Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 491 1 sing 1 sum

491 One Sings One Harmony

Seeing the important leaders coming, Fade Chen hastily handed over the command to another pilot, stepped forward quickly, stood at attention and saluted, and said hello to all the leaders.

There were several people who came to 107 this time, and most of them were known to Fade Chen, or at least met. Except for the director of the aviation fuel station, the others were leaders of the military region. There were only two people that Fade Chen had never met.

The rank of the oil station manager is not high, but this guy is almost old, he has no desires, so he has no scruples and is bold, just like returning to his own one-acre three-point land, laughing, chatting loudly, and Sometimes he-fuck you-fuck swears and looks like no one. Compared with his profligacy, the other two completely unfamiliar faces look much more serious.

However, Fade Chen fixed his eyes on those two unfamiliar faces.

Those two guys are about 60 years old, with a Chinese character face, a small crew cut, and slightly gray hair. They wear a pair of black-rimmed glasses and look like a scientist.

The other one should be his assistant, in his thirties, wearing a crumpled suit, completely a typical representative of a scientific research dog, with his head down, he doesn't know if he is thinking about research, or just simply embarrassed.

"Commissioner Chen, this is Chief Engineer Wei Heping!" A military chief introduced the 60-year-old guy to Fade Chen. He wanted to say something more, but the guy named Wei Heping coughed With a sound, it was obvious that he was implying that the leader of the military region should not talk nonsense, so the leader of the military region had no choice but to wink at Fade Chen and wink secretly.

Who is Fade Chen? He immediately understood the intention of the head of the military region, and immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Hello Wei Gong!"

"Chen Commissar, hello, I'm an engineer from a research institute. I happened to come to your military region for research this time. I heard that your 107 is good, so I'll follow along to have a look. Sorry for the inconvenience!"

"Where is there, Wei Gong can come, and we 107 are too late to shine, there is no such thing as disturbing!" Fade Chen stretched out his hand and shook Wei Heping.

[Ding——the one who appeared in front of you at this time is Wei Heping, the chief engineer of the XX series drones. His task at this time is to find a suitable army and create the first drone brigade of the PLA. Without him, the creation of the first drone brigade of the 107th Brigade will not be a big problem!Wei Heping's greatest hobby is researching drones. His favorite food is Huainan cuisine, and his most obsessed entertainment is playing chess, but his level is very poor, and he hasn't won a game for several years]

When Fade Chen was shaking hands with Wei Heping, the voice of the system rang softly in his mind. Fade Chen raised his brows, and his eyes lit up a little. , It took no effort at all, he was excited in his heart, but there was not much expression on his face, but the time to shake hands with Wei Heping was a bit longer, and he chatted with him a few more words.

"Commissioner Chen, I heard that today is the first time that you are conducting take-off and landing training under complicated weather?" The leader of the military region walked to the control tower and asked. After asking, he quickly blinked at Fade Chen. At that time, he already knew the identity of Wei Heping, and he immediately understood what the leader of the military region meant. Wei Heping came to investigate this time. It's hard to persuade Wei Heping if he doesn't get involved, so at this time, he wants to sing and play a double-reed play with Fade Chen to impress him.

"Yes, sir." Fade Chen replied, he had already thought of how to impress Wei Heping: "Boss, our 107 is a front-line force, since it is a front-line force, it is necessary to have all-weather combat capabilities, and complex weather The subject of taking off and landing is something that 107 must master. However, we have visited many air forces and found that their training methods for this subject are relatively traditional, which consumes a lot of time and energy. This is obviously not suitable for our 107. So our brigade can only bite the bullet and create a brand new training method by ourselves, today's training is the key to testing whether our research is successful!"

Fade Chen's mouth was like a train running, boasting all over the sky, but his bragging successfully attracted Wei Heping's attention, and Wei Heping's gaze was fixed on him as expected.

While talking, on the runway, a J-[-] taxied out of the hangar, and landed on the runway in one turn.

"Control tower, I'm Donggou, I'm ready, request to take off, over!" A slightly nervous voice came over.

Hearing this voice, the group of people who were greeting each other shut their mouths and cast their gazes outside.

Everyone is smart, and the pilot's nervousness can be heard only from that voice, so everyone believes what Fade Chen said. If they have done many take-off and landing trainings, they shouldn't be so nervous.

Fade Chen took a look at the runway. At this time, a soldier from the No. [-] Flying Brigade entered the arena, with average skills and average psychological quality. To be honest, in the past, Fade Chen would have been a little bit worried about what happened to that guy's training. Problem, but today, he is calm and doesn't feel nervous at all, because the system has already told him that today's training is [-]% safe and [-]% smooth, and there will be no problems.Moreover, after hearing what the soldier said, Fade Chen was not only not angry, but secretly happy. This is really God helping him. If it weren't for this soldier, how could he have rounded up his bragging.

