Duke of Herrington

Chapter 151 Flickering Completed!

Chapter 151 Flickering Completed!

When the unlucky lieutenant of the Imperial Knights came to the front of the Sun God Cult and was about to ask questions, Ted raised his hand and let an actor around him speak for him
In terms of rank, the adjutant who came to talk to him was not qualified to talk to him directly.

And this, Ted has long thought of!
Ever since, everyone followed the rehearsal of the unexpected situation and said what he wanted to say for Ted: "Who are you? Where did you come from? Where are you going?"

The adjutant smiled and put his right hand on his heart, and responded patiently: "We came from the Xueman Empire and went to the territory of the Xueman Empire"

This line was originally a very embarrassing sentence, but in the end he said it in the most cowardly tone. Everyone wanted to do it, but they couldn't find a suitable reason, so they could only give up and wait for the answer later.

The person in charge of speaking is not bad at processing language, and is also proficient in coping with changing the subject!

The man in front of him only answered two questions, not the first: "Hey! You haven't answered my first question yet! Who are you?"

According to common sense, only the top leaders of the church are qualified to ask their numbers!

However, after witnessing the scene that just happened, now he can only admit his weakness and find out the situation on the other side.

But even if he admits it, he still has to say the number of the unit and the honors he has received: "We are the first Templar Order of the Imperial Church, the Terminator of Demons, the Spear of the Empire, and the Sword of God."

Listening to this stinky and long introduction, Ted clutched his head and didn't know how to deal with it. If he laughed, it didn't suit his current image, but holding it back wasn't a good idea.

So, he could only lower his head and make a sleepy gesture to show that he was more irritable.
These people in front of them are like a group of cowards who have to put a long and unnecessary label on themselves to show their already pitiful honor.

Listening, Ted realized something was wrong. Steve once told himself about the number of this unit. In the early years, in order to raise money for the Pope to build a palace, they even used their identities as bandits to ransack several wealthy villages!
In order to show the brutality of those 'non-existent robbers', everyone's heads were hung on the fence at the entrance of the village, neatly arranged!

In front, To'er waved his hand. He didn't want to listen to this group of people talking in an official tone and making a bunch of boring opening remarks.

Such a scene, instead of being awe-inspiring, will make everyone sleepy: "Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense! Listening to your speech is worse than watching two dogs on the street fighting for a piece of shit! Who are you? Important! Now! Go back wherever you came from! This is the land of the Sun God, and you pagans are not welcome!"

It is acceptable to scold the believers of the Imperial Cult that they are mentally retarded, but if you criticize them as heretics, get out of the land they think is their own
Then this thing is out of control
"This is the territory of our Empire Sect! It belongs to the Snowman Empire! I have never heard of the Sun God Sect! This land belongs to us! Not you!"

Hearing such unreasonable and frivolous remarks, the surrounding trustees immediately opened their mouths to boo, and said with a wave of rhythm: "How dare you blaspheme the Sun God! Unforgivable!"

At the same time, other believers also shouted: "Dare to disrespect the sun god! Are you tired of living?"

"Damn! Watch me poke your ass out without my pointy shoes!"

"You're done! I'm going to smash your brains out with a brick!"

The shouting became louder and louder. Seeing that the time was ripe, Ted gave an order to the other end of the walkie-talkie: "After receiving the message, stop the watch for 30 seconds, and then give me a f*ck!"

Captain Grain heard the news and responded immediately: "Yes! The War Department received it!"

Immediately afterwards, he took out the stopwatch and started timing, trotting all the way to the side of Chief Joseph.

Ted originally planned to use the superb magic of the moon elves to cooperate.
However, the plan did not change quickly. Now that everyone knows the technology of the Sun God, it is better to follow the technology and downplay the use of magic.

Humans don't use magic after all, at least Homo sapiens.
If it is replaced by magic, the effect will not be as good as technology!And magic is not easy to explain.
But in terms of technology, Ted can throw all the developed products and the reasons to the sun god, explaining that it was created by his ingenuity!

Hearing the cries of believers around him getting louder, the adjutant couldn't bear it anymore: "This has been the territory of the Xueman Empire since ancient times, and it is the foundation of the Imperial Cult! It is impossible to tolerate you heretics to set up your own sect! Since You are obsessed with obsession! Then go to hell! The iron hooves of our Knights will crush you!"

