Duke of Herrington

Chapter 105 The Wisdom and Inheritance of Agni Fire!

Chapter 105 The Wisdom and Inheritance of Agni Fire!

"Soldiers, the ancestors have given us guidance, and also taught me how to distinguish the possession of the banshee! It can make them invisible in the crowd!"

As he spoke, Broken Tooth showed his rare wise eyes, and ordered the soldiers to help the weak shamans up.

"Can you still walk?"

The Great Elder and the rest of the shaman didn't answer in a hurry, but took out a few bottles of potion from their pockets and drank them all. They were just controlled by the banshee and humiliated the shaman. They were eager for a battle!A battle to wash away the shame!
Although the shaman's physical strength was taken away by the banshee and their magic power was exhausted, as long as they drank the potion and recovered a little magic power, they could drag their bodies and continue to fight!

Several young shamans drank the magic potion in their hands, and shouted together with the surrounding soldiers: "There is no need to save the magic potion! Today! We follow the chief! Fight those traitors!"

Hearing these impassioned shouts, the soldiers were overwhelmed, and they wanted to follow the traitors desperately!
However, the eldest shaman, the Great Elder of the Fire Tribe, did not speak because he was waiting for Broken Tooth's thoughts and orders.

After 1 minute, everyone saw that the chief hadn't moved, and the noise stopped.
If father Phoenix is ​​still there, still the great chief of the tribe, and in the safe zone, then Broken Tooth will charge with the brothers beside him!Desperate with the enemy!
But now, the Raging Fire Tribe has been betrayed, and several other clans have united against them!

There were already heavy casualties, and coupled with the fact that they were alone and alone, if they led everyone to continue to work hard when this kind of 'strength was dispersed', it would be following the enemy's wish!
After some thought, Broken Tooth opened his eyes!Inadvertently, the pupils that were shining with fire exuded a mature and stable atmosphere.
"Everyone, my father passed on the position of great chief to me to let me lead everyone out of the predicament and return to glory! Instead of letting us all die here! Besides, there are so many of our compatriots in the forest, it is impossible Leave them alone!"

Hearing these words, the Great Elder showed a gratified smile, put his right hand on his heart, and knelt down on one knee.
When the surrounding soldiers saw the Great Elder making such a move, they all knelt down and followed suit.

When there was no movement at the scene, the Great Elder solemnly swore in that old and simple voice: "We will wait! Willing to obey the orders of the 88th Great Chief!"

This penetrating voice awakened everyone's will, causing the soldiers present to clench their fists and swear allegiance to the new chief!

Now!With the addition of senior shamans, this elite troop will be even more powerful, capable of tearing apart all obstacles in front of them!
In this situation, Broken Tooth held his head high, raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and ordered to everyone: "In this case, everyone will come with me to save the people!"

After saying this, Broken Tooth walked up to the shamans and told all the shamans how the ancestors guided him: "Everyone, shamans, your potion is not in vain! Use the true eye of fire to find out who is possessed." If you use the bloodthirsty technique on him, you will be able to destroy the banshee!"

"During this period, you can't have any physical contact with the parasite! And the banshee will interrupt the spell, but as long as we use the bloodlust together! We can successfully rescue the parasitic compatriots!"

"Yes! Great Chief!"

Such rhetoric made all the soldiers breathe a sigh of relief!As long as the problem has a solution, it is not a problem!
The team was ready to go, Broken Tooth hung the machine gun on his chest again, and led the soldiers to the next target point!

"Listen to my password! Everyone! Let's go!"

At the same time, in the Green Forest Tribe, the Doomsday Altar is in the center.

A blackened green forest shaman, leaning on a walking stick, limped to the front of the iron cage. He looked at the prisoner in the cage and mocked with disdain: "Phoenix, I gave you a chance, but you didn't choose to be loyal." Master, then I... can only choose to turn you into energy."

Phoenix didn't take it seriously, because his keen premonition told him that the third son had already become the great chief!

now!He should be organizing a team to counterattack!
Now that there are successors, Phoenix is ​​fearless. Even if he is gone, the spirit and inheritance of the Fire Tribe will not be interrupted!

Therefore, there was no trace of fear in his eyes. Instead, he sneered and raised two middle fingers to the living dead in front of him!

"Cut, if you want to kill, hurry up, don't whine like a bitch!"

Speaking of which, he recalled the 'Master' that these idiots called, sounding like a female creature?
For thousands of years, the tribe has worshiped many objects, but there has never been a female creature among them!
Anyway, being idle is idle, Phoenix plans to vent on this point: "Oh? By the way, I remembered! Is it because your master is a woman? That made you look like this?"

