Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 519 Discovery of the Blue Army's Fighter

Chapter 519 Discovery of the Blue Army's Fighter
519 Discovery of the Blue Army's Fighter
Xu Sanduo and Chengcai led three elite soldiers and walked towards area 3901 quietly.

The mountain road is difficult, and everyone's speed is not very fast.

The temperature was very low at night, but everyone was sweating profusely. Fortunately, everyone carried high-energy food with them and replenished their physical energy from time to time, so they were not so tired.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Cheng Cai said, "Third idiots, they should be almost on the line."

At this time, Cheng Cai and Xu Sanduo are no longer the leading soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company. In the eyes of the leading soldiers, both of them are powerful officers with high positions. , and Xu Sanduo is not angry every time, but just smiles, as if hearing this title, he has returned to the green years of Gang Qilian.

Cheng Cai is worthy of being a sniper, and has a very keen intuition for distance. When he said that he was almost on the line, he was really almost there.

Xu Sanduo was stunned for a moment when he heard Chengcai's words. He didn't have such a good intuition like Chengcai. He basically judged from the markers. He had never done such a direct guess, so he stopped. , and shouted to a team member behind him, that team member took two quick steps, stepped forward, opened a tablet terminal, Xu Sanduo gestured to everyone, the soldier squatted down, and the others immediately surrounded him, blocking the tablet with his body The light emitted by the tablet is very weak, but on the battlefield, if one does not pay attention, it can kill a person, so everyone is like this at this time.

Xu Sanduo stared at the tablet for a while, then nodded, confirming Chengcai's judgment.

Go another 100 meters and you will be out of the line.

Everyone stood up.

Xu Sanduo said solemnly: "About 100 meters ahead is the position of the Blue Army. The superior has also said before that our actions must be kept secret and try not to alarm anyone. Is it clear?"

"Clear." Everyone said.

Xu Sanduo waved his hand and led everyone forward at a fast pace.

The night was getting darker, and there was nothing in the mountains except the whistling wind.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Chengcai said again: "Three idiots, we'll be at 3901 soon!"

Xu Sanduo raised his hand to signal the team members behind to stop advancing. He raised the scouting device in his hand to look at it, and then said in a low voice: "Turn on the radio, contact the superior, and tell us that we are almost there!"

"Understood!" The correspondent replied, squatting down immediately, put down the radio, turned it on, and called softly: "Night cat calls Dongyao, we are almost at 3901, over!"

The radio sizzled twice, and an order from the headquarters soon came: "Night owl, the situation has changed slightly, you act according to plan No. [-], over!"

The correspondent raised his head and looked at Xu Sanduo: "Battalion Commander, the superior said that we should act according to Plan No. [-]!"

"Plan No. [-]?" Xu Sanduo turned his head and glanced at Cheng Cai.

Cheng Cai also frowned.

Plan No. [-] is to go down the small path in front of you. Because it is a straight line, it is much faster, but the view is wide and it is easy to be exposed. Line [-] has to bypass another place. It is all on the hillside, and the road is narrower. more difficult.

But Xu Sanduo didn't think for too long, and quickly nodded to the correspondent, "Reply to them and say we understand!"

The correspondent immediately picked up the microphone and called: "The night cat calls Dongyao, the night cat acts according to plan No. [-], the wild cat understands, it's over!"

After hanging up, Xu Sanduo led his team members into action again.

This time, they were slower and more careful.

After a difficult journey for an unknown amount of time, the group finally arrived at the target area.

"Chengcai, go there and set up an observation position!" Xu Sanduo gave the order.

"Understood!" Without any nonsense, Cheng Cai picked up his sniper rifle and reconnaissance device and trotted up.

"You go to the direction of eleven o'clock to be alert."


"Go to the direction of three o'clock."


Xu Sanduo gave orders one by one.

Soon, he also came to a high point, carefully got down on the ground, raised the reconnaissance instrument and looked.

At this time, area 3901 is just below them, and they can be seen from a condescending height.

When you look at it with the naked eye, the bottom is dark and nothing special, but when you look at it with thermal imaging mode, the bottom is very hot, people, machines, coming and going, very lively.

After observing for a while, Xu Sanduo signaled the communicator to turn on the radio, then he picked up the microphone and said, "The night cat is calling Dongyao, please answer!"

"I'm Dongyao!"

"Report Dongyao, the night cat reconnaissance found that construction activities are underway in area 3901. The preliminary judgment is that the blue army is building a simple runway. The relevant reconnaissance results have been sent back through the network. Please pay attention to check and accept it, it's over!"

"Dongyao understands, continue to scout, and also, pay attention to safety, it's over!"

Xu Sanduo handed the microphone to the correspondent.

"Commander, the signal is not very good, the transmission is a bit slow, why don't I go over there and try?" The correspondent pointed to a place.

At this time, the reconnaissance instruments they used were very advanced digital models, and the results could be sent back to the headquarters immediately via the network. However, the terrain here is complicated and affects the transmission of signals, so the best way is to change to a higher place. Standing on the commanding heights, the signal there is the best, but Xu Sanduo glanced there, but shook his head: "Forget it, although the signal there is good, but it is easy to be exposed, our operation tonight, confidentiality is the most important thing of."

While the two were talking, Chengcai's nervous voice suddenly came from the radio: "There are fighter jets flying up from below, everyone be careful, take cover immediately!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they quickly dispersed, each looking for a cover to hide.

Just now, when the cover was done, the rumbling roar was heard in the ears. Everyone dared not move, curled up into a ball, and hid carefully. On the top of the mountain, the fighter jet pressed down suddenly, and then got into the valley on the other side. The whole process was hidden in the valley as much as possible to prevent it from being detected by radar.

One flew over, and the other flew up again, two sorties, one batch.

It didn't take long for the roar of the fighter jets to be heard, and it took a while before everyone dared to move and move their bodies.

"Chengcai, have you seen what type of plane it is? A reconnaissance plane or a fighter plane?"

"Fighter, I saw the bomb hanging under the belly of the plane. It's a missile, not a reconnaissance pod." Cheng Cai replied.

When Xu Sanduo heard this, he was taken aback. Soon, he glanced at the correspondent, who understood and immediately connected the radio.

"Dongyao, I'm a night owl. I discovered important information. Two fighter jets from the Blue Army entered our airspace next to the valley!"

(End of this chapter)

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