Chapter 463
463 Maintenance Brigade
In the afternoon of this day, Fade Chen and Li Yunfei sat in the back of an off-road vehicle together.

The car slowly drove into the 107th regiment.

Li Yunfei was very interested, and patiently introduced, what is this place, what is that place, what is here, what is there, uncharacteristically, even a little rambling.

The staff officer sitting in the driver's seat and driving in front looked surprised, and glanced in the rearview mirror from time to time.

Li Yunfei's usual personality is not like this, he is hot-tempered, reckless, and the most trivial and delicate, if you ask him to clean the fighter plane, he can get angry at people within a few minutes.

But for some reason, since he met Fade Chen, his temper has improved a lot, he has calmed down a lot, and he has become more patient. The edges and corners seem to have been smoothed out, which is unbelievable when you think about it.

How did he know that the person sitting next to his leader was systematically blessed, and no one could not be immune to its influence.

The car drove to the airport of the 107th regiment.

Fade Chen became interested, his eyes lit up a little, and he even poked his head out to have a look.

Li Yunfei also felt Fade Chen's mentality, and patted the flight staff chair: "Stop, stop!"

The car stopped.

Li Yunfei pushed open the car door with a bang, got out of the car, and then said to Fade Chen: "Commissioner, let's go, I'll show you our 107th regiment, and I'll show you around."

"Okay, let's trouble Captain Li then." Fade Chen happily got out of the car.

"Who are we with whom, are you still being polite to me?" Li Yunfei patted the car door again: "You first pull back the political commissar's salute, tell the chief of staff, ask him to talk to the cafeteria, and cook two more good dishes. Let's have a drink with the political commissar in the evening."

Fade Chen turned his head to look at Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei chuckled: "Political Commissar, I'll clean up the dust for you today, a special case, a special case—usually our 107th regiment doesn't drink at all, and we are very disciplined."

"I believe in you!" Fade Chen said silently in his heart, but his face remained calm. At this time, he just came to the 107th regiment, and his eyes were smeared. Many things still don't know the depth, so he has to touch them carefully. Find out the details before making a decision, so the current countermeasure is to stay still and respond to all changes with the same.

The two walked side by side to the field of the 107th regiment.

"I'll take you to the hangar first to see who we're having dinner with!" Li Yunfei was very excited.

"it is good!"

The two of them walked forward at a leisurely pace, and before reaching the apron, they arrived at the maintenance brigade first.

The maintenance brigade is the logistics support unit for fighter jets to complete flight missions, including aircraft repair and maintenance, fuel, ammunition and other all-round preparations.

The maintenance brigade is a battalion-level unit, the captain of the brigade is a battalion officer, and the military rank is generally a major or a lieutenant colonel.

The maintenance soldiers are overhauling a J-[-].

Before arriving at the maintenance brigade, Li Yunfei couldn't help but yelled: "Xiao Dezi, what's the matter, has the third son's eighth master repaired it?"

"Reporting to the head of the team, I still can't find the problem. It seems that I can only wait for the technical personnel from the manufacturer to come over!"

"A bunch of idiots!" Li Yunfei was very dissatisfied, but he still beckoned: "Xiao Dezi, gather everyone! I will bring our political commissar to meet everyone!"


Li Yunfei pointed to the maintenance brigade, and said to Fade Chen: "Come on, I'll take you there to meet them first, to get to know each other first, oh, by the way, the guy I talked to just now is the deputy captain of the maintenance brigade, Xiaode son!"

Xiao Dezi?
Chen Fei almost wanted to laugh, but fortunately he held back.

When I read the information before, I knew that one of Li Yunfei’s problems is that he likes to give people nicknames. For example, this person is called Xiao Dezi. In fact, his name is Wang Defeng, but Li Yunfei doesn’t call people by their names properly, but Xiaode son.

In the beginning, Wang Defeng was actually not happy, Xiao Dezi, Xiao Dezi, he didn't like the name of the eunuch when he heard it, but Li Yunfei called it that every day, and his comrades around him naturally followed suit. There is nothing to do but accept it.

"Captain Li, where's the captain of the maintenance brigade?"

"This? Uh?" Li Yunfei raised his hand and touched his head, a little embarrassed. After a few seconds, he smiled unnaturally: "The kid went out for training a while ago and hasn't come back yet. .”