"I can't figure it out. With so many powerful races, you chose the weakest female as your ancestor? If your ancestors knew about this, what would they think of you?"

"You!!! Ignorant!!!" The angry green forest shaman clenched his fists and slammed on the cage!
These words are indeed not powerful, but for the tribe. This male-dominated society, it is full of irony!
The green forest shaman raised his head angrily, and the flash of death in his eyes made Phoenix feel ominous.
The chapters recorded by the ancient shaman kept coming to mind.

Suddenly, a page of quaint records appeared in front of his eyes, and Phoenix's heart sank: "This is impossible!"

If the conjecture is true, then in this world, apart from the group of sleeping dragons, no creature can defeat these undead skeletons!
Now that he was caught, why not take this opportunity to find out the real enemy in front of him!

Phoenix leaned on the iron cage, raised his legs, put on an expression of 'you are all hot chickens', and said sarcastically: "Tsk tsk. I see. Your master is not even a fart! You are still needed These bastards help"

These words caused the green forest shaman's head to be squeezed three times. He leaned on his crutches and stretched out his right index finger to forcefully defend himself: "You ignorant maggot! What do you know? The master is the most powerful man in the world!" ! Only the master! Will lead us to dominate the world!"

The IQ on the other side is obviously not very high.The image of the green forest shaman is completely different from the image of the shaman in Phoenix's impression!

This group of shamans exuding a lifeless spirit doesn't have the wisdom that should belong to a shaman at all!
But it's also possible that his 'master' restricted his thinking and prevented him from being so smart, because being stupid is easier to control.

Now that the green forest shaman is in a hurry, Phoenix can take this opportunity to ask what the opposite master is!
He crossed his arms in front of him with a smile, and changed a very ugly posture. He deliberately let the green forest shaman slap him in the face, and said the name of 'Master': "Since your master is so powerful, how dare you ask me?" Who is she? Where is she sacred?"

Seeing Phoenix in front of him being so unreasonable to his master!He slammed the scepter in his hand on the ground fiercely, and said the resounding name of 'Master' with this big mouth with few teeth!
"She! The strongest banshee in the world! The queen of undead creatures! The human-faced spider Timistreku!"

This name is exactly the same as the name of that dangerous creature in Phoenix's memory!But he still suppressed his excitement and panic, pretending he didn't know anything!

Seeing the master's famous name, there are ants who don't know it?The green forest shaman pointed at Phoenix's nose angrily and shouted: "Queen! Timistrecu!"

"What is it called?"


It's death anyway, why don't you say something before you die!It's better than begging for mercy and being tortured and killed in the end: "What the hell is that a name? I thought it was your grandma's foot wrap! Bah! It stinks!"

The queen is the "pure land" in the heart of the green forest shaman, and he is also the most loyal dog leg of the queen, so he does not allow anyone to insult her: "You are so angry at me! How dare you insult our master! See if I don't sacrifice you alive Already!"

Even a fool should understand the current situation.

Since this 'master' is an undead creature, it hasn't come out to run amok yet.
That means her body is dead.
If you want to reshape the undead body, you must accumulate the power of immortality, which requires the death of the creature.
Combined with her own memory and the current situation, the energy absorbed by the 'master' is still not enough, she needs more deaths to recover her strength!

The energy in the totem pole of the Raging Fire Tribe comes from the original inheritance, and it is pure soul power, which belongs to the highest and purest energy in the power of death!
This is obviously the best nourishment for the 'master'!And the pure blood of the people of the Raging Fire Tribe can even reshape her body!

Now, the green forest shaman needs to use Phoenix to live, use him to attract others to come here to rescue, and then wait for work!Kill everyone at last!

So. Phoenix is ​​not afraid anymore!Now that he knew that he couldn't die for the time being, he simply continued to tweet: "Come on, hurry up! You have 3 minutes to sacrifice me alive! If you exceed 3 minutes, you are a woman!"

No matter how stupid the shamans of the Green Forest Tribe were, they would not be fooled by this obvious aggressive method!

He took a step back and responded with a smile: "I will not be fooled! I have to wait for your son to rescue you! Then I will kill you all! I will dedicate you all to the master!"

"If you are sacrificed alive like this, it will not be good for us. At that time, your son will turn grief and anger into strength and lead the fire tribe to fight back! I will not be fooled by this!"

The 'master' who hasn't been revived is a weak chicken and can't help!Sending banshees at most to play support is of no help to the frontal battlefield!

