Duke of Herrington

Chapter 1 Strange taste?

Chapter 1 Strange taste?

"My lord, wake up! It's time to eat!"

Bai Xudong frowned, he didn't like being woken up so early!Especially on a Saturday morning!

Turning sideways, he subconsciously put the pillow on his head, never thinking that the voice was getting closer and closer, and finally almost pressed against his face.

The next moment, the bad breath from not brushing his teeth for thousands of years swept over like a tsunami: "My lord, wake up!!! It's time for breakfast!"

Logically speaking, it should be Xiao Mi who wakes her up every day, stepping on his face with a pink flesh pad to wake Bai Xudong up gently.
wrong!I should have been catching up with the drawings last night. So... what's going on here?

Wait, the sound is not right! ?who is at my house

Bai Xudong opened his eyes wide suddenly, only to find that the surrounding environment had changed.
The computers and figures I was familiar with disappeared without a trace, and even the mobile phone beside the bed was gone!

The only thing that catches the eye is the dim wooden house, and the oil paintings hanging on the wall. Judging from the painting style, it looks more like a medieval style!The crystal lamp above the head is gone, only the candlesticks with candles inserted.

Turning around slightly, the quilt was lifted a little, and there was a stinky smell like expired stinky tofu, mixed with stinky socks that hadn't been washed for many years, like a civilian biochemical weapon!Just get into your own nose!

The stench almost killed himself instantly.

"Lord Viscount Herrington, are you awake!?"

The halitosis like a tsunami came again accompanied by a very mismatched sweet female voice.


Before he had time to explain, he lifted the quilt and went straight to the front window.

I thought the fresh air would blow away the stench, but I never expected that as soon as I opened the window, I saw a mountain of excrement!

"What's going on here?" Bai Xudong turned his head and asked.

The maid frowned slightly, tilted her head and said puzzledly: "My lord, this is your order. The collected fertilizer will be used to grow crops. Look, the documents are beside the bed!"

Bai Xudong immediately closed the window, walked quickly to the bedside and picked up a piece of parchment.

The original jerky characters can be understood in the next second, and the content is no different from what the maid said, and the signature of this order is: Ted Herrington.

After reading this document, he fully realized that he had traveled through, and the period he traveled was just like the dark Middle Ages in ancient Europe!Fortunately, I am a hereditary aristocrat, and I have no quarrel with the rest of the world. Compared with those peasants who started the game, I am lucky.

The stench on the body is because these people haven't bathed for thousands of years. This point can be guessed by the heels of the church!It is said that only in this way can we remain devout to God!
Maybe heaven is fragrant. God has never smelled a bad smell. It’s like an emperor who is used to delicacies from mountains and seas. Once he eats stinky tofu, he can’t stop. Severe whipping on unreliable judgment!
This stinking 'firework on earth' is most likely God's favorite!After all, Cao Cao still likes other people's daughters-in-law. As a god, it's not uncommon for him to like bad smells.


Breathing out a turbid breath, Ted sat helplessly on the stool, waved his hand to the delicate maid in front of him and said, "Go out first, I'm not hungry for the time being, and eat breakfast for me by the way!"

"Of order. Thank you for the reward, my lord."

Since it's here, it's safe, Ted watched a lot of novels and anime in his previous life, and he is a drama star, just a status, it's not a problem to get into the drama instantly!

Judging from the current situation, I should have died from overwork. If I go back, I will definitely not be able to go back, but as a time traveler, God must give me something, right?

The thought turned here, and the next moment, a magical power poured into the body, and it appeared in Ted's mind along with the memory of this life.

[The interstellar farming system is installed!
Initialization. Initialization complete!
The novice gift pack has been delivered, is it open? 】

Without the slightest hesitation, Ted opened the gift bag directly!
[Congratulations to the host!get:

System-specific currency: star coin x100
Resurrection Coin x10
Random draw card x10]

Meet the raffle card!There was a smile on the corner of Ted's mouth, and a magical arc appeared on his mouth~
"Haha~ Hi! I never thought I would have today!"

Now that there is a lottery draw, it is time to verify whether you are a European emperor or a non-chief!
In this life, although the body is temporarily dirty, but the skin is white anyway, as long as I am not so unlucky, I should be included in the ranks of Europeans!
[Does the host want to draw a lottery? 】

"Draw! Ten consecutive draws! All draws!"

