Duke of Herrington

Chapter 121 The First Wave of Refugees

Chapter 121 The First Wave of Refugees

One night two days later, Chris came to the lord's office with the scout's report.

At 7:[-] p.m., one hour before the civil servants get off work, everyone continued to struggle in their seats, and so did Ted.
Pushing open the door of the lord's office, Chris put the documents on Ted's desk: "My lord, the refugees have arrived less than [-] kilometers away from Baron Tomato's territory, and are expected to arrive at noon tomorrow."

"I see." In the afternoon, Ted flew a plane over there and got a general idea of ​​the location of the first wave of refugees.
Now that the mission is approaching, it is necessary for Ted to ask how the preparations are: "Is the food ready? Is there enough water? Are the temporary tents set up for them? Did Baron Tomato say anything to us?"

This series of questions did not make Chris flustered: "Everything is ready. Baron Tomato didn't refuse to do it, because we gave enough benefits! But there is one more thing you have to pay attention to."

Once there is a turning point in the discourse, it means that the previous one can be ignored: "What should I pay attention to?"

"My lord, it's like this: Although Baron Tomato's troops have not reached the point where they can use guns, they still selected some smart people from among the soldiers, and set up machine gun positions and mortars on the border. "

Ted was not surprised by these behaviors. After all, to help outsiders, the premise is that the insiders live and work in peace and have enough energy. Baron Tomato's approach is very correct: "Well, from his point of view, this approach is not too much. In order not to disrupt the order in the territory, they have no problem doing this at all.”

Looking at Ted's calm expression, he didn't seem to think Baron Tomato would succeed: "Then, are you confident that we can accept these refugees?"

"Confidence?" Ted put down the document in his hand and looked up at Chris: "I can't talk about confidence. I only know that when people are hungry, if I give them food, they will appreciate me."

This sentence is only half true. If you meet an ungrateful and selfish villain, this sentence is wrong. In order to remind Ted, Chris kindly reminded: "But sir, you can't guarantee that everyone will be happy." It is an ordinary person who has been rehabilitated, there will always be troublesome people!"

Ted smiled slightly, leaned back on the chair and stretched his waist: "So I didn't stop or persuade Baron Tomato's actions, just to let him deal with these villains and troublemakers! Let him be this Bad guy! After all, I have to maintain my own image."

Having said that, Chris suddenly realized that Baron Tomato was behind him with a heavy machine gun. If there was a riot, they could retreat directly and compensate him with ammunition: "That's it, I understand, my lord."

Ted raised his hand and signaled Chris to take a seat: "I'm a bit hypocritical sometimes, aren't I?"

'Hypocrisy' doesn't apply to Ted, he just doesn't lose money and knows what's precious and what's cheap.

Compared with the cohesion and appeal of people's hearts, some food is nothing at all. Coupled with the previous planning of resources, Chris can be considered to have figured out Ted's true thoughts.
"My lord, I don't think it's hypocrisy. Since half a year ago, every move of yours has a purpose, so I guess, you must have some terrible purpose for pretending to be hypocritical this time!"

"Oh? How did you see that?" Ted took out two cans of happy water again. Unlike before, he also took out two straws this time, instead of pouring Coke into the cup as before.

Chris took the Coke and expressed his inference without any scruples: "Judging from such a long period of actual actions and results, my opinion of you has changed slightly. At first, I thought that you love the people and will Help them unconditionally, but then I found out that you only help those who deserve it, not those who need it"

As expected, Chris is the person who knows himself best, and any of his little thoughts can't escape his eyes. Fortunately, this person belongs to his own camp. If it's an enemy, it's not easy to deal with: "I still can't escape your eyes, Chris~"

"You're too much, my lord. I only discovered this after you helped the Fire Tribe. In addition, you told us not to set up the social security and welfare department. I probably guessed your thoughts."

"You want to build a society where there are only elites, but most people are not elites, they are just ordinary people, so you want to pass mandatory scientific education so that most people can be good at a certain aspect, whether it's raising pigs or doing scientific research, as long as Be proficient in a single aspect, then you can position the social elite, and this is still easy to achieve.”

