Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 511 Modification Training

Chapter 511 Modification Training
511 modification training
Fade Chen and Yuan Lang had a serious discussion and finalized the joint training plan.

So from the next day, the joint training between the 107th Brigade and the Mountain Division started gradually. However, because the 107th Brigade has many things that are not perfect, the scale of this joint training is relatively small and the content is not too much.

But in any case, the Long March has finally taken the first step.

The work of the 107th brigade gradually became normal. At the same time, Li Yunfei and the first batch of team members also completed the modification work, and each flew back in their own brand-new J-[-] fighter jets.

According to the plan, after Li Yunfei came back, Fade Chen had to go to modify it, so next, Fade Chen would lead the second and last group of team members to the relevant units for modification work.

Fade Chen handed over the work related to the 107th brigade to Li Yunfei one by one, and then he brought the second batch of team members to the modification brigade without stopping.

107 is under too much pressure at this time, so the modification work must be completed as soon as possible, and combat effectiveness must be formed as soon as possible.

Fade Chen and others took a transport plane to Simon Field Station.

The modification of J-[-] was carried out at this station.

The hatch opened, and Fade Chen led the modified team members out in a file.

The leaders of the station, that is, the station master, political commissar, and chief of staff of Simon's station, all stood aside and greeted them warmly.

"Hello, Chief!" The station master stepped forward quickly and stood at attention to salute Fade Chen.

The station master is Yang Ping, a young man in his 30s, upright, capable and energetic.

But his rank was lower than Fade Chen, so he had to stand at attention and salute when he saw Fade Chen.

In the past, an officer like Fade Chen would not have to participate in refitting training, even if he changed his outfit, it would not be necessary, because pilots of his level seldom fly fighter jets by themselves, but a few days ago, the air force released a new one. According to the regulations, all military officers of the front-line air force combat units must participate in the training. If they are pilots, they must be able to fly the corresponding type of fighter jets. If they are airborne troops, they must take the lead in parachuting. Of course, given the special status of 107 Even if the flight controller didn't have this request, Fade Chen would come to carry out modification training in person.

Therefore, the appearance of Fade Chen still caused a certain amount of pressure on the station. Several leaders of the station did not dare to neglect, and greeted him personally, for fear that something might go wrong.

"Stationmaster Yang, hello, we will not bother you much in the future. We have heard of your illustrious name for a long time. This time, when you come here to modify, you must teach us a few tricks of your special skills!"

Fade Chen complimented Yang Ping while shaking hands.

His words are a little watery, but most of them are sincere praises. Yang Ping can achieve this position, and naturally he has something extraordinary.

After exchanging pleasantries, Yang Ping took Chen Fei to the guest house.

However, after walking a few steps, Fade Chen saw a J-[-] sliding out of the hangar on the other side, so he couldn't help but stop, and looked at it with great interest.

This was the first time he observed J-[-] so closely.

"Is this the first time for the chief to see Jian Shiliu?" Yang Ping asked.

Fade Chen nodded, and said with a smile: "I've read a lot of related news, but this is the first time I've seen the real J-[-]. It's really beautiful!"

"If the chief actually sits inside, he will definitely be even more shocked!" Yang Ping said.

Fade Chen nodded, deeply agreeing.

After watching for a while, Fade Chen turned his head and asked Yang Ping, "Station Master Yang, are you following the normal procedures for this modification, or are you doing something special?"

"Special matters." Yang Ping said with a hasty smile.

"Still follow Li Yunfei's procedure?" Fade Chen asked.

The last time Li Yunfei and the others came here to refit, the station modified a lot of rules and simplified a lot of procedures, so Li Yunfei and the others can refit so quickly.

"Yes, chief." Yang Ping said.

"Station Master Yang, this time, can you streamline our process a bit more?" Fade Chen didn't hide it, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Ah?" Yang Ping raised his head and looked at Fade Chen in astonishment.

The last modification of the 107 Brigade was improved a lot under Li Yunfei's strong request, and many irrelevant procedures were deleted. Even faster?
After recovering, Yang Ping looked at Fade Chen with some embarrassment and said, "Chief, your request"

"Station Master Yang, you should have heard about our situation, right? Now the Blue Army is developing very fast. If we can't quickly form a fighting force and form a strong deterrent to them, they will be afraid."

"Chief, I also understand your situation, but the refitting work has its own peculiarities, we"

Fade Chen frowned, remained silent for a while, and said, "Station Master Yang, how about you see if this is okay? I'll contact the leaders of the airline department directly and communicate with them first. If they agree, we will come again." Discuss what to do specifically?"

"." Yang Ping hesitated for a while, and finally, he had no choice but to agree.

Fade Chen also knew that what he did was a bit embarrassing for others, but——

He can't help it, the pressure the Blue Army put on them is too great!
According to reliable information, the Blue Army has recently equipped a large number of Su-30s, so if the 107th brigade wants to form a crushing advantage, it must equip the J-[-] as soon as possible.

Because the J-30 completely crushed the Su-[-].

First of all, the J-16 is a fighter-bomber with a more powerful ammunition carrying capacity than other fighters of the same type. It can carry up to 12 tons of various ammunition. One dispatch is enough to cause huge damage to the Blue Army's position. threat.

However, the carrying capacity is not the only advantage of the J-30 fighter-bomber. Due to the good structural performance of the original Su-[-] and the strong thrust and power generation capacity of the domestic engine, the J-[-] not only has a huge carrying capacity, but also has a very sufficient Internal space, which allows the J-[-] fighter to carry a large amount of advanced electronic equipment and provide them with sufficient power supply, which allows the J-[-] fighter to have stronger search and detection capabilities than similar Russian-made fighters, and The ability to simultaneously search and lock multiple sea and air targets, and on the premise that the body has sufficient power and load-bearing capacity, even if it is equipped with a large number of high-energy-consuming electronic equipment, the J-[-] can still maintain good maneuverability, thus Let this fighter jet achieve excellent air combat performance after launching all its ground strike weapons and anti-ship missiles.

Finally, with the help of the J-[-] fighter's own powerful generator performance and additional load capacity, this fighter platform can become the basis for modification of a variety of special platforms, and this room for upgrades and modifications means that the J-[-] Multi-role fighters will have greater room for upgrades and improvements than other fighters.

All in all, only when the 107 is equipped with J-[-] can it compete with the blue army.

(End of this chapter)

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