Duke of Herrington

Chapter 139 Half Sister?

Chapter 139 Half Sister?
Since Ted agreed to the request from the moon elves, the difficulty of the next task was much less.

It still looks scary and difficult though!
But that was just a huge momentum. In fact, it was just thunder and rain, and there was no danger.

Marching for 10 minutes, the team methodically cleared the line of soldiers and dealt with the enemies in front of them
Ted is inside the Titan, drinking happy water, eating fried chicken, and eating two 'Makarov' beef burgers every now and then.

Of course, Alice's deodorant, with its refreshingly uplifting effect, was simply the best stimulant in the world, keeping Ted alive even when he was bored.

"Ted, Chris just sent some documents over, do you want to see them?"

"Let me see"

Right now, the moon elf dream controller is no longer difficult for himself. Relying on years of multi-line experience, he is in the interior of Titan, doing tasks and handling official affairs in the territory at the same time.

[The production of watermelons in the territory is still insufficient, and the city hall has decided to expand part of the land on the Gobi to watermelon fields.]

This message, involving land expansion or land use, needs Ted to sign
Because this land, and even the entire northern border, is Ted's territory, it is considered private territory, and he needs to stamp it himself.
There are not a lot of watermelons in the territory, with an average of 75 people, one person can't finish it in a day!
"Well, I remember that the watermelon we produce is enough for 200 million people to eat 18 kilograms a day. Why is it still not enough?"

"This." Alice didn't understand the city's planning, but she knew the people's livelihood issues in the city.

And this delicious watermelon has been loved by all classes and people since it came to this world.

Especially the group of big red guys, they can eat about 30 kilograms of watermelon a day!
It's just for appetizer.

If you want to explain something, it is most intuitive to start from your own perspective.
"Ted, our family consumes 12 large watermelons a day let alone folks"


Large watermelons usually start at 10kg, so the family will eat at least 120kg of watermelon a day?
After such a calculation, Ted was instantly frightened by the number, and then sat up and asked, "Does the mansion not eat for a day, but only eat watermelon?"

Because of the large output of watermelons, and also for the citizens to enjoy the coolness of summer, the profit set by the city hall for watermelons is very low. Can buy enough watermelon for the whole family with wages!

Of course what Alice said was not what she meant on the surface, and then she explained: "Of course not! I just said that this thing is very popular, not only for eating, but also for squeezing juice, and the leftover residue is used to feed Livestock are also very good, and they can be used to make biofuels. In short, no matter which one it is, it means that the production of watermelons will increase.”

Using watermelon as biofuel, Ted doesn't know if it can be done, but since Alice said yes, it should be possible: "Oh? You know it very well!"

Referring to her recent study field, Alice smiled and said, "Of course, I'm studying energy and geological survey recently. As long as I pass the exam, I can work as an assistant in the research institute!"

Ted didn't know the mechanism established by the college later, and he was only the principal.

He is good at making speeches, but his ability to manage the school is not enough.

After thinking about it, Ted planned to give Alice a little convenience: "It's such a trouble, let me just tell you, can you just go and be done?"

"How can this work? Then I am going through the back door!"

"Uh" Ted immediately realized that his words were a bit too much.

Obviously Alice was preparing for the exam so hard, what I said just now was as rude as ignoring the fruits of her labor.
In order to prevent the conflict between husband and wife from escalating, someone has to stand up and confess!
"Ahem. Alice, that's what I mean, maybe I didn't make it clear, it's emmmmm"

"I can pay you to build a laboratory for you, so that you can assemble your own people and let go of research, without any restrictions! Stimulate your hobbies to the greatest extent."

Seeing his wife who was about to get angry, Ted could only change his words temporarily and come back in time.

Besides, Ted had his own plan.

That is to let the wives have their own unique skills, such as being proficient in computer programming, or special skills such as finance.

The gold panned from outside is still from outside, and will never catch up with your own gold.

Regardless of the degree of joy it brings or the safety factor, it is safe to train a noob who knows how to repay him into a core member by himself!
It would be great if this person is his wife!
The lifeblood of the northern border has several items, namely energy, industry and arms.

In the future there will be light industries, such as computer programming.

If you want to hold everything in the mainland in your own hands, the best way is to let your wives or family members learn this.
That's how it's safe!
The life span of myself and Mia depends on eating the heart of the black dragon, while Alice and Lilia
As long as the two of them don't die, they can live to the end of the world. Even if Lilia dies by force, she can be resurrected by the world.
Thinking so far, Ted opened his own small notebook.
Even Chris doesn't know about this mysterious little book!