Elites do not represent political elites. There are other elites. For example, those who are proficient in a certain area can also be included in the ranks of elites to maximize the utilization of their expertise within the system.

"After that, single out the short-sighted lazy people, or selfish people with anti-social personalities, and those who try to use loopholes to get something for nothing, give them the minimum standard of food subsidies, and deliberately exclude them , Through artificial screening, the inferior genes will be removed."

"Then what do you think of my approach?" Ted didn't think so far, he just wanted to avoid endlessly giving benefits to people who get something for nothing like Europe and the United States, and simply cut it across the board~
After all, there is a labor department in the city, and this department not only protects the rights and interests of workers, but can also help you find a job~
The lord asked for his opinion, but Chris did not intend to keep it: "I think this approach is too gentle, because after several rounds of screening, only a hundred or so people are like this, you can just 'click' them out, like that It’s quick to do.”

Answering like this has a serious feudal class and aristocratic thinking. It is not a normal method to arbitrarily deprive others of their lives. Even if Chris has changed, he is still a noble class, and it is difficult to think from the perspective of a commoner.
"Ahem." But after all, Chris is one of his own, and severe criticism of his words is useless.

Moreover, from the very beginning, Ted has selected those who are soft but not hard as public officials, in order to let everyone speak well
Because once one person is impatient, everyone will start to criticize, but we are all cultural people, for the sake of work efficiency, we will also control our emotions and try our best to speak well.

"Chris, your approach is a bit too much. After all, they have not broken the law. They are just unfavorable genes for urban development. They are moths at most! Although their hearts are a little darker, and they are more selfish and unwilling to contribute, but they still You have the right to live, as long as you don't break the law, it's still advisable for the prodigal son to return!"

"However, squeeze them out from time to time and tell them that it's wrong to think like this, and it's okay."

"Hey! By the way, what happened last time?"

With such a gentle statement, Chris quickly understood that he was 'out of the crowd'!What I just said is completely from the perspective of the nobles, next time you have to pay attention to your words and deeds.
This time, Chris adjusted his mood and responded again: "My lord, according to statistics, there are 5199 healthy lazy people in Valentine. With the benefits you give, they don't do anything, but after five rounds of teaching, Now there are only 32 lazy people left, and they still don’t do anything”

The answer just now is too high-sounding, now!Ted intends to make Chris rethink: "Five rounds of teaching and screening. So what are you going to do with these 32 people? Chris?"

You can't kill them directly, but Ted didn't say you can't spit on them!

In this case, Chris quickly had an idea: "At the end of September, when the welfare ends, they will receive the most basic food that will not starve to death."

"In order to torment them and make them feel ashamed, we specially set up a particularly conspicuous green window next to the city hall, and distributed food from once a week to three times a day."

It’s fine if you lose face once a week. After all, you don’t see each other every day, but you lose face three times a day. Anyone with a little bit of shame will change their minds.

"Puff." Ted laughed, drank half a bottle of happy water and joked: "You really have a way! In this case, they have to often come to the place with the most traffic and throw people three times a day! Even if they break the can Falling, can also set up a negative example for other citizens."

"Yes, my lord! In Valentine, nothing is free. We use the free food to extract their surplus value, and give the citizens a warning. Let everyone take warning~"

Seeing this, Ted gave Chris a thumbs up: "Ahem, I didn't expect, it's Chris, you have a way."

"It's nothing, my lord, but, having said that, do you think these disaster victims will rebel?"

"Of course not!" As he said, Ted took out a digital camera and handed it to Chris: "I remember you can use it, so you can take a look at the photos I took."

Taking the camera, Chris clicked directly into the default photo album, but he didn't find any refugees: "My lord, there are some dishes and fruits in it."

"You turn to the next photo album, and what you are looking at now is a sample of our export items."

"oh oh."

After flipping to the designated position, Chris no longer questioned.
The people in the photos walked together supporting each other. Although they were miserable and didn't have much supplies, they didn't hate each other, but they were in order?
In addition, they are already starving to death, their bodies will fall apart at any time, they have no strength at all, let alone rebellion.
"But my lord, I don't understand why this is so? Why don't they intrigue or resist?"

