Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 456 I will solve the money and people matters

Chapter 456 I will solve the money and people matters
456 Money and people, I will solve it
Fade Chen will have two jobs in the future. The first job is still the work of the staff department, and the second job is the job of the political department.

The problem with the previous one is not that big, just advance normally.

But to be honest, the Flying Tiger Brigade still has a lot of room for improvement, and there is still a long way to go from world-class troops, such as the old American 101 Air Assault Division.

But the problem now is that many troops of the Flying Tiger Brigade are gradually showing a sense of pride and complacency. Many people feel that they are great, awesome, and already number one in the entire army. The spirit of hard work is gradually fading. No, the fighting spirit of constantly forging ahead is weak.

Therefore, Fade Chen needs to ignite a fire to rekindle everyone's energy.

That's why Fade Chen went to the Sanitation Company.

The health company is dominated by female soldiers, and the health company is a logistics unit. If the soldiers in the health company are screaming one by one, will the other troops of the Flying Tiger Brigade have the nerve to lie down?

If other troops are not even as hygienic as that time, Fade Chen will have an excuse to train that bastard to death!

This is one of them.

Second, Fade Chen is also responsible for the ideological and political work of the Flying Tiger Brigade.

Political and ideological work seems empty and lofty, but if you really want to do it well, you need to be grounded.

And there is no need to do those bells and whistles, just do some basic work well in a down-to-earth manner.

In the final analysis, ideological and political work is nothing more than loving soldiers!

So how can you show your love for soldiers?
Simple, care about everyone's health!
The training of the officers and soldiers of the Flying Tiger Brigade is very hard, so, naturally, there will be many injuries. As long as Fade Chen takes the soldiers from the health company to the first-line company, cares about everyone's injuries, and takes good care of everyone's body. Xiao Yurun's silent way made everyone feel the care and concern in the brigade, and then everyone will gradually feel a sense of happiness, and gradually they will take this place as their home and take Flying Tiger Brigade as their own harbor. In this way, those veterans will slowly accept this place, love this place, and build this place, so naturally, the ideological and political work of the Flying Tiger Brigade will be done!
However, in order to achieve this step, there is a premise that the health company must have real skills and be able to show them.

Otherwise, although everyone's intentions are good and they are all thinking about the injuries of the soldiers, but they were originally slightly injured, and after a lot of sanitation, they became seriously injured, which would be counterproductive. Therefore, the current first The most important task is to improve the professional level of the health company.

Therefore, whether it is for the sake of caring for the health of the officers and soldiers of the Flying Tiger Brigade, or for the sake of the long-term development of the Flying Tiger Brigade, the health company is the best entry point, just like a crowbar, which can easily leverage the entire operation trip.

Fade Chen came to the Sanitation Company today, first to boost everyone's morale, and second, to find a way to improve the business level of the Sanitation Company.

Chen Fei talked eloquently, and finally he concluded: "In short, logistics is inseparable from war, and medical support is an important part of logistics support. The war in the world today is an information war. Under such circumstances, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, so our medical support in actual combat should pay more attention to adaptability, flexibility, and emergency response.

So, how can we improve our business level? My conclusion is that we should make full use of accurate information rescue systems and comprehensive information support to improve medical support capabilities, and gradually explore a way to create a hierarchical and common The integrated medical support platform makes the medical support more accurate and efficient, and ensures the platinum 10 minutes of battlefield treatment. "

All the officers in the small conference room were writing in their notebooks at this moment. Everyone was convinced of Fade Chen and admired him very much, so naturally they stopped resisting and recorded it very carefully. .

"My suggestion is, first, establish a networked data system.

Data is the basis of medical support under the condition of informatization.Through data analysis and statistics, health service agencies at all levels can keep abreast of the analysis situation, rationally allocate resources, and provide a basis for decision-making and work evaluation.

To establish a networked medical service data system, the first step is to establish and improve comprehensive medical service evaluation standards and working mechanisms, and to carry out multi-dimensional monitoring, analysis, early warning, and evaluation based on data, which can be used in medical service management and decision-making to make support more scientific. efficient.

Secondly, a big data collection and analysis system should be built, and a medical service management data center with material data, suppliers, personnel, wounded and sick management, logistics and transportation as the core should be established, and a hierarchical and layered shared medical service information big data should be constructed.The application of data runs through the entire process of support, providing detailed information for all levels and types of personnel, allowing them to accurately grasp the current and historical conditions of the target, and provide effective support for the completion of tasks. "

"Second, build a comprehensive security platform.

At present, the distribution of health care resources is not very balanced, and technical forces, equipment and materials are often concentrated, so what can we do?I think we can fully share resources and improve support efficiency by building a networked comprehensive medical support platform.

First of all, the network platform can realize the integrated service guarantee of medical service, link the whole process of medical evacuation, epidemic prevention and protection, and medical material support, and share all information, realize the informatization of battlefield wounded, materials, and personnel control, and improve the health service organization. The response speed of command and support improves the coordination ability.

Secondly, through the comprehensive platform of medical support, information interconnection and data sharing between demand units and supply units can be realized, and big data analysis can be used to provide intelligent support for decision-making.

Thirdly, building a health care service system that connects up and down, establishing service guarantee standards, connecting China Unicom guarantee data, and providing remote guarantee are conducive to realizing continuous and homogeneous services.

"Third, realize the unified construction and management of the entire platform.

The various existing health care systems are still in a relatively isolated state. To change the current situation of chimneys, we should unify standards and speed up the unified construction and management of platforms.Including medical service information system in peacetime and wartime, materials and personnel traceability system, procurement system, etc., the platform integrates organizational planning, early warning evaluation, intelligent analysis, auxiliary decision-making, resource sharing and other functions, so that real-time information can be known, resources can be visualized, and action Controllable, through the information platform to track and process demand tasks throughout the process, improve response speed, and improve support efficiency.With the support of a comprehensive platform, efforts should be made to realize the scientific prediction of medical support needs based on the scale, method, and duration of operations; build a storage and management system based on visualization technology; rely on satellite positioning systems and other technologies to automatically allocate support scope and screen transportation Routes, etc., to achieve the optimal allocation of resources; relying on automatic identification technology, track and control the flow of materials throughout the process.”

Fade Chen came up with seven or eight suggestions in one breath, just like talking about cross talk.

These suggestions are not fake, they are all very effective experiences and methods, but Wei Yumin listened to it, but made a bitter face, and said bitterly: "Chief, these suggestions of yours are really very good, but"

"What you want to say is that your sanitation company has important people, no one wants money, no money, right?" Fade Chen asked with a smile.

Wei Yumin just smiled and didn't speak.

Fade Chen took a sip of water and said solemnly, "I'll take care of money and people!"

(End of this chapter)

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