Duke of Herrington

Chapter 165 Eat!meal!

Chapter 165 Eat!meal!
"Yo, Earl Ryze, I've been waiting for a long time."

In front of him, Glenn was learning and selling, and he learned some useless aristocratic etiquette in just a few minutes.

The seemingly cumbersome way of speaking of nobles is actually very simple, as long as you master the tricks, it will not be as troublesome as you imagined.

The trick is: If it takes three sentences to finish, it will definitely not be said in one sentence, they have to be separated, and a lot of unnecessary modal particles and particles are added!Or use an incongruous metaphor to match 'Oh!God!I'm sure! ' and other pattern phrases, it is basically completed!
Seeing the man in front of him, Ruiz didn't know who he was, so he could only arrange his clothes, raise his head, pretend to be chivalrous, and asked humbly: "Oh! My dear...?"

"I'm Major Gray"

"My dear Major Gray! I didn't expect you to be so generous and full of honor. You didn't lock me up with ordinary soldiers. You really have the demeanor that a knight should have."

Although what he said didn't match the beginning and the end, and there was no connection at all, but Grain still had to continue!

Only by dealing with this man well can the group of captives under him be obedient.

"You are really flattered, Earl Ryze. You must know that your mercy must have spread in the army! If you hadn't insisted on the honor of the nobility and sympathized with your subordinates, I'm sure we wouldn't be sitting here talking."

Immediately afterwards, Earl Ryze pretended to be a hero, and responded with a smile: "Yes, Major Grain!"

Since the reform of the Northern Territory, coupled with the blessing of Steve's seal, Ted and Chris have discussed for a long time. In order to make the law and ideas pass smoothly, and to motivate these officers, they finally finalized the award of the 'Knight' Way.

Officers above the school level will get it automatically~
Chris has not been a Sir since New Year's promotion to Lord Herrington.
But people seldom call him 'Baron', but 'Mayor'!
Because the staff of the city hall have already formed the habit, and Chris has adapted to the new environment, so he didn't care
He prefers the title 'Mayor' to 'Lord Baron'~
After all, things related to nobles will always carry some labels of "relying on blood, not having much ability". As a perfect human being, Chris must highlight his ability and uniqueness at the beginning!

The word 'mayor', that's it~
An earl can have multiple knights under his command. At present, Ted only has five, all of whom are ruthless men with the rank of major or higher. Grein has just been awarded the title of knight, so he hasn't had time to find out.
Fortunately, he is very smart and has seen pigs run
He stood up with a smile, spread his right hand, and said with a smile: "Then, Earl Ryze, please sit down! We are a military camp here, so we can't prepare banquets of the same size. We can only prepare a little wine and a few dishes. I hope you don't come out."

Listening to the tone, Ryze knew that the other party was also a nobleman!So my expression and nervousness eased a lot.

"Oh! My god, cough, cough!"

As an earl, to be able to survive until today, it is indispensable to observe one's words and demeanor!Just now someone yelled 'God criticizes God', which shows that this group of people has no feeling for God, and even has a little hatred for him!
so!Even if you are God's people, you should be subdued at this time!After all, survival is the most important thing!
If this offends God, the old man. Then go to church and buy indulgences!If you can't solve it with one piece, just buy two!Until his old man can forgive him!
"Mr. Grain, to be able to eat such exquisite delicacies in the battlefield, in our country, even the emperor can't do it"

When he said this, Ruiz didn't mean any compliments, because even when the emperor led the nobles to attack the city, they really didn't eat so much. They only had simple barbecue and bread, with some jam at most, or Take local ingredients, mix a salad
And in front of him, besides the regular bread, salad and barbecue, there were more than a dozen plates of things he had never seen before!

Especially those strangely shaped fruits that exude an attractive aroma, it seems that after one bite, the scorching heat outside will be completely dispelled.


An orderly took out a bottle of super-cooled Coke that had just been frozen, and poured it directly into a special large smoothie glass after opening.
"I wonder what Earl Ryze likes to drink?"

"Anything is fine, wine and beer are fine!"

These two things are very common all over the world, but these soldiers don't like them very much, and these two can't withstand the bumps.
So the quartermaster directly canceled these two and replaced them with whiskey and brandy.

"I'm sorry, but these two kinds are not easy to preserve, so the accompanying barracks don't have them. We only have whiskey and brandy."

"I didn't expect the products in the northern border to be so rich! I have never heard of these two wines."

"Thank you! Half a year ago, I hadn't heard of it. It was our lord, the Earl of Herrington! Only after finding the traditional brewing method from the history books of the northern border, did these two kinds of wine reappear in the world."

As he said that, Glenn pretended to say: "Well, then we'll drink the more popular whiskey! Come~ Chisel an ice hockey puck for Mr. Ryze!"

