Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 446 Early Warning Helicopter

446 early warning helicopter

The moment Gray Wolf received the order from his superiors, Jiang Haitao flew a Wuzhi Ten along the mountains to the training base.

He is in charge of driving, and one of his apprentices is his deputy, responsible for controlling weapons, so it is also called a weapon officer, or a weapon operator, and some are called a weapon hand. The two people do not sit together, and their cockpit is in front of the other. In the back, and there are highs and lows.

This is the standard gunship layout.

At present, all mainstream armed helicopters in the world have a front-to-back tandem cockpit layout, which can make its bombardment area the smallest and the viewing area the largest, thereby ensuring its battlefield survivability.

The pilot in the front cabin is mainly responsible for the flight attitude of the entire aircraft, and the rear cabin is also usually called the shooter cabin. The main task is to operate instruments and fight.

But there is no essential difference between the two cockpits, or even almost the same. In this way, in case a certain operating system or weapon attack system in the front cabin is damaged by attack during combat, the one in the rear cabin can completely replace the front cabin. cabin that function.

That is to say, there are weapon attack systems and flight operating systems in the front and rear cabins, and both the pilot and the shooter have the skills of driving and attacking, but their positions are opposite to those of the usual armed helicopters.

At this time, Jiang Haitao was sitting in the front, and his deputy was sitting in the back cabin.

"Li Bin, we are about to enter the war zone, please ask about the situation in the war zone!" Jiang Haitao directed his deputy by radio.

"Understood!" His deputy replied, and then opened the communication with the early warning aircraft: "The two holes are calling the bunker, please answer."

"I'm the bunker."

"Bunker, what's going on ahead! It's over!"

The Flying Tiger Brigade's helicopter early warning aircraft was only equipped two days ago, and there was only one, which was very expensive. Even the two pilots of the early warning aircraft became the favorites of the Flying Tiger Brigade, and they were popular in the eyes of the brigade leaders.

Of course, the two pilots of the early warning aircraft are both female pilots, and they are really treasures in the eyes of a lot of rough men.

In fact, the superior didn't want to equip the Flying Tiger Brigade with an early warning aircraft at the beginning, because at this time, the helicopter early warning aircraft is still a new thing in p, and the research institute just came up with one. How to use this thing, whether to use it, whether it is worth it Equipment, many leaders are actually beating drums in their hearts.

Moreover, this thing is very expensive and the cost is too high. Between the limited investment and the high cost of the early warning aircraft, many troops will choose to give up the early warning aircraft, but Fade Chen knows that this thing is very important and must be equipped. We have to save this sum of money to buy the AWACS.

For this reason, he also quarreled with Yuan Lang for more than a month, and it took more than a month to convince Yuan Lang. It is not that Yuan Lang does not know the importance of early warning aircraft, but he feels that the Flying Tiger Brigade is too tight now. Use it in other places first, and then equip this thing when you have money. Good steel is used on the blade. Both people agree with this point of view, but Chen Fei thinks that the early warning aircraft is the blade, and Yuan Lang thinks that other places are the blade, but Chen Fei I know that Yuan Lang's idea is wrong. If the Flying Tiger Brigade wants to obtain the strongest combat effectiveness, it must engage in informatization, and in order to do a good job in informatization, early warning helicopters are very important. …

So the performance of the AWACS this time is very important. If it succeeds, it will prove that Fade Chen is right, otherwise Yuan Lang will say that he is right.

Although the early warning command helicopter in the air assault brigade's information system is not as popular as a new type of missile or armed helicopter, it does play a key role in the combat effectiveness of the Army Aviation.

If the air assault brigade wants to emerge suddenly, early warning helicopters are even more important.

The Flying Tiger Brigade is equipped with a new straight-8 early warning command helicopter.

The radar of the Zhi-8 early warning and command aircraft is mainly aimed at the detection of battlefield ground targets and low, small and slow targets, and its function is similar to that of the American E-8 battlefield surveillance aircraft.

The Z-8 early warning command helicopter can obtain clear radar images of various terrains, buildings, and roads on the battlefield through this radar, so as to discover various ground targets. General battlefield concealment methods have no effect on it at all.

This radar can also detect targets without being affected by bad weather, so in front of this early warning command aircraft, the entire battlefield is one-way transparent, and the dynamics of the enemy's various ground and low-altitude combat units can be clearly seen!
This information is displayed in front of the commander through the on-board display console, and the combat operations can be commanded accordingly, so that the combat troops can properly attack the enemy's vital points and maximize the combat effect!

Not long after, Jiang Haitao's earphones heard the announcement from the early warning aircraft: "Two holes, a large number of unidentified air targets appeared at the southwest edge of the target airspace. The specific situation is still under investigation. Please pay attention to it. Other conditions are normal, over! "

"A large number of unidentified aerial targets?" Jiang Haitao was startled, and instinctively turned his head to look at the other side. He turned his head away only to realize that he was driving Wu Zhishi at this time, and his assistant was not by his side, so he used the The radio asked: "Li Bin, what's the situation?"

"Master, I don't know. Could it be that the higher-ups didn't coordinate well, and another unit happened to be training nearby?"

"Impossible!" Jiang Haitao shook his head, and immediately said: "Don't think about it, we just do what Chief of Staff Chen said!"


During the training, Fade Chen repeatedly asked the Flying Tiger Brigade to train according to the requirements of actual combat, and make the training practical. In this way, actual combat is almost the same as training.

At this time, in the command hall of the Flying Tiger Brigade, all the leaders fell silent as they watched the images sent back from the early warning helicopter on the big screen.

At this time, a group of helicopters was flying close to the valley.

The pilots of this fleet are all flying masters, and they can fly fast in narrow and complicated valleys.

They made full use of the cover of the terrain and skillfully passed one level after another.

In the past, their performance would have drawn applause from the leaders in the command hall. The flying skills of these pilots are really too strong, and they are also very courageous, which is very remarkable, but at this time, everyone is just silent.

Because these advanced helicopters flew close to the valley with the most exquisite technology under the control of such a superb pilot, but such a superb tactic was invisible to the eyes of the early warning helicopter, and every move was clearly visible. If this is real combat, this fleet will definitely never come back after leaving. The more skilled and daring the pilots, the stronger the irony at this time.

Before the Flying Tiger Brigade clamored to equip early warning helicopters, many leaders actually opposed it. First, this thing is extremely expensive, but no one knows how effective it is, and our army’s early warning helicopters have just started. The current one is considered to be the first-generation product. No one dares to guarantee whether it is reliable or not. Therefore, most of the people are opposed to the Flying Tiger Brigade’s plan to equip the early warning helicopter. Even if they do not object, they don’t take it seriously. They were all shocked.

In the eyes of such an early warning helicopter, the entire battlefield is single-item transparent, and the Flying Tiger Brigade seems to have God's perspective. How can this battle be fought!

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