If Phoenix is ​​dead, the angry people of the Raging Fire Tribe will turn into soldiers. With the blessing of bloodthirsty, they can crush the vulnerable fury and rainstorm to death!Then point the finger at the green forest
Now three bread sandwiches, collective attack!This didn't break through the defense line of the Raging Fire Tribe. If they get angry, restore their sanity and regroup the troops!If you defeat each tribe one by one, the day of the master's resurrection will have to be delayed again
Phoenix sighed and looked at the shaman in front of him, "Oh? I didn't expect you to be so smart! It seems that your master didn't suck all your IQ away?"

"When you see the master, you will know how stupid what you are saying now!" The shaman of the Green Forest Tribe stopped talking, but patiently waited for the good news from the front line.

After the surroundings quieted down, the Green Forest Shaman went to the conference table aside to check the unfinished tasks.
"Strange, why hasn't our team going to the human land to plunder food? It stands to reason that there won't be much hindrance! At this time, there should be a scout to report the results. It's really strange. Could it be that they have looted several villages and are counting the loot? ?”

Suddenly, an instruction from the 'Master' shocked all the green forest shamans present into a cold sweat!
Silva, one of the seven banshees under the master's command, was actually killed!

And the one who killed him was the new chief of the Raging Fire Tribe, Broken Tooth!

He borrowed the power of his ancestors, as well as adrenaline, to crush the banshee directly!

After the banshee died, her spiritual body was transformed into pure energy, which helped Broken Tooth open the 'Fire Eye' and became a shaman even more powerful than the Great Elder!

"This is not a good sign, the banshee parasite has no effect on him, I have to find a solution quickly!"

Before the matter was dealt with, the scout quietly stepped forward and reported several bad news one after another.

"All the cavalry team that went to search for food on the human site lost contact, and only found a few wandering wargs. According to speculation, the troops should be in bad luck!"

"The troops attacking the outlying barracks of the Raging Fire Forest have also lost contact, and it is very likely that they will all be killed!"

Seeing this, the High Priest of the Green Forest stroked his long beard and analyzed it carefully.

"Humans were able to wipe out our cavalry. Could it be that they sent at least 5000 soldiers?"

"I remember there were 3500 heavy armored soldiers and 1000 cavalry on the outskirts of the Agni Forest. How could they not even take down the 2000-strong Agni Army Camp? Could it be that I underestimated their 'bloodlust'?"

"Or, is there an ancient power awakened?"

"It's impossible that the master didn't feel the powerful life form entering the forest."

While thinking, the 'master' borrowed the eyes of the banshee and sent the image that Silva saw when he was dying.

"Eh? What are they holding in their hands? New weapons? Why is this broken tooth still growing?"

Since the picture is a black-and-white portrait, he could not identify the specific situation.

But in his opinion, no matter what kind of weapon it is, it is not enough to bring the troops to such a disastrous defeat!In other words, there must be a great help here!

"The messenger!"

"I'm here! Elder!"

The situation is urgent, and the IQ of the Green Forest Shaman is suddenly online!

Pointing at the map, he quickly ordered the messenger: "Send out the wolf cavalry messengers! Use the fastest speed to get the troops without banshee communication to gather in the forest. We want to be here! Located in the fire tribe's base camp in the center of the forest! Intercept Broken Tooth!"

"At the same time! We must do our best to destroy the living forces of the Fire Tribe behind the forest! Don't allow them to reconcile! Tear them apart! Only in this way can we win! If all the fire people in the forest are rescued, we will be in trouble!"


Before, he planned to encircle them all and eat them all at once, but now it seems that the plan may fail and he can only gradually divide and eat away the Raging Fire Tribe bit by bit.

Hearing that the current situation is not good, the orderly trots away immediately after receiving the order!

After finishing these, the green forest shaman picked up a mysterious black prop, put it in his hand and chanted a spell, and then explained his thoughts clearly to the banshees
Next, all the front-line troops with the Banshee stopped attacking and quickly retreated into the forest, trying to divide the entire tribe into two according to the north-south direction!
A small part of the front-line troops will continue to block the Duanya team, weaken their edge, and slow down their speed!The rest of the soldiers executed the command to go around to wipe out the living forces of the Raging Fire Tribe in the forest.

"At the exit of the forest, there must be a mighty man sitting there, possibly sharper than the master. It's just that it's temporary. After we absorb all the members of the Fire Tribe, we will sacrifice the members of the Stormrage and Storm Tribes! Finally, we will sacrifice our Your own soul! The master will definitely be stronger than this so-called power! He can even fight the dragon!"

