Duke of Herrington

Chapter 141 The importance of the brain!

Chapter 141 The importance of the brain!
The infiltration task was not as difficult as imagined. Ted led the ghost troops to sneak past from the side, and soon reached the periphery of the first Zenith boulder.

"The weather is fine today, we are lucky."

Hearing this incoherent sentence, Mia raised her head, looked at the starless night sky, turned her clever little head around twice, and realized something was wrong.
With a question mark on her face, she asked suspiciously, "The weather is good?"

Mia raised her head to confirm again and again!When it was indeed a boundless night, I turned around and looked at Ted and asked, "Ted, is the weather good now? It's obviously bad! It's so dark! We can't see anything. If there is no night vision device, we will be completely blind gone."

What Ted just said was originally just a mantra.

It's like the 'needle doesn't poke' of eggplant!It's just an exclamation word. As for whether it's good or not, even he himself doesn't know.

But the speed of Ted's brain is like the poop in the toilet, spinning crazily with the water flow!

The moment it disappeared down the toilet, Ted had an idea!

He thought of a key point.

"Call me Mia! It's dark, so we can act! If it's broad daylight, we may be seen by the careful demons, and we will reveal our secrets!"

The invisible battle suits worn by everyone are not completely invisible!When standing still, the newly installed stealth plugin can reduce the visibility rate by 70.00%.

If you move while invisible, the invisible camouflage will fall into an unstable state, and the invisible effect will become worse!
From the perspective of others, there will be a layer of swaying phantom flashing past.

It is difficult for the unwary to find out, but for careful creatures, they will immediately launch an indiscriminate attack on the phantom.

But now the surroundings are pitch black, and Sun City, which was always bright all year round, fell into darkness for the first time.

A city without lighting engineering is exactly the same as a mountain at night. Walking depends on the sense of smell and hearing. It is better to close your eyes than to open them, which is useless anyway.

so!This bad thing suddenly turned into a good thing. With the cover of night, Ted and his party can slip away from the eyes of the devil.

These demons are dormant most of the time, and the night does not arouse their wildness, but instead arouses their drowsiness.

Right now, you can't see your fingers around you, not to mention whether you can be found, even the sleepy guard demons, whether they can open their eyes and see their fingers is a problem.

This kind of scene reminded Ted of the suburbs of Valentine. Before electric lights and searchlights were installed, relying on the moonlight in the sky, people and animals could not be distinguished if they were more than two meters away. There was a slight reaction.

With such an explanation, Mia beside her immediately reacted!Coupled with the changes in the past few months, she has become a beautiful woman in the middle of the 20th century.
At least she doesn't have to worry about electricity usage!

In order to carry out her laziness to the end, after Ted got an off-road vehicle, she would often borrow the vehicle for various reasons, so that she could walk less.

Even in her dream, she felt tired after running for a long distance!
"Ted, what you said is indeed reasonable. The night gave us cover."

"If you know, keep going! After we're done, we have to rebuild the city!"


Amidst the laughter, the team came to the bottom of the first Zenith boulder.

Mia pretended to be very tired, pressed the bomb in her hand against the boulder, wiped off her sweat, and said, "It's okay! There are no first-level detection units along the way!"

No one knows the secret of the underground dispersal core. Ted also came to the dispersal core after the fall of Sun City, and only then did he know the connection between the boulder and the core, not to mention these demons!
So they had no defense at all along the way.

At this time, a member of the team came up and explained his thoughts to everyone: "My lords, in my humble opinion, the low defense level of demons is only limited to now! If this place explodes! Other places will be alert .”

"Even if they don't know why the stone was blown to pieces, they will send troops to hold the boulder! Because destroying the enemy's intention is the secret to victory!"

Having said that, Ted's brain is not a wooden fish, he can solve such a small problem with his heels!

Just time the bombs one after another, then bury them in the ground, and detonate them together!
"Hey! Don't be so stubborn! When you see a problem, don't just analyze it, you have to find a way to solve it!?"

Ted shook his head, put his hands on Mia and the soldiers, and said earnestly: "Our estimated mission time is about 2 hours. As long as the bomb is set to explode two hours later, these will not be a problem."

"That's right! My lord, why didn't I think of that!"

"You'll have an idea next time!" With that said, Ted took out a bomb, adjusted the timing, and stuck it to a secret location.

In order to prevent accidents, Ted also kept an eye out and took out a remote detonator!

