Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 487 Death Metrics

Chapter 487 Death Metrics
487 Death Index
Chen Fei demonstrated while speaking, and personally demonstrated the most advanced anti-load training method to everyone. Naturally, several team members followed suit and learned quickly. At first, they only tried it in the dormitory, and after a while, they learned it. It seemed to be really useful, everyone immediately became excited, and ran to the training room together to practice seriously.

Fade Chen was very happy to see a group of young men who had been dejected before became high-spirited again.

"Everyone, train well. You must make full use of the time when the brigade commander is out for modification training. When he comes back, everyone will give him a good surprise."

"Political commissar, please don't worry, we will definitely train seriously! We will definitely give this to the brigade commander as a gift!" Several team members patted their chests and promised.

Fade Chen was very satisfied, and nodded: "Practice your physical fitness in the past few days, and next week we will conduct a high-intensity air combat training to improve our tactics."

"Political commissar, how high is the high-intensity training you are talking about?" A team member asked curiously.

"As high as you can, let's put it this way, my plan is that people can rest, but the training airspace cannot rest!"

Everyone's eyelids twitched when they heard this. According to what Fade Chen said, pilots have to go to the sky one batch after another for combat training. After the completion of this batch of training, the next batch will be connected immediately, and so on. .

Yang Feng was a little excited, but he was also a little worried: "Political commissar, to be honest, we have been looking forward to this kind of training for a long time, but - we are worried that our jet fuel supply will not be available."

"Yes, political commissar, people can take turns to rest, but this aviation fuel can be used indefinitely!"

Although the others didn't speak, they all nodded.

107 used to belong to the kind of grandpa who didn't love grandma and didn't hurt. Among other things, the aviation fuel allocated every year was very limited, and the limited aviation fuel naturally meant that the time for fighter jets to take off was also limited. Another oil tiger, so the aviation fuel of 107 is really tight. The result of this is that everyone's training time is seriously insufficient.

It can be said that the aviation fuel problem is the epitome of the 107 problem.

After Chen Fei came to 107, he immediately discovered this problem, so he went to the station master of the aviation oil station several times.

But people actually don't pay much attention to them.

He is the station master of the aviation fuel station in the military region. Once signed in small characters, tens of thousands of aviation fuel will be allocated and paid out. Millions of tens of millions are not worth mentioning in his eyes, so he doesn't look down on him at all. 107 such troops.

Regarding the matter of aviation fuel, before Fade Chen was in the future 107, Li Yunfei went to people several times to ask for more aviation fuel, but they didn't pay any attention to it. They just said that the indicators were arranged by the superiors. What do you think? No, you go to the military commander yourself.

The annual amount of aviation fuel for each unit has been stipulated by the superiors long ago, but there will be some additional indicators every year, which is also certain. Then those indicators will be given to whom and not given to others. Obviously bullying Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei was not very good at talking, he was thin-skinned, and had a big temper. When people despised him a few times, he became so angry that he stopped looking for them, so the jet fuel for 107 was never enough.

After Fade Chen came, he gave gifts and said good things. The most important thing was that he was thick-skinned. I wouldn't leave unless I dialed up the jet fuel. I stayed at his house with shame, so the station manager was also called by Fade Chen. I had no choice but to give a little more, not much, a few hundred catties, a ton, a few tons, and the most was three tons at a time. Three tons of aviation fuel seemed to be a lot, but in fact it was only enough for one During the two batches of lift-off training in the brigade, Fade Chen was sent away like a beggar, but Fade Chen was not annoyed, he wanted as much as he wanted, and continued to visit the door the second time with a smile. way, he still bought a lot of aviation fuel from the other party, and his personal relationship with the station master also improved by leaps and bounds. In the later period, I dare not say much. Four tons of jet fuel is still available.

Now, 107 is different from the past. It is no longer just an insignificant aviation regiment, but an aviation combat brigade with unlimited future. Naturally, they dare not offend them, so Fade Chen calls now, and dare not say too much. More than ten tons of jet fuel is still available.

So at this moment, Fade Chen heard everyone's worries, laughed, and waved his hands disapprovingly: "Now aviation fuel is no longer a problem for us. There are relatively few people these days, but the aviation fuel that can be consumed every day is still the same. I figured it out, each team can use an extra ton of aviation fuel every day, so everyone can let go of using it for a while, let's work hard, as long as you can improve your technology and practice your tactics, you will be considered. I don't blame you for ruining the engine!"

The pilots' eyes lit up when they heard this, and their voices trembled with excitement: "Political commissar, can aviation fuel really be used hard?"