"Did you run away because of your anger?" Fade Chen said heartily.

Although he is not very clear about the very detailed situation. After all, the information Wang Yun gave him cannot be exhaustive, but he probably mentioned it, saying that the captain of the maintenance brigade had some conflicts with Li Yunfei. In a fit of anger, I went to further study and refused to come back.

At this time, Wang Defeng was in charge of the maintenance brigade, but Wang Defeng's rank was too low, and many things were done timidly, which was very inconvenient.

Hearing Li Yunfei's words, the pilot named Wang Defeng quickly gathered a group of soldiers who were doing maintenance in the hangar, and when Fade Chen and Li Yunfei arrived, he trotted over and stood at attention with a snap: "Report to the regiment leader, Political commissar, the maintenance brigade has assembled, please give instructions!"

"Take a break!"


Li Yunfei came to the maintenance brigade and introduced loudly: "This is Comrade Chen Fei, the new political commissar of our 107 regiment. Everyone applauds and welcomes the political commissar to speak to you!"


The applause rang out, very neatly.

The 107th regiment has problems, but it is not a disciplined style.

Fade Chen walked to the front of the team and carefully looked at each soldier.

The soldiers of the maintenance brigade also looked at Fade Chen curiously, but they were timid and only dared to take a sneak peek, not daring to look carefully. Once Fade Chen caught his gaze, they all lowered their heads hastily.

Chen Fei looked around and didn't show much, but said in a deep voice: "Hi everyone, my name is Chen Fei, and I am the political commissar of the 107th regiment from today. Today is the first time I have come to our 107th regiment. Shake hands!"

Fade Chen walked up to Wang Defeng who was standing in the first row.

"Hello political commissar!" Wang Defeng saluted Fade Chen again.

Fade Chen returned the salute, and then extended his hand, but Wang Defeng didn't dare to shake hands with Fade Chen, and hastily withdrew his hand behind his back.

His hands were dark and oily from repairing the plane.

Chen Fei grabbed his hand back, held it, smiled warmly, and said softly: "Comrade Wang Defeng, hello."

"Hello, political commissar!" Wang Defeng's eyes were a little moist for some reason.

Fade Chen shook his hand again, and then said: "It's been hard for you for a while, the captain is not here, and you are the only one who carries the entire maintenance team, being a father and a mother, you have paid too much, you have worked hard But don't worry, I won't let you suffer so much in the future. Your strength is repairing. Your future task is to train more top repairers for our 107 regiment. For other messy trivial matters, you Don't worry about it, just leave it to me."

"Yes!" Wang Defeng replied, his nose was sore, and his voice was a little choked up. Fade Chen's words seemed to hit his teardrops, and he almost burst into tears on the spot.

Fade Chen let go of Wang Defeng's hand, and walked to the next machine repair soldier,
The soldier's hands were even dirtier, but Fade Chen didn't dislike him. He still shook hands with him and gave him a few words of encouragement.

When he came back after holding it around, his hands were already covered with oil, Li Yunfei saw it, and quickly shouted to Wang Defeng: "Xiao Dezi, you are blind, why don't you quickly find a towel and wipe your hands for the political commissar! "

Wang Defeng just let out a cry, trotted out, found a towel and handed it to Fade Chen, but Fade Chen just wiped it casually, then raised his head, looked at everyone and said, "I shook hands with everyone just now, actually I didn't ask much, but I know how much everyone has paid for our group, and the calluses in your hands have already told me all the answers!

You are the unsung heroes of the 107 regiment!

You deserve the respect of every soldier of the 107th regiment.

I have worked in many units, but no matter which unit I am in, my idea is that logistics and support units should be placed first. I don’t care what our 107th regiment was like before, but from today, For the 107th regiment, the status of the maintenance brigade should be ranked first. Okay, let’s not talk about it too much. If you keep nagging, you will delay everyone’s dinner. I will come to visit you again in two days! "

Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap and saluted.

He offered to salute these unsung heroes.

The officers and soldiers of the maintenance brigade were startled, and then hastily returned their salutes. Everyone's movements were irregular, back and forth, but everyone suddenly felt a little strange in their hearts.

Fade Chen turned around and said to Li Yunfei, who had an unnatural expression: "Leader Li, let's go, let's go and see our plane!"

(End of this chapter)

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