Duke of Herrington

Chapter 147 Dream Battle!Finish!

Chapter 147 Dream Battle!Finish!
With an order, all the large mechanical units behind them took out row after row of rocket shells from nowhere, and the ammunition in the muzzles were all replaced with armor-piercing shells.

The Sun God clenched the weapon in his hand and reminded all the soldiers or believers driving the machine: "Attention all units, click the red button in front of you, empty all the ammunition at once, and send this evil thing back to its hometown!"


Immediately afterwards, everyone present followed the prompts and clicked the red button that popped up in the console.
As a normal person, Ted has enough curiosity!

Ke Mia seemed to be more curious, she raised her tender right hand, and directly tapped the button instead of Ted.

"I shoot!"

"Hey! Mia! That should be me!"

In just a moment, a large number of rocket barrages hit, and the overwhelming artillery fire was all directed at the same location!
"Lock on the devil's head! Fire all the missiles, shoot them all out, and blow him up!"

All missiles are aimed at Satan's brain!

At the moment of the explosion, the strong shock wave and shock wave almost shook his brains.
Defeating creatures worse than Godzilla takes some brains.

The fragment damage produced by conventional explosions is definitely useless to this level of biological P, not even the effect of insulting, it will only humiliate itself!

The Satan in front of him is full of muscles, and the biological armor on his body is as good as the steel plate of the starship!If you just rush up and give it away for nothing, and fight with the opponent's best hand-to-hand combat, you will undoubtedly throw your IQ into the cesspit, forcefully pour shit into your brain, and lower your intelligence!

At this time, you should give full play to the advantages of intelligent creatures, use the convenience of technology, and reverse the combat method to the field you are good at!
"Even a powerful demon will be afraid of shock waves! No matter how hard your carapace is, it's useless! The best way is to directly attack the internal organs with vibration!" Said, the sun god picked up a large The bazooka, aiming at Satan's head is a shot!
In addition, when the blast weapon attacks the demon and makes him stunned or unconscious, it must also attack other fatal parts.

In order to protect his vital parts, Satan has worked hard.

Especially the pair of pants, which is even more outrageous than the Adamantium alloy mixed vibrating gold, only advanced armor-piercing bullets can cause a little scratching damage to it.

Even the front of the heart doesn't have this treatment, it's just a thin layer of armor!
Since the opponent was in a daze, the armor-piercing projectiles in everyone's hands must have aimed at his heart and hit him to death.

Dripping water penetrates stone, and the material of the armor-piercing projectile is not vegetarian, as long as it is aimed at a part and fired at a high intensity without interruption, the carapace will definitely be torn apart!

Feeling this battle plan, Satan subconsciously raised his hand to cover his heart.

Seeing that Satan had an obvious intention to show weakness, the sun god immediately ordered the troops to attack the throat instead.

Under the fierce artillery fire, Satan, who was originally very aggressive, has now changed his strategy to defense. This also means that the initiative is in the hands of the sun god!Now is a good time to attack!
"Everyone, attack according to the weak spots on the screen, Satan has fallen into a passive state! Create an attack opportunity for the Sun God, and give him a fatal blow!"

Judging from the plots of various game dungeons, the footmen will only kill some minions, and most of the final bosses will not die, they will only be sealed, or if they are defeated and seriously injured, they will definitely not be killed !
Especially this kind of final boss who meets for the first time will definitely be severely injured and then run away, and then at a certain critical point, he will be killed by the sun god.

In the end, maybe I have to save the BOSS I personally killed
Just like the "Kaizi" back then, it took a long time to kill him, and then in the Nasria Fort after 9.0, he had to be fished out of the emperor!

After a lot of hard work, there is nothing to express my gratitude for the last thing, and I am stingy, not even a piece of equipment!

Thinking about it this way, if I knew why I was doing it today, I might as well just 'convert to Buddhism', so as not to take off my pants and fart.

However, although this dream battlefield was created by the moon elf dream controller, the decision is still in Ted's hands.

This time I fought for several hours, although it shocked all the believers' mothers for a whole year, it was still too cumbersome!It is not ruled out that the screenwriter wants to make the role of "Sun God" more real, but it is a matter of time, and it has to be balanced with the plot.

At least the plot must be divided into several sections, there is no need to complete all the tasks in one day!
Now!Relying on the freshness and sense of technology, new believers can spend a whole day here! ', but no one can guarantee what will happen afterwards.

Aesthetic fatigue is something that happens sooner or later. At the beginning, I vowed to love you for 1 years, but in the end it will evolve into sad words like 'I'm sorry, you are a good person'.

This kind of shocking thing, at most, is a VR game with a high sense of immersion. If you play too much, it will not only waste your brain, but also run counter to your own ideas, and will be out of touch with the times.

The original two-hour plan was abruptly delayed for nearly 16 hours!Even if the flow of time inside and outside the dream is not the same, it can't bear this toss.