"Hahaha!" Thinking of this, he opened his mouth wide and laughed hysterically, completely ignoring the new weapons Broken Tooth and his party carried.
On the front line, after receiving the order, the soldiers who were fighting the Raging Fire Tribe retreated across the board, leaving only a small part to block, and the large troops rushed to the rear.

Broken Tooth looked at the inexplicably disintegrated enemy army, and didn't know the significance of their actions, so he could only gather troops along the way to pursue the victory.

If you encounter civilians, Broken Tooth will let some troops stay to protect them, and evacuate carefully backwards!On the other hand, he led the troops to continue the attack, and rescued the people of the Raging Fire Tribe to retreat!
All of this went smoothly, but during the journey, Broken Tooth realized something was wrong.

At the same time, the Great Elder of the Raging Fire Tribe also discovered something strange based on his life experience.

"Great chief, is there such a possibility that they don't want to fight in order to try their best to wipe out our living forces in the forest?"

"It's indeed possible! If that's the case, the people and soldiers in the rear will suffer. They will face at least five times as many enemies as themselves. The situation is not good!"

Seeing this, the Great Elder frowned and gave the best solution, but it was also the most helpless one.
"Great chief, I suggest that we only save half of the people! If we follow their wishes, we have no advantage in going to the camp of fire and fighting them. If no one can be rescued by then, the only remaining fighters we have will also go in." !"

"Our bloodthirsty technique will indeed greatly increase the combat effectiveness of soldiers, but...if the number of enemies exceeds the critical point, or they attack with long-range weapons in the rear, we will not take advantage of it, and we will even be double-teamed by them Annihilation!"

"This..." Hearing this, Broken Tooth was stunned. Judging from the current situation, this is indeed the best way. Saving half is better than dying in battle.
No matter how good the soldiers of the Raging Fire Tribe can fight, it is impossible for them to take advantage of a large-scale group melee!
There is no problem with 15 against 30, but 90 against [-] is enough!While the scale is the same, war is not a game of scale!When the number of enemies is too large, it will break through the critical value, and a wave of arrows will be completely finished!
Seeing this, Broken Tooth fell into a dilemma: "Could it be that you really want me to give up half of the people? I'm not reconciled!"

However, there must be a way before the car reaches the mountain, and the wisdom from the ancestors will help you in times of crisis!
Suddenly, an ancient and vicissitudes of life began to echo in my ears
"Change home. Change home"

Hearing this, Broken Tooth's eyes lit up!He seems to understand the meaning of the ancestors!
Now that all the troops are assembled on the opposite side, I have to force myself to start a decisive battle with them!Then take the lead with your sword!Don't fight them!
Broken Tooth clenched his fist and hit himself on the chest!Excitedly shouted: "I have a way!"

He confidently ordered everyone: "All the heavily armed soldiers lead the people to retreat quickly! The light infantry come with me, and we will destroy their camp!"

Hearing these remarks, the Great Elder quickly stepped forward to stop them: "Great Chief, I guess their commanders will be controlled by the Banshee, even if you attack the camp, you won't let them take any action!"

Now, Broken Tooth's brain has been strengthened countless times, and he has already come up with a perfect plan!

He turned around, faced the Great Elder, and expressed his thoughts: "It would be better if they don't move! My plan, the worst is not to save the other half of the residents, but at least they will be killed All the higher-ups! Their great chief will not escape! You can also save my brother by the way."

The Great Elder frowned slightly, pulled Broken Tooth and asked about the specific plan: "Can you tell me about the specific plan?"

"Of course!" Broken Tooth smiled and took out the Molotov cocktail
"My plan is to go around and kill all their high-level people. Even if it's useless, it can also deal a blow to their morale! After all, they don't have enough banshees to control everyone! As long as there are people who are not controlled, when They know that their boss is gone, and their morale will plummet!"

"This can also save my younger brother by the way. If I die, he will be the chief!"

"The most important thing is... I want to burn down all their supply stations and granaries along the way! If they don't return to defense, we will retreat. When they are too hungry to fight, we will take the initiative to attack. At that time, we will get twice the result with half the effort! We use half the people Can defeat them too!"

Speaking of which, Broken Tooth pointed deep into the forest.
"If they choose to come back to rescue, the pressure on the rear will be much less. I believe that the fire shamans will also take this opportunity to tear a hole in the heavy armor with a wave of bloodthirsty and lead the people to evacuate!"

"And we can ambush them on their way back to defense! Burn them to ashes with fire!"