"Of course!" Fade Chen replied loudly and simply: "We still have a lot of inventory. If I run out, I can make a phone call and the station will send me a few more tons. From now on, the station in the military area will be our 107 At the station, aviation fuel can be manufactured vigorously, without saving—”

Several team members looked at me and I looked at you, applauding together in an instant, rejoicing and excited to the extreme.

While talking, the phone rang suddenly, and he took it out to look at the name, it was none other than Xi Yuanfei, the station manager of the aviation oil station.

Fade Chen just bragged about something awesome, and now someone came to help, so he was naturally very happy, so he immediately turned on the speakerphone for everyone to listen to.

"Hey, Lao Xi, the sun is coming out from the west, why did you take the initiative to call me?"

The other party laughed: "Old Chen, there is still some quota left for this month, do you still want 107? If you want, I will have someone send it over tomorrow?"

This guy took the initiative to show his favor. Knowing that 107 is not what it used to be, he took the initiative to solicit relationships. The so-called aviation fuel index is just a cover!
If Li Yunfei was present at this moment, I'm afraid I would show face to others on the spot. I think you didn't show face to me back then, and I don't show face to you today. I don't want your things?

However, Fade Chen has more guts than Li Yunfei, and is also more mature, so he won't reach out to hit people with smiling faces. Not only is he not annoyed, but he also entertains people happily. In the future, they still need people in many places. Besides, hello, hello, hello, everyone, wouldn't that be better?

"Of course I want it. Hurry up and find someone to bring it over tomorrow. We are preparing for a week of high-intensity combat training next week. We are worrying about running out of gas. You came just in time!" Fade Chen deliberately said in a very loud voice. Big enough for everyone to hear.

But the other party listened, but his eyelids twitched, and his voice sank: "Old Chen, haven't you checked at the weather station? The weather next week is not very good. I heard that there will be heavy rain and strong wind. Are you afraid that you will have to follow up with the weather station? Don’t be too happy!”

The other party was also from the old Air Force, and he hadn't lost his major yet. When he heard Fade Chen's words, he felt that he was in danger, so he quickly reminded him.

After hearing this, Fade Chen smiled: "Old Xi, it seems that you still don't understand our 107, but you can't blame you, the previous 107 is really not comparable to the present, Lao Xi, I have already contacted the weather station Yes, it is precisely because we know that the weather next week will not be very good that we organized this training? We are a front-line combat force, which means that we cannot stop fighting because of the weather, so our training in the future will ignore the weather and ignore the weather. Day and night, oh, by the way, if you are free, you are welcome to visit our training, I guarantee you will be an eye-opener!"

Although this guy looks inconspicuous, he has a wide network of contacts. It would be great if he could spread 107's reputation through his mouth.

The other party kindly reminded: "The weather next week will not be so bad, it will be very bad. You still dare to train under such weather conditions. Be careful of accidents."

After hearing this, Fade Chen chuckled, and said lightly, "Old Xi, it seems that your news is outdated. Our 107 has already applied for the death quota. Haven't you heard of this?"

Death indicator?

When the other party heard this, his eyelids twitched, and he was so frightened that he couldn't speak!

The death indicator was first reported from the special forces, saying that some special forces can use live ammunition for training, even if they are accidentally killed, it will be fine.

In fact, the training subjects of the special forces that are extremely dangerous to outsiders are all based on the premise of putting safety first. The training is only to exercise the soldiers' tactical skills and psychological quality, not to achieve the so-called death training, The purpose of practicing disability.

In addition, there is no official document to support the rumored three-thousandth death indicator, but people often have a misunderstanding about it.

The death indicators are actually the safety accidents mentioned in the safety work regulations. Safety accidents that occur during military training will be dealt with according to the severity of the circumstances, which can be obtained from the disciplinary regulations.

Therefore, the death index not only does not exist, but is irrational in itself. However, there are certain differences in the safety assessment of each army, or each military region. For example, for some troops, a safety accident is one vote Veto, and the 107th brigade, after Chen Fei and Li Yunfei's efforts, can reduce some weight in safety assessment, and also cancel the practice of one-vote veto. It is no longer safety priority, but actual combat priority, but Chen Fei is at this time It uses a statement that is easier for everyone to understand, and it is also more shocking.

Sure enough, as soon as the term "death indicator" came out, the other party's views on Fade Chen and the 107th Brigade were different. He was shocked, and immediately respected the 107th Brigade.

"Old Chen, I must come and take a look when you guys are training!" the other party said very seriously.

"Okay, when the time comes, welcome Station Master Xi to guide the work!"

(End of this chapter)

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