Ted has never been so generous in his two lifetimes, and the lottery is all based on the low-level card pool lottery tickets given away by the official for free!And now I have ten consecutive draws!

He reached out tremblingly and took out the lottery card, and according to the instructions, threw it into a large lottery machine!

The moment the card was put in, the roulette wheel of the lottery machine also started to spin. Ted clenched his fists and hummed the traditional song of the Huaguo lottery!

"Good luck! Wish me good luck"


[Congratulations to the host!Get a truckload of mineral water! 】

"It's okay, I can still smoke nine times!" Ted stared at the big screen!Even the prize of kneeling at the door did not interrupt his dream!
[Congratulations to the host!Get a truckload of cans of Coke! 】

".still have a chance!"

Draw 7 times in a row, all are the minimum reward: a random truck of drinks or food.
After working for half a day, I only got 3 trucks of canned luncheon meat, 1 truck of mineral water, and 3 trucks of Coke.

Just when Ted was in despair, the lottery machine shook slightly, and with the shaking came a purple light!

"Not gold! Purple is fine too!"

In the description of the prizes, the prizes will become better with the advancement of science and technology, even in this era when traffic depends on walking, communication depends on roaring, and heating depends on shaking!Epic items that belong to purple are not too bad!

Although not as good as the golden legend!But it's better than the previous gray rewards!

[Congratulations to the host!Get an ATV Quad Bike! 】

Haven't waited for Ted to cheer and surprise!The lottery machine in front of me vibrated even more frequently!

【Wow!Golden legend!Congratulations to the host!Obtain 25kw turbine hydroelectric generator x10]

The sudden modern objects made Ted cover his head, exclaiming incredible!

For the last draw, the lottery machine trembled slightly and then stopped.

[Congratulations to the host, you got a truck of interstellar crop seeds x! 】

Ted held his breath when he saw the last prize!
The previous prizes that surpassed this era were not practical, but the last one!A truckload of crop seeds is just what Ted needs!

The off-road motorcycle is only used as a means of transportation, and the generator can only be left in the warehouse for the time being. After all, there is not even a light bulb now, and even if it is installed, it will have no effect!
Recalling told myself that there is only wheat or rice in [Xueman Empire], or cabbage and tomatoes, there is nothing else at all!

Think here!Ted clenched his fist and stretched out his index finger to point out the window, like the protagonist in a novel, excitedly said: "This world is prosperous! It's up to me!"

However, just as he raised his hand, the smell from his armpit immediately made him realize the reality!
To get rich, build roads first, and before sweeping the world, you have to clean your house first!Before doing big things, solve the hygiene problem first!Not only their own, but also the people's!
 Dear readers, here are a few words for you before you start reading.

  This is not a historical novel, but magic and science fiction.

  Based on the World of Warcraft race, plus a set of human technology trees,
  There are dragons, magic, and planes, tanks, and cannons.

  Human beings are only a small part of the world, and the Middle Ages are only the starting point of human beings. The starting point of other intelligent creatures is far better than humans. For example, the moon elves, I modified it again with reference to the appearance of the children of the night, and endowed them with plant affinity. With a wave of your hand, the seeds bloom and bear fruit instantly, so food is not a problem.

  There are also ancient trolls, such as the Zandalari Empire, the ancient civilization plus the epitome of Egyptian civilization, these are intelligent creatures in the world, dinosaur knights, shaman priests.
  And saving vampires, making them no longer dependent on blood through genetic modification
  It was originally a non-historical text, but it was recommended by the system and misunderstood as a medieval historical text. Maybe I am a newcomer and I don’t have that much power, so I can’t change the recommended language.

  Coming to the new world, living in the Middle Ages. I am really drunk. This alone has eliminated most of the readers.

  My book is considered a waste, but I will continue to finish it, regardless of whether anyone reads it or not!

  If I get mixed results in the future, I will definitely find the person who wrote the recommendation for me, rob his wife and cuckold him, and if it is a woman, I will rob his husband
  Hello everyone, a newcomer, I beg you guys to give me some tickets and follow-up reading, if the guys give you face, I will kowtow to you now!

  bang! bang! bang!


(End of this chapter)

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