Until now, Ted's scalp was not only numb, but his hands were shaking a little in his dream.
Even in the 8-hour action movie that I and my first love staged in a certain hotel, I never felt this kind of fatigue.

Ted became like this, which has a great relationship with the moon elf dream controllers who just failed to deal with the 'code'.

The backlash from the Spear of Adun alone is a big problem.

"Hey, let's deal with it later"

In front of the battlefield, Satan was caught off guard by the sudden massive artillery attack!

Even for a powerful demon, it is difficult to get benefits under such intensive firepower. Even if there is no scar on the body, the body will be shaken into a 'milkshake'!
'Roar! ' With a sound, a dark force formed a shield and attached to his body surface. Satan glared forward and roared loudly: "I've had enough of you maggots who only rely on external forces, dare you fight me head-on! "

As soon as the voice fell, Satan entered the third stage according to the script, turning on the berserk mode!
At this moment, his eyes were bloodshot, and the dead air emanating from his head to toe made people shudder.

Especially his eyes, just by looking at them, you will feel chills on your back, and your hairs will stand on end!
"My god, where did you find such a terrible face?"

Seeing Ted's slightly nervous appearance, Alice immediately raised her hand and transformed into a sock that hadn't been washed for a week, wiped his sweat and eased his emotions, and explained by the way: "Ted, it is based on the 6000-year history of the screenwriters. The faces of the dead prisoners of the elves, especially the vicious outlaws, are perfect for the face of the BOSS! Not only can it be used to train the courage of believers, but it can also be used as a wake-up call for everyone "

Doing so can indeed achieve the goal. However, problems also follow
According to common sense, longevity races rarely work desperately for personal gain.
"Your ideas are very good, but I have a question, elf clan elders, is there any problem that can't be solved by time?"

According to common sense, this is indeed the case, but there will always be variables in the world: "Well, it stands to reason that the longevity race rarely breeds such heinous criminals, and conflicts will be resolved, and time will slowly heal them. It cannot be resolved, and the conflict can be completely resolved in front of older and more experienced people."

"But there are exceptions to everything. Distortion of human nature may happen at any time. For example, the last insane prisoner named Dillinger was an inconspicuous man who lived for more than 7000 years because of the lack of stimulation in his life. , just started robbing the bank, and by the way, killed all the guards who came to chase him."

"The main problem is people think he's handsome and fair. That's the problem."

If the robbery and murderer becomes a so-called 'just man', it means that there is a conflict within the elves. Ted himself kept this matter in his heart and left it for later
"Alice, this will never happen on my property, you can rest assured! We have National Guard patrolling every other street on our streets. Every child, or every Workers on duty must learn various drills on the first day, so as to deal with various attacks and prevent problems before they happen!"

At present, Ted still has to put on a show, the army is only 8, but the militia "National Guard" has expanded to [-]!

Their treatment is the same as that of the regular army, the only difference is in the title.

Ninety-five percent of the soldiers and militiamen are volunteers after the promulgation of the new law, not the conscripts of the old days.

Their combat effectiveness may be weak in the early stage, and there are many crooked melons and dates, but after formal training and the blessing of sufficient nutritious food, they have all become qualified soldiers.

Coupled with the standard 'Garand M1' rifle equipped, isn't it too easy to deal with the Templars who are still holding swords?

With such a large number of troops, it is unrealistic for them to train every day. They are not machines, and they definitely need low-intensity activities to balance high-intensity training.

Ever since!Standing guard outside has become a time for them to relax!They are also allowed to enter commercial establishments such as shops and restaurants in order to 'mingle with' the public
In the newly built Valentine, each street has its own name, and members of the guard only need to change their guards according to the schedule of the day to maintain law and order.

In addition, the salary of soldiers is higher than the general standard. After all, they will go to the battlefield in the future. Even if it is not dangerous, they must be paid enough!
While they patrol, they can also spend some money to keep the city running.

so!It will not happen that such vicious gangsters run rampant in the world, and they may be shot dead on the spot before the murder happens.
The eyes and ears of the moon elves ensure that it is difficult for suspects to escape. Coupled with the action power of the veterans of the Raging Fire Tribe, the probability of vicious incidents is reduced as much as possible.

Looking at the confident Ted, Alice let out a long sigh, collapsed into his arms and continued to enjoy the broad shoulders.

On the other hand, Mia is still happily clicking the red button
"I press! I press! Hehehe! Blast him to death! BOOM!"

Seeing this, Ted wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead while they were not paying attention, and whispered in his heart: "Mia... so violent?"

At the same time, Satan in front finally officially entered the berserk mode!
Before that, he read the article for half a day!
Everyone's attacks hit him, no matter how dense and powerful they are, they are still '-1, -1'

It's like the mechanism to protect the transformation of the BOSS in the game. You have to wait for him to finish the special effects before going to the next step.

