Duke of Herrington

Chapter 156 The Power of Culture!Poor Ted...

Chapter 156 The Power of Culture!Poor Ted.
In Valentine, some people work overtime to make money, and some people are bored at home on vacation.

After the ice dragons were full, the fluctuation of magic power was very stable, just like the electrocardiogram of a hopeless patient in the emergency room, without any fluctuations!

Because of this, the weather in the north is getting better and better!But it is only limited to the northern border. When you leave Ted's territory and the magic circle covered by the ice dragon, you will immediately feel the viciousness of the world!
Since then, the temperature in the northern region will not change much throughout the year, but even so, the people's livelihood research and development department and the military supplies department use the spare time squeezed out of the sponge and the waste materials eliminated in the production workshop to Forcibly rubbed out an air conditioner that can cool and heat!
It not only solves the problem of producing waste, but also re-produces the waste by the way!Create a valuable wealth!

However, these things cannot be sold for money yet.
Because apart from the northern border, other places are still in the era when communications rely on roaring for warmth and shaking. Not to mention electricity, even a flint and steel is not common.
Even if he wants to transform the empire from scratch, Ted will not let the dragons build factories and houses in their real bodies, because they have already helped Ted a lot in infrastructure construction.

It would be a little unkind to continue to trouble this group of people!They do this, one is to play games with building blocks, and the other is to save face.

Now, they are tired of playing, enjoying the wonderful life of returning to the world, eating and drinking enough to have fun every day!let them work at this time
Why seek such unhappiness?
In addition, skilled workers who have just experienced!They also need a job to support their families. Anyway, the vehicles and equipment they use are enough to protect their safety, and a few months of training is enough for them to build facilities proficiently under safe conditions!
If you want to take advantage of low prices to seize the market, squeeze workers' wages, and fight with others to the death, it is better to be preconceived as soon as possible, monopolize all markets, and then continue to earn limited profits at a reasonable price!
Anyway, they are the necessities of people's livelihood, and when the guarantee is large, you can make a steady profit without losing money.

In order to allow the power grid to cover the territory of Baron Tomato, thereby monopolizing the market, slowly squeeze the wool!Ted paid for it out of his own pocket and gave him an air-circulator for nothing!To show the convenience brought by technology.

Vampires can live forever, they only need to sleep regularly about every 2000 years, and then eat enough food to achieve it.

But in summer, even if they were buried underground, they would often be woken up by the heat. In order not to disturb their dormant period, Ted kindly sent and installed a central air conditioner for them, and also presented them with two spare machine~
Now, except for the northern border, the temperature in other places can only be expressed in words!
The climate in the northern temperate zone is not pleasant, and the consequence of the four distinct seasons is that.
In winter, it is terribly cold, and you have to turn on the heating to barely survive. In summer, it is terribly hot, and you will be grilled into steaks if you don’t turn on the air conditioner.

Baron Tomato received the air conditioner, connected the large battery under the solar energy, and adjusted the cooling power to 2%, which solved the problem caused by the climate!

Even the ancestors who are dormant underground agree to use it!

"Well! This thing is suitable for us to use when we are sleeping. It can not only ventilate and keep warm, but also dehumidify. There are no bugs or mice! Very NICE!"

Outside the city, the work of receiving refugees was progressing very smoothly. Occasionally, those who found fault would be kindly pulled out of the city by the guards of Tomato Baron Ben West and thrown into the stove.

The idea of ​​Baron Tomato is, obedient, treat you as a human being, if you want to find fault, you will only have a dead end, you are not even an ant, you are not worthy of life!

This method is cruel, but it is also the best way to screen out the idiots. Those who really want to resist will die as early as the beginning, instead of pointing out the country in the safe zone and acting as a wolf with a big tail.

According to two days of statistics, obedient citizens accounted for 8%, [-]% of the thorns had already been buried in the soil, and the other [-]% were the remnants of the Imperial Cult, who were also buried together.

One of the statistical results also made Baron Tomato begin to think that Ted's method made some sense.

