Chapter 435 Gifts
435 gifts
When Fade Chen returned to the brigade headquarters, it happened to be in time for lunch.After lunch and a half-hour nap, Fade Chen rushed to the next place without stopping to do other things.

During this period of time, he was really busy, and he wished that 1 minute could be used as 2 minutes.

Just after getting a clue about the selection of pilots, the superior notified the factory staff of Wuzhi [-] that they were coming soon and asked Fade Chen to prepare for the reception.

Others don't know the importance of the factory staff, but Fade Chen has a real experience. Thinking about the many problems he encountered in the armored force back then, they were finally solved by cooperating with the factory's technical personnel of.

At this time, the air assault brigade is facing several biggest problems, all of which require the help of the manufacturer's technicians, such as how to strengthen the firepower of the armed helicopter, such as how to maximize the delivery performance of the transport aircraft, and so on.

At this time, there are only a few types of helicopters that the air assault brigade can equip, and they cannot be changed in a short time. Make a fuss about it, but these things are definitely not possible without the support of the manufacturer.

Moreover, this time, the superior still attaches great importance to the air assault brigade. I heard that all the R&D engineers of Wuzhi Shi have been invited. Fade Chen cannot miss such a good opportunity. He must seize it tightly and make more benefits. , He is like a black-hearted capitalist, eager to squeeze out all the value of others.

"Xiao Li, please call the political commissar for me and ask when he is free, may I go find him?" Fade Chen yelled at Li Xiang.

"Yes, chief." Li Xiang hurried to make a call.

Fade Chen leaned back on the chair comfortably. It has to be said that it feels good to have an assistant. At least he doesn't need to do many trivial things.

Leaning on the chair for a while, he straightened up, picked up a pencil and continued to draw on a picture of a Wuzhishi armed helicopter. He was drawing some additional rocket pods for Wuzhishi.

Fade Chen still felt that Wu Zhishi's firepower was a little weak, so how to increase the firepower and density of Wu Zhishi was a question he had been thinking about.

In view of the current situation of Wuzhi Ten, if you want to increase the firepower, you can only add some pylons and add some weapons such as rocket pods. Before that, Fade Chen had to come up with a plan.

He was drawing when Li Xiang walked in: "Chief, the political commissar said he will be in the office in 3 minutes!"

"3 minutes?" Fade Chen raised his watch and glanced at it. If it took 3 minutes, he walked up slowly and just happened to meet him, and political commissars usually like to make a little extra time. He said it would take 3 minutes, but it might actually be possible. He arrived in a minute and a half, so he stood up and said, "I'll go find the political commissar. If someone comes to see me, tell him to wait for me."

"Yes, Chief."

Fade Chen walked out of the office at a leisurely pace and went up the stairs, thinking as he walked. When he came outside the office of the political commissar, he just heard footsteps on the stairs. He turned his head and saw that the political commissar soon appeared in his field of vision. inside.

The political commissar of the Air Force Brigade is called Huang Sheng, and he is the oldest officer in the Air Force Brigade. I heard that he was directly arranged by his superiors. He has nothing to do with Yuan Lang. The superior means that both Yuan Lang and Chen Fei in the Air Force Forces Brigade belong to the same age group. For smaller cadres, only by sending an old cadre can the situation be calmed down and the situation stabilized.

The performance of the political commissar this time should be the last time in his military career, because after that, he has reached his age, but his mentality is not bad, he is smiling, whether he met Yuan Lang or Chen Fei, or an ordinary staff officer For example, people like Li Xiang all have a friendly smile and a kind voice.

"Political commissar." Fade Chen shouted with a smile.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, are you so fast?" The political commissar saw Fade Chen, with a bright smile on his face, quickly quickened his pace, and came to Fade Chen in three steps at a time, quickly opened the door, and welcomed Fade Chen in.

"Xiao Chen, would you like some tea?"

"Green tea!"

