Duke of Herrington

Chapter 130 The Magical 'Assembly' of Dream Battle?

Chapter 130 The Magical 'Assembly' of Dream Battle?

Gunshots sounded one after another, echoing in the empty and desolate ruins.

The slug pushed the shotgun to tear through the hot air, gushing out from the ground like the judgment of the sun god!

A phantom of a protective net made of bullets flashed past!The volume is whistling in the gust of wind!

Dense bullet nets, even mosquitoes, can't guarantee [-]% escape

It was just a volley, and the screams of the demons could be heard endlessly. While vomiting blood, they clutched their broken wings and tried their best not to let themselves fall.

This funny appearance is like maggots longing for freedom in the depths of the cesspit, but no matter how they twist their bodies, they can't change the fact that they are about to be buried.

The speed at which they fall, like aging men, is getting faster and faster
The small demon has only a thin layer of skin and flesh armor, which can barely resist the sword, but for the bullet, it is useless except to cause trouble for the rescue demons.

At the moment when bullets rained one after another pierced through their bodies, the life breath of the demons quickly passed away.
The lucky devil, with a hole in his brain, was shot to death!
But not all demons are so lucky. One of the unlucky demons had 28 bullet holes on his body, all of which were stuck in non-lethal parts. His wings were also sieved by the shotgun, no matter how he flapped It, too, is of no avail!

The damage from falling is like being hit hard on the chest by a hammer. Not only will the internal organs be shaken into pieces, but all the bones will also be shattered.

Such injuries that torment the body will not directly kill them!The protection from Satan will allow them to take another look at the world when they are dying.

It was originally a gift from the supreme demon, but now it has become a curse that cannot end the pain.

Not as good as those demons whose nerves were directly destroyed, they were instantly relieved.

"I hate it so much."

Before the next sentence was uttered, the body was gradually petrified, and was finally broken down into embers of the setting sun by the holy light from the sky.

The first wave of attack was successfully resolved by the troops on the ground!The demon flying in the sky was blasted to pieces by several rounds of bullets!

The current situation is very impressive. As long as we maintain the status quo and slightly adjust the formation, we can wipe out all the demons in the next few waves of attacks!

It seems... everyone seems to be winning, and it's easy to win!
It's just that this demon is like a maggot in the toilet, one wave survived, and another wave was hatched!
And the second wave of demons appeared in the field of vision before the first wave was completely wiped out!

This time, the demons that came were different from the first wave!
Their size and the weapons in their hands have all been upgraded a few notches. It was just some little devils holding sticks and stones and preparing to land on the ground, forcing everyone to fight with them!
But this group of medium-sized demons flying from the sky, they hold bows and arrows in their hands, carry Molotov cocktails on their backs, and they can even use some simple spells to drop flames!

Seeing the demon flying again in the sky, Ted couldn't help but curse!

Against such a powerful enemy, Ted can defeat ten thousand with one!But the NPCs and believers around are just the most ordinary human believers, they don't have powerful magic power, let alone a hard body!

At the moment, avoiding the edge is the best way!Avoid unnecessary casualties!
It's just that saying 'flee' will definitely disturb the morale of the army, causing this group of militiamen who are not strong in combat to disperse and flee.
But right now, I don't have time to think: "Everyone! Spread out! They take Molotov cocktails, go under the building, behind the bunker, be careful of splashing!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only the NPCs panicked, but even himself and the believers around him didn't know what to do next.
And the small demons that have not been killed in front, because their original shape is a stone statue, are almost immune to fire damage!So log directly onto the ground.

After the medium-sized demons in the sky dropped all the incendiary bombs, the rest successfully landed on the ground, forcing the militiamen of Sun City to fight them!
Now, the oppression from the sky, and the initial disadvantages on the ground made Ted not know what to do, and the moon elves didn't give themselves a reminder!It seems to be testing myself!

Even if it was a dream, a battlefield similar to a game, Ted didn't want to admit defeat
If it's a game, he'll call up the password and type 'whosyourdaddy'

"Everyone, don't fight the enemy alone, at least five people! Don't fall behind!"

Even small demons are much larger than the residents of Sun City, and their strength and endurance are far superior to those present!
"What should I do?"

Ted raised his hand subconsciously, erected a solid shield of holy light, and blocked part of the attack of the Molotov cocktails, but for the large-scale release of the Molotov cocktails, this defense was not even a drop in the bucket.

In everyone's hearts, the fighting spirit and hope that had just been awakened were extinguished at this moment.

