Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 444 Why is the helicopter of the Flying Tiger Brigade so strange?

444 Why is the helicopter of the Flying Tiger Brigade so strange

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the Flying Tiger Brigade's first rehearsal.

This morning, around nine o'clock, two Land Cruisers and a bus slowly drove towards the Flying Tiger Brigade.

Two Land Cruisers, one leading in the front and the other in the rear, supported the bus and drove slowly.

In the bus, several middle-aged leaders in their 50s were sitting on their seats, some closed their eyes and rested their minds, and some got together in pairs, communicating in low voices.There were also some younger officers, but they all sat upright and dared not speak.

I don't know when, someone suddenly let out a sound of wow, the middle-aged officer who was talking softly, and the officer who had closed his eyes before all stopped what they were doing before, and looked forward together.

"Hey—" Someone couldn't help but let out an extremely shocking sound.

"The logo design of Flying Tiger Brigade is a bit interesting!" Another leader also laughed.

At this time, the convoy had already arrived at the gate of the Flying Tiger Brigade.

The gate of the Flying Tiger Brigade was clearly visible.

The gate of the Flying Tiger Brigade is not much different from the gates of other troops. The only difference is that a tiger with wings is watching all the personnel and vehicles entering the Flying Tiger Brigade.

That tiger sculpture is very well done, lifelike, especially the eyes, fierce and domineering, and I don't know how to do it, giving people a feeling as if the tiger king is coming.

When everyone was surprised, Huang Sheng, the political commissar of the Flying Tiger Brigade, introduced it with a smile: "This flying tiger sculpture was made by Comrade Chen Fei. It is said that in order to meet the construction schedule, the factory staff worked overtime for a few days overnight. Woolen cloth?"

For today's exercise, the brigade commander, deputy brigade commander, deputy political commissar, and other leaders were all on the front line and personally commanded, but Huang Sheng was left behind, and he was responsible for accompanying the superior leaders.

So at this time, he introduced with a smile.

"Isn't this the work of a certain sculptor?" Some leaders were surprised when they heard this.

Political commissar Huang Sheng said with a smile: "Boss, this is a product of an ordinary factory, not the work of a master sculptor. It took only a few days to rush out. Our Flying Tiger Brigade is currently short of funds, and we can't wait to break a penny into two." How can you be willing to spend money to hire a master sculptor, because Chen Fei found an ordinary factory to make it?" Huang Sheng said on the surface that the origin of the sculpture is actually for the Flying Tiger Brigade, and the Flying Tiger Brigade's funds are naturally It's very high, but the Flying Tiger Brigade spends money like water, which makes the eyelids of those big spenders twitch, so as long as the opportunity is seized, the political commissar will cry poorly.

In fact, not only the political committee of the Flying Tiger Brigade cried poorly, but other leaders also went to their superiors to cry poorly from time to time.

Crying poor seems to have become the instinct of the Flying Tigers.

So the higher-ups had been on alert for a long time, and when they heard what Huang Sheng said, they knew something was wrong, so they quickly changed the subject: "Which factory is this? The level is so high? I have a friend who also wants to make such a thing, but he has not been able to find it." The right people."

Huang Sheng saw that he was not moving, so he could only smile: "Chief, the reason why this sculpture is so good is not because the workers in that factory are good at it. Of course, the workers there are also good at it, but the reason is The main reason for being able to do it so vividly is because of Fade Chen!"


"Fade Chen?" Everyone was surprised again.

"This kid can also make sculptures?" Some people didn't quite believe it.

Huang Sheng smiled: "Boss, Fade Chen doesn't know how to make sculptures, but he drew a picture, and the factory workers made this sculpture according to that picture. So Fade Chen is half of the credit, and he This painting is very important.”

"This kid is still a painter, this is the first time I've heard of it!" Someone laughed.

"I knew he was a good painter before, but he is also excellent at drawing tigers. This is the first time I've heard of him!"

Everyone talked about each other, and before you knew it, you came to the command hall of the Flying Tiger Brigade.

All the leaders are seated one by one.

"Chief, has it started yet?" Huang Sheng asked the biggest leader for instructions.

The leader communicated with the others and nodded: "Then let's get started!"

"Chief, then you announce it!" Huang Sheng handed over a piece of paper.

The leader took it and looked at it, then nodded, Huang Sheng hurriedly handed over a microphone, the leader took the microphone, and gave the drill order.

At this time, on the large screen in front of the command hall, the picture of the Flying Tiger Brigade Helicopter Battalion was displayed in the center, and the pictures of other combat units were displayed in an orderly manner on the other four sides.

At the order of the leader, the drill of the Flying Tiger Brigade began immediately.


There was a rumbling sound, and the propellers of the transport plane and the helicopter turned together.

Amidst the huge roar, Wu Liuyi trotted against the wind, came to an infantry phalanx, and shouted: "Everyone is there, take a rest, stand upright!"

Under his command, the infantry of their infantry battalion boarded the plane in an orderly manner.

While the infantry battalion was still boarding, dozens of armed helicopters had already taken off in the air, rumbled out, and quickly maneuvered towards the target area.

The tarmac was full of darkness, full of planes and people, but all the personnel and equipment were busy but not chaotic, and proceeded in an orderly manner, just like a precision instrument, operating independently without affecting each other.

On the large screen in the command center, the picture on the tarmac was clearly displayed.

The leaders of the military region and the headquarters watched intently. After watching for a long time, someone nodded and was very satisfied: "The Flying Tiger Brigade is very efficient in dispatching——"

"Chief, our dispatch method and dispatch frequency have been carefully calculated. We have practiced countless times, and we are not boasting. Chief, this dispatch efficiency can be regarded as very high even in the entire army!"

Everyone nodded.

At this time, someone let out a cry of surprise and said, "Commissioner Huang, why is this Wuzhi Ten of your Flying Tiger Brigade a little weird, it seems to be different from other troops!"

Huang Sheng looked at the big screen, he gestured to a staff officer, and the staff officer immediately pulled over the relevant screen of Wu Zhishi and zoomed in as much as possible.

Huang Sheng looked at it and introduced: "Chief, our Wuzhi Ten is indeed a little different. The biggest change is two places, one is inside and the other is outside. Chief, what you see now is outside. The changes are mainly to increase the number of missile pylons and rocket pods.”

At this time, each of the Z-10 armed helicopters of the Flying Tiger Brigade has six external hardpoints and adopts a mixed configuration of missiles and rockets. Each Z-10 armed helicopter carries 10 missiles and 6 Rocket nest.

Moreover, in terms of rockets, they have been equipped with a brand new 19-unit rocket nest. The firepower configuration of the Z-10 armed helicopter has already caught up with the US military.

After hearing Huang Sheng's introduction, everyone present was extremely surprised.

"Political Commissar Huang, can you hang so many ammunition on the outside?"

Huang Sheng smiled: "Chief, it can be done. The chief teacher personally shot for us, and has done many live ammunition inspections, no problem!"


Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all gasped.

A Wuzhi-[-] with such strong firepower, the entire Flying Tiger Brigade.
Really interpreted the Continental Army's lack of firepower phobia to the extreme!

Soon, someone asked: "Commissioner Huang, where is your other change?"

"Chief, our Wuzhi Ten, another change is in the cabin, which is equipped with a large electronic screen, which can control three drones at the same time!"


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this word.

Gunship with drone?
Soldier Assault Commander

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