"Xiao Zhang, two cups of green tea." The political commissar instructed his assistant while sitting face to face with Fade Chen on the sofa.

There are only three assistants in the air assault brigade, brigade commander Yuan Lang, political commissar Huang Sheng, and acting deputy chief of staff Chen Fei.

"Political commissar, I'm looking for you today to ask if you have any friendship with Mr. Wu, the R&D engineer of Wuzhishi?"

"Mr. Wu?" Huang Sheng was taken aback for a moment. After recovering, he shook his head with some regrets: "Mr. Wu is also one of the experts I respect the most. Do you want to do what you like?"

Chen Fei didn't shy away from it, and nodded: "It's not easy for Mr. Wu to come to us once, and we will definitely have to deal with them frequently in the future, so I want to have a good relationship with him, and I can contact them if I need anything in the future." .”

"Your idea is very good, and I support it, but I." Huang Sheng shook his head and sighed: "I have never met him, and it is difficult for me to find out about him. It is really impossible. We only have Wait for them to come, and then adjust accordingly!"

"That's the only way to go!" Fade Chen sighed, helplessly.

But Fade Chen was not reconciled, so he inquired everywhere, and found Li Li, the director of the teaching and research section of the XXX Army Command Academy, Shang Qiu, an engineer of the Ordnance Group, and everyone else he knew, but in the end he only got a little Poor information, that is, Mr. Wu doesn't have any hobbies, doesn't smoke or drink, doesn't have any entertainment hobbies, he doesn't even pay attention to eating, even if he eats steamed buns every day, he can eat him for ten and a half months at a stretch, and he doesn't like to wear clothes Dressing up or anything, no hobbies other than helicopters.

The only harvest is a few anecdotes that Li Li helped him find out.

One is that Mr. Wu is very dedicated.Mr. Wu's secretary said that after a test flight, Mr. Wu convened a special meeting on avionics issues and formulated a detailed work plan.But at 2 o'clock in the morning, after the relevant technical personnel arrived, he immediately discussed the problem with the other party to further improve the plan, and did not rest until 3 o'clock in the morning.At 7:30 the next day, his figure appeared at the test flight site on time.The flight test lasted for more than 10 hours, and he was with everyone all the time, taking care of every link, which deeply moved every comrade present.

The other is that Mr. Wu is very dedicated, but not "reckless". He respects the laws of scientific research in his work and never asks designers to install machines with doubts for any reason.It is also because of this that Z-10 did not leave any risk points and hidden dangers when it was finalized, and achieved "zero problem" perfect delivery. Once it is equipped with troops, it will immediately form combat effectiveness.

What everyone talks about is Mr. Wu's eagerness to learn.As the chief model engineer, Mr. Wu has a high level of technology and knows all the majors involved in the model, but he is still very open-minded and eager to learn.The director of the Avionics Weapons Research Office at the time was particularly impressed by this.At a discussion meeting, Mr. Wu argued with her about a problem in avionics, and the next day he took a book on avionics to apologize to her, admitting that his views were biased.The humble attitude is awe-inspiring.

However, Fade Chen still didn't know what gift to give Mr. Wu to impress his "heart".

After scratching his ears and cheeks for a while, Fade Chen simply raised his head and asked Li Xiang: "Xiao Li, what gift do you think I can give to impress Mr. Wu?"

"Chief, I think you might as well send him a paper or a report?"

"Paper?" Fade Chen was startled.

"Yes, Chief, you have such profound knowledge about helicopters, so why don't you just write down some of your thoughts or thoughts and give it to him as a gift. I believe Mr. Wu will regard it as a treasure. Such a gift, It will surely touch her heart!"

Fade Chen was startled for a moment, and when he recovered, he stood up abruptly: "Xiao Li. You. You. If this is done, I will definitely thank you very much!"

"Chief, this is what I should do!" Li Xiang smiled until his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

(End of this chapter)

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