Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 84 I Don't Want to Be a Pitmaster

Chapter 84 I Don't Want to Be a Pitmaster
84 I don't want to be a pit master
In the heartless pit.

Thinking that he was about to be liberated, Bai Tiejun was in high spirits, spitting and telling stories about the Pit of Unrequited Love.

Xu Sanduo, who was squatting on the ground and looking up, was stunned by Bai Tiejun's story.

The third person in the pit, that is, Fade Chen, was walking around here and there while listening to Bai Tiejun's bragging. He really regarded this place as a tourist attraction.


A dull voice sounded, and the earth trembled.

The blissful Bai Tiejun's face turned serious, he listened carefully, and said in a deep voice, "The fight is about to begin!"

"Start the fight?" Xu Sanduo looked up at a small piece of blue sky above the pothole, not knowing why.

"It's time to shoot a target." Fade Chen explained.

"Oh—" Xu Sanduo suddenly realized.

"Sit down, sit down quickly!" Bai Tiejun shouted.

Sure enough, on the ground, the chariots in the shooting range roared.

Behind the car, after a loud command, squads of infantry rushed in like a shuttle of bullets loaded into a magazine.

In the blink of an eye, tongues of flame burst out from the firing holes of the tanks, and the ballistic trajectory connected the tanks with their targets.

In the chariot, one soldier after another aimed the scope of the chariot at a target.

Amidst the deafening gunshots around, the crisp and sharp sound of sniper rifles sounded, and in the distance, a movable target was pierced through.

The soldier in charge of the sniper returned the bullet with satisfaction.

The surrounding soldiers gathered in front of the shooting holes that could be pitched around, and knocked out the targets that popped up one after another.

The rapid fire of the truck-mounted heavy machine gun was breathless.

The body of the vehicle trembled suddenly, an armor-piercing projectile fired from the main gun flew out, and a vehicle target exploded with a bang.

In the heartless pit.

Bai Tiejun sat cross-legged, like an old monk in meditation. Although he was always chattering and resisting the job of being a pit master, he was very serious when he actually did things. Stop flying.

Xu Sanduo seemed a little restless, the sound of guns and gunpowder smoke drifting in from the fortifications made him feel his heart beating faster, excited and uneasy at the same time.

He was so excited that he stood up from time to time, but just as he stood up, he was dragged off by Bai Tiejun.

"To be a pit master, you have to sit down, sit still, because bullets don't grow eyes." Bai Tiejun closed his eyes and shouted.

"Ah?" Xu Sanduo couldn't hear clearly, the gunfire was loud, and he was in a daze just now: "Brother Jun, what did you say?"

"I said you are a fucking piece of wood!" Bai Tiejun cursed angrily.

"Ah?" Xu Sanduo opened his mouth, not understanding what Bai Tiejun meant.

Next to Bai Tiejun, Fade Chen sat cross-legged like Bai Tiejun, closed his eyes, and listened intently to the sound of gunshots and cannons.

He has shot a lot of targets and heard a lot of gunshots, but to be honest, today's one is the most exciting one.

The sounds of the 7.62mm bullets of the Bayi-type automatic rifle flying through the air, the chug of the 12.7mm heavy machine gun, and the boom of the 30mm machine gun, these sounds are intertwined to form a shocking war sonata .

What should a real war look like?
Fade Chen has never experienced it.

But at this moment, squatting under the Pit of Unfeeling, closing his eyes, listening to those gunshots and explosions, he faintly understood!

[Ding——you listened intently to the sound of gunshots and cannons in the Heartless Pit, and suddenly you have an intuitive understanding of the shape and style of modern warfare, and you have a deep feeling about how you should work hard in the future, you Shooting +8, stamina +8, armor detection +8]

At this time, on the ground.

Under the bombardment of one tank after another, those movable targets were smashed into pieces in an instant, and the rest were some semi-buried underground bunkers.

"Get out of the car and attack! Get out of the car and attack!" A new password came from the car.

At this time, it was not the Seventh Steel Company that participated in the man-vehicle coordination, but other armored infantry companies of the 702 regiment, so they had the subject of man-vehicle coordination.

The hatch of the chariot opened with a bang, and the soldier who smelled of gunpowder was released from inside.

The soldiers crawled towards those targets.

The smoke bombs on the chariot were fired one after another.

In the smoke, flames from flamethrowers opened up a bunker.

Another rocket flew out, knocking out another bunker.

The infantry chariots that launched the impact first leveled the simple fortifications on the mountainside.

In the heartless pit.

From the gap in the fortification, Xu Sanduo saw a familiar veteran crawling and lurking in front of the fortification.

"Brother Hang—Brother Hang—" Xu Sanduo shouted excitedly.