Even if he has achieved this level, he is still worried!I always feel that there are not enough back hands
After thinking about it, Ted took out a tiny camera and stuck it next to the bomb!

In this way, once an accident is discovered, the explosives can be detonated quickly!
The bombing had just finished when a high-pitched voice broke the silence, nearly causing Ted to go into cardiac arrest.


"My lord, it's me. I'm the engineer in charge of repairing the dispersing core! I want to inform you that the dispersing core has been lifted to the surface by us! We just studied and understood its protection mechanism."


"The three protection mechanisms come from three different Zenith boulders. Every time a protection is removed, the data defense covering the dispersal core will be unlocked, and we can connect the power to the core!"

"According to you, we still have an additional defense, which is this defensive shell?"

"Yes, my lord! As long as we can blow up the boulder, the outer protective cover can become our defensive shell, but we cannot repair this shell."

Ted originally prepared two layers of defense, namely the shell of the temple and the shield around the temple!

Now, if he successfully destroys the three boulders, not only can the charging excuse be connected to the dispersing core, but also an extra layer of protective shell.

Hearing this, Ted felt like he was pregnant!

I have obtained enough defense, there is no need for another shell.

"Could it be that I sucked too much 'Baishel Whalebird' fart? Is my brain flooded?" Ted couldn't help but slapped himself: "TMD, why did I take the risk to sneak in? The moon elves are no longer looking for I'm in trouble!"

Ted can completely remove the shell with firepower and connect it with the energy line. There is no need to destroy the three useless stones!

However, it was too late, Ted chose this task and could only go straight to the dark.

Because the way to come has been blocked by the devil's camp, if you want to go back the same way, you must pass under the eyes of a first-level detection creature.

I have a total of more than 20 people, and I can't resist the army of demons!You don't even have the qualifications to stuff their teeth.

"Everyone, let's go to the next destination."

All the believers present, their thoughts are controlled by the moon elves. They regard the ancient buildings in the temple as more important than their own lives, and they will never fight like Ted to destroy the core shell 'The idea of ​​this matter.

Ted is people-oriented and loves the people like a child. If he had thought of these things in advance, he would definitely not take people outside for adventure.

It's easier to remove the protective case than go out and take risks by yourself.
As for the crime of desecrating the Sun Temple, it was nothing to Ted.

At best, it was a building built by his ancestors, and Ted just tore it down.

"Keep in formation! Don't fall behind! Everyone is optimistic about their companions, and strive to complete the task without firing a single bullet!"


Walking to the second boulder, there is an oversized first-level detection unit - Euglena!Just hang in the sky, providing vision for nearby demons.

"Everyone, be careful! Even at night, this group of eyeworms can see everything around them clearly."

"My lord, shall we go around the path?"

Ted shook his head and directly denied this plan: "It will take at least 20 minutes to go around, and there is a demon army camp next to the path. If we are discovered, we will screw up!"

"Then what should we do...?"

After thinking about it, Ted noticed the solar spotlights in front of him, and the big Sun City screen not far away with a big corner broken!
According to the scan of the combat helmet, these things are damaged, but they still work!
"Everyone, I have a solution!"

Hearing that Master Shengzi had a plan, everyone sweated and gathered together to listen to the command.

"There is a solar spotlight in front. Although it is damaged, it can still be turned on by force for about 60 seconds. We just need to point the searchlight at the Euglena for half a second! BOOM! Its eyes will be blinded, and then it will be thrown into the soup pot by the demon Cook the meat."

"But my lord, according to the recorded 'eye worm detection range', the damaged searchlight is within the eye worm's detection range!"

Now, Ted understood the importance of junior officers.
People who have not studied systematically cannot serve as officers, because people who have studied systematically will always be better in terms of thinking about tactical plans and observation skills.

"Why is your brain still one-sided! How many eyes does Euglena have? After all, he is just a carbon-based creature with only one brain. Like other creatures, he cares about his head and ignores his back!"

After hearing Ted's explanation, the others were still confused, but Mia seemed to understand something!
She immediately expressed her thoughts: "We just need to attract his attention, and when he is attracted by something, we will quietly control the solar lamp to blind him, isn't it all over?"

There is only such an eye worm within a few miles. It seems that this eye worm has not upgraded the inflatable air bag, and its moving speed is comparable to that of a snail climbing a tree.

