations, Chief!"

The news that Yuan Lang was about to leave Old A, I don't know whether it was released on purpose or accidentally, all in all, many people in Old A knew about it.

Fade Chen naturally knew it too.

Fade Chen sat solemnly, looking at Yuan Lang.

But Yuan Lang suddenly grinned, with an expression that you think you are so stupid, why have you been fooled again.

"Fade Chen, you have been cheated."

"Huh?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

Yuan Lang grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth. When he found out that Fade Chen was stunned, he smiled happier, as if he had a sense of accomplishment if he cheated everyone. After a while, he just He restrained his smile, and said solemnly: "It's not the Army Aviation Brigade, it's the Air Force Brigade."

Air assault brigade?
Fade Chen raised his head that had just been lowered, and looked at Yuan Lang in surprise.

"Do you know what an air assault brigade is?" Yuan Lang asked.

Fade Chen nodded.

Air assault brigade, air assault brigade, how could he not know.

Not only does he know, but he has studied it deeply.

The air assault brigade, also known as the air assault brigade, is definitely a new thing for our army now, even newer than the synthetic battalion.

In fact, the Synthetic Battalion has already started, but the Air Assault Brigade, although it has already started research in theory, has not yet started to practice.

In the original world, the air assault brigade began to form after the military reform.

The current parallel world seems to be a little ahead of schedule, but as of now, there are no ready-made things in the whole army. The place Yuan Lang is going to at this moment should be the first place where the air assault brigade is actually implemented.

The main combat mission of the air assault brigade is to take advantage of the rapid maneuverability and vertical take-off and landing of helicopters, carry airborne infantry to perform combat tasks such as quickly seizing important targets and transportation hubs behind enemy lines.

Combatants of the air assault brigade must not only master the ability to land, but also have the ability to infiltrate behind enemy lines, ground-air fire coordination, and urban combat. It can be said that the military quality of its combatants seems to be second only to special forces.

To put it simply, the air assault force is a "specialized" force that specializes in attacking the enemy's key targets.

As far as Fade Chen knows, there are only 3 brigades in the pla air assault force in another world, two of which belong to the army and one belongs to the air force airborne force. There is almost no difference in military structure and weaponry between the three brigades.

The air assault brigade is different from the Army's heavy and medium combined brigades that everyone is familiar with.

Another world's air assault brigade is mainly equipped with various types of helicopters, armed helicopters, armed reconnaissance helicopters and transport helicopters, as well as PCL-09 truck guns and "Lynx" series all-terrain vehicles.

A brigade is composed of 10 battalions and is the largest brigade-level marine force.


An infantry battalion consists of many air assault companies, the smallest of which is the assault squad.



Fade Chen found these things from the Internet.

In addition, he also knows something more in-depth.

Therefore, he still knows the air assault brigade very well.

"Chen Fei, the next task I will take on is to form the first air assault brigade in our military region. This thing is truly brand new. There is nothing in the country that can be used for reference. Everything we have to start from scratch. This is a It's a big challenge, so I want to take you there, Fade Chen, are you willing to come with me? If you want, I will take you into this building. If you don't want to, then you can pretend that there is nothing for today's matter It happened, you go back to your 101st Battalion."

Yuan Lang looked at Fade Chen with sharp eyes: "If you go to the Air Force Brigade with me, we have to start from scratch, and we may not succeed, but I think it's not a bad thing to start again."

He grinned, and then added: "If there is no accident, Gao Cheng will also join!"

"Gaocheng?" Fade Chen was startled.

"Your company commander Gao should also join in and be responsible for the infantry. If you follow me, I'll let him be your subordinate, how about it?"

Yuan Lang smiled badly, like a bad guy who confuses people.

"This job is not easy to do, but as long as you follow me, as long as we do the job well, the benefits are beyond imagination. If you agree, I will let you be the commander of an assault battalion. The level is the deputy regiment level, and temporarily let you act as the deputy chief of staff. There is no chief of staff in the brigade, so you, the acting deputy chief of staff, is equivalent to doing the work of the chief of staff. In addition to real power, Your military rank and military area will also be properly tilted. You can have people-things-rights, military-political-powers!"

Fade Chen let out a deep breath, and said seriously: "Chief, I'll go to the Air Force Brigade with you!"

"Okay!" Yuan Lang was overjoyed after hearing this, and slapped Fade Chen on the shoulder: "I knew that you and I were all the same, I knew that you and I both wanted to do something for the country's national defense cause My own contribution is not easy to do, and we have to start to create the life of old A, but I always believe in one sentence, to be a ghost, to be a master!"

(End of this chapter)

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