As soon as he heard 'ice hockey', Earl Ryze became interested instantly!

Because the thing 'ice' is not common, especially in this hot summer!
Right now, there are not only smoothies to eat, but also alcohol to drink with a hockey puck.
An ordinary battlefield dining table instantly turned into a high-end banquet, even surpassing a royal banquet!
But the Earl is an Earl after all. Although he has never seen such a thing, he is still well-educated. Unlike Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, he maintains a useless elegance all the time.

In just a few minutes, a round ice ball was chiseled, and the wine was poured after it was put into a specific glass.

Earl Ryze is not afraid of being poisoned. After all, the army in front of him, who is as graceful as a god, has ten thousand ways to kill himself, and there is no need to choose the dirtiest one!
so! ! !
Enjoying the fine wine in front of him is what he should consider.

One sip, the iced wine ran across the throat, like a girl's sweet kiss, kissing every inch of the body, and like a spring breeze, welcoming the coolness of summer.
this wine!Absolutely!
"I didn't expect this wine to be really good, but I just don't know where to buy it."

This thing is very popular in the north, and it was only recently sold to Baron Tomato's territory. If you want to buy it in bulk, you can only go to Valentine
"This is the only one in the whole world. If you want to buy it, you have to talk to our lord. Although you are the earl of an enemy country, you are not the kind to tear your face. Personally, I think we still have room for cooperation."

"It's so good, I'm looking forward to working with Sir Herrington."

"I will write it down, when the time comes you will be with the emperor of the Locke Empire."

Hearing that the emperor he wanted to protect was still alive, his mood improved a lot: "Oh? Our emperor is still alive?"

"Yeah! Rescued by our commando because we don't want to go to war with the Rock Empire right now, especially after learning that you've been invaded by a bunch of green dwarves."

There was something in Grein's words, and Earl Ryze heard it all at once: "What do you mean by that?"

"Seeing that you are a straightforward person, I will tell you our intentions." Grain is not an idiot, he wants to tell the earl of the enemy country in front of him his intentions, he just wants to test the specific reaction of the enemy, if the reaction is not violent, then he can Take the next step.
"Compared to using force on people, we are more inclined to deal with foreign enemies. Besides, we were people in the same country thousands of years ago. After fighting for so many years, we have been fighting endlessly."

"It's Time To Consolidate"

There are many ways to restore the friendship between the two countries, but none of them bind the interests together, and it is quick to transfer the conflict to the goblins!
The cold lips and teeth will make the people of the two countries united front, against the enemy together, and re-establish friendship through close cooperation.
"what do you mean"

"That's right! The Xueman Empire intends to take this opportunity to take back the Locke Empire by the way!"

"How should this be taken back?" Having said that, the Locke Empire is so big!Recycling is not an easy task.

"In the name of sending troops to fight against foreign enemies, we went to fight in the territory of the Locke Empire. When helping you drive away foreign enemies, we will not leave"

"This" method is good, but kind of dirty.
"I know that there are many difficulties in this, and it is not easy to directly implement the plan, so we need internal support."

"You mean, you want me to be a traitor?" Earl Ryze is a confidant of the imperial party, and it is not an easy task to recruit him as a traitor, but the solution given by the think tank is not a bunch of cerebral palsy researchers proposed plan.
Doing this is just to plant a seed in his heart, and in the later work, he will slowly change their minds through certain things.

You know, Zhou Yu's defeat of Huang Gai was not achieved in a day!If you want to change his mind, you have to use benefits and 'technology' to subtly change his mind.


Grein laughed, raised his glass and explained: "I don't want you to be a traitor, our lord just wants to invite you to join a great plan! At that time, the human empire will be reunited, and the list of meritorious officials will be on the list." You must have a share of the credit! Future generations will definitely look up to you!"

"We'll talk about that later."

As soon as this remark came out, the earl's brain capacity was not enough, and he planned to think about it slowly in the future
"Alright. Let's talk another day!"

A seed is planted like this, no matter whether it germinates or not in the future, there is definitely nothing wrong with occupying a hole first!
After two glasses of wine, when Earl Ryze was about to eat, he discovered something.
That was the tableware in front of him, he had never seen it before except for a steak knife!
In this dark period, even the nobles used the civilian version of the 'two-toothed blade', plus a table knife.

But in front of you, there is a whole set of western food tools, besides that, there are eight pieces of chopsticks and crabs.
Not to mention Earl Ryze, even Ted, who made these famous tricks, sometimes has to react according to the instructions.

The only one who can enjoy it is the amazing Chris. He accepts new things faster than anyone else. He just uses these tools once and finds the knack.