These living refugees, before being displaced, were either blacksmiths, carpenters, or craftsmen with excellent skills!

The thorny heads of the group of troublemakers and refugees did not survive, because they had no organization and discipline, only knew F2A, coupled with internal strife, rebelled at the beginning of the disaster, and played themselves out.

At first glance, this is very unreasonable, but after calculation and careful consideration, Baron Tomato found that such a ratio is very reasonable!

Even if their previous lives were not so decent, they were much better than most people, and their savings and reserves were more than those of those who were too poor to get rid of the pot.

In addition, their usual work is harder and more tiring, and their tolerance and endurance are higher than ordinary people!
Among this group of people, a large part of them are honest people who like a stable life. They are not easy to be incited. They only know how to hang around and hide things.
Throughout the history of the countries in the two worlds, successful uprisings from the bottom can be counted with a single slap.

In this world, there are no SSR cards among the refugees, and there is only blue sky and white clouds. There are no god-defying gods with outstanding leadership skills, and there is no savior.

Only a villain in the market wants to use other people's lives to pave the way for his own emperor.

However, no matter how stupid the people of the dark age are, they know that it is better to live than to die, and there is no need to die a day earlier if they can spend a day in trouble.

The entire empire has gone through such a toss, and although the war has been won, which can be regarded as an epic victory, the result is still very bad.

According to calculations, out of a population of hundreds of millions, only less than 5000 million remained.

2000 million are still in Baron Tomato's territory!
Initially, Ted planned to share these high-quality population resources equally with the Tomato Baron, but now that the calculation is made, the Tomato Baron regrets it a bit now!
Wanting to hand over half of the high-quality population is not only painful, but also distressing!
If such a group of people stay to create GDP, it won't be long before he, the baron, will be even richer than the duke in the end!
But an agreement is an agreement, Baron Tomato will not destroy such a powerful ally for short-term gain!

Besides, the candidates for the marriage have been decided. The ancestor of Tomato is very traditional, he is a person who knows how to reciprocate, and he is very supportive of this matter, so there is no need for Baron Tomato to mess around!

Because of money!There will always be!

The chosen marriage partner is a newborn vampire girl who has only been weaned for a month
Judging from the genealogy, the blood is pure!And there is only one unmarried woman.
In order to take good care of the children, Baron Tomato plans to send his great-granddaughter and grandson's family to Valentine, not only for friendly exchanges, but also for the children to grow up healthily and happily.

Ted didn't know about it yet, but the wives did, and they voted unanimously, with no rejection at all!

After all, it's fun to raise my sister and watch her grow up. They don't have much entertainment recently, so why not find something to do for yourself!

Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't been a mother before, so learn in advance in this way. It's not bad!
At 08:30 in the evening, Ted was working on a mission. Taking advantage of the darkness, he led the team to slowly approach the target location, and waited for the rainstorm before starting.

In Valentine, the radio produced by the joint research department of the Moon Elf heard a sound for the first time!

For this moment, they have thought for a long time and prepared for a long time!
The first program, combined with part of Ted's memory, borrowed part of the content of the talk show, and made a 10-minute joke show.

And this program also has ulterior motives. In order to remove the status of religion in people's hearts, the content of the program is to damage God without profanity for 10 minutes.

After this, there is the traditional music of the moon elves, and the mountain tunes of the people in the north.

It is also from this moment that everyone's entertainment methods have changed a bit!

At the end, an old iron with a mature voice came out and told the radio station's plan for tomorrow.

Generally speaking, it is now a trial operation, and the radio station will broadcast programs from time to time, which may be news or talk shows, and the traditional opera of the empire is also being arranged by the "Minister of Culture Da Vinci"!Hours are from 9am to 9pm.

Today's technology is not good enough to make LCD monitors, even ordinary black and white TVs.

so!For a long time, the radio will become one of the few ways for everyone to pass the time.