"Die? Us?"

At this time, Ted smiled, and he walked slowly down from the high place with steps that his relatives did not recognize.

"In this world, good people don't die, bad people don't die, only stupid people like you who don't know the current affairs will die! And die a miserable death!"

As he spoke, Ted grabbed the adjutant's head and pushed him to the ground.
"I gave you a chance to live, but you didn't cherish it, so I can only send you to meet your god!"

Tedra lifted the adjutant's head and told him to look straight ahead: "Look carefully, these teams of yours will be blown to ashes in no time!"

They didn't understand the word 'boom', so the adjutant used his unreliable cognition to taunt: "Boom? What? Do you use a trebuchet? Within a few hundred meters, I even have a trebuchet." Didn't even see the shadows! Are you bragging? And blow us into."

Before the words were finished, a burst of dense piercing sound hit!
This time, both the sound and the density are much louder than before!

The sky-shattering explosion, sweeping through the shock waves, hit like waves
As a qualified lord, Ted is used to it.

Suddenly, a horse flew up and brought the knight on it to the ground tens of meters away
Seeing this, the adjutant's eyes widened, and he hesitated: "What's going on here? What happened?"

"What happened?" Ted shook his head, and said earnestly: "Nothing happened! I just taught you a lesson! You moved people who shouldn't be moved, and came to places you shouldn't be! For the sake of future consideration, also In order not to let innocent civilians be involved in the battle in advance! I can only raise you together!"

Looking at the reorganized elite knights that were still built just now, they were dismissed in an instant, the adjutant is in a hurry!His body trembled, and he still threatened in the name of the church, trying to save his own life: "If we don't go back, the Pope will definitely send someone again!"

"Send someone again?" Ted shook his head, reached out and took out a token similar to a token from the adjutant's pocket.

"Anyway, you are gone, the whole army is wiped out, and no one will leak the secrets. Your death is all done by the horse bandits in the Gobi in the north! No one knows that as long as I reply a letter to express my loyalty, they will not come back. Send someone!"

"You" Inadvertently, the adjutant noticed Ted's collar coat of arms.

"Are you the Earl of Herrington in the North?"

"It's me, I'm also the Archbishop of the Sun God Sect!"

At this moment, the adjutant was desperate, he wanted to go back to the Pope and report what he saw and heard here!And this dreadful weapon, as dreadful as witchcraft.
But now, he has no chance.
He could only use his last strength to act like a man: "You, you will go to hell!"

The outrageous things this army has done can be compiled into a thick record book, and the death penalty is a gift to them!
"No, you should be the ones going to hell. I know your troop number, and I know how many shady things you have done! Just to raise funds, you pretended to be robbers and ransacked countless innocent villages. You have been cheap three times!"

"According to the commandments of the Sun God Sect, you will be locked in a dark cage until the end of your life!"

The fact that there is no death penalty in the North does not mean that mortals can 'live'.

Because criminals sentenced to life imprisonment will completely lose their human rights. In the quarry, they work like animals all year round until they die. They only have a bowl of gruel and half a glass of water every day.

They will also be handcuffed and shackles without locks, but directly welded on.
This kind of chronic torture will make the prisoner regret coming to this world, and he can only obtain a "reduction of sentence" through good performance and cooperation with biological laboratory experiments, so that he can be allowed to commit suicide before the end of the sentence.

His fate has been doomed, and now he can only say harsh words at the last moment of his life: "Even if I die, God will avenge me! The Pope will definitely lead an army to tie you heretics to the stake !"

"Is your mouth so hard?"


"If there is a God in this world, then let him come. I will kill him like a pig with my own hands, and throw him into the toilet to feed the maggots!"

"you you.!"

Ted stopped talking, and made a casual gesture to let others do it, so as not to stain his clothes.

Beside him, a nurse held a delicate revolver and pressed it against the unfortunate adjutant's head: "Do you have any last words?"

"Even if there is, I will curse you! I want to curse"


The toler deftly blew away the white smoke from the muzzle, and said mockingly, "I'm sorry, I don't intend to listen to what you have to say, so you can die with resentment!"