Everyone huddled behind the bunker, hoping that the ammunition of the enemy would be exhausted before they were killed. In this way, the survivors could fight back!
Now, Ted couldn't stand it any longer, and the favorable situation just now was reversed, and the little good became the big bad!

Under the attack of the devil, half of the original thousands of soldiers fell down in an instant!
There were only burning corpses everywhere, and the lingering screams stuck in his mind.

If there is no other way, if this goes on, sooner or later everyone will be cool off
He turned his head to look at the sky, and mobilized his mind to communicate with the moon elves who were controlling everything: "Hey! What's going on? Didn't you say you wanted to push it? Why are we being beaten now?"

The moon elves don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and some of them are still eating melon seeds
"Hey, my lord, don't worry, look at it! Our screenwriter is not a three-year-old!"

When they finished speaking, they dived and disappeared. No matter how Ted communicated with his mind, they did not respond.


Now Ted can do nothing but curse.

The second wave of demons dropped all the Molotov cocktails they carried, and landed with the first wave of little demons!
Shooting arrows down from the sky, even the elite among the demons, it is difficult to hit every shot!
If it landed on the ground and used its size advantage to crush the weak chickens and humans on the ground, the damage would definitely be faster than using bows and arrows!
At this moment, there was a sea of ​​flames in Sun City, and only countless demons descended from the sky. Relying on their powerful magical defense shells, they forced the residents of Sun City into corners.
Even if the militiamen took up their weapons and made a last-ditch effort, they couldn't kill the demons
Looking from here to the distance, the old scene in the city is long gone.

All the original splendor and richness were burned to the ground, and only through the broken walls and broken murals can one see the glory of the past.

"What should I do?" The believers hugged the weapons in their hands and curled up on the ground. They raised their arms and covered their heads. Even though there was a shield of holy light in the sky to protect everyone from harm, they still stayed where they were like grandchildren and did not dare to move. Half a step!
Only a few believers still hold weapons, load ammunition, and fire!
suddenly!A Molotov cocktail exploded in front of his eyes, and a Sun City citizen who was running towards the inside of the protective shield was tortured to death by the flames in front of the believers. There was nothing he could do about it.
In order to maintain the shield of the Holy Light, Ted could only ignore the militiamen who died tragically in front of him.


Surroundings, screams and shouts of killing can be heard endlessly!
The battle that was originally evenly matched has become one-sided!
But despite this, there are still quite a few Sun City residents who did not flee backwards, or pretended to be dead on the ground.

A different golden light emerged from their bodies, and they took up weapons for the final resistance. Even if five militiamen were evenly matched with a little devil, they still fought bravely.

At the same time, dusk will pass, until the last ray of sunlight disappears into the night.
The sun god can use his own mana to maintain the daylight in the heavens, but at this moment, he is fighting on the front line and has no time to clone himself, so he can only let the sky be swallowed by darkness.

"What shall we do?"

A sense of exhaustion came, and the holy light shield in front of Ted was getting weaker and weaker, and it might be shattered by the demon's attack at any time.
The field of vision is getting darker and narrower, and the original five-color world has become gray and white on one side.

"My lord envoy, what should we do? Do we want to organize a team to counterattack?" This bloody believer did not feel the frustration of failure at all, and still led the soldiers around him to reload and counterattack!
"Counterattack." His vision became blurred, and Ted gradually looked down on the believer's face until his magic power was exhausted, and his body leaned back uncontrollably.

Just when he was about to have his head smashed by the gravel on the ground, a burst of softness hit his back.

"My lord, we are late."

This familiar voice and familiar touch?

Tedmont circled, he didn't remember that Alice was among the moon elf dream controllers who came?So what's the matter with this familiar feeling?
Before Ted could continue to think, the four lips pressed together tightly.

It's like a charging car meets a fast charging pile!Almost instantly, Ted's body was filled with a magical pink energy!
Immediately afterwards, a huge sky electromagnetic shield net descended from the sky, covering the entire battlefield!

"Soldiers of the Moon Goddess! Purify the demons in front of you! Save our allies!"

At this time, a large Moon Elf Goddess of War, speaking the voice of Grandma Tyrande, appeared behind her wearing a battle armor and riding a silver-white saber-toothed tiger.

And behind her, a mysterious gate of time and space was opened, from which powerful mages and healers emerged continuously!
"Huh..." After Ted fully recovered his strength, he grabbed Alice's hand and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Hey hey, don't worry about it, let's talk after the fight~"

Seeing the reinforcements rushing into the battlefield like a tide, Ted felt a lot of responsibility in his heart.