It recorded my extra income, such as the transaction price of arms and energy, and the difference between the real price and the real price gave me a lot of savings.

The currency reform has just been carried out, and the money has not yet been printed.
As for the initial exchange probability, Ted has already thought about it, it is about 1 Dole for 1 gram of gold, and the currency after that will definitely be worth more than gold!

Because there is not much gold in this world
This sea blue star is originally Kepler 22b, with dozens of times more natural resources than the earth, plus the impact of asteroids in the early years.
There is a lot of gold in the mountain range where the dragon is located. If all of it is taken out, it will be several times more than the copper in the empire.
In addition, the content of gold in the feces of giant dragons accounts for 10-30%.
If you continue to use this thing as money, the collapse is only a matter of time.

Gold coins may be rare on other continents, but definitely not on Nok.

Thinking so far, an idea of ​​exchanging gold for natural resources has been released.

The nobles like this thing, and they still have a lot in their hands.
Why not take these useless metals and exchange them for land and resources?Anyway, the gold needed by industry is not much.

If gold is in your own hands, it won't give birth to cubs, so it's better to take it out to activate the market, or disturb prices in other countries!
With a plan in place, Ted pulled Alice over, touched her little hand, sniffed the fragrance of her body greedily, and said after a while: "Alice, tell me, I'll give you 20 gold coins for the initial investment." How about as a guarantee?"

"20 gold coins! Honey? Are you crazy? 2000 gold coins are enough!"

As a child of a commoner family, Alice has never seen so much money!Even when I dream, I only say that I am a "million-dollar household", and a dream that is too much is only 10 gold
And Ted spent a lot of money. The initial capital was 20 gold
In fact, the source of the money is very formal!Part of it comes from Steve's gold coupon, another part comes from the deal with the Tomato Baron, and part of the private trade.

In short, he didn't use any of the taxes in the territory, and put all of it into the people's livelihood plan to give back to the people in the territory.

Because this is the realization of my wish!Raise the people in the territory as pigs!It is equivalent to the period when the two big brothers are fighting for hegemony, they keep giving benefits to the people, emphasizing that their country is better.

In order to emphasize the 'Northern Territory Excellence Theory', Ted will definitely fill up the benefits, including allies!Through the dividends generated by industrialization, this group of people directly entered the rich class
Since coming into this world, Ted has rarely thought about what his life should be like.
Only selfish people would think that!
With a cheat, Ted is equivalent to owning the whole world!He will be satisfied only when the world becomes better!Then there are the stars, the sea and the universe.

As for his extra income, Ted intends to save it for emergency use by the city hall, or to make some extra inventions!Like outer space exploration
But no matter what, these should be in your own hands: "It doesn't matter, you can make a long-term construction plan in my name, and spend the gold in your hand in batches. Anyway, the boss is me, as long as you follow the regulations, you will be fine." It'll be fine."

Now that she has Ted's support, Alice has nothing to worry about: "Well, then there is no problem! If...the gold coins are not enough."

"If you want to develop a small research institute into a big company, I will not refuse! As long as I can afford the funds and energy, I can use them~"

Such words are equivalent to telling you that as long as you want to do it, you can go!

"Then there is no problem! It's just that, can Mia be in charge of the company's affairs? She has learned a lot of management knowledge recently. I want to do research, so I may not have time to deal with the company. I also have possible"

Since getting busy in the territory, Chris has no time to take care of his own family affairs. It would be a bit overkill for his wives to worry about this: "The things at home are easy to handle, just let the maids do it. I remember that the head maid has been working in my house for 25 years. I heard that my father recruited her to work hard at home, so let her take charge of it.”

"Okay! So what is Lilia going to do in this case? Or let her come with us?"


Ted shook his head, and immediately raised his hand to stop it: "Forget it, I think she is more suitable to be a mascot! Because she is the youngest child of the dragon clan, our landlord is reluctant to let her work, we It's not easy to make a move, if she is interested, she can get my support just like you!"

With this mention, Ted seemed to remember Lilia's needs.

After final decision, she seems to be going to study medicine
Ted didn't understand this, because the self-healing ability of the dragons didn't need a doctor at all, and the wound might heal before the pain tingled the nerves.

Essentially, medical treatment is for vulnerable races, such as humans, who can't even kill a wild boar without technology and tools.
Except in cases of extreme anger, of course.
Meanwhile, the dragon's awakening has progressed!

Now, a total of [-] giant dragons can get a stable meal!

