Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 433 Advising Jiang Haitao

Chapter 433 Advising Jiang Haitao

433 Guiding Jiang Haitao

Jiang Haitao looked at it very seriously, meticulously, carefully choosing every word.

However, what surprised Li Xiang even more was that after Jiang Haitao finished watching it once, he immediately started watching it a second time from the beginning. Sometimes he just pondered for three or four seconds, but sometimes, he didn't know whether he was in a daze or something, and he kept frowning for 45 seconds.

Li Xiang didn't know much about the others, but she had heard of Jiang Haitao to some extent.

This guy was a top student when he was in the Army Aviation Academy. The questions he asked often left the teachers speechless, and they didn't know how to answer them. It is said that even the doctoral supervisors were full of praise for the thesis he wrote when he was an undergraduate.

This guy is outstanding in both theory and flying skills, and he is praised endlessly. The academy originally wanted to keep him in graduate school for such a genius, but this guy has a single-minded mind. The army led troops to fight, but unfortunately after arriving in the army, because some ideas were different from the current army philosophy, they were not welcomed and often suppressed, so they were always depressed.

But this guy's theoretical level is very high, but at this moment, he was taken aback by a manuscript written by Fade Chen. Is this true?

Li Xiang felt like she was dreaming, with an unreal and absurd feeling. She turned her head quietly and glanced at Fade Chen who was immersed in writing. She didn't know whether it was because of her heart or because of the angle. The profile of her face suddenly gave people an incomparably amazing feeling, and her eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

She was thinking in a mess, Jiang Haitao suddenly raised her head, and asked seriously: "Chief, you got the inspiration from the air force recruitment, right?"

Fade Chen raised his head and smiled: "Yes, in our country, the development of Army Aviation is relatively late, so a lot of experience and theory lag behind. If we want to shorten the gap in this area as soon as possible, I think we can work hard in two aspects. One is to put in more effort and research, and the other is to learn more from the outside world. This outside world is not only the army aviation units of foreign armies, but also our domestic air force units. In any case, both the army aviation and the air force It was flying in the sky, and there are still many things that can be used for reference.

my country's air force pilot selection method has also gone through several stages of development. The first proposal was the three-level selection concept in the 20s. Then, in the late 60s, the selection-training-combined screening-control system framework was proposed. After that, , after more than ten years of development and innovation, finally in the late 80s gradually developed a 90-stage 3-platform recruitment and selection system that is still in use today. To say it immodestly, the pilot selection of our national air force The macro structure is not behind, so our Army Aviation Force should also learn more from them. "

"The comprehensive evaluation method I just showed you is a new set of theories that the Air Force is studying recently. In fact, they also learned it from foreign troops. This thing is also invented by the U.S. military. In a country with a strong military and a large air force, the military pilot selection system has developed relatively maturely, and the research and application of comprehensive evaluation methods for pilot selection have been relatively in-depth.

At present, the comprehensive evaluation method in the US military pilot selection system mainly uses multiple statistical methods with strong theoretical and objective characteristics, such as multiple regression analysis methods.

The one I just showed you is a set of methods that our Air Force summed up after studying the advanced experience of the US military. It is suitable for our national conditions. It is definitely not suitable for us to use it directly. It is necessary to refer to some basic principles and methods! "

Fade Chen said with a smile, and explained his ideas and thoughts on the selection and training of Army Aviation pilots. He is now a master-level Army Aviation expert. Depth requires operability and operability. Jiang Haitao was originally a senior expert. Hearing Chen Fei's words at this moment, he was enlightened and suddenly enlightened. No matter in terms of theoretical level or anything else, he has made rapid progress. His level , raised several levels at once.

So after listening to what Fade Chen said, his eyes lit up with excitement, he stood up abruptly, and said excitedly: "Chief, I understand, I'm going to improve our selection and training plan now!" After finishing speaking, Jiang Haitao couldn't wait to turn around, wanting to leave immediately.

"Wait a minute." Fade Chen called Jiang Haitao to a halt.

"Chief, what else is there?" Jiang Haitao wondered.

"Look at this again!" Fade Chen handed Jiang Haitao something he had just written.

Jiang Haitao was a little puzzled, but he took it and looked at it: "Helicopter Pilot Job Performance Rating Scale." Jiang Haitao lost his voice in surprise.

"If our air assault brigade wants to develop rapidly, the selection of pilots is only the foundation, it is only the first step, and the more critical is actually the second step, which is how to stimulate the enthusiasm of the pilots.

To do this job well, I think a scientific work performance evaluation scale is very important. We visited many army aviation units a few days ago, and you may have noticed that now everyone evaluates pilots more casually. In some places, there is even a situation where I say you can do it and I say you can’t do it, but our air assault brigade definitely can’t do this. The evaluation criteria are vague and arbitrary, and even directly decided by the military chief. Such a situation , our air assault brigade can no longer have.

I believe you should have a deep understanding of this point, right?Therefore, we have to do this work seriously. These are some basic ideas I wrote, which are relatively rough, and the specific details still need to be completed by you.

Jiang Haitao, our Air Assault Brigade must not only set an example for the entire army in air assault operations, but also become the number one in the development of army aviation. Therefore, you must pay attention to this job, as long as you make it a success In the future, all units across the country will come to study and visit, and may even be directly set as the Army Aviation Standard by the headquarters. At that time, there may never be pilots who have suffered as much as you did before. Therefore, this Things, merits are immeasurable, you must do her well! "

Jiang Haitao leaned on his foot with a snap, raised his hand neatly, and solemnly saluted Fade Chen with a standard military salute.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"Okay, let's get busy!" Fade Chen waved with a smile.


Jiang Haitao's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he wished that one day could be used as a month.

Fade Chen watched his back leave, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally, Jiang Haitao's enthusiasm has been mobilized to the best state. He can finally take a breather in his work as a pilot. From now on, he just waits for the flowers to bloom and patiently waits for the fruits to ripen.

Thinking of this, he became happier, and a relaxed smile couldn't help reappearing on his face.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Li Xiang smiling at him.

"Xiao Li, what's the matter? Why are you smiling so happily?"

"Chief, nothing... nothing?" Li Xiang was taken aback, and quickly looked away.

"Really nothing?"

"It's really nothing!"

"Go and make a call to Gaocheng for me and ask if he is free. If so, I'll go to her place!"

"Yes, Chief!"

(End of this chapter)

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