Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 513 The J-6 is finally launched

Chapter 513 Finally opened the J-[-]

The 513 finally drove the J-[-]

Fade Chen trained until eleven o'clock that night.

He directly passed the test of the simulator and passed it smoothly.

The station was immediately boiling. I have seen awesome ones, but I have never seen Chen Fei so awesome that they can be recorded in history.

So, the next day, Yang Ping found Fade Chen himself: "Sir, shall we go directly to the trainer plane today?"

After the training last night, Yang Ping directly called the head of the superior, reported the situation here one by one, and responded truthfully. The head of the higher level was also very surprised when he heard it, and immediately gave instructions to ask Yang Ping to do something special. That's why he took the initiative today.

On the training ground, a J-[-] trainer plane has been launched.

"Chief, you sit in the front cabin, and I sit in the back." Yang Ping said while handing the flying helmet to Fade Chen.

"Yes!" Fade Chen replied in a deep voice.

He took the flying helmet and took a closer look at it himself.

At this time, the flying helmets used by the J-107 training brigade were completely different from those used by their [-]th.

The flight helmets of our aviation troops have changed from the original three sizes of "large, medium and small" to the custom-made one-person-one-helmet type at this time.

The so-called customization is to first use measuring instruments to precisely measure the pilot's face and head shape, then form a three-dimensional model, determine the size of the helmet according to the three-dimensional model, and then implement customized production.

Compared with the original manufacturing using several fixed-size molds, the "one person, one helmet" type of customization has higher requirements for helmet molds, and some high-level helmets even use 3D printing to manufacture the helmet shell.

There are only a few models of 107 flight helmets, and it may not fit tightly enough with the pilot's head during flight, or it may be stuck too tightly... But either way, it will affect the pilot's wearing comfort, and it is more likely Reduce the protective effect;
After changing to "one person, one helmet" customization, it can greatly improve the pilot's wearing comfort and enhance the protective effect.

It is said that "one person, one helmet" can also engrave the pilot's name on the helmet, making it "exclusive to the helmet". This "exclusive customization" will undoubtedly enhance the pilot's sense of pride and professional identity.

However, it is obvious that Fade Chen does not enjoy this kind of treatment for the time being. The helmet Yang Ping handed him is just an ordinary helmet, but Yang Ping's own should be specially customized.

Yang Ping's helmet is not only customized, but also a new generation joint helmet.

The helmet used by Yang Ping also has a helmet targeting system inside. From the perspective of display principle, this helmet display uses the same electromagnetic induction positioning as the US military JHMCS-I/II, and electromagnetic sensors are installed on both sides of the canopy. The transmitter generates a weak three-axis orthogonal magnetic field in the cockpit, and a permanent magnet is installed in the pilot's helmet. When the pilot turns his head, the permanent magnet cuts the magnetic field line, thereby calculating the normal offset of the pilot's head The quantity provides a basis for the positioning of the head-mounted display.

So this head-mounted display is pretty advanced.

Seeing Fade Chen staring at the helmet in his hand, Yang Ping smiled and said, "Chief, when you change your outfits, you will definitely have your own exclusive helmet." After a pause, he looked around and found no one Paying attention to the two of them, he lowered his voice and said, "The manufacturer will come over to measure you in two days, and when you go back, your exclusive helmet will be delivered."

"Really?" Fade Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was extremely excited.

After chatting for a few words, the mechanic signaled that it was time to board the plane, and the two of them boarded the plane together.

Everything was ready, the boarding ladder was withdrawn, the hatch cover was closed, Yang Ping let out a deep breath, and said, "Leader, let's get started."

"Yes—" Fade Chen answered seriously. His attitude was very good, like a new fly, serious, focused, and strict. He would report to Yang Ping every time he made a move. Yang Ping listened. There was no problem, so he answered yes, and then Fade Chen started the next move, checking one by one, Yang Ping said: "You can slide out!"

Chen Feisong braked and pushed the accelerator lightly. The J-[-] fighter jet trembled, then slowly slid forward, slid out of the hangar, turned right, and entered the runway.

But Yang Ping didn't let him take off immediately, but let him slide out, drive back and then slide out again, repeated several times, he didn't explain why to Fade Chen, just let Fade Chen do it over and over again, Fade Chen I didn't ask why, but I just worked hard, felt the various data of J-[-] seriously, and slid several times. Only then did Fade Chen really understand this fighter. It really is very good, especially the nudge. The feeling of the throttle lever is really different from that of the J-[-]. After several times of taxiing, he asked: "Station Master Yang, is it ready to take off?"


Fade Chen let out a sigh of relief, then released the brakes, slightly pushed the throttle lever, and the fighter jet slid out of the hangar again and turned to the runway.

"Tower, I'm Gouliang, I'm ready, please take off! Over!"

"Tick two, the current ground temperature is 21 degrees, air pressure" the tower reported various data one by one, and finally said in a deep voice: "Tick two, you can take off!"

"Enter runway one immediately, over!"

Fade Chen released the brake again, pushed the throttle lever forward, the roar of the engine became louder and louder, and the fighter jet started to run forward, running faster and faster, when the fighter jet slid to 730- When it was [-] meters away, Fade Chen pulled hard, and with a bang, the fighter jet roared up and plunged into the sky.

At this point, Yang Ping, who had been tense all the time, relaxed again, sat softly on the chair, exhaled, and his voice was much softer: "Chief, how is it, doesn't it feel good? "

"The motivation is very strong, and there is a feeling of the integration of man and machine!"

"You'll like him more after a while!" Yang Ping laughed.

Chen Fei nodded and stopped talking. He just pulled up at a high elevation angle, and the fighter plane climbed sharply at a 3000-degree angle until it climbed to an altitude of [-] meters above the ground before leveling out.

"Chief, turn left!"

"Yes, turn left!" Fade Chen pressed the lever and pushed the rudder, and the fighter flew out to the left, turning slowly.

"Chief, do a roll!"

"Understood, roll!" Fade Chen continued to operate as required.

After doing all the prescribed movements five times, Yang Ping finally said out of boredom: "Chief, you can move freely!"


Afterwards, Fade Chen began to control the fighter jet and perform various actions such as rolls. At the beginning, he was more cautious. After doing it three or four times, he relaxed and became more courageous, and his speed became faster and faster. , the limit is getting higher and higher, for example, it is also a left turn, before it was a slow turn, but now it is a sharp turn, a high-speed sharp turn.

[Ding——you have trained hard, thought hard, and felt the various data of J-[-]. You have obtained the exclusive master-level air combat skills of J-[-] and the code of J-[-] air refueling system. 】

(End of this chapter)

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