Outside the city, due to the process of industrialization, the river water cannot be directly drunk, and the planning of the waterworks has not yet been in place.

so!Chris simply built a luxurious toilet for the dragons!Connected liquid lines go directly to several jugs!
Guarantee that every citizen can drink the 'Longquan' which is rich in nutrition, cool and sweet!
After the group of giant dragons woke up, they discussed with the patriarch for two days and two nights
Judging from Lilia's anxious description, the dragons intend to take on the role of 'landlord'!After all, he is the 'manufacturer' of this continent, so if you are idle, you are idle!Why don't you come out and get familiar~
As a qualified landlord, you should not only focus on collecting rent, but also take care of the health of the tenants!Only when the tenants are healthy, can I receive more and better rent!
It's just that, because of the pride of the race, they don't plan to dabble in the breeding industry, and only study what they consider to be a relatively 'high-end' occupation.

Raphael originally wanted to be a lawyer.

However, after discussing with Chris and others, this profession was eliminated.

In order to ensure the authenticity of the court, and in order not to produce unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, everyone adopted the 'jury' system.

But this jury is not composed of ordinary people. If it is composed of ordinary people, the rate of wrongful convictions will still remain high.

Ever since, Chris racked his brains and made a final plan.
It is composed of 20 veteran National Guard members familiar with the law, and 10 other judges who serve.

As for why there is no career as a lawyer, I can only blame Ted for handing over all the unjust, false and wrong cases caused by lawyers' mouths in all parts of the world to Chris.

Ted's original intention was to make everyone pay attention to prevent unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.

But he never thought
Chris cuts everything out because he thinks it's a hassle.

Anyway, it's just some small things that don't affect the overall situation. With the help of the moon elf dream controller, as long as he breaks the law, he can forcibly control the suspect's dream and reproduce the crime scene, which is much more convenient than any detective.

As for human rights, it also depends on the legal provisions, how to define 'human rights'.

"Alice, just let go, I'm here to give you all the support! If you have any needs, just ask. If my money is not enough, I can earn it. If it is still not enough, then I will go to the empire to grab some! If it still doesn't work. We can discuss with Francis that the gold meteorites and gold and silver they store in the mountains are enough for the whole world."

As the saying goes, when a man gains satisfaction by throwing coins, as long as he mentions a condition that is not murder and arson, he will be satisfied.

Ever since, she used Ted's expression on her face to secretly reveal what Chris had told her.

"Ted, I have something to tell you about your family's secret."


"But you have to promise me that you can't get angry, and you can't do things that violate the law. Although you are an 'outlaw fanatic' and are not bound by the law, I am still."

"Hey! Alice! I obey the law! Although he is not beneficial to me, I have never done anything illegal. Such regulations are just for convenience."

With Ted's affirmation, Alice stopped coddling: "Then I can say it."

"Speak! Speak hard!"

"Actually, you have a younger sister and an older sister."


Ted was stunned, and then he opened his mouth to confirm: "How is it possible? I am the only one in my family."

Seeing Alice's simple and serious eyes, Ted straightened his body, raised his finger to himself, and confirmed again and again: "I have a sister? And...a sister?"

Having said that, Ted seemed to understand something, and also remembered the conversation he had with Chris half a year ago.

Chris' father, Nicholas, drowned many children with his own hands, and more than 160 of his illegitimate children died.
Among the more than 160 illegitimate children, two survived, which is very confusing.
Why can these two survive?
With doubts, Ted slowly asked, "Where are these two people now?"

"You first promise me that you will not take any illegal actions against these two people, including but not limited to detention"

"I promise!"

"Their mother is the head maid in our house, and the two children are maids in the house. When Chris found out about this, you have already said that you want to have younger brothers and sisters. So Chris didn't kill him. .Besides, the two of them are women, and in front of the patriarchal society of human beings, they will not threaten your status, and Ted, you are very smart"

"Well, I see, I will talk about it in detail when we go back!"

At the moment, Ted can't show excitement
However, his heart came alive!

"Sister? Sister? Now it's all right, you can tie Steve! Baron Tomato can also be tied! The gene stabilization potion costs 3 star coins each. It seems that I have to save money!"

Thinking of this, Ted shook his head and immediately calmed down: "My sisters and sisters, as long as they are not hostile to me and know how to be grateful, I should take good care of them! I can't use them as tools for marriage!"


"My lord, we have arrived. The enemy's fleet is vulnerable, and it is only strong on the outside!"

"I know! Immediately spread out the formation, I can feel that the enemy is approaching!"

At this time, the troops have marched outside the dispersal core, and the conversation with Alice can only be stopped first, and Ted will deal with the last task first.
(End of this chapter)

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