In the beginning, when the refugees had some money, what Chris said must have made sense, but now...they don't fight among themselves.

"The reason is very simple. When everyone is rich, there is no need to intrigue, and the intrigues are those who only have a few silver coins in their pockets, but look at them! There is nothing in their pockets, and intrigue is meaningless."

"Furthermore, that group of people who like to fight in the nest, the harsh heads in the crowd, have been killed by the nobles in the middle of the empire, and now the remaining people are almost all obedient citizens, honest and responsible, and will not do anything out of line As long as there is still a bite to eat, hope is not completely extinct, they will not rebel!"

"And we will be their last hope. If they come here and have not eaten, they will rebel, and they will be more vigorous than the previous group, but their bodies are no longer strong enough to support them, so We needn't worry."

"For our own people, we must have a spirit of resistance and questioning. It is best to be a hard-working cynic, not a cynic. But outsiders, sheep are the best, so that it is easy to manage and let them continue to do the same thing. It's just a change of place. It's nothing"

"Moreover, after such an operation, our population will be much larger. As long as we educate them properly in the future and stimulate the power in their blood, they will also become new humans and walk in the forefront of the times!"

These, in the final analysis, are only theoretical. Chris always feels that the plan will not go so smoothly: "But will such a plan really go on normally?"

Ted shook his head, repeating his own theory and back-and-forth plan again: "Of course it won't go so smoothly. People who fail the three rounds of screening will not become citizens of the Nock Union. They are still people in the empire. But they are not abandoned, because there is still the sun god who is giving them the bottom line, and they only need to carry out the order of the sun god, that is, me~"

From this point of view, no matter what they become, they will be in the hands of Ted, and Baron Tomato will fool those who make trouble, so there is no need to worry too much.

After all, the hot weapons in their hands will quickly calm down carbon-based creatures. After they have seen the power of these things, they will definitely not make any mistakes.

"Understood, my lord, it seems that you have already planned it."

"Of course, I have even selected the equipment for the 'Armed Believers' and 'Sun God Guards' of the Sun God Sect, and they will also be the backbone of our overthrowing the empire's religion and empire!"

Looking at it this way, it is to use the lives of the people to achieve the goal. Chris touched his chin and tried to ask: "Is it cruel to fool them like this and take their lives to realize our plan?"

Ted knew that Chris would ask this question, and anyone would ask it, and Ted had already prepared the answer: "It's a bit inhumane for us sober people, but you can't just think about it from our point of view. .”

After saying this, Ted made a reasonable inference: "Think about it this way, if you are one of the docile refugees, when you are about to starve to death, the sun god stepped forward! He gave you food, It gave you protection and taught you how to protect yourself and your family! When your life is stable, the tragic memories of the past will turn into hatred or grief and be hidden in your heart."

"Because you are an obedient citizen, you will not take up arms to actively resist, but if the person who gave you hope is threatened, it will be different."

"Like what I said before, from frugality to luxury and from luxury to frugality, just a few days after everyone had a good life, someone wanted to kill the person who gave you hope, trying to break this peace again, and let you return to innocence. The point where you can go home, can you agree? After finally settling down again, do you still want to recall the nightmare of the past?"

"Even if it is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, it will struggle a few times when it is pushed to the guillotine for the second time, let alone these living people."

"This" Chris put his identity into the refugee, and after thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head and responded: "Of course not!"

"Then is there any way to stop this? Reasonable with the pagans of the imperial religion?"

Chris lowered his head and thought again. This time, he thought twice: "Of course not! In order to maintain stability and prevent the tragedy from happening again, I will take up arms and resist!"

"Bingo! In this way, everyone's ability to resist is stimulated! And we did nothing, but provided them with a 'hope'! We didn't fool them, and we didn't use their lives to pave the way for us! This Everything is voluntary”

"And after this time, they will become citizens who know how to resist, and they will no longer be the 'people' at the mercy of others! Like this, in order to protect the people behind them, they are the most brave in fighting, and those captured by the imperial army The young men are completely different."

"In this way, do you still think we are cruel? We are just people who give hope, that's all!"

Such a complete explanation answered all the questions in Chris's mind, but there is one more thing to pay attention to: "Then, sir, you said that you will provide them with weapons. Are you sure about this? Will our weapons .”