After hearing Broken Tooth's plan, the Great Elder standing aside was completely dumbfounded. His 100 years of experience and IQ were completely insufficient.
You know, the Great Elder is the smartest person in the tribe, and he can't even turn his brain circuit around, which means that the ancestors gave Broken Tooth countless benefits, which gave him a qualitative leap in IQ!

"Great Chief, order us!"

The reason why the Raging Fire Tribe is called the Raging Fire Tribe is not only because of the 'bloodthirsty' technique, but also because these brave warriors know how to play with fire!And it has extremely high resistance to fire!
Sometimes, they will even pour fire oil all over their bodies, and after igniting it, they will fight the enemy hand-to-hand, turning into flaming diamonds, like gods descending to earth!
Although their skills of setting fire are very weak, they can't be used as offensive spells at all, and they can't even boil water for cooking!But it is enough to light a cigarette and ignite the kerosene!

After the plan was completed, Broken Tooth turned around and pointed forward: "There is a supply station not far away. I remember it was filled with kerosene, and let all the light infantry go into battle! Bring enough kerosene! Then run forward!"

As the oldest shaman, the great elder is not as strong as the young and strong warriors. Besides, with Broken Tooth's current ability, he can't help much!
"Grand Elder, the rest of the team will be handed over to you. You must lead them to escape from the forest. Just walk in the direction of the main road. When you walk out of the forest, you will be able to see the safe zone! I guess there are already many people there ! They are humans from the north, our allies!"

Hearing the word 'ally', the Great Elder's heart tightened, and he immediately raised his hand to grab Broken Tooth: "Grand Chief, we have been betrayed by our allies, is this human really as reliable as you said?"

Broken Tooth had already expected that the Great Elder would say this, so he pointed to the weapon in his hand and said with a smile: "The weapon in my hand was given by humans! The five of us overthrew a thousand wolf cavalry! With these fierce Weapons, and they don't fear the Greenwood Tribes, and have a history of war with them! How about that? Are those reasons enough?"

The other reasons are not outstanding, only 'has a history of war with the Green Forest Tribe' is the most reliable!An enemy of an enemy is a friend!As long as the enemy is not dead!You can form a delicate alliance!
Seeing this, the Great Elder solemnly handed the last bottle of magic potion to Broken Tooth and said in a deep voice: "Okay! Then I will lead the team to cover the evacuation of the people as soon as possible! You should also take care!"

Just when the elder was about to leave, Broken Tooth suddenly remembered something!

"Wait! Great Elder! Remember that when you pass by our granary, you can take as much food as you can, and burn the ones you can't take away!"

Such an order made the Great Elder's eyes widen: "But Great Chief, you burned all the food of the enemy and your own, and there is no convoy! The rations we brought can't last for a few days!"

"It's okay! We have allies! They'll help us!"

When Broken Tooth said this, he didn't know what to do, but he had no choice but to bring out a few days' rations first, and then go to shamelessly beg this ally who has not yet established diplomatic relations.

"Well, we will do as you say! Soldiers, follow me!"

Next, the soldiers and the people divided into two groups and retreated in one wave, leaving about [-] light infantry behind Broken Tooth.

"Soldiers! Come with me! Ahead! Fuel supply station! Then burn down the lairs of the Stormstorm Tribe and the Stormrage Tribe! Let these traitors pay the price!"

The fierce men of the Raging Fire Tribe can play with fire, although they are not very good at it, but they are more or less good at it.

But the Gale Tribe and the Storm Tribe, their attributes have nothing to do with their names, the Storm Tribe doesn't know water spells at all, but the Green Forest Tribe knows how to play with water.

In a sense, it's not a big deal, it could be. The Storm Tribe is called that because they lack it.
Just like the rain god Xiao Jingteng, his name has nothing to do with rain, but it does not prevent him from being a qualified rain god
Half an hour later, Broken Tooth led the troops to get enough fire oil, and appeared at the gate of Stormrage Tribe headquarters!
At a glance, the real eye of fire is activated!The high-level people present were not parasitized by the banshee!
In other words, they were lured into betrayal voluntarily!

After finding out the truth of the matter, Broken Tooth put the machine gun behind his back, took out two battle axes and said angrily: "You bunch of villains who are ungrateful for profit! It's time for liquidation!"


To deal with this group of powerless high-level people, there is no need for firearms, let alone wasting bullets!

At this time, Broken Tooth can even be guarded by one man!Pick up the battle ax and beat these weaklings!

In just 15 minutes, the battle is over!
Searched the entire Stormrage headquarters, but did not find his younger brother, which means that he is not here, but in the Rainstorm Tribe!
"Soldiers, obey my orders! Burn this place to ashes!"


(End of this chapter)

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