It's just that Ted is not optimistic about the moon elf fighters who came, because their bodies are very thin, and even if they are riding beasts, they don't look like 'truly powerful' fighters.

At least they have no chance against medium-sized demons.

If there are only these reinforcements, it is far from enough!So Ted pointed at the medium-sized demon in the distance, and asked in a deep voice, "Do we have any reinforcements?"

With a figure close to five meters tall and with a powerful biological carapace, even with a volley of muskets, it would be difficult to kill them in one wave!
The support is not limited to this point. Alice raised her hands, pinched her slender waist, and slowly looked towards the sky: "Of course, other believers of the Sun God will also be here!"

"The Sun God is never fighting alone. Anyone who is bathed in his sunshine and has integrity and faith is his ally!"

As soon as the words fell, a mysterious ball-shaped floating machine appeared in the field of vision. After he found a suitable position, a lightning ball was spit out from the core of the mechanical ball!
And when the lightning ball reaches its position!A rift of void appeared in front of my eyes
This familiar scene appeared in front of him, and Ted always felt that something big was going to happen next
At the same time, an exquisite solar-powered carrier plane flew over from the sky, and when he unfolded his wings, a strong energy stance followed!Shine on the ground.

In just an instant, several tall and brave warriors materialized from the phantom.

"For the Sun God, warriors! Show off your blade!"

Originally, Ted had already entered the play, and was moved by the brave residents of Sun City around him
But in the end, he was forced back to reality by the familiar scenes in front of him.

These tall and mighty golden 'Zandalari troll' templars who were jumped over not only shone with dark blue psionic shields, but even their battle armor was exactly the same as those of the forks!
Besides, the leading warrior was one-eyed.
"Then next, will there be Daniel and the consul?"

This idea just passed by in a flash, but it seemed to be captured by the moon elves.
The next moment, a bang of 'Duang'!An oversized demon appeared in front of him. Not only was his skin rough and fleshy, his body gave off a stench, and he could even corrupt the surrounding plants!

It seems that the visitor is not good!
Now that the 'big cow' is here, do you have to have the consul?
With curiosity, Ted raised his finger to the demon in front of him: "This...how should we deal with it?"

Alice beside her was full of confidence, and pulled out a controller similar to a walkie-talkie from nowhere.
She took Ted's hand and said firmly, "It's up to you to destroy them!"


Ted thought that Alice was going to merge with him to become a consul, and pull this 'big bull' into the void?
But, in that case, I will be gone?How to develop the plot backwards?

However, just when Ted was about to ask a question, he only felt a sense of weight behind him, and he subconsciously patted back.

A large battery that glows green?

"Why does this battery look so familiar?"

Suddenly, a harmonious female voice popped up from the indicator in front of him. Judging from the voice, it seemed to be Vadina?
"Sir Son! Please get ready to fight giant demons! Titans are about to fall right in front of you!"


A long string of black question marks flashed on Ted's face!
These things were originally games on Earth, why did they appear in dreams?And how did these moon elves know this?
Thinking of this, Ted couldn't bear it anymore. He called out the moon elves who were manipulating everything, and asked, "What happened? Did any of you copy my memory?"

Such behavior is illegal in the northern border. Unless it is a legal couple who 'accidentally' leaked the crystal dream image
In order to stabilize Ted's mood, the leading moon elf turned into a phantom that only Ted could see, and said with an apologetic expression: "Ahem, my lord, we cut it first and played it later when Alice was peeping at your memory. , to save some interesting content with the memory crystal! For example, the music you have heard, and the things you have experienced. It is called a 'game'"

What Ted cares about is not these, but the learning materials on the computer hard drive
If this thing is discovered, the prestige and tall image I have built up will completely collapse in the eyes of my wives!

So Ted asked tremblingly, "What else did you see?"



The moon elves didn't dare to answer directly, so they could only select key words from Alice's words about tigers and wolves for Ted to think about.
"Ahem. I can't figure out why a handsome and accomplished lord like you would look at a 3D virtual character drawn with a pen, then"

There are no real people in his study materials, and Ted doesn't know how to watch normal anime. This is his only little hobby, and he doesn't want anyone to know about it!
"Stop! Stop talking! Did you really see it?"

