The era of all the princes

Bad start to Chapter 1!

Bad start to Chapter 1!

"Jiang's descendant, Jiang's descendant?"

"Who?" In the blur, the muscles of the young man being called were tense, and he subconsciously clenched the handle of the knife by his side, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he felt dizzy, and all the strength in his body leaked out like a leaking balloon. Clean, not to mention holding a knife, I'm afraid it's enough to prop up your body.

However, the fierce look in his eyes startled the old man who woke him up, and he shrank back again and again: "Boy from the Jiang family, what are you doing?"

A trace of confusion flashed across the eyes of the young man who was called the young man, and then he reacted quickly and murmured: "The projection is successful!"

In the next second, Chao Hai's memories flooded in instantly, almost causing him to faint again, but at this moment, the young man deeply knew that he could not lose consciousness, otherwise his memory might be messed up, and he would become an out-and-out native...
My name is Jiang Sheng, the latest graduate of the metaverse pioneers of the Black Penguin Group, and one of the four hundred pioneers of the new world this time.

Projected identity: A soldier serving in Guankou County, Bingzhou, Jin Dynasty.

Specific information: Jiang Sheng, 19 years old, no word, military family, father Jiang Dalin died in Bingzhou military chaos four years ago!

A huge amount of information poured into his head, which made Jiang Sheng wait for at least a quarter of an hour before opening his eyes again to observe the surrounding environment.

This is a very crowded cabin, there are six people in the cabin besides the old man who just woke me up, two rather young women, and four children, the youngest child is probably still a child, as thin as bean sprouts , the four children were frightened by their actions just now and cried loudly. While comforting the children, the two young women also looked at themselves with some fear...
Seeing this scene, he was a little dazed. The identity he projected wouldn't even have children, right?

Four more?
This frightened him a little, and he quickly searched his recent memory, not only the fear of Xi Dang's father, but also the surrounding environment made him a little uneasy, he was a soldier serving in the army, why was he on the ship?And looking at the packed luggage around, it seems that they are preparing to flee...
With his careful control, recent memories slowly flooded into his mind.

The information I got was that I was indeed fleeing!

The Great Jin Dynasty is now on the brink of collapse, and uprisings are raging all over the place. Now Han Xiao, the rebel who claims to be King Qing among the rebels from all walks of life, has already attacked the Bingzhou Zijing Pass, which is only one city away from Guankou County where he lives. Its notoriety of massacring the city scared many local people to flee overnight. Jiang Sheng escaped together at the suggestion of the old man of the Chen family next door.

In my memory, although I am a member of the military, I should respond to the call to defend the city, but I have never seen him who is paid once every five years. He has no loyalty to the court or to his superiors. Naturally, he does not want to go all out. Under the persuasion of the old man of the Chen family, he was persuaded to run away without hesitation.

The idea of ​​fleeing this time was proposed by the village chiefs of the four villages outside the county seat. It is said that their former fellow villagers organized a large-scale overseas escape four years ago during the military chaos, and found a good place overseas. I heard that It's a big island, full of fertile land and no exorbitant taxes from the imperial court, it sounds like a paradise!

Three years ago, those people came back with several boats full of grain in exchange for supplies, but many local villagers envied them at that time, and many people followed them. At that time, many villagers were moved. The land is barren, and the government's taxation is getting heavier and heavier. In the past few months, the fishing tax has been increased, which has made the already difficult villagers even worse.

Taking advantage of the fact that the thieves had arrived at the door this time, many people finally made up their minds, so they organized this overseas escape.

Remembering this, Jiang Sheng’s heart is half cold. It’s really a bad start to flee overseas, but the good news is that the four children are not his own, and the two young women are the daughters-in-law of the old man who just woke him up...
"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen..." After sorting out his memory, Jiang Sheng's fierce eyes faded, and he quickly apologized with a smile: "I had a nightmare just now, it wasn't on purpose..."

"It's okay, it's okay..." The skinny old man who woke up Jiang Sheng comforted the frightened children while waving his hands to Jiang Sheng. Not only did he look at Jiang Sheng without blame, but he became more cordial.

At the beginning, he was called the descendant of Jiang's family because he had been a soldier and still had a knife in his hand. Both his sons died early, and the old, weak, women and children's family had no young relatives who would be bullied if they went there. The more fierce the more secure!

"Old man, is there something wrong with you waking me up before dawn?" Jiang Sheng looked outside the boat, it was pitch black and it was obviously still early before dawn.

Speaking of this old man, he suddenly became excited, and said in a low voice: "Just now, someone from the front boat gave a signal, and it must be coming soon!"

"Almost there?" Jiang Sheng's eyelids twitched, and he moved his fingers as quickly as possible to restore his body functions.

With modern knowledge, he is different from the aboriginal villagers who have beautiful fantasies. He doesn't think that the place he and his party are going to is a paradise!
According to those villagers, the last time those who fled overseas came to exchange supplies was three years ago, which means that no one has returned for three years!
What does this mean? Don't those people on the island need supplies after so many years? Salt, iron, clothes, etc., it is impossible to produce by themselves in just two or three years, right?
If there is a shipwreck on the ship that came to trade, then in the second and third years, new people must be sent to trade, but they haven't been here for three years, so they can't be shipwrecked every year, right?