At the same time, for the sake of cohesion and friendly communication between different families in certain places, Ted spent a huge sum of money and spent star coins to buy a high-power high-definition projector, and asked the factory to make a super-large standard screen~
It is planned to start two episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants every night in front of the newly built square from next month!Anyway, there are no mosquitoes in the north, so the meeting will not be disturbed.
The material has been prepared long ago, and it can also be played directly!

But when Ted downloaded the video from the system and clicked the button to play it, he was dumbfounded and lost in thought while holding the USB flash drive in his hand.
Although this thing is free, there is no introduction from the production team, so it is very suitable for you to add a logo later!

But... there is no voice in the video!Only background music!
In other words, if Ted wants to broadcast this thing, he has to find someone to dub it
Just the theme song is a hassle.

In order to maintain the sense of mystery and give everyone a surprise, a few days ago, Ted went all over the city by himself, looking for a suitable dubbing candidate!
But how could such a thing be easy?Ted returns to the office with nothing to process the paperwork.

Just happened to meet Chris yelling at the new town hall employees, listening to his tone and the strange cadence of his voice
There are candidates for the theme song. By the way, Ted borrowed more than a dozen children from relatives and outstanding citizens to act as the children's vocal part.
Everything is difficult at the beginning. With the singer of the theme song, after that, Ted found suitable voice actors one after another!

However, they all have their own jobs, so they can only secretly go to the back of the city hall to record in their spare time.

They've remastered ten episodes so far.
In order not to cut off every day, Ted also spent 2 star coins to buy all the episodes of Tom and Jerry.

According to the information in the system, there are still new episodes of this enduring cartoon until the year 30739!

In addition to drama series, there are many big movies, except for a few realistic ones, the rest can be played directly!No need to find a voice actor
The numbers shown on the list show that as of 30739, there are a total of more than 5000 episodes. Even if two episodes are broadcast every day, it will take about 103 years to broadcast.
By then, Ted will definitely be able to produce animation by himself~
10 minutes passed quickly, and the narrator was not slow!

Everyone laughed and filled the boring life with a touch of color!
Next is the traditional song of the Moon Elf, with melodious tunes and rich artistic conception. Just sit on a chair and listen quietly, and you will feel how wonderful the world is!

Before the reform, although the northern border had a history of 2 years, it had no culture at all. Apart from farming, life was hard.

The songs brought by the moon elves just filled this gap!
As for the veterans of the Raging Fire Tribe, their songs are suitable for playing in the morning. The sound of war drums and the call of the shaman from ancient times are perfect for awakening the sleeping soul!
After the song of the moon elves, the folk tunes of the North follow
"Next, it's our traditional folk songs in the north!"

At this time, the people in the north who listened to the radio couldn't help but fell into deep thought after listening to such an introduction.
"When did we have a 'culture' in the north?"

Even Chris, who was sitting in the office reviewing documents, was shocked and put down his pen, picked up a cup of black coffee and a donut, and stopped for a short rest.

In the lobby, the same is true for other overtime workers.

Humans stopped their movements, wanting to see what kind of culture they could have in the northern border where they had lived for so long.
Moon Elf and Raging Fire also want to find out!They put down their work and waited for the show.

Leonardo da Vinci, the minister of ghost culture, is not only good at painting, but also dabbles in other aspects, and he is also very proficient.

Not to mention music!

He froze and made up a song based on Ted's usual humming tunes and the weird musical instruments stored behind the city hall
The musical instruments are basically modern musical instruments, Da Vinci has never seen it before, but he still guessed its purpose based on the rhythm.

Later, under his own insistence, Ted sang it in front of Da Vinci.
Ted died on the spot!

Da Vinci left with a smile on his face.
This body in this life, in addition to being good-looking, also has a good voice!The master-level yordle singing on the earth, but here in Ted is at your fingertips!

This song "Auf und voll lebenslust", which is used in funny videos and brings infinite joy to people, was re-adapted by Da Vinci and became a traditional folk tune in the North.

All the people who were listening to the broadcast, and those who were walking on the street and stopped to listen, all stopped their actions, and their unpleasant mood was swept away, and some of them even sang along with the rhythm!
After the song was played, Da Vinci personally read a prepared narrative at the end!

