467 twelve g
Fade Chen's grades were a bit scary, which shocked Li Yunfei and Zhao Ruming, both of them were staring at each other. After a while, Li Yunfei looked up and down Fade Chen, and said suspiciously: "Political commissar, you are so lucky. right?"

Zhao Ruming had come to his senses at this time, and said seriously: "Leader, most of the test papers are question and answer questions, there are not many multiple-choice questions, and there is no element of luck."

Li Yunfei opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

During the whole process, Fade Chen smiled without saying a word.

This is what he wanted.

If he wanted to continue the work of the 107th regiment, the first thing he had to do was convince the people in the regiment to obey him.

The 107th regiment is the same as other troops. The soldiers in this regiment only obey those who can convince him, such as Li Yunfei. Tie, then it is obvious that if Chen Fei wants to win everyone's respect, he has to show his own abilities. Even if he is only a political commissar, at least he must let everyone see that he is different, so he chose this Road.

Sure enough, after this, Fade Chen found that both Li Yunfei and Zhao Ruming looked at him differently.

"Old Zhao, can you let me try anti-load training next?"

Fade Chen completed the physical examination first under the arrangement of Zhao Ruming, and his physical examination went very smoothly. The doctor checked him from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, even the chrysanthemum, but found nothing Abnormally, all indicators are excellent.

Although he has been injured under the training system of the Continental Army over the years, he has fully recovered with the help of the system without leaving any scars, so even the most demanding doctor has to give a thumbs up: "Chen Commissar, it's a pity for you these years. You should have applied for the pilot exam early." Fade Chen said in his heart that I wanted to take the exam too, but I didn't have the conditions.
There was nothing wrong with his physical examination.

Passed the theory test.

But if you want to go to the simulator, there is another level, that is, the load resistance test.

Even if his scores in all tests are good, but his ability to resist loads is not good, that's a fart.

The so-called anti-load test, also known as centrifuge test, or anti-"g" test.

What is "g"?
"g" is the gravitational acceleration on the earth's surface. In aviation terms, 1g means the weight of the aircraft plus the load and the driver when the aircraft is in level flight.

And when the vehicle changes speed or attitude, positive or negative g (gravity) is produced.Positive g-forces typically occur when a craft is accelerating or climbing, and negative g-forces typically occur when the craft is slowing down or descending.

For fighter pilots, due to the extremely fast speed of fighters, huge g-forces will be generated at any time.Therefore, the anti-g test is a very critical assessment. If you fail the g-force test, you cannot fly a fighter plane.

Generally speaking, the maximum range that the human body can withstand under normal circumstances is between plus 9g and minus 3g. The greater the positive g force, the blood will flow from the head to the abdomen and legs, and the increase in carbon dioxide concentration will cause the human body to suffer from Hypoxia and temporary coma shock;

If the negative g force is too large, the blood will concentrate from the bottom to the brain, causing the entire head to congest.

No matter what kind of situation occurs, the body is sending out an alarm that it is approaching its limit, and it will be dangerous to continue.

In addition, the autopsy reports of many passengers who died in plane crashes showed that they all died before the plane touched the ground, which was caused by the strong g force generated during the fall, which the body could not bear.

Just how powerful the g-force is, a pilot made a brief summary:

1g: talking and laughing

2g: very easy

3g: Do a cervical spine exercise
4g: still relaxed

5g: "I feel fine"

6g: The expression starts to change

7g: Start to do anti-gravity movements (agsm)

8g: Continue to hold your breath and take a breath, tighten your muscles to stay awake
In the future, it will not be able to be carried by ordinary pilots.

Generally speaking, the load resistance ability of ordinary pilots is between 6 and 7. If it can reach 8, it is considered relatively good. If it can exceed 9, it is a very good pilot. If it can exceed 10, it is really good. It's amazing to be able to do some extreme moves.

Therefore, if Fade Chen wanted to get on the simulator, he had to pass this level first. That's why he asked Zhao Ruming like that at this moment.

Zhao Ruming turned his head and glanced at Li Yunfei, then nodded: "Okay, political commissar, then I'll arrange it!"

Zhao Ruming arranged for Chen Fei's anti-load test for the next morning.

This time is the best time of the day.

After Chen Fei sat down, he gestured to Zhao Ruming to indicate that he was ready. Zhao Ruming nodded to the staff, and the staff turned on the switch, and the centrifuge started spinning round and round.

The first is a g. At this time, ordinary people have nothing to do, so let alone Fade Chen, but the staff is still step by step, and did not directly raise the level to a high level. The main reason is to give Fade Chen a process of adaptation. The g value gradually increased, but the expression on Fade Chen's face did not change. He was still joking with Li Yunfei and others outside through the intercom system.

"Political commissar, if you can't handle it, hurry up and say it, this thing can't handle it, don't be ashamed, you've already dumped 80.00% of the people!"

