Chapter 473

473 I will single out your team alone

Fade Chen's passionate voice resounded in the playground in front of the barracks.

But the soldiers who understood what his words meant looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

There was no sound on the playground under the night, only a neat square array was inlaid in the bright moonlight like stones.

Fade Chen had expected this situation a long time ago, so he was calm and calm. He turned slightly and looked at the captain of the first team, Yang Feng, with a faint voice: "Yang Feng, you are the captain, you take the lead." Make a statement?"

Yang Feng was murmuring in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word. After hearing what Fade Chen said, he straightened up and replied loudly: "Report, I am willing to join the blue team!"

Fade Chen nodded, his voice was still leisurely: "Well, this is not bad, this is the attitude that a team leader should have, I thought you were going to quit, but even if you do, it's okay, I will follow The field management company agreed, if you don't want to, they can make room for you."

Field affairs company?
Yang Feng's heart skipped a beat.

The rest of the team were also shocked when they heard this.

The political commissar is really ruthless, if he doesn't follow suit, he will be assigned to the field affairs company directly!
Oh shit!

The Field Operations Company is even inferior to the Maintenance Team!

"In the cold morning and in the lonely night, the soldiers held their brooms tightly and took firm steps to clean up all the debris on the ground carefully and without leaving any dead space."

This is the daily work of the field company.

In fact, it was swept away!
In a brief summary, the main task of the field management company is to organize and implement the flight path, lighting protection, fire protection, rescue work, flood control, snow removal, camouflage, bomb discharge, emergency repair and inspection and maintenance of auxiliary facilities and equipment at the flight site Wait.

So in the aviation brigade, they are more difficult and inferior than the maintenance brigade.

The maintenance brigade repairs the planes anyway, and can touch the planes every day, but the ground maintenance company is just a sweeper, and can only watch all kinds of fighter jets flying around, but none of them are their own. , Moreover, they didn't even have a chance to touch it, they could only watch from a distance, drooling.

Judging from the military ranks of the personnel, the difference is even greater. The starting point of the flight team is a second lieutenant, and most of the maintenance team are non-commissioned officers, but the field company is basically a conscript, so the gap is not usually large.

So Chen Fei's move was really ruthless, and it scared many people at once.

"Report, I am willing to join the Blue Army brigade!" The deputy brigade captain knew that the situation was not good, and immediately took the initiative to express his opinion.

"Report, I am also willing to join the blue team!"


The pilots of the first team, one counts as one, soon surrendered to Fade Chen and were willing to join the blue team.

Fade Chen was very satisfied with this, so he smiled and said, "I've already made an agreement with the head of the regiment. When J-[-]c comes down, our blue team will give priority to it."


Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, like stars twinkling in the night sky.

Although many pilots are not full of perverted desire for the J-[-]C like Li Yunfei, as long as they are pilots, they will inevitably want to drive the J-[-]C. I'm tired of it, and want a change.

So everyone's heart was slightly excited.

No one knows that Fade Chen is actually drawing big cakes for everyone. The priority he said is not true, so he must give it to you. It is okay to think about it, but in the end it is okay to give it to you, not to mention that there are so many people in the team. Whoever it is for, can be decided by Fade Chen.

It can only be said that in this regard, everyone is still too young.

"In addition, the remuneration of those selected for the blue team will also be reflected!" Fade Chen fired up the fire again.

As long as pilots fly on the plane to perform combat missions, they will have flight allowances. This thing, pilots affectionately call it a lever fee. To fly a plane is to pull the joystick, and you will get money when you pull it, so it is called the lever fee for short.

The rod fee for the pilots of the blue team is set at 325 yuan per hour, which is 75 yuan higher than that of the other two teams.

Money is very vulgar, but it is the most exciting thing. Sure enough, when everyone heard the number 325, their eyes lit up instantly, like a [-]-watt light bulb instantly turning into a hundred watts.

An hour's trolley fee can't be increased by a few yuan, but the problem is that the pilots of the blue team fly a lot of hours, which is a dizzying sum of money, so everyone can't help feeling excited.

Just when everyone was excited, Fade Chen said again: "However, the formation of the blue army brigade is not accomplished overnight, but is carried out step by step. Our plan is to first form a four-member blue army formation, and wait The formation has found a set of successful experience, and then replicated it in the whole team. Moreover, it does not mean that all members of the first team can enter the blue team.

So, next, let me announce something. Tomorrow morning, our team will conduct air combat training for all members. Based on the training results, we will select three people and me to form a blue formation. In the air combat training tomorrow morning, I will single out your team alone. Those who can last three rounds under my command can enter the blue formation!Alright, that's all, disband—"

Fade Chen turned around and left after announcing the order to disband. He didn't even look at the officers and soldiers of the first team, leaving only a slender back for everyone.

But he had been walking for a while, even his back faded out of sight, but the team was still silent. It took some time for everyone to react. In an instant, the peaceful phalanx exploded with a bang. up.

"What did the political commissar just say? He picked us alone?"

"The political commissar is so arrogant today!"

"Am I dazzled? Why do I feel like I don't know the political commissar anymore?"

"You said, did the political commissar take the wrong medicine today?"

Everyone was chattering, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

In the team, the captain's Yang Feng's face was a bit gloomy, very ugly, suddenly, he blushed suddenly and shouted: "Damn, stop arguing!"

There was a sudden silence, and everyone stared at him blankly.

Yang Feng looked around, his face was so dark that it was about to drip water, he glanced at everyone coldly, finally, he raised his hand, pointed at the pilot who was the loudest before, and cursed: "You laugh so loudly!" Why so loud? It's a shame—you're still laughing?"

Everyone had never seen Yang Feng lose his composure like this, they were all frightened, and they didn't dare to vent their anger.

"When did the First Flying Brigade of the 107th Regiment have such a shame? You can still laugh? The political commissar dared to single out our flying brigade. If it gets out, where will we put our face? You are still laughing there ?”

(End of this chapter)

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