"Of course not the kind we use now! They are undertrained, and we don't have time to train them. We just need to make their weapons better than the Imperial Army. Look at this."

With that said, Ted took out the old antique from the book and put it on the table.

Chris has a few of these things in his family, and they are just for collection: "This quick-fire musket? This thing can be called an unearthed cultural relic. Give the congregation this kind of weapon?"

Ted waved his hand: "This is the equipment for armed believers. The Sun God Guards are holding M1917 rifles. They are set up to resist the forces of the Imperial Church Templars! Besides, I will not provide them with modern weapons. Heavy firepower, they only have these two weapons, and the oldest, smoothbore guns that shoot cement pellets."

Such equipment is easy to produce and has no logistical impact
Chris thoughtfully took out his notebook and recorded these items in the book to prepare for future actions: "In this way, the armed believers can indeed deal with the empire and the church! They can also be evenly matched with them! These equipment can completely make up for the battle The difference in literacy will not make the battle appear one-sided crushing situation, nor will it destroy the city or injure innocent people!"

Ted took this opportunity to directly issue an order, stamped it and handed it to Chris: "Yes! It's my same sentence, we don't need a ruin! Even captives can be thrown into the quarry to contribute labor."

"Understood! My lord! Then wish us a smooth operation tomorrow!"

"Of course~"

At noon the next day, the refugee group from the central part of the empire arrived at the outskirts of Baron Tomato's territory.

As promised, Baron Tomato led his troops to guard the territory, beware of riots!

However, after Baron Tomato saw the real appearance of this group of people, he let go of his previous prejudices.

Because the group of refugees who came here was completely different from the previous mob, and there would be at least a few ounces of meat on that group of mob.

But this time. The skinny people inside can be called strong men!

Such a group of refugees, even if they rebel, it won't matter
"Guard at the place, and shoot those who make troubles on the spot! If it is still orderly, we can give you some help."

"Yes! Your lord!"

In the distance, groups of refugees crossed the horizon and appeared on the plain.

When they saw the vibrant fruit trees and fields in the distance, they knelt down and cried loudly
"We are saved!"

"It's not even March yet, and the fruit trees are already bearing fruit. Is this the land of God?"

"I think it's right! This is the land blessed by God, go and see it! This is simply a miracle!"

"Quick! Let's go and worship this god first! Let's see if he will give us some food!"

The first wave of refugees did not rush forward to eat in the orchard. First, they did not have the strength. Second, they remembered what happened not long ago. Those who rushed up to loot it all ended up dead.
In front, Ted set up thousands of food distribution sheds in order to reflect the generosity and mercy of the sun god.

At the same time, in order to reflect the power of the sun god, Ted temporarily mobilized [-] big red men from the territory!As long as they stand there, it is a kind of deterrent, so that the group of people who plot evil will immediately give up their minds.

The refugees gathered more and more, and the first 20 people soon gathered at the border.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked out from among the refugees, and he came forward tremblingly with a cane: "My lords, we are refugees from the south. We traveled through the middle of the country and came here, hoping to get some food. "

However, the big man in front of him didn't pay attention, but pricked up his ears, waiting for some order.

After half a minute.
"Jingle Bell!"

The crisp and pleasant bell sounded, and the big guys took a few steps back, giving way to the passage in the middle, and then stood in place.

Just when everyone was shocked by this scene, an unknown voice came from behind
In order for everyone to hear, Ted also built a car with high-power speakers, and the sound can be heard ten kilometers away: "God is dead! The Imperial Cult has been completely corrupted by evil spirits! Only the Holy Light! Can purify Everything in the world!"

"Jingle Bell!"

Accompanied by the opening remarks and the sound of the bell, the surrounding refugees also came to gather here after listening to the sound.

"Wherever the sun goes, it is the territory of the sun god! The sky is full of fire, and the holy light shines brightly. Only the scorching sun will last forever!"

No matter how slow the brains of everyone present are, they can probably guess what's going on.
At this moment, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"Could it be that these vibrant orchards and fields are gifts from the Sun God?"

"God is dead? No wonder they don't give us food and let us starve to death"

"What about the sun god?"