The biggest possibility is that something happened to those people on the island they were on!
As for what happened, Jiang Sheng is not sure, but he had popularized knowledge in this area during the training of the pioneers. Even if an overseas isolated island has a good ecology and fertile land, it may not necessarily be a paradise. Malaria, bacteria, poisonous insects and beasts, and some unknown viruses are all It is a very dangerous existence, especially the raw ones!
These uncivilized guys have language and no writing, and their social ecology is extremely backward. Most of them are very barbaric and cruel. Headhunting, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and skinning are all their cultural customs. A concept, once caught, the fate is not ordinary...

Jiang Sheng naturally didn't want to be cut off as a trophy by those so-called headhunters, so he had to make preparations in advance...
Closing his eyes, he concentrated, and began to communicate with himself as a pioneer, which is different from the biggest golden finger of the natives: the system!
"Wheat, open the attribute bar!"


In his mind, following Jiang Sheng's thought communication, a clear system picture emerged in his consciousness, showing his basic attributes...
Name: Jiang Sheng.

Age: 19 years old.

Main occupation: Soldier (deserter)

Character Level: 0
Ancient Soul: None
Physical condition: malnutrition and multiple dark wounds, long-term lack of meat, energy and blood decay, and suffering from night blindness...
Seeing the state, Jiang Sheng felt more and more heavy. The attribute is not a big problem. It is about the same as his own expected value. The attribute of the projected character matches yours in reality. During his training, his political evaluation score and strategy evaluation score were low, and his intelligence It is foreseeable that the attributes and charisma attributes are low, but the charm is lower than expected, maybe because of his humble status, after all, he is a deserter, isn't he?

The bad thing is that the body is malnourished and the qi and blood are declining, and its own attributes can only be used by [-]%. In other words, the data in the attribute column has to be discounted in reality. This is really not a good start...

But who calls himself a civilian pioneer?

Those local tyrants who can contribute to the energy of Goose City can choose the projected identity cards from their origins. The sons of wealthy merchants and landlords can have them, and noble families such as marquises and dukes can have them. Those who are rich enough can even buy a royal child. quota!

And the civilian pioneers who can’t afford an ID card can only be randomized by the system. It’s not bad to randomly get a soldier with a knife. The compatriots who are almost unlucky randomly become a homeless beggar. It’s very common to start with a bowl...
Before he had time to complain, Jiang Sheng quickly switched the system to the item collection page, where the novice items were his initial capital!

Although he is a poor pioneer that Mr. Penguin looks down upon, as a novice, there are still some novice props. There are two kinds of novice props, namely the material card pack and the ancient soul card pack.

Among them, the ancient soul card pack is the strongest prop for the pioneers. Through the extraction of the ancient soul card, you can get the ancient souls of celebrities in the history of the world. The identities of these celebrities are not limited, including historical military generals, famous politicians, and top scientists. Wait, the ancient soul attribute of celebrities grows stronger, far higher than ordinary people, and their own special skills, allowing pioneers to directly possess the talents of those historical geniuses, and quickly gain the foundation of their lives.

But the extraction of ancient souls is random. Novices only have three chances to draw in the early stage. It is more face-to-face. If you want to continue to draw in the later stage, you have to exchange the belief energy of the metaverse world...
Jiang Sheng took a look and didn't draw directly. Instead, he looked at the material card package first. The material card package is a newbie resource. It will determine what kind of resources to give according to the identity you choose.

There are four options: hero, sage, name, and overlord. Jiang Sheng confirmed it. Among them, the overlord will give two free attribute points in the early stage. The bonus of the two attribute points is very impressive in the early stage, such as full strength It will turn you into a strong man in an instant, has the effect of turning things around, and it will greatly improve the initial stage of the individual!

Then there is the hero, the hero mainly presents a certain amount of ancient soul tactics points, which can improve your proficiency in extracting ancient soul skills. If you draw a good historical celebrity, equipped with early tactics points will allow you to quickly acquire a skill!

After that is the sage lord. The sage lord will give you a certain amount of money and a bottle of magic medicine that can cure all diseases in the early stage, which will allow you to gain fame and increase your reputation in the early stage.

Finally, the name master, the name master presents a growth magic weapon, which can be armor or any weapon, and it can also be a famous horse with very good growth and human nature!

Jiang Sheng looked at the list of gifts and quickly analyzed them. The four identities have their own advantages and disadvantages. From the perspective of the environment, first exclude the sages and go to overseas desert islands. Money is not very useful. Although the magic medicine is useful, it is not the most necessary.

The remaining three are very moved by myself. The weapons of the name master are very useful in this field, and the powerful initial attributes of the overlord are also very important, which makes it difficult to choose.

After thinking about it, I decided to draw the ancient soul card pack first, and then make a decision based on the famous generals drawn. After all, the attributes of historical celebrities are complex, and some basic attributes are strong, such as Xichu Xiang Yu. The effect of a free attribute point is not very big. On the contrary, the bonus of the famous master's magic weapon or famous horse will be stronger. In case Zhang Liang is drawn, it is necessary to add two points of strength in the early stage to save his life. …
Thinking of this, Jiang Sheng no longer hesitated, and directly clicked on the ancient soul card pack, and started his first card draw on the path of pioneering!
(End of this chapter)

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