"This minor tune belonging to the northern border was recorded 1 years ago! Unlike other lost tunes, this one has been perfectly preserved! People who worked hard at that time, even if they didn't have enough to eat, faced the bleak all day long. life, and did not bow to fate! The ancestors had fun in bitterness, and sang this inspiring and joyful tune, optimistic life! At the same time, it also expressed the silent struggle of ordinary people against the injustice of fate! This is worth learning for us modern people !"

This narration was written by Da Vinci according to the "positive" spirit followed by the Ministry of Culture. Even Chris, who was eating a donut, was taken aback for a moment!
If he hadn't been familiar with the history of the Northern Territory, he would have thought it was true.
"Your lord is right, cultural output is indeed very important!"

Immediately afterwards, Chris took out a piece of paper and wrote down the strategic plan for the future.

In the name of Asahi Media, he intends to order a large number of radios and deliver them to 'Makarov' restaurants around the world. When the alliance expands, he will brainwash everyone in the empire with the culture created in the northern border and make them hum Listening to the ditties of the North and doing what the people of the North do, let them envy the North from the bottom of their hearts and become spiritual North people.

"Looking at it this way, using culture to peacefully rule a country is not just a dream! It seems that there are still many things we can learn from Lord Lord!"

Just when everyone thought the show was over, another song was released.
It was also a while ago!John from the weapons department is going to propose to his girlfriend formally!Although they have already obtained the certificate and done the work! 'But the necessary rituals have to be made up.
In view of John's contribution to the city, he quietly came to ask for ideas when Ted was resting!

'I want both a sense of ritual and a deep memory, and it is best to be remembered by all the people in the world.'

This was a request made by her girlfriend, and she knew it was impossible to realize, but at that time, the two of them swore to each other, and she didn't stop talking, and made this request to John.

John fell in love for the first time and thought he had to realize it, so he asked the almighty lord for help.

As an S-level melon-eater, Ted naturally wanted to make things worse!Because of this, there are sweet and big melons to eat
Ever since, he called up a brainwashing divine song "Never Gonna Give You Up" from his own music library.

He firmly believes that modern popular culture will definitely explode one day, planting a seed in everyone's minds!Sprout!

But ever since he handed over the score and lines of the song, as well as the signature moves to John, he forgot about it!
It just so happened that Da Vinci accidentally saw this, so he made the following arrangements.

As soon as this song came out, everyone who listened to it began to twist their bodies in accordance with the rhythm, and Rick learned it by himself!
At the end of the song, the audience also heard the monologue from John, and the girlfriend who was recording the file held her breath and was moved to tears!

At this time, John also entered the venue under the leadership of his friends, and formally proposed to his girlfriend with a 30-carat pink diamond ring that Ted had handed over from Ice Dragon!
At this moment, her lower abdomen is already slightly bulging. If nothing else, John will be a father by the end of this year!
The whole incident was broadcast live on the radio station, and the people in the city were excited, wishing you two spontaneously!
The owner of the dessert shop on the street, after learning about this, quickly launched the 'Love Donut', half price for the second one!For couples only.

The city was peaceful, and the residents celebrated this historic moment!
However, Ted was wearing a matte raincoat, and was sadly braving the heavy rain with the team members to do the task, completely unaware of the joy in the city.
"It's nine o'clock, everyone. Pull down the night vision goggles. We'll sneak in from above the city wall. Each person will be responsible for a sentry! Adjust the ruler and bring them down while the thunder strikes!"


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck, before the people above could see clearly what was below?When the thunder hit, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness

According to the rehearsal, the special forces took out ropes and grapples and quickly landed on the top of the city wall.

"The alpha team comes with me, the beta team is led by Joseph, the rest of the staff stay where they are, and the guns are responsible for clearing the obstacles for us!"


After the order was issued, everyone came to a specific position according to their duties.

The team in charge of staying behind took out the SCAR-H marksman rifle and watched every move below.
"Operation begins! Good luck to everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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