In such an indescribable scene, Alice is not stupid enough to share her man with everyone.
"Ahem. We just heard about it, but Alice saw the specific scene, and she thought it was cute. She even used the memory crystal to project the picture into her mind and watched it repeatedly. We knew that she had already Shared the screen with your other wives"

Hearing that the embarrassing scene he most wanted to delete was known by his wives, Ted wanted to slam into the pillar in front of him!
"It's so embarrassing! My image has completely ruined my solid and reliable arms, and my gentle and powerful voice is over. Why should I propose myself to conduct dream experiments?"

Seeing Ted's inner world become like this, the leading moon elf could only comfort him: "Hey, my lord, there is nothing to be ashamed of, me."

In order to prevent the words of tiger and wolf from being spoken out, Ted directly raised his hand to interrupt her words: "Ahem, stop talking, let's finish the trick first, and then I will discuss it with Alice."

At this time, quite a few moon elves were in a daze, wondering what they were talking about?
Driven by curiosity, another voice sounded: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"



Ted didn't want others to know, but as long as it gets out this time, his embarrassing things will completely ruin his image: "Don't ask more, if you ask more, your salary will be deducted."

When the salary is mentioned, everyone instantly cheers up! "Hey! My lord, we have to act with conscience! I put my heart and soul into my work, you can't deduct my wages! This is not in line with the spirit of the North!"

Ted broke down, he really wanted to take out the tape and seal the mouths of the group: "I was just joking! Why are you so serious!"

"I don't care, I'm serious! You have to compensate me!"

"Okay. What compensation do you want?"

Regarding compensation, after Ted said these words, he knew what the group of moon elves planned to say.
Since they found out that they and Ted had no chance, they urged his unborn son to be engaged to his daughters.
"My lord, after you and Mia have a son, my family has 9 daughters. Not too many! Can you choose one to be your daughter-in-law?"

"Hey, hello! I have a younger sister! She was just born 3 months ago this year! Let's talk about baby kiss! My lord"

"My lord~ I'm 179 years old, and I haven't touched a man's hand yet! Can I be your daughter-in-law?"

In Ted's inner world, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't be kidding. You have the qualifications to be my grandma, so let's just be my daughter-in-law."

"grown ups."


That's the end of the fun, right now, there are still tasks to do!
Before, this group of believers saw that the combat advantage came back, and picked up the lost confidence!
And when the medium-sized demons came, they panicked again
"I really can't help you! You can only fight with the wind, not against the wind! If you are at a disadvantage, you will collapse! You can't teach children!"

Just when Ted was scratching his head and crying, several familiar figures made him regain his confidence
At this time, the moon elves also got the report!
"My lord, among the 300 true believers who came here, 36 believers have recovered what was lost in their hearts. Since they fought against the ghouls, they have continued to fight until now. They have not shown the slightest timidity, but the more they fight, the more courageous they are! "

A 'Golden Legend' with so much backbone!A golden light flashed in Ted's eyes: "Very well, these are the future executives, and they will select the fine management class!"

"In addition, there are 72 people who dare to fight bravely and do not shrink back in the face of danger. They are more or less afraid of fighting in their hearts, but the power of the sun god seems to have given them some inspiration. The straw in my heart can also be brave and desperate!"

This is a relatively powerful ordinary person, although not as good as the 'gold card' just now, but the purple card is also good: "These are brave ordinary people, and they are much better than most ordinary people! The shackles in their hearts have been broken, and it is also very good to use them as the backbone to attract other believers!"

"In addition, there are 108 other people who are caring and caring. They are not suitable for fighting in the front, but because of the power given by the Sun God, they did not retreat, but urged themselves to stay where they are!"

In order for the church to operate normally, not only military generals, but also civil servants are required!

These 'blue cards' can become the godfather of the church!
"Just what I want! 36 gods of war, 72 elite guards, they can be trained as legion commanders and generals to become bishops and vicars"

"As for the 108 people, let them become godfathers, and serve as civil servants in a role similar to the 'priest' of the Imperial Church"

"Master is wise!"

"Stop flattering, how about the performance of the rest of the people?"

"The rest...all threw down their weapons and ran away. They are only suitable to be obedient citizens, without any responsibility, and they will not still maintain their beliefs in times of crisis. I suggest that they be put in a pig farm as ordinary employees! Because of this They have no opinion, they cannot take any responsibility, they are not competent for management."

Listening to the introduction of the moon elves, Ted wondered if they were too strict in the selection?Then he asked: "Are they that bad?"

