Duke of Herrington

Chapter 16 There is a crisis, but there is no~

Chapter 16 There is a crisis, but there is no~
Walking, Ted came to an abandoned workshop next to the Lord's Mansion.

The owner of the nearby workshop died unfortunately because of a plague 30 years ago. According to records, that disaster reduced the population in the north by 6%, and it has not recovered until today.
And the culprit of all this is cholera.

A few days ago, after learning about this period of history, Ted opened the northern jug, and anyone can go north to get water for free.

After all, these waters are all boiled mountain spring water, which is used by the public after cooling. Compared with drinking mountain spring water directly before, this drinking method should be healthier.

It's just that winter is coming, and the people don't have winter clothes. If they all go to the north to wait in line for water, they will definitely get chilblains.

Thinking of this, Ted clicked on the system and bought 100 large 304 stainless steel water tanks.

He originally wanted to use a plastic bucket instead, but if he did that, it would be easily confused with the dung bucket of the dung truck. It is better to change the material to improve the recognition.

With the water tank, my lovely citizens don't have to wait for water in the cold winter ~ shivering in the north of the city!The horse cart pulls the water tank, whoever wants water, just go out with the bucket and fill it up, and ensure that the water tank passes the door every two hours!
"I really love the people like a son~" Ted felt a little proud in his heart, picked up the notebook and recorded these empty workshops.

Others are trying their best to travel through time, and they keep assigning tasks to the people. Ted always feels like he is raising pigs.
After careful consideration. It is too dangerous to let these people conduct experiments in the Lord's Mansion, it is better to change these large workshops into workshops~
In this way, their research space will be larger, and they will not have the risk of being killed by the bomb.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the dung carts passed by the street as usual, and the horses dragged the dung carts slowly across the street. All the residents heard the sound and waited with their dung buckets.
"Anyway, the first step has been completed! The sanitation of the city has improved! The citizens are happy, and I have also harvested star coins!"

Back in the bedroom, Ted opened the system mall. According to the previous person who chose the mechanical major, he spotted a heavy industry basic lathe set, priced at 800 star coins.

The truck I need needs 1600 star coins, that is to say, the 1000 star coins in my hand are not enough!
The tasks of the "Hoo" system are all triggered, and there is no way to take the initiative to accept them, so I can only wait!

Opening the map of his own territory, Ted frowned and said in thought: "There are copper mines and iron mines in my territory, but mining is difficult, and there are resources that cannot be obtained! How angry!"

"My lord!" While thinking, Chris trotted to the door of his bedroom.

"What's with you?"

"My lord!" The butler hurriedly pushed open the bedroom door, his face full of horror: "My lord! It's not good, the [Hack Empire] in the south has declared war on us [Xueman Empire]! Looking at the current date, they should fight Woke up!"

"What?" Ted was dumbfounded, fighting at this juncture?My own farming life has just been planned, and when a tomato has not yet been produced, there is a fight?

The Huck Empire and the Xueman Empire in the south were one country 3000 years ago. Later, because the royal family turned against each other, Prince Xueman and Prince Huck established themselves, and then formed the current situation.

"Does Your Majesty say we must send troops?"

Chris shook his head and handed the letter to Ted: "Your Majesty knows that our northern border is sparsely populated and the people are poor, so he only asked for 100 million bags of wheat! He didn't ask for troops."

"That's it, then why are you in a hurry?" Ted breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Chris with a smile: "Look at your notes, do you remember how much wheat we bought at that time?"

"My lord, of course I know, but... Now because of the war, the price of goods in the empire has soared. Even near the granary city of the empire, the price of a bag of wheat has reached 18 copper coins! I mean, we bought a lot of them before. , now you can take part of it, sell it back, and earn a fortune! You can even earn back all the money you once spent on food!"

".Butler, your idea is good, but we should have a bottom line. No matter what others do, we should not make money for the country."

"But if you don't make money, you're a bastard!?"

Ted stood up with a smile, put his hand lightly on the butler and said with a smile: "Don't persuade me, hurry up and count the food, and find a way to send it to the imperial capital~"

"My lord, we don't need to go, they will send someone to collect it, collect taxes all the way, and finally drive directly to the front line!"

"Is that so?" Ted sat on the ground again, tapping his fingers on the table and thinking.

Half a minute later, he opened his mouth and looked at Chris: "Just remember: after the grain collection team arrives, we will seal the city gates, pile up the grain outside in advance, and find a few enthusiastic people to pretend to be sick. If someone wants to enter the city, you say that there is a plague in the city! In short, you must not let them in! Do you understand?"

"Yes! Your lord!"

In other cities, dung piled up into mountains, and my own city was full of fragrance. If the emperor found out about this, wouldn't he have to ask himself to pay for food again?
It's definitely no problem to defend against one hand!

Now that you know you are going to fight, you can't be idle!There is no weapon in hand for the time being, but it can be made up in other ways!

This kind of primitive war can be as short as three to five years, and as long as ten or eight years. The grievances between the two countries have lasted for thousands of years, and almost every century has to fight several times. Even if the people are unwilling, they are already tired of fighting. Those who don't want to stop there.

Once the flames of war are ignited, the granary cities in the south and the surrounding grain production areas will basically be scrapped. Without food production, the people of Xueman Empire will starve to death in large numbers
In the Huck Empire in the south, their production provinces are all at the southern end. When fighting, supplies can be transported continuously without any interference!

It is also because of this that the advantage of Huck Empire is like a snowball. After each fight, it will increase a little bit. By this time, although it can't crush Xueman, it will be fast.

"It seems that the greenhouse must be built quickly! Not only this, but all the copper and iron mines in the territory must be put into operation!"

According to the situation, the natural resources in the territory can be regarded as the best in the empire, but it is slightly more difficult to mine, so no one takes these resources seriously.

The generals of the empire even compared the north to the moon in the sky, rich in iron ore resources, but never available.

After thinking about it, Ted did not plan to export on a large scale, to increase the existing collection volume, and to hand over the resources to the group of self-taught students, and still declared that the iron ore production capacity was insufficient.

It's just that the front line is fighting, and as a hereditary nobleman of the empire, I have to do something. If people from the south call, I will most likely be sent to the gallows.

Just sitting here and making a fortune in silence may become the wedding dress of the southerners, and I have to be a little dedicated to help the soldiers on the front line tide over the difficulties!
Fighting must require food. If meat can be provided to the front line, the imperial army will surely overwhelm the enemy!
In primitive wars, food can effectively boost morale. If every soldier can get meat, the Xueman Empire will not necessarily lose!
According to Ted's memory, only one kind of creature can meet the conditions to obtain a large amount of meat in a short period of time.
It looks like a white-feathered chicken. This strange species only takes 42 days to be slaughtered. The big ones can even weigh more than three kilograms~
"Just do it!"

【Purchase the Heavy Industry Set!Buy White Feather Flocks!Buy a scientific chicken coop! 】

Just clicking three times in a row, his star coins were consumed again.

"You can earn more if you lose it!" Ted didn't want to waste a minute and a second, he came to the lord's hall, and led the students to the empty workshop next to him.

"Guys, this place is bigger. The upper floor can be used as a dormitory for you, and the lower floor will be filled with mechanical lathes. I will pull a wire here later! Remember, safety first! Do you understand, John?"

"My lord, I understand! There will definitely not be an explosion!"

"In this case, you continue to study, I will send someone to clean up here!"

After giving instructions to the people in the mansion, Ted called the outstanding citizens who were idle and invited them to come to the north of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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