And this time, during the transformation, the magical protective cover had a specific name, that is 'Dark Shield'.

Draw the dark power from the void, help Satan defend, and use violent energy to strengthen him for the final time!
Playing the role of Francis, the sun god, but the patriarch of the Ice Dragon Clan, the little tricks of the moon elves are all left over from their play, and it is not difficult for them to control the dream.

If Satan is played by a real person, knowing that his opponent not only has cheats, but also knows the script, he is also a game administrator!
It will definitely break the defense on the spot, and fall to the ground with a cerebral hemorrhage.

At this time, Satan opened his arms and squeezed out a giant dark serve!Using the madness skill, dark absorption!Absorb all attacks from the outside world.

As for the Sun God, he was not idle when Satan was reading the article. Using the power of faith and his own divine power, he squeezed out a 400-meter-long sword of holy light, and slashed it down in front of Satan!

"Die, Satan! The Holy Light will cleanse you of all sin!"

"What!!!?" By the time Satan realized that the 400-meter-long lightsaber would kill him, it was already too late
He twisted his body vigorously, exhausted all the power of darkness, condensed into a physical shield, and deflected the attack from the sun god!

It's just that he avoided the vital parts, but he didn't spare any effort to avoid injury. His right arm was completely chopped off!

Seeing that the general situation was over, Satan hurriedly picked up his right arm, looked at the front viciously, and cursed: "Shameless villain, bullying the few with more! Claiming to be decent! But doing such nasty and dirty things!"

A wicked person is a wicked person, not only shameless, but also a thief shouting "stop thief!"
Francis would not let a creature other than Ted ride on his face!
"Bah! It's you who are shameless! Before you transformed, you were far more numerous than us! In terms of being dirty and obscene, I am far inferior to you! At least I will not carelessly dispose of human lives, and I will not arbitrarily dispose of the lives of my subordinates!"

"Now! You are alone and alone, with no end in sight. As long as you are willing to commit suicide here, I promise to write in the history books that you are willing to be a good man!"

Satan was seriously injured and lost his threat to the sun god, but judging from his appearance, it seems that he still has a lot of cards
"Cut! I'm dead, and I still care about those false names? You wait! Today is just the beginning!"

After speaking, he endured the pain and tore open a void door to escape from the scene
Seeing this, the Sun God did not order his troops to pursue.

Because right now, the Sun City was destroyed, the people suffered a large number of casualties, and the troops were scattered, so it was not suitable for taking advantage of the victory to pursue.

Moreover, the demon army suffered heavy losses, and they could not make waves in a short period of time. Moreover, their own troops were at the end of their strength, so returning to the city to recuperate was the top priority!
The best time to fight back is to regroup and unite the front!
Seeing Satan fleeing in a panic, Francis put away the Sun God Sword in his hand, and taunted in a strange way: "Some people are alive, but he is dead! Some people are dead, but he is still alive. Satan, in our eyes , you are already dead! Wait for a while, and then go take your humble life!"

"Everyone, return to the city in order! After resting, we will fight again!"

"Yes! Lord Sun God!"

The sun returns again, and the holy light shines on this city that never sleeps again. The people who are still alive walk together to rebuild their homes amidst the ruins
The sun god walked up to Ted and sat cross-legged on the ground. His kind appearance and kind expression made everyone less nervous.

"Ted, after this battle, our number has dropped sharply, and I will not leave the God Realm for a long time, and I can only be replaced by you, publicize in the mortal world, and attract more newcomers. Under the guidance of the Holy Maiden, make an exception and allow them to enter Sun City while they are still alive."

"Yes! Master Ancestor."

After finishing speaking, the Sun God turned to look at these new brave believers, and said earnestly: "I never thought that there are warriors like you in the mortal world. When you return to the mortal world, you must help Ted build our church." , at a certain time, you can still come to Sun City to help everyone rebuild, and I will never forget your assistance! Continue to dedicate! Protect the world you are in!"

After Francis said this in a haughty but 'very friendly to his own people' tone, more than 200 qualified believers were limped from being fooled, put on crutches, and sat in wheelchairs
Now, they lost everything and lay obediently on the stretcher prepared by Ted.

"Yes! Lord Sun God! We will definitely promote you in the mortal world! Let everyone dedicate themselves under your protection!"

Just stand on the moral high ground and forcibly pull this group of angry youth believers to an unprecedented moral height!By using people's pursuit of fame and fortune, you can completely control them!

Anyway, they don't know mathematics, physics and chemistry. To them, these are miracles. As long as they perform well, they will not only be appreciated by the Sun God, but they will also come to God's Domain to continue living after death!
Aside, Ted was completely dumbfounded, after this!Only then did he truly see the power of 'Flicker'.

From then on, the image of the Sun God, as well as what they saw and heard today, will go deep into their hearts, until the moment they step into the grave, they will face it calmly with a smile and go to the "God Realm" in their hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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