"Commanders, this is the first time this soldier has engaged in this kind of training, and he is a little nervous. Shall I go and talk to him?"

"Okay, go get busy." The leader of the military region waved his hand.

Fade Chen came to the microphone, took it with his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Donggou, I'm the control tower, and today is the first time you've conducted actual take-off and landing training according to the new requirements, but don't worry, as long as Just do it according to our previous requirements, well, let's do the last inspection, it's over!"

His voice was instantly transmitted to the pilot's ears through the radio, and his voice seemed to possess some mysterious magic power. The tension and anxiety in the pilot's heart disappeared immediately, and his self-confidence immediately increased.

boom -

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a thunder exploded not far from the airport. A large piece of light suddenly appeared in the dark sky. The group of people standing in the control tower were startled. My heart is tight.

The thunder fell, and the pouring rain fell down. From the glass of the tower, the outside looked like the entrance of the Water Curtain Cave.

Such meteorological conditions, to be honest, are really scary, but the pilot in the fighter jet was calmer than before. He let out a deep breath, made the last check on the left as required, and then replied: "Tower, I am Donggou, I have finished the inspection, everything is normal, I request to take off now, I have made all the preparations, tower, although this is the first time for me to conduct takeoff and landing training according to the new requirements, but I am very nervous at this time. Have confidence, please rest assured the control tower, it's over!"

"You can take off!" Fade Chen ordered.

The pilot pushed the throttle lever, the fighter jet roared, and the speed became faster and faster. At the back, the fighter jet did not seem to be running on the runway, but like a flying boat splitting the waves.

The fighter jet rushed out at a certain speed. At the end of the runway, the pilot pulled the control lever, and the fighter jet raised its head instantly and rushed into the dark sky.

clap clap clap-

I don't know who took the lead, the applause rang out, and everyone couldn't help giving their own applause. The take-off just now was really beautiful.

That fighter flew around in the air, then turned back and landed steadily.

This landing won everyone's applause again.

Wei Heping became more and more interested in Fade Chen, and he quietly asked the director of the aviation fuel station: "Is this really the first time 107 has engaged in this kind of training?"

Stationmaster Xi replied in a loud voice: "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered to come here today. I was just worried that something might happen to him, so I came here to take a look. I didn't expect this kid to have two brushes. He's high, oh, by the way, Old Wei, these soldiers are not their best soldiers, the best ones have all gone to training for refitting J-[-], these few on the runway , is actually a bit cowardly!"

"Really?" Wei Heping's eyes lit up again after hearing this.

On the other side, Fade Chen and the leaders of the military area patiently waited for Wei Heping to come back, and waited for Wei Heping to return to the center of the tower, back to the two people, and the two people's oboe began again.

The leaders of the military area were very satisfied, and commented with a smile: "Chen Political Commissar, your 107's performance in this period of time is very good, but you must not be proud, you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and continue to maintain."

"Yes, Chief!" Fade Chen replied, and then he laughed and said jokingly: "Boss, you have seen our hard work and dedication, and our recent performance has not disappointed everyone. Then our drone Brigade, when will the chief match us up!"

The superior leader pointed Fade Chen's forehead with his hand and said: "You boy, I finally praised you a few words, why are you looking for scolding again? You don't even understand how to play with a man and a machine now, why do you start thinking about it?" What about the man-machine? Comrade Chen Fei, you can’t be too ambitious in your life, understand? Let’s talk about it after you understand how to play J-[-].”

Fade Chen naturally understood the intentions of his superiors. After hearing the criticism from his superiors, he looked aggrieved and argued: "Boss, a manned aircraft is a manned aircraft, and a drone is a drone. They are two parallel lines. , independent of each other!

Chief, the role of drones in future wars cannot be underestimated. It is even directly related to the direction of the war. The tasks we face in 107 are quite special, so it is very important to deploy a drone brigade. Chief, no one The aircraft is even more important to our 107 than the J-[-]! "

As soon as Fade Chen said this, the superior immediately became dissatisfied: "Chen Commissar, remember your identity, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, how could drones be more important than J-[-]?"

"Chief, I didn't talk nonsense. I came to this conclusion seriously and seriously. The important role of drones has really been seriously underestimated by us!" Fade Chen argued, his words As soon as it came out, Wei Heping pricked up his ears with increasing interest and listened carefully.

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