Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 525 Reconnaissance Network System

Chapter 525 Reconnaissance Network System
525 reconnaissance network system
That night, everyone was busy until very late, and it was not until the middle of the night that we were able to take a rest.

Fade Chen was really tired, and he didn't care about other things. He explained the related work a little bit, and then went back to his dormitory, fell on the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

He sets an alarm clock and wakes up at exactly eight o'clock the next morning.

If there is no alarm clock, he may be able to sleep until four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

After getting up to wash up and drink a glass of water, he went to the command hall.

"Hello, Chief!"

"Hello, Chief!"

As soon as Fade Chen entered, many staff officers or non-commissioned officers who happened to walk to the side saluted and greeted him, and he naturally responded one by one.

Walking to the innermost part, he saw Lin Xiaoyan sitting on the chair with her eyes closed, leaning against the backrest.

He walked over.

Lin Xiaoyan seemed to have heard his footsteps, and Yoyo opened her eyes, seeing him, she smiled sweetly: "Are you awake?"

Seeing that Lin Xiaoyan was very tired, and her eye circles were dark, Chen Fei couldn't help wondering, "Didn't you go back to sleep?"

"No." Lin Xiaoyan raised her hand to cover her mouth, and yawned, looking extremely tired.

"You should also go back and have a rest." Chen Fei sat down next to her and said.

"I also want to have a good sleep, but I haven't finished the work at hand, so I can only hold on."

Fade Chen sighed, and could only express his sympathy. The current work is complex and complex, but the most urgent thing is obviously Lin Xiaoyan's work, which is the intelligence work. There are still shortcomings here, and they are very huge.

What happened yesterday has already proved one point, that is, the red team's intelligence and reconnaissance network along the defense line still has a lot of loopholes, and there are still serious deficiencies. Only the blue army's fighter jets can sneak in. In a few days, the red and blue teams The confrontation between the two parties is probably about to officially start. If the intelligence network of the red side is still like this, then it is almost impossible for the red side to win. Therefore, Lin Xiaoyan is facing considerable pressure. Huge, so she could only work overtime overnight.

"Old Chen, you came just in time, help me to see this?" Lin Xiaoyan suddenly remembered something, and quickly tapped on the keyboard to call up a file.

She used to be the chief executive called Fade Chen. At this time, she may be exhausted to the extreme and doesn't have so much thought. Besides, she is very familiar with Fade Chen. The two of them would joke with each other in private, so at this time he naturally He yelled after Li Yunfei, but Chen Fei felt very kind when he heard it.

"Old Chen? This name is not new, and I will be called like that from now on!" Fade Chen said with a smile.

Lin Xiaoyan was startled, and then a little embarrassed, she realized that she had lost her composure just now, but she didn't intend to change, so she changed the subject and said, "Can you help me look at this?"

"What is this?" When Fade Chen saw it, he was a little dazed and couldn't react, but after a closer look, he quickly understood what it was. Simply put, this is a reconnaissance network map simulated by Lin Xiaoyan using a computer That is to say, through a unique algorithm, she designed a comprehensive reconnaissance network from space to the ground without dead ends. On the graph, each node represents a reconnaissance unit. These reconnaissance units are different, but all point to the army position.

From Lin Xiaoyan's network map, it can be seen that her ambition is great. Not only reconnaissance satellites are used, but also drones, early warning aircraft, radar stations, reconnaissance individual soldiers, etc., are all used, air force, army Yes, the missile brigade, all united together.

"You made it last night?" Fade Chen was very surprised.

"Pfft——" Lin Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, "Do you think I have three heads and six arms, how can I make so much in one night? This is something I have been thinking about these days, but I just made it last night."

Fade Chen nodded, stopped talking, and just looked at it seriously.

Lin Xiaoyan made these things after earnestly studying the current red team's reconnaissance forces in this area.

The current red team's reconnaissance forces in this area are naturally reconnaissance satellites at the top.

In terms of reconnaissance satellites, Laomei is the strongest. Not only is there a large number of satellites, but the reconnaissance capability of Laomei is also the highest in the world. Among them, "Keyhole 12" is said to be able to clearly photograph Faces on the ground, of course, this statement is too exaggerated. The resolution of the "keyhole" series satellites is as high as 0.1 meters, and the level is very high, but it is not always possible to take such clear photos. It will not work until it reaches the perigee of 260 kilometers from the ground. If it is 1000 kilometers from the ground, there is nothing that can be done.

However, even with a resolution of 0.1 meters, it is still impossible to directly recognize faces from space.

Because at this resolution, there are only 2 to 3 pixels available to display the face.In order to really capture a human face, the resolution must be increased by two orders of magnitude, that is, to the level of 1 mm.

However, due to the existence of the "diffraction limit", in order to break through the resolution limit, the only way to go is to increase the diameter of the lens, and the satellite must be launched by a rocket, and the size and weight should not be too large, so the resolution of 0.1 meters It is basically the limit of what the existing technology can do.

However, this also shows that Laomei's reconnaissance satellites are quite powerful.

The red team's reconnaissance satellites in this area are naturally not so powerful, but they are not far behind, and they are better than the blue army, but the blue army may get funding from Lao Mei, so in general, the reconnaissance satellites alone In other words, the red side has no advantage.

Moreover, satellite reconnaissance is not perfect. Its advantages are obvious, but its shortcomings are also very prominent. Therefore, it needs the cooperation of other reconnaissance methods. Therefore, in addition to satellites, it is necessary to have high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, that is, drones, and they are large unmanned aerial vehicles. machine.

In this regard, thanks to Chen Fei's persistence and hard work, the red side has already formed a drone team.

The drones equipped on the red side are mainly used for intelligence collection, support and strike.

The maximum level flight speed of this UAV is 800 kilometers per hour, the cruising speed is 500 kilometers per hour to 700 kilometers per hour, its cruising altitude is 10 kilometers, the ceiling is 20 kilometers, the maximum endurance time is 20 hours, the maximum range The maximum climb rate is 12000 meters per second, and the operating radius of the UAV can reach 20 kilometers.

Therefore, Red Fang's UAV can be used as a long-term fixed platform in the air.And he can operate alone or with other manned or unmanned aircraft.At the same time, it is suitable for a variety of military missions, because it can perform high-altitude reconnaissance and strike, anti-submarine warfare, and close air support missions, and it can even serve as a long-range early warning and detection aircraft.

The red side has barely assembled a drone brigade, so several drones can be cruising at high altitude at the same time. In this way, they can monitor the whole process 24 hours a day.

In this regard, the red team is stronger than the blue team, and we can make more articles on this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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