Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 67 The company commander's reward, the instructor vomited

Chapter 67 The company commander's reward, the instructor vomited

The 67th company commander's reward, the instructor vomited

Steel Seven Company.

Gao Cheng held a rolled up newspaper in his hand.

With his hands and the newspaper behind his back, Gao Cheng swayed and walked straight to the instructor's office.

Hong Xingguo's office is at the end of the corridor.

Gaocheng's office is next to the stairs, at the end of the corridor.

He was humming an unknown song, and his steps were brisk.

Chen Fei was published in the newspaper again, and he and Gang Qilian were also published. Although it was only an internal publication of Division T, the superiors must have seen it.

But the most important point is that Shi Jin's name appeared in an internal publication for the first time. This is very important, which shows that the hope of Shi Jin's third issue turning into a fourth issue is even greater.

dong dong dong.

His finger knocked symbolically on the instructor's office door three times, the rhythm was fast, and he pushed the door open after knocking, not waiting for a response from inside.

"Old Hong!" Gao Cheng shouted when he opened the door.

"Oh, Lao Gao is here!" Seeing him coming, Hong Xingguo stood up quickly with a smile on his face.

Gao Cheng didn't speak, just walked over, sat down opposite Hong Xingguo, threw the newspaper in his hand to Hong Xingguo with a snap, pointed at the newspaper with his eyes, the meaning was self-evident, read it for yourself.

Hong Xingguo, who was wearing summer uniforms, had roughly guessed what was going on, but he didn't point out or speak. He just smiled and opened the newspaper. Sure enough, the sub-board was in a more conspicuous position, and he saw related reports: " Spirit is the No. 702 Combat Strength——My Insights from the Seventh Company of the [-] Regiment Steel"

This is everyone's favorite form of reporting.

After a glance, Hong Xingguo couldn't help laughing: "Old Gao, you can do it, it's in the newspaper again!"

The last time it was the Recruit Company, although it mainly talked about Fade Chen, it also mentioned Gaocheng to some extent.

This time, they directly named Dao, Gao Cheng, and Gang Qilian.

Gao Cheng heard this, and laughed: "It's not me, it's us, Lao Gao, half of your military medals are worth it."

Hong Xingguo also grinned happily after hearing this.

He lowered his head and carefully read the article. After reading it, he folded the newspapers neatly and returned them to Gaocheng. He picked up his white coffee cup and stirred it, mixing the milky white and coffee-colored ones. Stir the viscous liquid evenly, took a sip, and then said with emotion: "Fade Chen is really a lucky general. He has only been in the army for more than three months, and he has brought us so many unexpected surprises!"

"Yeah, I like this kid more and more, so I plan to train him well!" Gao Cheng sat up and said with great interest.

"Are you going?" Hong Xingguo put down the coffee cup he had just picked up. He raised his eyelids slightly, looked at Gao Cheng, pondered for a moment, and said, "Are you going to let him go to the coaching team to participate in the advance class leader training?"

After hearing this, Gao Cheng slapped the table with a slap: "The one who knows me is Lao Gao!"

After hearing this, Hong Xingguo smiled silently. He picked up the coffee cup, took a sip, and then put it down: "This year's pre-training squad leader training may be postponed until July. Now it's March. By then." He ordered Nodded: "Well, it's almost there!"

at this time.

Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi are leading Fade Chen and his party to a vegetable field.

This vegetable patch is located on the west side of the 702 Regiment’s camp, almost near the foot of the mountain. It is a large patch of lush green vegetables. There are many types of vegetables, including cabbage, green vegetables, peppers, and eggplants. Each has a small piece, and the growth is gratifying.

"Squad leader, is this the vegetable field of our Seventh Company?"

Fade Chen asked as he walked.

Before, Shi Jin just said that it was their third shift's turn to do a side job today, but he didn't say what it was for, but now, no matter how stupid Chen Fei was, he understood what was going on.

"Well, it's our class's turn to fertilize today." Shi Jin said.

"It's just picking shit!" Bai Tiejun said angrily.

"Picking big dung?" Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, and after a while, he burst out laughing: "It's very good for self-produced and sold!"

"Self-produced and sold?" Bai Tiejun was startled for a moment, and then he vomited, almost throwing up: "Fuck, Fade Chen, can you talk?"

"I'm not wrong, pull and pick by yourself, fertilize and grow vegetables by yourself, then eat the vegetables you grow, and then pull them out by yourself, a perfect closed loop!" Fade Chen deliberately disgusted Bai Tiejun.

Sure enough, the guy vomited again when he heard it.

Seeing that Bai Tiejun was really about to vomit, Fade Chen stopped joking.

Soldiers from the city are quite repulsed by these things and cannot adapt to them, but to those who come from the countryside, these things are nothing.

"Comrades, our task today is to fertilize all these vegetable fields. In the past two days, two pigs have been slaughtered in a row. The fat pigs have been eaten up, and only the piglets are left, so the squad leader of the cooking team said: , If you want to eat meat, then grow vegetables quickly. Our pigs can't just drink swill, they have to eat vegetables, so after the vegetables are planted, pigs can eat. Therefore, our task today is to get all the vegetables Fertilize them all."