After speaking, he kicked the dead body away.

Afterwards, according to the script, he came to the forefront, holding a loudspeaker and preaching: "Everyone, this world created human beings, not Adam and Eve! It's not God!"

"This" Although everyone present joined the Sun God Sect, the education they received in the early years said that they are all descendants of these two people, so they all stood there waiting for the next step.
"Adam and Eve gave birth to two sons, Cain and Abel, and then they got married. Who the fuck did they marry? Where did these two mysterious people come from?"

Those words caused the surrounding people to look at each other in dismay.
It seems that there is no indication in the scriptures, but after saying this, everyone understands 'it seems something is not right'.
"Then let's talk about the little boy Jesus, as the Son of God, who can feed thousands of people with a piece of bread, and can also raise the dead."

"Then you tell me he can't even handle a few nails? I have a buddy who was stabbed more than a dozen times during the war and is still alive and kicking."

"In addition, as a son of wisdom, he can't even come up with a perfect solution. I think his brain can be sold to those who need it."

Such yin and yang weirdness, and under the fanning of other nurses, did make many people wake up instantly.

"It seems to make sense!"

In just a split second, the idea was embraced by everyone.
Seeing that the atmosphere was ignited, Toer continued to fan the flames: "Imperial Cult is a complete lie! Have you ever seen God? Has He ever given you a maze? You prayed day and night, what did you get in return? What did you earn? A meager salary, in addition to paying taxes, but also being pocketed by the Pope!"

"Are you still willing to live a life like this?"

Several nurses took the lead in shouting: "I don't want to!"

"Now, the sun god has given us the spirit and weapons to resist, what should we do?"

Another nurse raised the weapon in his hand and responded loudly: "Believe in the sun god, use weapons, and take back everything we lost!"

Immediately afterwards, other believers also began to respond
"Yes! Use a weapon to beat him!"

"I want to kill that priest who lied to me with my own hands! He ruined my family!"

"My home is gone, I will take it back sooner or later!"

The crowd was outraged, and Tuo'er fast-forwarded to the next topic: "We are alone now, and we cannot overthrow it with just a few hundred hands. Are you willing to persuade other people to join the Sun God Cult!?"


"The world created human beings, and God created inequality, letting them sit and shit on us ordinary people! And the appearance of the sun god told us what equality is!"

Immediately afterwards, the Thor took up the weapon in his hand, took a deep breath, and shouted: "God created inequality, the gift of the sun god, and made all people equal! Whether it is a Templar, or What an archangel, as long as you get shot, you won't survive!"

"So, are you willing to follow the Sun God? Do you want to restore peace to the world?"

"Of course the fuck is willing!"

In this situation, Ted thought of the inside story of the early MLM, and used a loudspeaker to output crazily in his ears. Even a sober person, after a few months of baptism, will eventually become a bewildered person!

Toddler's job is done, it's time for Ted!

"Everyone, take your weapons. From now on, you will be the backbone of the Sun God Sect, and you will pass on the precepts and teachings to everyone who is kind in heart! Let the light of the Sun God shine on everyone in the world." A corner!"

"Wherever the sun goes, it is the territory of the Sun God!"

"Our mission is to eradicate the evils in the world, and let those suffering masses take up arms and resist the slave owners who oppress them! Return justice to the world!"

"Now, are you willing to fight for this ideal?"


Not far away, there was the sound of cannons as the background sound, and in front of him, there was the deafening sound of Ted's loudspeaker lectures.

Nearby, there were also Tuo who booed and followed the rhythm.

In addition to yesterday's trip to Sun City, this group of people is now jealous!
If someone popped up to question the authenticity and existence of the Sun God, they would definitely put their weapons on the other's head and reason kindly.

Now, the task is done!
Ted just needs to drag them outside Baron Tomato's camp, let them follow the prompts and lines given by Toyer subtly, and spread the teachings.
Then Ted can sit in the city, waiting to receive followers!

Before teaching them how to use pig farms and chicken farms, it was entirely for the purpose of teaching others how to use them and saving time in later education when they spread the teachings.

"Call me a fucking genius!" Ted boasted
(End of this chapter)

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