In order to maintain the majesty of the sun god, the people waiting by the side rang the bell again!


The noisy crowd quickly calmed down, when Ted came out in the clothes of the archbishop.

"People who are suffering, lambs lost in the desert! To prevent the world from being destroyed, and to protect the peace of the world! Carrying out the gift of love and generosity, the kind and great Sun God condescends to come to the world again!"

"Hungry people! Line up! Get ready to receive the gift from the Sun God!"

At this time, the person next to him rang the bell again.
"Order! Gift! Praise the Sun God!"

At the same time, the 'Tuo'er' who had just been lurking among the refugees, after receiving the signal, led the surrounding crowd to shout: "Praise the Sun God!"

The refugees, who were at a loss, saw someone shouting around them, so they also kowtowed to Ted, who was pretending to be a ghost in front of him!

Everyone is still hungry, so it is not wise to speak out at this time. When they realize that they are still alive and see the sun the next day, Ted will use the sun to fool him again, and the effect will be even better!

"Put the food away!"

Because of the deterrence at the scene and the lack of energy in the group, everyone received food in order. Occasionally, a few people who jumped in line would be immediately picked up by the big guy and thrown to the end of the line!

After doing this, the law enforcement officers will shout: "Order!"

The middle-aged man who was at the front of the line just now came to the side after receiving the food, kowtowed three times to Ted, said "Praise the Sun God", and then went to the side to eat.
The people who got the food later saw that the first person did this, and they all followed suit.

These surviving people, at least in terms of IQ, are much higher than Lengtouqing. As long as they kneel and kowtow to Ted, the next meal should be settled!After all, this fairyland full of vitality is not short of such a little food.

If not kneeling will bring too much uncertainty, there is no need to gamble with your life, it is better to kneel obediently and thank you!Besides, when we got food from other nobles before, everyone also knelt down, not bad this time~
At this time, the middle-aged man who came to the side with the food, opened the small bag, looked at the rich food package, and was at a loss in place.

"Does this taste like meatloaf? There is actually a tomato and an apple"

Refugees opened the food packages one after another, and they all expressed such emotion.

And Ted, in order to show the strength and wealth of the Sun God, came to the refugee holding the food with the support of two big men.
"Who is the sun god? Wherever the sun goes, it is his land, and God is just the most humble god. After he died, everyone continued to live, but the sun god got angry and took back the light and heat. The world It will be dark, falling into endless coldness, and everyone will die in the end!"

"Compared to the poor god who can only distribute bread, some meatloaf and bread are just a speck of dust in the desert to the Sun God, insignificant!"

In order to make this group of people fear the Sun God from the very beginning, Ted stepped on God directly on the ground!Plus refugees' previous experiences of being 'forsaken by God'
In the hearts of this first wave of refugees, the great power of the sun god will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It was a meatloaf after all!Even if it's for the meatloaf, you have to flatter the sun god, and if you do it, you may become a believer and believe it is true.

"My lord, what should we call you?"

"I am the envoy of God, the Archbishop of the Sun God Sect, Ted Herrington, and the lord of the northern border of the empire."

"The envoy, is everything around here the power of the Sun God?"

Ted closed his eyes and didn't rush to answer. He opened his arms artificially, opened his eyes after ten seconds, and responded slowly: "This is just his most insignificant strength."

If you want to get out of the shadow of broken love, it's useless to cut off the relationship, and quickly transfer love to other love to make up for the vacancy in your heart!
The same is true in religion!People who have lost hope, the best way to regain confidence and hope is not to abandon theology, but to worship another god.

God is dead, then turn to the sun god!

As for whether God is dead or not. Believe that when he dies, he will have food to eat, otherwise he will have no food to eat. Over time, whether he is dead or not, he is also dead.

The man knelt on the ground, put his hand on his left chest, and pleaded tremblingly: "Then can I become his believer?"

"Don't worry, I will come here again at this time tomorrow. At that time, I will bring a message from the Sun God."

"Thank God for clearing up my lord's confusion! Praise the Sun God!"

"Come here, you are home, the sun god will never abandon everyone who bathes in the sun!"

(End of this chapter)

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