Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 515 The Blue Army Has Already Moved

Chapter 515 The Blue Army Has Already Moved
515 Blue Army has already started to act
The military plane landed steadily, and stopped after taxiing for a certain distance.

The cabin door opened, and Fade Chen walked out quickly with a salute in hand.

At the airport, Yan Lijuan, Li Yunfei, and several other leaders of the 107th brigade had been waiting for a long time. When Chen Fei got off the plane, they greeted him immediately.

"Old Chen! Miss me!" Li Yunfei hugged him.

"Good morning, political commissar!" The chief of the training section stood at attention and saluted.

"Commissar, you're back!"

Everyone greeted each other, but they just exchanged a few simple greetings, and soon surrounded Fade Chen and Li Yunfei and walked towards Lianzhi.

Fade Chen's suitcase has been handed over to Yan Lijuan, and she will take it back to the dormitory. Fade Chen is busy with other things and has no time to go to the dormitory.

A group of people came to the joint index quickly.

At this time, the joint operations command center has been established. Although there are still some deficiencies, the functions are basically in place and can be used. Of course, at this time, even if there are deficiencies, they must be used.

Walking into the command center, a huge screen first came into view, and a realistic sand table stood in the center of the command center.

"Hello Chief!" Lin Xiaoyan stepped forward, stood at attention with a snap, saluted, and said hello to Fade Chen.

She was busy with information matters before, so she didn't go to the airport to pick up Fade Chen.

"What's the situation now?" Fade Chen asked Lin Xiaoyan.

Lin Xiaoyan is now in charge of the intelligence work of the United Finger.

"Chief." Lin Xiaoyan took a step to the left, came to the sand table, picked up a baton and introduced it.

Previously, Fade Chen only received an order to return urgently, and knew that there was a mission here, but he didn't know exactly what happened.

At this time, Lin Xiaoyan introduced them one by one, and he realized what happened.

Now, the confrontation exercise between red and blue should begin.

Three days ago, an intelligence worker on the red side got a piece of confidential news that there would be some changes in the blue army in the near future, and the news came back through various channels.

After learning the news, the superior leaders did not dare to be careless, and immediately notified the joint index of the relevant information, and asked the joint index to respond immediately.

However, the joint index conducted 24-hour reconnaissance and monitoring for several consecutive days, but found nothing abnormal.

However, just yesterday, the drone brigade found abnormal electronic signals near Line [-], which were large in volume and lasted for a long time, and the characteristics of these electronic signals were very special, and they had never been seen before.

However, when the United Nations assigned a professional electronic reconnaissance plane to fly over, those signals disappeared and never appeared again.

In fact, this kind of situation has happened before, and it is not the first time.

Mutual pressure or testing between red and blue happens from time to time, but those that actually develop into confrontation exercises are rare.

But for some reason, this time, the superiors attached great importance to it, and issued several orders in a row, requesting that the joint index must attach great importance to it, find out the real intention of the blue army as soon as possible, and closely monitor it. At the same time, the superiors also issued orders to Fade Chen , asking him to return immediately and perform relevant duties.

After hearing Lin Xiaoyan's introduction, Fade Chen also frowned a little puzzled. Is the Blue Army really going to take action?Or is the information wrong?

"May I take a look at the drone reconnaissance report for the past two days?" Fade Chen turned to Lin Xiaoyan and said.

"Investigation report!" Lin Xiaoyan turned her head and said to a staff officer who had just graduated from a college student. The staff officer immediately left quickly, and walked over with a thick book in a short while.

Fade Chen opened it and looked through it one by one. In fact, he was not from an intelligence major and had no professional training, but he had gained a lot of experience in intelligence before, so some basic things can still be seen, but he After looking through it for a while, he didn't see anything. In the end, he returned the relevant information to Lin Xiaoyan and asked, "What do you think?"

"Judging from the results of the two days of reconnaissance, there is nothing special about it." Lin Xiaoyan said, what she meant was self-evident. In fact, she doubted the authenticity of that piece of information, because the overseas information was true and false. Whether it's false or true, it seems inappropriate to make a judgment based on a gossip from an unknown source.

Fade Chen nodded, then turned to look at Li Yunfei: "Old Li, what do you think?"

"I don't have any opinions. This is not something I'm good at. If you give the results, I'll follow suit." Li Yunfei said, and when he finished speaking, he chuckled: "Are you kidding?" evidence, but I feel that the Blues should have taken action?"

Fade Chen stared at Li Yunfei in surprise.

Li Yunfei explained: "During the past two days of patrolling, I have encountered the blue army a few times. Although the distance is far away and there is no confrontation, I can feel that they are different from before!"

"What's the difference?" Fade Chen asked hastily.

"They seem to have entered the exercise state?"

"Really?" Fade Chen's eyes narrowed.

Li Yunfei's intuition is still very keen. If Li Yunfei really feels this way, then it means that the Blue Army may have really taken action, but the Red Army has not noticed it for the time being.

"Did Master Yuan find anything?" Fade Chen asked Lin Xiaoyan.

In the past two days, almost all the mountain brigades have been on the front line, guarding against death, and working 24-hour shifts. They are very nervous, so Yuan Lang is not in the joint index, but has gone to the front line and personally directs.

"Nothing has been found on the mountain tour for the time being." Lin Xiaoyan said.

"Pick up Mr. Yuan for me." Fade Chen said to a staff officer.


After a while, the staff officer said: "Chief, Master Yuan has been connected."

Fade Chen took the phone: "Hey, Lao Yuan, what's the situation with you now?"

There was a whirring wind coming from the receiver, the mountain wind was so strong that sometimes Yuan Lang couldn't hear what he said clearly.

"Fade Chen, everything is normal here. We have been reconnaissance for three days and three nights, but we haven't found any abnormalities. The Blue Army has not harassed our defense line!"

Yuan Lang first reported the basic situation, and finally, he asked Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, what do you think about that matter?"

"I don't know now, give me some time and let me think about it!"

"Okay, let me know as soon as there is a situation, damn it, it's cold outside these days, brothers have suffered a lot—"

"It's been hard work, we will find out the situation as soon as possible."

"Come back and treat me to dinner!" Yuan Lang said.

"Okay, when you come back, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

Fade Chen hung up the phone.

"Chief, what should we do now?" Lin Xiaoyan asked Fade Chen.

"Continue monitoring."


"What do the superiors say?" Fade Chen asked Li Yunfei.

"I don't know, I just contacted, but there is no clear statement yet, but I guess, if it is found out that this is a false alarm, they may not come down, but if something really happens, the above should send a leader to come Come to Lianzhi to sit in charge, Lao Chen, if that's the case, our pressure will be a bit heavy!"

Fade Chen nodded, deeply agreeing with what Li Yunfei said.

(End of this chapter)

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