Shi Jin was calm and orderly, and arranged today's tasks one by one.

It is a tradition for the troops to raise their own pigs and grow their own vegetables. At first, they could only rely on themselves because of limited conditions. Later, when the living conditions improved, everyone became a little slack, and some troops even canceled it.

However, in the past two years, everyone has gradually discovered that the things bought outside are not so good. The vegetables are produced by pesticides, fertilizers and growth hormones, and the pork is fed by swill. All hormones and antibiotics are used. Not to mention unhealthy, the taste is not good. Okay, so many troops have gradually picked up this business, and even become stronger and bigger.

Steel Seventh Company didn't pay much attention to this aspect of work at first, but after the instructor came, he supervised it personally, so at this time, the vegetable field of Steel Seventh Company became a must for the 702 regiment, and the cafeteria of Steel Seventh Company, It is also the best in the entire 702 regiment.

With an order, Fade Chen picked up his own dung bucket and walked towards the company leisurely.

He had only taken two steps when Bai Tiejun trotted up, lowered his voice and said, "Fade Chen, can I discuss something with you?"

"You want me to help you pick up the shit?" Fade Chen turned his head.

"It's not necessary to pick manure, but how about you help me?" Bai Tiejun asked expectantly, and quickly added: "I'll give you two big bags of beef jerky!" Seeing Chen Fei hesitate, he hurriedly said: " It’s from Inner Mongolia, it’s very delicious!”

"Okay!" Fade Chen nodded without hesitation, and agreed.

"Good brother! You are the best!" Bai Tiejun couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

He is an urban soldier, and his family conditions are good. He was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. How can he bear this kind of hardship? He scooped it into the bucket, and every time he saw those yellow, white, black, and purple, he felt sick, so when he heard that Fade Chen agreed, he was overjoyed.

"But I have one condition!"

"you say!"

"You have to help Xu Sanduo from Class [-] learn how to wrap around the pole!"

"What?" Bai Tiejun was stunned.

"On this condition, if you agree, I'll help you, but if you don't agree, forget it!"

Chen Fei found that Shi Jin was a little depressed these two days, because Xu Sanduo was excluded in Class [-], and he complained to him from time to time, which made him very embarrassed, especially when Xu Sanduo vomited this problem as soon as he got on the bus, which caused the monitor of Class [-] to have a headache. , I have complained to Shi Jin several times.

Fade Chen thought about it, and felt that it would be better to help Xu Sanduo. On the one hand, he didn't want Shi Jin to be too embarrassed, because Shi Jin still had to focus on that invention. On the other hand, he also hoped that Xu Sanduo could integrate into Class [-] sooner. group, but he didn't want to do it himself, because Xu Sanduo was too useless, and he didn't want to be crippled himself, so he made this request. Not as good as Wu Liuyi, but not too bad, and this guy is very good at teaching, good at persuasion, and his temper is not as irritable as Wu Liuyi, so he should be more suitable.

Bai Tiejun hesitated for a while, and then said: "Okay, I'll help you teach Xu Sanduo how to circle the pole, but you have to do me a little favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"I don't know yet. I'll talk about it when I need it, but I promise you can do it. If you find it really difficult, you can refuse and help me next time!"

Fade Chen raised his eyelids and glanced at Bai Tiejun. After a moment, he nodded: "Okay!"

The two of them walked towards Qilian toilet while talking.

"Fuck, why is it so smelly?"

When he arrived at the septic tank, Bai Tiejun just took a breath, immediately threw the septic tank away, and ran away, leaving only Fade Chen alone.

Fade Chen was not afraid of getting dirty. With a bucket in one hand and a ladle in the other, he scooped the fertilizer into the dung bucket one ladle at a time.

At some point, the instructor came over.

He saw Fade Chen at a glance, smiled, and walked towards Fade Chen lightly.

When he walked behind Fade Chen, Fade Chen was concentrating on his work, singing while doing his work, and while stirring the septic tank with a dung ladle, he sang: "Good wine and coffee, I just drink One cup, remembering the past, and drank a second cup"

Fade Chen sang Deng Li Jun's song.

As he sang, he scooped the manure into the dung bucket with a ladle.

Behind him, Hong Xingguo almost laughed.

"Fine wine and coffee? Does this kid really dare to sing?"


He lowered his head and glanced into the septic tank, the white and black in the septic tank, stirring it with a ladle, not to mention, it was really similar to stirring coffee!

He suddenly remembered the scene when he was drinking coffee in the office before, and a moment later, with a vomit sound, he almost vomited.

"What's going on?" Fade Chen was taken aback, and hurriedly turned around, only to find that it was Hong Xingguo: "Instructor, what's wrong with you?"

But Hong Xingguo didn't dare to answer, he covered his mouth with one hand and waved the other, and ran away in embarrassment, running more than ten meters in one breath, and vomited out with a wow.

"Good wine and coffee, cup after cup."

For some reason, that voice sounded in his mind again, so, with a bang, he couldn't help it again, and spit out all the coffee he just drank.

(End of this chapter)

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