Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 503 Sonic Boom

Chapter 503 Sonic Boom
503 sonic boom
This time the route is strictly delineated and cannot be changed casually.

However, Fade Chen is the supreme commander of the mission, and he has the right to make appropriate adjustments at any time according to the situation.

This situation at this time is a necessary adjustment.

So Chen Fei planned to take the formation to fly the route just now again. During the flight this time, he would point the reconnaissance equipment at the target below, fix the point, zoom in, high-definition, and take another shot. It was just a quick glance. However, he took a wide-angle shot, but this time, he will point the lens at a few points below.

Fade Chen pedaled the rudder and pressed the bar, and JCB turned a corner in the air,

The other planes followed suit.

"Dongyao, a large number of radio signals have been found, and several radars have turned on, and one is locking on to us, over!" Yang Feng's voice sounded on the radio.

"The radar is on again?" Fade Chen frowned after hearing this, and thought carefully: "It seems that there are really big fish here!"

Fade Chen knew that there was a blue army below, but that was just a systematic warning, and there was no actual evidence. But now, even Yang Feng knew that there must be a secret in the mountains below, otherwise it would be impossible to turn on so many radars at once.

The purpose of their mission this time is to scout the Blue Army's radar position and other positions. Of course, there is another point, various radio frequency spectrum rules, so it would be best if all the Blue Army's radars can be turned on. There are many radars in this area, but some radars that are really threatening are usually not turned on, they are all turned off, and they will be turned on urgently only in special circumstances. At this time, Fade Chen was going to fly forward, but However, he made a sudden turn, which must have made the Blue Army nervous. In order to figure out his intentions, several of the Blue Army's hidden radar positions were immediately opened.

Originally, this time, Fade Chen was only conducting routine reconnaissance, and did not intend to use special means to touch the special positions of the Blue Army. Fade Chen's anomaly, they immediately took action and prepared to deal with it. Many positions of the Blue Army would not have been exposed, but today, the matter is urgent, and they may have to be exposed. Therefore, this is a good opportunity, so I missed it , maybe there will be none.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen immediately contacted his superior by radio, and explained his thoughts and judgments one by one. The superior listened, pondered for a while, and finally agreed with Fade Chen's approach.

"Two holes, three holes, four holes, you all do your best to scout, and I'll go down to lure them!" Fade Chen said his plan again.

"Understood!" The three pilots replied in unison.

Fade Chen pedaled the rudder again to turn, and then quickly descended the altitude, which was converted into speed. At the same time, he pushed the throttle stick to the bottom and turned on the afterburner directly!

Azure blue flames spewed out from the two nozzles, and the fighter jet exploded with a thunderous sound.

call out--

The fighter jets flew by at low altitude, as fast as lightning.

At this time, on a certain mountain, some Blue Army soldiers had just climbed out of their bunkers.

"Hurry up, hurry up, speed up!" The leader urged.

But a few soldiers didn't think so, smiled and said: "Company commander, don't worry, they can't see us!"

"Be careful if you can't see us. This time, it's a secret operation after all. They can't let them find out!"

"Company commander, we will definitely not find out. We have already mastered their rules. At this time, their people are at least [-] kilometers away from here!"

A few people were chattering and chatting.


Suddenly, a loud voice came.

"Company commander, their fighter jets are coming again!"

Everyone raised their heads at once, and sure enough, a fighter jet shot towards them like lightning, very fast, and not very high, almost flying close to the mountains.

Fade Chen controlled it precisely, and when the fighter jet just flew over the positions where the blue army was lurking, J-Detective Eight broke through the sound barrier.

boom -

It was like a bomb exploded on the heads of those blue army soldiers.


Several screamed and were fainted by the position.

"Hide fast! Hide fast!" Others ran away in a panic.

"Quickly contact B1 for support! Hurry——"

There was chaos on the ground.

At the same time, countless radio waves criss-crossed, and countless radars were turned on.

The electronic reconnaissance system of J-Reconnaissance Eight immediately recorded the information one by one.

During the second flight, Fade Chen was a little nervous, and his heart hung in his throat. He was afraid that some of the blue army would go crazy, and he would be fine if he gave them such a missile. After all, he was a master fighter plane experience, but It’s hard to say for the other three people. Everyone’s altitude is not too high. If they are suddenly locked by missiles, it will be very troublesome, but fortunately, although the radar warning sound has been loud, they finally returned smoothly.

Fade Chen slammed the lever, and J-Detective Ba almost stuck to the mountain and climbed into the sky. If it was a little later, it was very likely that he would hit the mountain.


Seeing Fade Chen pulling up, Yang Feng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. The anti-gum suit was full of sweat, and the clothes were soaked.

Fortunately, the subsequent missions were all done step by step, flying strictly according to the previous regulations, and there were no accidents.