But the old soldier couldn't hear at all, he jumped up and jumped into the ditch, out of sight.

"Stop shouting, I can't hear you." Bai Tiejun opened his eyes at some point, playing with the end of the chalk in his hand, "Do you know what unfeeling is? This is a corner that has been forgotten. The war is raging outside, here Only tinnitus."

Xu Sanduo sat down in a daze, finally realizing it.

"There is usually only one person here, no companions, no one to talk to. You have to sit all day long, and everyone is fighting outside. Only you, alone, are here alone, listening to the gunfire."

Bai Tiejun was chattering, the sound of the guns was much quieter now, Xu Sanduo listened to everything he said.

"I don't want to be the master of the Heartless Pit!" Xu Sanduo was silent for a while, and finally choked out a sentence.

"What?" Bai Tiejun was taken aback when he heard this, and when he realized what was going on, he was so excited that he almost jumped up: "You don't want to be? Xu Mumu, you don't want to be, do you want me to be? I don't even want to be? But you are the youngest, who should you not be?"

"." Xu Sanduo raised his head, staring blankly at the excited Bai Tiejun.

"Xu Sanduo, you are now a celebrity in the entire 702 Regiment, do you know that? Who in the entire 702 Regiment doesn't know that the Seventh Steel Company is full of screaming soldiers, except you, except you, Xu Mumu, who will vomit every time you ride a car!"

Bai Tiejun's voice calmed down. It was deep and frightening. He looked directly at Xu Sanduo: "So, Xu Mumu, if you don't want to be the pit master, who should be? Could it be Chen Fei? So, Xu Mumu, remember, you now I'm already the No.19 pit master of Rueqing Pit! I've already stepped aside!"

Xu Sanduo turned his head and stared at Fade Chen. After a few seconds, he said: "Brother Fei, I don't want to be the pit master of the Heartless Pit!"

"If you don't want to be, you have to sweat!" Fade Chen said.

"I'm willing to sweat!" Xu Sanduo said.

Bai Tiejun hurriedly said: "I don't want to be a pit master anymore, I've had enough!

"Then you have to listen to me!" Fade Chen looked at Xu Sanduo and Bai Tiejun and said solemnly.

"We listen to you!" Xu Sanduo and Bai Tiejun said firmly.

[Ding—your comrades trust you very much, and they pin their hopes of getting rid of the heartless pit master on you, your personal charm +1, good luck +1]

Hearing this voice, Fade Chen smiled, it's not a loss at all to come here today!
I don't know when
The gunfire stopped, the artillery stopped, and the tank drove back with a roar of infantry.

On the ground, there is still some gunpowder smoke still rising.

The soldiers in the target hole came out, checked the target, and reported the score with semaphore.

Someone shouted this way from a distance: "The ones in the target hole, come out to eat!"

"Let's go, let's eat!" Fade Chen stood up and patted his buttocks.

But Bai Tiejun and Xu Sanduo just sat down.

"Get up and eat!" Fade Chen shouted again.

"I don't want to be a pit master!" Xu Sanduo and Bai Tiejun looked up at Fade Chen and said.

"Whether you want to be or not, you have to eat!" Fade Chen ignored the two guys, walked out of the heartless pit, went down from the position, and walked among the bomb craters and ruts.

When cooking, Shi Jin asked Xu Sanduo: "Xu Sanduo, what experience do you have?"

Xu Sanduo said: "I didn't see anything, but I heard it. My ears are still buzzing." After a pause, he raised his head: "Squad leader, I don't want to go to the pit anymore!"

Shi Jin was stunned for a moment, and smiled bitterly, but before he could speak, Xu Sanduo said: "Squad leader, I would rather sweat and bleed more than squat in a pit!"

Before Shi Jinfu could speak, he suddenly heard Gao Cheng yelling loudly: "The wind is blowing! The wind is blowing! Hurry up and hide! Get behind the car and squat down! Put the lunch box in your arms!"

Xu Sanduo took a look, and sure enough, a gust of wind rolled up the smoke and dust, pressing towards them like a tangible mountain range. He didn't move, looking a little silly.

Gao Cheng saw it, and hurriedly shouted: "You squat down! Are you heartless? Can you still eat this meal?"

After the strong wind passed, Gao Cheng realized that it was Xu Sanduo again, and immediately became angry: "Why is it you again?"

Looking at Xu Sanduo's lunch box, Gao Cheng didn't bother to scold him anymore, he just said: "Pull off the top layer, eat it quickly!" Then he walked away.

Fortunately, Xu Sanduo was born in a rural area, so he didn't pay much attention to it. After he picked it up, he ate the box of khaki-colored rice in big mouthfuls.

"I don't want to be a pit master!"

Xu Sanduo said silently in his heart while eating.

(End of this chapter)

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