Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 550 I succeeded the first time

Chapter 550 I succeeded the first time

550 succeeded the first time

After seeing the gestures of the staff outside, Fade Chen let out a breath, then lifted his foot, and released the brake. The moment he released the brake, the wheel baffle was quickly retracted, and the two actions cooperated perfectly. It is seamless, that is, there is some program controlling the general.

J-[-] began to slide forward and run.

At the beginning, the speed was not fast, but as the power of the engine was gradually transmitted, the speed of the fighter jet's taxiing gradually increased.

The runway is only 107 meters.

This is completely incomparable with the air force's take-off distance of 800 meters on land.

When Chen Fei drove the Zhefei Shark for 80 meters, the speed was still not enough, and it could not meet the minimum requirements for take-off. Therefore, at this time, he could only rely on sliding over the deck.

The 15-degree upturned ski jump deck helped the fighter plane raise its nose during the last 30 meters of sliding, and the fighter plane was able to obtain enough lift in advance.

This task may seem simple, but it is actually extremely terrifying.

With a 14° elevation angle and a ski jump, what you usually see is a beautiful arc.But for carrier-based aircraft pilots, every time they take off on the deck, due to the short glide distance, they need to quickly increase the aircraft to the take-off speed.Accelerating instantly, the takeoff deck seen by the pilots is not a 14° slope at all, but a huge steel wall rushing towards them. The moment of high-speed taxiing, there is a feeling of accelerating and hitting the wall.

This situation is a great challenge for the pilot and a great test of the pilot's psychological quality. At the same time, this action also places extremely high demands on the pilot's body.


Fighters rushed up the skideck and took to the sky.

Fade Chen's heart suddenly emptied, as if he had stepped on an empty foot, but he quickly adjusted himself.

To be honest, he had already expected this action of hitting the wall a long time ago, but he still felt very nervous when he actually faced it.

The plane soared into the sky, and the flight tower control center took command.

Soon, Dai Ming's voice came: "Yaodongyao, keep going, your current condition is very good, pay attention to the speed, report when you arrive, it's over!"

"Yao Dongyao understands!"

There are actually several planes in the base, but Dai Ming assigned the plane numbered 101 to Fade Chen.

This matter seems insignificant, but it also contains some careful thoughts of Dai Ming.

But Fade Chen didn't refuse either.

If Dai Ming thinks highly of him so much, then he will repay Dai Ming even more.


The fighter plane flew into the air. Fade Chen looked at the airspeed indicator, but the speed had not yet reached the standard. The fighter plane could fly at a very slow speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour in the air because of the altitude and inertial lift. The speed at this stage is completely insufficient to support the normal flight of fighter jets.So this time is very dangerous. Once it stalls, the plane is in danger of crashing. An accident may happen within two to three seconds. However, J-[-] has specially optimized this problem. Other aircraft gain lift more easily, and in greater amounts.

Fade Chen waited patiently until the speed exceeded [-] kilometers per hour, and then he began to make steering maneuvers. Although his skills were very high and his experience was very experienced, he was still very careful in the first practice.

Flying Shark takes off on the roadbed runway, as long as the speed exceeds 240, it can be pulled up. This number is summed up by Dai Ming and the others through practice again and again. It is very safe, and this number has also been calculated theoretically by Li Jing. , is also established in theory. In other words, even if you are on a real aircraft carrier, as long as there are wheel baffles on the flight deck and the help of the upturned deck, the fighter plane can fly at a speed of only [-] per hour. , there is no doubt about it.

However, if you really board an aircraft carrier, taking off for the first time is also very dangerous, because there is a very big difference between a real aircraft carrier and a land-based runway, and this difference is even fatal, that is, the land-based simulated flight deck is not moving , and the real aircraft carrier itself has speed. Moreover, the deck of a real aircraft carrier will not be as stable as a land-based runway, but will dangle. If the wind is stronger, the turbulence will be more serious. This small Small changes will add countless variables and risks to the flight.

Of course, the research team of Li Jing and others have also done some research and devised some solutions. For example, when flying fighter jets, the aircraft carrier will sail at full speed against the wind. Calculated according to the maximum speed of 27 knots, the speed of the aircraft carrier itself is About fifty kilometers per hour, that is, even if the J-15 does not move, it still has a speed of fifty kilometers per hour.The take-off speed of the aircraft is the speed of the fighter relative to the air flow, so the fifty kilometers per hour is the speed of the fighter.

In other words, the take-off speed of the J-15 carrier-based fighter jet from the aircraft carrier should be the aircraft carrier’s flight speed plus the fighter’s speed, which is calculated from [-] kilometers per hour.

In other words, as long as the fighter plane obtains a speed of [-] kilometers per hour when it rolls off the ship, it can take off smoothly, and the headwind is conducive to take off.

Of course, these are ideal conditions.

In the actual training and operation, it must not be done according to the ideal situation. Therefore, the runway in the base is 107 meters, because the runway on the aircraft carrier is also 107 meters. The heavy-load take-off runway in the aircraft carrier is 197 meters, and the base is also 197 meters. The reason for this is that the base has always used the strictest standards for the students. If the students can successfully take off without any external help, then once they are on the aircraft carrier, they will have the speed of the aircraft carrier and the wind power from the outside world. , it will be easier to take off.

Fade Chen's takeoff just now was quite smooth, there was no headwind, no tailwind, it was very smooth.

It is not necessarily a good thing to have wind when taking off. Of course, it is a good thing to have a headwind, but if there is a sudden crosswind, or a whirlwind or something, it is very dangerous. If one is not careful, the plane may be destroyed.

Fortunately, Fade Chen went very smoothly this time.

He glanced at the airspeed indicator and looked at the other data. They were all good. The condition of the plane was very good. His first take-off was a success.

At this time, Dai Ming's voice came from the radio: "Yaodongyao, you have a good posture, keep it up, although today is your first time to take off, but you did a very good job, better than many old flyers, not bad, Keep it up!"

After hearing this, Fade Chen was in a good mood. He smiled and said, "Yaodongyao received it, and Yaodongyao will definitely continue to work hard."

(End of this chapter)

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