The situation reported by Fade Chen was taken seriously by the superiors. When they were still performing aerial reconnaissance, the superiors sent people to fly directly to 107, so when Fade Chen landed at the airport with the formation, there was already a large group of people waiting for him.

"Hello, Chief—" Fade Chen quickly walked to the front of the superior and stood at attention to salute.

The other party raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder to show his closeness, but he didn't say anything else. He just called a tall female officer behind him and introduced to Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, this is Lin Xiaoyan, an intelligence expert. Comrade! Originally, she will come to your 107 after a while to be responsible for the construction of the joint command center, but now that the matter is urgent, she has to come first. Now, the situation is sudden, and the previous plan has to be cancelled, and all the work can only be left Take it one step at a time, and you all need to work together and work together to do a good job together!"


Chen Fei and Lin Xiaoyan expressed their opinions to the superiors together.

Afterwards, the major named Lin Xiaoyan raised his hand to salute Fade Chen: "Hi sir—"

"Comrade Lin Xiaoyan, hello!" Fade Chen returned the greeting, and then shook hands with her.

"Okay, time is tight and the task is heavy, let's not talk about those nonsense, let's start working now, Lin Xiaoyan, you go and see what they took back."


Lin Xiaoyan is an expert in reconnaissance, especially good at researching and judging various pictures and videos. After reading the reconnaissance materials taken by Fade Chen, she quickly came to a conclusion. military situation.

Fade Chen had already reported it before, but after all, it was only Fade Chen's judgment without any real evidence, but now, the real photos are in front of him.

"They actually touched it?"

Everyone who heard the news felt tense.

"Chief, what should we do now?" Fade Chen turned his head and looked at the leader sent by his superiors.

The superior leader frowned, crossed his hands, and walked around. After thinking for a while, he raised his head and said to Fade Chen: "This matter is not trivial, and we must confirm it again!"

"Chief, if you still want to confirm, I suggest sending comrades from the mountain brigade to conduct on-site reconnaissance!" Fade Chen said.

The superior leader listened and smiled: "They have already acted."

When Chen Fei was still flying his fighter jet back to the flight, Xu Sanduo, the battalion commander of the XX Battalion of the XX Mountain Brigade, received an order from his superiors.

"Di—" Xu Sanduo blew the whistle for emergency assembly.

After a while, more than 300 people in the whole camp stood neatly in a square formation.

"Comrade Battalion Commander, all the officers and soldiers of the First Battalion have assembled, please give instructions!" The officer on duty trotted to Xu Sanduo and stood at attention to salute.

"Take a break!"


Xu Sanda strode to the front of the entire battalion, stood at attention, looked around majestically, and then shouted: "Comrades—"


The uniform footsteps sounded, and the soldiers saluted the new battalion commander who had already won the favor of many officers and soldiers with a gun salute.

Xu Sanduo raised his hand to return the salute, and after the salute, he said loudly, "Take it easy—"

"Comrades, the superior called just now, saying that there is a blue army appearing in the southwest of our defense area, and the superior wants us to immediately send a reconnaissance team to conduct on-the-spot reconnaissance, so, next, I order—"


When the soldiers heard this, they all frowned, and after a moment, their faces became extremely serious.

"The first squad of the reconnaissance company will go to the scene with me, and the others will be ready to go at any time!"

With a wave of his hand, Xu Sanduo dismissed the team, and then walked towards the helicopter with the soldiers from the first squad of the reconnaissance company.

"Commander, why don't I go?" the deputy battalion commander trotted up and said in a low voice.

"Execute the order!" Xu Sanduo turned his head and said to the other party very seriously.

"Battalion Commander, you." The other party was persistent and continued to persuade.

Xu Sanduo has not been here for a long time, and he still had altitude sickness last week. To be honest, it is inappropriate for him to go to the scene anyway, but Xu Sanduo interrupted him, saying: "I am the battalion commander, this How can I not rush to the front line? Well, take care of your home and do the preparations well, we may need your support at any time!"

"Yes—" the deputy battalion commander straightened his body, his nose suddenly felt a little sore.

Xu Sanduo didn't speak any more, turned around and boarded the helicopter.

In the helicopter, the soldiers of the first squad of the reconnaissance company were all in place.

"Everyone, do the last inspection!" Xu Sanduo looked around and solemnly explained that he himself did the inspection. The [-]-type automatic rifle, body armor, Kevlar helmet, radio, everything was ready, he raised his head and said: "Everyone, try Turn on the radio, I am Xu Sanduo, the radio is good!"

"I'm Li Chen, the radio is good! Over!"

"I'm Li Erniu, the radio is good, over!"

The soldiers reported one by one.

Xu Sanduo finally looked at the signal soldier and asked, "How is the radio station?"

"Report to the battalion commander, the radio is in good condition!"

Xu Sanduo then winked at the company commander of the reconnaissance company, and the company commander gestured to the helicopter pilot. After a while, the helicopter nodded its head and tail, and quickly flew high.

(End of this chapter)

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