Li Yunfei picked up the walkie-talkie and said, he glanced at the numbers on the monitor, a little scared.

"It's okay, leader, continue, I can handle it!" Chen Feiyun replied calmly.

Li Yunfei put down the walkie-talkie, turned his head, not wanting to, at this moment, the chief of staff ran in like a thief.

"What are you doing here, kid?" Li Yunfei glared at the other party.

"Head, I heard that the political commissar is using a centrifuge?"

"Why, do you want to make gestures with him?"

"Cut—" the chief of staff let out a long disdain, he was a pilot, can he be compared with an amateur like Fade Chen who became a monk halfway through as a professional?Is the leader's words really getting more and more unreliable?
However, when he raised his head and glanced at the number on the monitor, his eyelids twitched, and the number on it was already 6.

With this g force, most people have fainted, but Fade Chen is still fine inside.

"Commander, is the monitor broken?" The chief of staff was a little unbelievable.


At this time, wow--

Another seven or eight people poured in from outside the door.

"Head, is the political commissar really here to test the centrifuge?"

At this time, several captains rushed in.

These are the elites of the 107th Regiment, no1 among fighter pilots.

Li Yunfei glanced at those people, didn't speak, just nodded.

"What's the matter, have you fainted?" Someone gloated and approached. At this time, Fade Chen happened to use the intercom system to say to Zhao Ruming: "Old Zhao, I'm fine, let's do it again!"

After hearing what Fade Chen said, everyone quickly looked at Zhao Ruming. Zhao Ruming picked up the walkie-talkie and said solemnly: "Political commissar, add another 8!"

"It's okay, go on!"

Zhao Ruming was silent for a while with an uncertain expression, then raised his head and said to the staff, "Continue."

Next to Li Yunfei, a dozen or so pilots looked at me and I looked at you, all a little dumbfounded, this level of load, to be honest, few of the pilots present can take it seriously, although everyone can carry it 8 There was a g load, but no one would feel relaxed. With a swipe, everyone looked at Fade Chen inside.

Fade Chen was still fine, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Soon, Li Yunfei said: "Old Zhao, continue!"

"Leader, if you continue, it will be 9!"

"I told you to continue!" Li Yunfei scolded dissatisfied.

Zhao Ruming opened his mouth, did not speak, but expressed his opinion in silence.

"Old Zhao, it's okay, continue!" Fade Chen said.

"Zhao Ruming, you are deaf, the political commissar told you to continue!" Li Yunfei cursed for some reason.

Zhao Ruming bit the pressure and winked at the staff.

The load came to 9 g.

Fade Chen frowned slightly, but soon recovered.

"Go on!" he said.

"Continue?" Zhao Ruming didn't dare to speak anymore, but just looked at Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei didn't dare to speak immediately, and looked at Fade Chen silently for a while, then nodded.

Zhao Ruming nodded to the staff.

The load continues to increase.

10g for it.

Fade Chen's face was slightly deformed, but it quickly recovered.

"Continue!" Fade Chen said in a deep voice.

This time, the silence lasted longer, and after a while, Li Yunfei nodded.

The load was increased to eleven g.

But Chen Fei still resisted.

"Go on!" he said.

No one dared to speak outside, all eyes were on Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Head, it's okay, I feel pretty good, try again!" Fade Chen persuaded.

"Okay, then try again!" Li Yunfei finally made up his mind.

This time, Zhao Ruming came to operate it himself. His fingers were kept on the switch, and his eyes were fixed on Fade Chen inside. If there was anything wrong, he would immediately shut it off.

It's 12 g. This time, Fade Chen's payload has reached [-] g. This is no longer the level of an ordinary fighter jet. He can apply for an astronaut exam.

But Fade Chen still didn't faint. His face was much uglier, his whole body was tense, but he didn't faint, and his consciousness was very clear. He was fighting the load while talking to the people outside. After a while, he said: " Old Zhao, stop, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to faint!"

Although it is uncomfortable, Fade Chen can actually stick to one more g. After all, he is a master-level fighter pilot. Not only is his skill very high, but his body's ability to resist overload is also abnormal, but he feels that the goal has been achieved, so there is no need to persist. To be honest, he also felt extremely uncomfortable, and he didn't want to endure even one more second of suffering.

"Old Zhao, stop—" Fade Chen shouted.

The people outside were all dumbfounded and didn't respond for a long time.

"Old Zhao——Zhao Ruming, stop!" Fade Chen shouted again.

"Oh—oh—" Zhao Ruming finally came to his senses, and hastily pressed the switch.

Outside, the team leader Li Yunfei was stunned, like a piece of wood, not moving for a long time.

"The political commissar of our 107th regiment—he—he actually—"

Li Yunfei was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Soldier Assault Commander

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