As long as this one is solved, the subsequent actions will be much easier.

If it was just to lure it away, everyone would not have to make such a fuss, killing the bug would solve the problem of the confidant.

"I remember that there is a large screen nearby, with exquisite workmanship and an independent energy supply system. Generally speaking, we use it to broadcast news...! Look, it's there!"

Although the surrounding area has long been destroyed and the ground is beyond recognition, Ted can still find some useful clues from the map combined with the real scene.

"Mia, use your sniper scope to see, is this eyeworm in the sky male or female?"

"This thing is divided into male and female?"

"What's the matter, toothpaste is divided into men and women! Is it strange that this thing has a gender?"

Mia didn't know why, so she had to do the task according to Ted's request.

So, she raised the sniper rifle in her hand, and used the x24 magnification lens to precisely lock it under the Euglena.

"Eted, this eyeworm is female"

"Damn? Hmm. ok! Done!"

Ted's combat armor belongs to experimental No. 3, which contains many strange functions.

One of them is the ability to remotely connect to facilities in Sun City.

[The connection is complete! 】

A crisp AI female voice prompt sounded, and Ted put the video collected in advance on the big screen.

Even if the screen is very hard and strong, it still can't stand the devastation of the devil!

Fortunately, the damaged part is not large and will not cover the main part of the picture.



On the screen, a female Euglena with delicate eyebrows is surrounded by more than 20 strong adult male Euglenas!
This kind of mixed cry like a hen and a frog is the sound of courtship when the male Euglena is in estrus~
Ted smiled slightly, and gradually turned up the volume!

"Everyone, hide away! I'm going to create an accident, everyone keep quiet!"

According to the calculations of the armor, the sound waves can cause a series of chain reactions, causing the eyeworm to be blinded by 'accident'!
Hearing the voice from not far away, the eyeworm immediately turned back!When she focused her eyes, she immediately found more than 20 handsome eyeworms, and staged a "Devil Fever"!
Just glanced at the screen!She fell completely.

This eye worm, which was supposed to stick to its post, immediately lost the job at hand, lowered its flight altitude and stuck it in front of the screen to watch this miraculous scene.

"Quack quack quack! (Wow, so many eyeworm giegie! Is this free to watch?)."

The sound effect of the screen is very good!

The sound became louder and louder until a strong and deep sound wave pushed away the rubble piled under the spotlight.

It was precisely because of this change in weight that the spotlight was tilted, and the switch was hit by the way, turning on the spotlight!

In an instant, the darkness in this area was dispersed by the light, and even the demon debris floating in the air was annihilated into ashes with the strong light.

The light from this angle directly shines into the eyeworm's glasses!

It was also at this moment that the last scene this eyeworm saw was fixed on a handsome eyeworm giegie.

Next, there was the sound of wailing, slaughtering pigs, and crying father and mother, resounding through the night.

The spotlight didn't just patronize the Euglena, but also took care of other demons who joined in the fun by the way.

The small demon ascended to the sky on the spot, the medium-sized demon ran towards the shadows holding his scorched wound, and only the giant demon walked towards the spotlight enduring the severe pain and smashed it with one punch.

"Unbelievable eye worm! I'll take your stew to drink!"

Blind eye worms are worthless, and they can be used to make soup to fill the stomach and avoid waste.

The Euglena was accidentally killed, and no one wanted to dwell on the reason!As for why the eyeworm was shown on the screen, Ted used AI to synthesize a video of a mechanical voice explaining the demon, so as to disrupt the judgment of the demon officer.

In Castlevania, there are also many videos similar to popular science Sun God Cult, so they don't take it seriously.

The right is regarded as an accident caused by accidental opening.

"Hey, this broken TV, why did you turn it on by yourself!? The things in Sun City are not blessed by magic, they are just rotten! He~tui!"

The demon officer smashed the big screen with one punch, and then led people to guard the traffic arteries!
After all, the demon officer is also a first-level detection unit. Although the range is a little smaller, it is better than nothing.

"We must guard the main road! Don't let any suspicious creatures slip in!"


Just when the demon officer was lecturing his subordinates.
As everyone knows, Ted has already fled with his troops!

"Finish, let's go!"

When the demons were making trouble, Ted's men had already planted the second bomb, and retreated from the main road swaggeringly under the eyes of the demons.

"Everyone, the next target! The third boulder!"


(End of this chapter)

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