Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 489 Flying in the Rain

Chapter 489 Flying in the Rain
489 Flying in the rain
Fade Chen drove the fighter jet into the thick black clouds.

At 107, what altitude the fighter plane pulls to level off after takeoff, and what angle and direction to go when the control lever is pressed, at what point enters the attack route, and at which point it leaves, these are all determined, that is to say, although 107 There are so many pilots and so many flying styles, but no matter who they are, they have to fly honestly and follow the prescribed routes, just like civil aviation aircraft.

But are fighter pilots really the same as civil aviation pilots?

The answer is definitely no. Fighter pilots are actually combatants, and the word combat is fundamental.

Fade Chen glanced at the altitude, and immediately pressed the joystick to level the plane.

"Dongyao Dongyao, your height is not enough! Repeat, your height is not enough!" Yang Feng's voice sounded on the radio.

"Tower, I'm a fighter pilot now. I'm on a combat mission. I'm not a civil aviation pilot. Repeat, I'm not a civil aviation pilot! Today's weather conditions are special, and it's the best choice to level up and fly out at this time. Over—" After Fade Chen finished speaking, he slammed his foot on the rudder, and the control lever was pushed out at the same time, and the fighter jet turned sharply at a large angle.

He deliberately let others see.

107 The concept of step-by-step flight has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Flying the plane along the planned route, not exceeding a little bit, this concept has penetrated into the bones of every pilot. It is true, safe, but is it close to actual combat?When a war really starts, fighter jets are still flying in such a serious manner, if the enemy has figured out the rules and ambushed missiles long ago, what should we do?What to do if you encounter an enemy plane, and what to do if you encounter ground air defense firepower?Or step by step?

These are 107's biggest problems right now!

But it is not easy to change. Therefore, Fade Chen needs to start from himself, take the lead, and use his own actions to guide and encourage other team members.

Although Fade Chen's movements were intense, and seemed completely chaotic, his plane was still flying steadily. The Ba Ye who was familiar to everyone on weekdays suddenly showed another special posture, which was refreshing.


"Fuck, it turns out that Eighth Master can fuck like this—"

"Tsk tsk, the eighth master is indeed the eighth master, it's okay for the political commissar to make him like this!"

Many pilots were both surprised and excited.

The J-107 is a twin-engine fighter with outstanding features and obvious shortcomings. Therefore, the previous [-] stipulated many taboo actions for flight safety. At this moment, Fade Chen showed it himself to let everyone see how ignorant the previous cognition was. The reason why he was not allowed to fly was not because he couldn't, but because he didn't dare.

Of course, this cannot completely change everyone's rigid ideas, but at least it has opened a crack in the ice of everyone's thinking.

Fade Chen flew a series of combat maneuvers at low altitude and high altitude respectively. Afterwards, he pressed down the joystick and flew the plane towards the runway. His landing was relatively more stable, mainly because he wanted to show everyone that he could The way and method of learning should give everyone confidence, because compared with taking off, landing is actually a more dangerous process, and everyone worries more.

Fade Chen landed on the airport steadily.

[Ding——you personally drove the J-107 to take off and land in bad weather. You used your own experience to tell everyone what a real fighter pilot should do. The rigid thinking of the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Brigade was opened. , if you carry out night take-off and landing training next, the system guarantees [-]% safety and [-]% smoothness. After such training, the spirit of officers and soldiers will be [-]% improved. 】

A pleasant voice rang in Fade Chen's mind.

Fade Chen was startled, and sat on the seat for a while, then lifted the canopy and got down from the plane. After that, he came to the tower to command and help other fighter pilots take off and land.

His previous performance gave the soldiers a lot of confidence, but it is really their turn to operate. To be honest, many people are still a little nervous and not so confident. After all, no one in the 107th Brigade has as superb skills as Chen Fei. Even Li Yunfei doesn't have flying skills.


"Hello, Chief!"


Fade Chen came to stand in front of the podium, and a group of staff next to him signaled to him.

He didn't speak, just nodded.

At this time, the rain outside was a little less, but the dark clouds became thicker and thicker, all the light was blocked, and the ground was pitch black, as if it was going to be dark.

Although it is daytime, the brightness is already close to nighttime.

"Sir, should you turn on the light?" A staff member asked softly.

At this time, on the runway, except for the marking lights, the lane marking lights, and a few light bulbs in the distance, there are no more lights. It is dim, and through the dim light of the marking lights, one can see the A fine drizzle of mist.

"It's really God who came to help!"

When Fade Chen saw this, he was not surprised, but nodded secretly, a little excited. He just took this opportunity to temper everyone's combat effectiveness, and today there is a system to help. It is [-]% safe and [-]% smooth. After the training, the state of the officers and soldiers is still Being able to get a [-]% improvement, such a good thing, even a fool knows to catch it!

If it weren't for today's special weather, he would have to find a special time to train night takeoff and landing, but today even God came to help, and the daytime actually created a nighttime situation, but this is not a complete night, more than real The difficulty at night is lower, and, because it is not really night, the psychological pressure on the pilot is also less.

There has never been a better opportunity!

Fade Chen looked out carefully. Under such lighting conditions, the pilot was able to judge the runway, taxiway, parallel road, etc. more accurately.

After looking at it for a while, he turned his head and said to the staff next to him: "Except for the sign lights and the road width lights, all other lights are turned off!"

"Except for the identification lights and the road width lights, all other lights are turned off?" The staff was taken aback.

Fade Chen nodded.

"Yes, Chief!"

Crack, crack, crack, the lights on the runway were turned off one by one, and the already dark runway became darker and darker.

In the hangar, several pilots were tense, you looked at me, I looked at you, and dared not let the air out.

"What is the political commissar doing?"

Everyone's hearts were tugged at once.

Taking off and landing in the rain is already stressful, now it's pitch black
can we do it
There was a drum in everyone's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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