And he has a hobby, that is to eat crabs and lobsters, since he has "eight pieces of crabs", he can stay alone in the corner and eat slowly
People in the city hall can often see Chris eating crabs in the cafeteria. When he is not busy at work, he will even reassemble the finished crabs and pile them together for a group photo~
Right now, Earl Ryze can only look at this mess and be at a loss.

"I counted it. There are 32 pieces of tableware in total. Is it so troublesome for you northerners to eat?"

It seems very luxurious and very polite, but so many tableware
That's a little too much!Thus, it runs counter to "speaking etiquette". Instead, it is humiliating and finding fault, to make foreigners think that he is like a local turtle.

Seeing this, Grain forcefully explained with an awkward but impolite smile: "Oh? Hahaha! This is only for us to entertain outsiders to experience the local customs. We don't do this when we eat by ourselves. We want to quickly remember every The purpose of a piece of tableware is not realistic, if you really don't know which one to use, I suggest you use chopsticks"

"I see."

In the rear, Grein invited the Earl to dinner as planned, and at the front, Muller looked into the distance with a telescope
Joseph flew over the position with the bombing team, and he connected to the radio again: "I see the enemy! The green signal smoke is well marked, we will drop the bomb in 15 seconds, you better cover your ears. The power of this thing It's much bigger than a cannon."

"How much equivalent do you carry?" Mueller asked casually.

"Well, they are all 200 kg or 300 kg. There is one that carries 100 kg. I only carry a 'little ant' with an equivalent of 1.2 tons. In order to kill the enemy as much as possible, we carry steel balls and high explosives. As long as it is If you rub it against the edge, it will be punched into a hole."

Shock waves and sounds, everyone must pay attention!For the sake of the soldiers, Muller must issue a warning: "Then I really have to tell the troops to pay attention."

"Okay! This is the end of the chat, let's enter the countdown to the bombing."


Below, a group of lifeless goblin cavalry gathered in a dense formation, like locusts crossing the border, vowing to devour everything blocking the road!
It's a pity that society is developing, the times are advancing, and technology is changing with each passing day!

The set of hand-to-hand combat is not enough.

"321! Drop the bomb!"

Inside the bomber, the co-pilot locked the green smoke bomb below with the optical sight in his hand
"Lock on the target! Launch aerial bombs! Wash the ground! We will grow watermelons here next year!"

"Hey! I prefer to eat pineapple, my family consumes 18 kilograms a day!"

"Isn't it delicious to raise pigs? How good is fried pork chops?"

Listening to the pilots chatting, Joseph quickly interrupted their conversation, because today's mission has just begun, and they have to bomb until midnight before they can rest!
Now I have to save energy: "Okay, okay, I have to go back to resupply after dropping the bomb! We still have a lot of tasks to perform! Save a little energy and don't use it on nonsense!"

"Yes, sir!"

Below, the goblin cavalry captain charging forward seemed to see the phantom of the front position, just when he thought he was going to catch up with the enemy and give them a fatal blow, there seemed to be some voice from the sky.
He had never heard this voice before, but it seemed like a divine punishment to purify everything on the land!
"Soldiers, I advise you to cover your ears. The nearest 300kg aerial bomb will explode 500 meters in front of you. Hide in the fortifications and don't be washed by the shock wave!"

'BOOM! ! ! '

After the first one hit the ground, the second one and the third one.
Whether they were soldiers or captives, even Earl Ryze, who was studying how to eat with utensils, was attracted by the sky-shattering explosion.
"Ground artillery units, according to the rehearsal, pour firepower on the coordinates! Open up the bombardment! We need to use ammunition carts to pull prisoners! So don't keep them, let me empty them all!"


"Fire all the shells and blast them all out!"

Then, the rear area became lively, and hundreds of cannons blasted together, like war drums from the God Realm. Just this outrageous sound would make most creatures lose their will to fight.

And the sound of such cannons has no intention of stopping at all!
The range of artillery fire covered all the enemies, and even their retreat was cut off!

"My God." Seeing such a weapon, Earl Ryze secretly rejoiced at the wise decision to surrender.

If he resisted stubbornly, his fate would be as miserable as that of these green-skinned dwarves.

Suddenly, Joseph's voice came from the radio: "The little ant express has arrived!"


A small mushroom cloud explodes from the enemy ranks, and the smoke is blown across the battlefield by the shock wave

At this moment, everyone touched their chins blankly, pretending to think.
Many people's chopsticks were scared off!The captives felt cold behind their backs, and lamented the general's decision to surrender quickly.

They are sure that if they are blown up by this thing, they can find all the arms and legs and put them together again, it will be a manifestation of the gods.
"Being a prisoner seems to be pretty good, not only food, but also drinks."

"I also feel that way"

"It's good to be alive"

(End of this chapter)

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