Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 480 Upgrade to Brigade

Chapter 480 Upgrade to Brigade
480 upgrade to brigade
On this day, after Fade Chen and Li Yunfei sent off the division commander, the political commissar, and the mysterious middle-aged officer, Fade Chen grabbed Li Yunfei and said with a smile: "Old Li, we are going to develop!"

"Developed? What is developed?" Li Yunfei was at a loss.

"Have you noticed the guy who came with the teacher today?" Fade Chen looked at Li Yunfei with shining eyes.

Li Yunfei was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I noticed, he eats a lot - he eats three big bowls of such unpalatable curry rice by himself! I have never seen such an edible officer! "

Fade Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, why is this guy's brain circuit like this? In desperation, he had to lower his voice and say: "Lao Li, although we don't know the identity of that guy, I have a feeling that his identity It's not easy, I guess our upgrade to brigade will be realized soon, and you will be able to become brigade commander soon?"

"Brigade Commander?" Li Yunfei was startled, and then curled his lips: "Jian Shic is still there, how is that possible?"

"Become the brigade commander, so J-[-]c will naturally come!" Fade Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Fade Chen, you don't understand this. The brigade commander has no causal relationship with the J-[-]c. Don't you know that there is also the J-[-] brigade? What I am most concerned about now is the J-[-]c, not the brigade commander! "

"." For this answer, Fade Chen didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth, but finally closed it obediently. Forget it, let's talk later.

Time passed as usual. The fact that the middle-aged officer came to the 107th Regiment, except for Fade Chen, was thrown away in the blink of an eye by everyone else, as if it had never happened, but Fade Chen knew that one day, Everything he expected will come.

It's just that this wait is three months.

When Fade Chen didn't think much about it, a call came to the 107th Regiment: "Fade Chen, you and Li Yunfei will come to the military area immediately."

"Sir, are you coming now?"

"Yes, now, immediately!"


After hanging up the phone, Fade Chen rushed to the Maintenance Team to look for Li Yunfei: "Old Li, come down quickly, we have to go to the military area!"

"Wait for me for a minute, I'll come down after I finish this debugging!" Li Yunfei didn't raise his head.

"Old Li, come down now, we have to leave soon!" Fade Chen shouted.

Li Yunfei still didn't move, Fade Chen was dissatisfied, his face darkened, and he immediately shouted: "Comrade Li Yunfei, I order you to come down immediately!"

This time, Li Yunfei didn't dare to delay any longer, immediately threw away the tools, jumped down, then picked up the rag and wiped his hands casually, then said to Fade Chen: "Come on, didn't you tell me to go right away?"

"Why don't you go back and change your clothes first?" Fade Chen was a little helpless, Li Yunfei's body was not very clean.

"I'll just go like this. I didn't change my clothes when I was on a blind date!" Li Yunfei yelled dissatisfiedly, he was still worried about Fade Chen dragging him down.

Fade Chen shook his head, a little helpless, so he had to follow Li Yunfei and walked outside.

The orderly had already driven the car outside and waited. As soon as the two of them got into the car, the car ran out at a fast speed.

"Fade Chen, I'm sorry for what happened just now—"

The car ran several kilometers away from the 107th regiment, and Li Yunfei turned his head to look at Fade Chen and apologized.

Fade Chen didn't speak all the way, but just had a sullen face. He thought Fade Chen was angry, so he had to apologize.

Fade Chen was startled, and then laughed dumbly: "Do you think I'm angry with you?"

"If you're not angry, why keep a straight face?"

"I'm not stern, I'm thinking about a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"What will happen to the person who asked us to have a meeting this time?"

"What else can it be, just those shitty things."


"What's wrong?"

"Remember what I told you last time?"

"." Li Yunfei was confused.

"Three months ago, the division commander and the political commissar came to inspect our 107th regiment. At that time, they followed a middle-aged officer." Fade Chen helped Li Yunfei to remember it carefully. The handle is the same: "Hehe, Fade Chen, it's okay if you don't talk about it. When you mention it, I think of the cake you drew for me back then. Where is the brigade commander? What about J-[-]c? Why didn't any of them come true? Three It's been many months, Fade Chen, and I haven't seen a single fart, Comrade Fade Chen, your predictive ability is worrying—"

Chen Fei smiled and did not refute.

The car sped away, and the two arrived at the airport more than an hour later. After that, the two boarded the plane assigned by the military region and flew directly to the military region.

After arriving at the military area, the two of them were guided by the staff to an old building with a certain age. In a plain-looking office on the building, the two met the middle-aged officer who followed the commander of the Seventh Division to the 107th Regiment.

"Hello, Chief—" Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap and saluted.

Li Yunfei, however, seemed a little stupid, looking him up and down, "Old Li—" Fade Chen bent Li Yunfei with his elbow, and Li Yunfei immediately stood at attention and saluted with an ooh.

"Comrade Chen Fei, are you anxious about waiting?" The middle-aged officer joked with a smile.

"Chief, in the first few days, I was a little anxious, looking forward to the stars and the moon, but later I became calm, and I didn't think about it anymore, just doing my own thing seriously!"

"Your attitude is good, I am very satisfied, especially that you spend a lot of time every day on air combat training and the improvement and construction of logistics support capabilities, I am very satisfied."

Fade Chen and Li Yunfei glanced at each other, both of them were secretly taken aback. Seeing this, the guy in front of them knew every move of the 107th regiment like the palm of his hand!
"Come, sit—" The middle-aged man smiled and led the two of them to the small reception room.

Chen Fei and Li Yunfei sat down, and the middle-aged officer also sat down.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My surname is Lin, and my name is Lin Xiangdong!" The middle-aged officer said with a smile.

"Minister Lin?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

"Comrade Chen Fei has a lot of news—" Lin Xiangdong smiled: "Yes, it's me. This time I'm talking to you two, three things, one, the 107th regiment will be upgraded to a brigade soon, second, The 107th Brigade will become the Air Force's first professional blue brigade, and thirdly, the 107th Brigade will join other mountain divisions and missile brigades to form a joint strike group to explore relevant experience in joint operations."

(End of this chapter)

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