"Just like those hopelessly lazy people in our city, this group of people can barely contribute a meager amount of strength to the Sun God Cult when the wind is down, and they will be the first batch of waste to turn against the enemy camp when the wind is headed! "

Such sharp words did not seem to be a joke. Ted frowned, and continued to ask: "How did they survive? Such waste? Didn't they get screened out by nature?"

"There are always accidents in everything. These people have small cleverness, but no great wisdom! They can be treated as ordinary people. According to my experience of more than 3000 years, many of the 'waste' you mentioned should be screened out. Now the rest are not Not many, after calculation, there used to be at least 7% of such people in the empire, but now with us, there are less than one-third left, we should be happy!"

In this way, there are really fewer "weak chickens"!Just like 'Tadalin', the weak are all eliminated, and the rest are all strong!
"It seems that the experience of your moon elves is very useful at certain times!"

"That's natural! If you want to know more about my experience and experience, you can come to our house and we will discuss it slowly."

"It's free"

"If you think I can't do it, I have six daughters, and they are only a few hundred years younger than me! We can share our life experience with you! Please don't think wrong! Just share learning experience!"

"It's hard not to be crooked! If you really want to share, come to my office! I'll pay you!"

"Forget it."

At the same time, the golden circle of light on the ground is getting bigger and bigger, and the one-and-a-half-minute reading is coming to an end
'boom'!With a loud bang, a storm of thunder and lightning appeared above the sky, the strong wind swept through the dark clouds, and a lightning bolt split the space in half!

The next moment, a large number of airdrop pods poured out from the void!

"The rain of steel is coming! Please get ready!"

At the end of the broadcast, a large airdrop pod fell in front of Ted

"Master Shengzi, are you ready for battle?"

There was an exciting mechanical friction sound, and a large Titan climbed out of the airdrop cabin, grabbed Ted and put it into the cab.

And there are many NPCs who were called together!

Of course, the 36 fierce generals just now are indispensable!Each of them received a call from the sky, and before they could react, they were grabbed by the Titan and stuffed into the cab.

At first, they were not used to it, but after connecting the nerves, they figured out how this thing works
They don't understand scientific principles, they only know that when they wave their hands, this thing also waves, just like a part of themselves
As for the 72 strong men who dare to fight and never flinch, they were given the foot-combat MAX mecha, which is commonly known as 'horse fork' on the earth.
In their hands, they hold two 40mm anti-aircraft guns, which can deal a devastating blow to the enemies flying in the sky!

When Ted checked the large 'Gatling' in front of him, the 'artificial intelligence' sent a reminder: "Ted, get ready to fight! There are a large number of giant enemy reinforcements ahead!"

As soon as the words fell, more than 200 demons fell from the sky and hit the ground
At this time, a believer's voice came from the channel: "My lord, the enemy is three times as big as me, what should we do?"

"How to do it?"

Ted looked at the demons in front of him disdainfully, and taunted: "Three times as many enemies? Just equal to us! Far away, he is good at bombing with the Gatling machine gun in his hand! If there are large-scale targets, use the missile pod behind him. If someone Use our light blades to sneak up close!"


There are many powerful Titans in the game Titanfall.
It's just that Ted couldn't figure out one thing!Why is there such a peculiar style of painting as "ronin"?

An American sci-fi, it has to add some small life things, which lowers the overall score in Ted's mind.
After a final investigation, Ted found out!One of the screenwriters is Little Days.
If he is replaced by someone from the interstellar production team, this melee mecha will use the light blade of the templar
And the combo of two-handed weapons is definitely stronger than that broken knife, and the special effects will be more cool!

However, Ted is not a producer, so he cannot give instructions on the game.
However, in this dream, my thoughts became reality!

Fortunately, when Ted played the game, he used English, which the moon elves could understand, and based on the picture in his mind, he specially made such a model of mecha
This mecha temporarily named 'Holy Light Knight', besides having a Gatling with a face shield in the hands of 'Legion', also has a 'powerful' missile barrage!

It has a strong advantage in dealing with long-range and medium-range enemies!
Even if you are close by the enemy, you don't have to worry, because two high-energy particle emitters and stabilization devices are installed on the arms.

The combination of the two can stabilize the ejected high-energy particles inside the magnetic field, thus forming two powerful light blades!

At the same time, this particle flow can also identify friendly troops based on the magic power gushing, and it will not accidentally hurt your own people, which is suitable for team melee!

Now, the titans are all assembled in front with weapons in hand, waiting for the next order.

"The good show has begun! Everyone, come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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