Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 509 is locked

Chapter 509 is locked
509 is locked
Fade Chen turned on the public channel and shouted.

But the Blue Army's plane ignored it. Although it was scared to death before, it regained its confidence at this time, and became arrogant and domineering again, not paying attention to Chen Fei's warning.

Fade Chen frowned, and after a while, he slowed down and flew under the line.

The Blue Army's fighter jet is much faster than him, and he is flying under the line, so his fighter jet is blocked in front of the two Blue Army aircraft. , then their fighter jets will collide with Fade Chen's J-[-].

This is a real game of cowards to see who is less afraid of death.

Fade Chen pressed the thread and flew, unmoved.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, but Fade Chen continued to fly on the line without giving in. When the distance between the two sides narrowed to a very dangerous distance, that is, if they didn't turn around, they would really hit each other. When they were together, the two Blue Army planes finally did not dare to maintain their original route, and hurriedly pulled them outside while cursing.


The blue formation flew past Fade Chen's wings.

Fade Chen turned his head to take a look, and sneered slightly at them.

In this game, the Red Army won.

But what was annoying was that the Blue Army didn't give up because of this, and flew forward for a while, and they flew over again pressing the line.

This time, there was no obvious crossing the line, but it just kept jumping sideways.

This kind of trick of repeatedly jumping horizontally near the edge line has always been a common method of the Blue Army. It does not hurt much, but it is extremely insulting!
Of course, Fade Chen knew that these guys were revenge for what happened during the day, but he was still very upset. After thinking about it for a while, he contacted Xizhi and told his plan. Xizhi hesitated for a while, but still agreed. The main reason is that Fade Chen was the one who performed this task. If another person came, they would definitely not dare to do this, but Fade Chen can give it a try!

Fade Chen followed the two Blue Army planes and flew for a while, but when the two Blue Army planes started to fly in line again, he didn't care anymore, but pressed the joystick and flew towards the Blue Army.

There is a blue army radar station ahead, he wants to fly over there, but he is not flying normally, but a low-altitude penetration, if you insult me, then I will insult you too.

He just wanted to let the Blue Army know that he flew over there, but their radar station didn't respond at all, and severely hit the Blue Army's arrogance.

Therefore, before the low-altitude penetration, he had to inform the blue army, so he turned on the public channel again and shouted. The two blue army planes seemed to be surprised when they heard that he was going to change the flight route, but they As if he thought that Fade Chen didn't dare to do that, he still played the game of pressing the line as usual, so Fade Chen quickly pulled J-[-] up, and when the height reached the preset height in his mind, he immediately pressed the joystick, and suddenly plunged down.

The faster the flight speed, the better, and the lower the altitude, the better. This is the only rule for deep penetration into the blue army.

Fade Chen plunged headlong into the low-altitude airspace. Of course, he didn't fly indiscriminately. He just wanted to be fast. The terrain in these places is complicated and there are many turbulent currents. If you don't pay attention, the plane will be destroyed. It seems to be very fast, but in fact it has been controlled in a safe range. He accelerated carefully, and the airspeed increased linearly from [-] kilometers per hour to [-] kilometers per hour, but he was still accelerating.

As he accelerated, the two blue planes were stunned.

"Damn, he doesn't really want to fly to us does he?"

The two pilots were taken aback. After reacting, he immediately reported the relevant information to their superiors. Their superiors immediately contacted the relevant radar stations and air defense units. Can't see anything.

"Damn, his height is too low, our radar can't find him!"

The blue army shouted and became a mess.

"Turn on B03! Turn on B03!"

Fade Chen drove the J-[-] whizzing past at low altitude, passing through the narrow and long valley, and then pulled it up again, and flew high into the air.

[Ding——The Blue Army's Daoer air defense missile system is starting up, and the fire control radar is about to lock on you, please be ready to deal with it immediately. 】

The hurried voice of the system suddenly rang in Fade Chen's mind.

Daoer anti-aircraft missile?

Fade Chen was taken aback.

"Dor" air defense missile is an all-weather medium and low-altitude air defense missile developed by Russia-Russia. "Dor" means the god in charge of war in Russian.

The basic version of the Doyle air defense missile is installed on the chassis of the GM-5955 tracked combat vehicle. In addition, there is the Doyle M5323T air defense missile system installed on the Ural 1 wheeled truck. The most famous version of Doyle in the Navy is the "Dagger ".

Doyle is the world's first anti-aircraft missile designed with the idea of ​​intercepting low- and medium-altitude cruise missiles. It can intercept low- and medium-altitude aircraft, helicopters, drones, and cruise missiles around the clock.

"Torr" air defense missile can be divided into four systems, namely: missile system, combat system, command system and support system.It is equipped with two kinds of guided missiles, one is guided missiles commanded by radio, and the other is guided missiles sought by radar.

The Doyle missile also became famous earlier, it first appeared in the 80s.This kind of missile is not only used by Russia itself, but also exported to Greece, Egypt, Iran, and my country.

After our country introduced it, it filled the air defense gap of our country in the field at low altitude.And our country has also improved it, and Hongqi 17 was developed on the basis of it.

After Fade Chen heard the system's prompt, his heart skipped a few beats. The main reason was that according to their information, the Blue Army did not have a Daoer anti-aircraft missile system in this area.

However, this is not the time to think about these issues. The key now is to survive.

Dao'er anti-aircraft missile is a great thing, if he kills it, it will be a big loss!
Fortunately, Fade Chen has master-level fighter jet experience, so he didn't panic in his heart. He frowned, and immediately knew how to deal with it

Just as he made a move, Yang Feng's extremely nervous voice sounded on the channel: "Dongyao, there is a radar on in the 320 direction, you are in danger, repeat, the radar in the 320 direction is on, you are in danger!"

Hearing Yang Feng's voice, Fade Chen twitched his lips and smiled.

It seems that letting Yang Feng drive a J-[-] to come over today is really a big profit. How can these hidden radar electronic signals be collected? Before he and Yang Feng came here, they had such a big battle. He didn't even pay attention to it, and didn't turn it on, but now, they turned it on. This is really hard to find, and it takes no effort!

Only after Yang Feng's voice came over, dididi's alarm sounded in Fade Chen's cockpit.

The blue army's air defense radar really locked on to Fade Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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