Duke of Herrington

Chapter 168 Forest Protection~

Chapter 168 Forest Protection~
The little bear who got the honey, imitated others who love to be clean, and took out a non-alcoholic wet wipe from a small bag!Use it to wipe the dust off your hands, then take the honey jar from Jessica
With a crisp 'bang~' sound, the lid of the honey jar was opened.

"This thing is so sticky? I don't know if it tastes good, but it smells good!"

Immediately afterwards, the little bear put the cover in his hand on the table beside him, stretched out his index finger, gently dug on the honey, and then sent it to his mouth

Just for a moment!The sweet and mellow honey was wiped away by the saliva, and evenly filled every inch of the cell in the mouth!
The taste buds are even more washed away by this happy taste!This taste is a hundred times stronger than any fruit!
Apple or something is overshadowed by this thing.
"This is such a delicious thing! Can you eat it every day?"

"I usually take him to soak in water~ it's sweet and sour, it's delicious!" Jessica, who was holding the bear, hugged him tightly!
While enjoying the touch from the fluff, he asked: "How about it? Tell a little lie and persuade your family to leave?"

As a non-hostile little bear in the forest, he has no intention of finding fault, no matter what they bring out, he will take his family and leave!It's just that I just said it casually, and let them come up with such a delicious thing!This is simply a windfall!
If this is just the usual food, wouldn't their food be more delicious?

In order to make this a 'long-term meal ticket' and not be destroyed by parents!Little Bear nodded to everyone swearingly: "Hey, good! Then, come and play with me often in the future!"

"No problem! As long as you come, I'll bring you honey!" As an old bachelor, Jessica has never even touched a man's hand!Completely irresistible to small, furry creatures!
Especially this kind of newborn bear, which is as sweet and soft as a baby, and feels very good to hold!Even his body seemed to exude a milky fragrance!
It is also because of this that Jessica picked up this cute creature in the forest~
It's just that the family members of this cute animal are a little bit irritable.

For Little Bear, he has never seen a creature with only a head and fur!

And with his curiosity about new things, he took the initiative to deliver the goods to the door.

I thought that this bald and hairless creature must have rough skin!However, it was later discovered that the touch of the woman in front of her was better than her own flesh pads!
So, he couldn't hold back, and rubbed for a while longer.

Then the parents found out that their cub was gone, so they mobilized the whole family to go out to look for it together, which created the current situation.
"Hey hey hey, this thing is delicious, I will come to play in the future! Remember to bring more honey!"

As he said that, Little Bear was holding a large 5L jar of honey, lying in Jessica's arms and coquettishly saying, "You can send me out! If you don't go out, Dad will tear down the house!"

"Okay!" Jessica still has some strength, and it's no problem to pick up a fifteen-kilogram bear plus a jar of honey!
Ever since, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Jessica hugged the little bear, and the little bear hugged Honey, just gently pushed the door open, and came outside the door!
In front of them, more than 40 giant bears with a height of 8 meters were standing in front of the camp, aggressively demanding an explanation!

The female bear in the middle breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her cub was safe and still eating something delicious.

But Papa Bear didn't think so. As a large aggressive male creature, he believed that outsiders must come to the forest to trouble them: "Say! What are you doing here? Why are you kidnapping my goose? !"

The clever little bear quickly sensed the fear of the rear team. Even experienced fire veterans, in this case, have to be afraid when facing close to fifty giant bears!
so!The little bear quickly raised his right paw, which was covered with honey, to stop his father's hostile behavior: "Dad! Don't be so fierce! I came with them quietly! They have good food here! It's even sweeter than fruits and meat!"

Father Xiong's eyes flickered with terror, and he didn't believe his son's words: "Nonsense! How can there be food more delicious than meat in this world? Goose, you must be joking! Are they blackmailing you!? "

Little Bear knows it's useless to say anything, because Dad's IQ is about 0 when he is angry!

The only way to have a good talk with him is to get him out of the control of anger first!

There is an old saying among the giant bear clan!There's nothing a meal can't fix!If there is!Then the second meal, the third meal... until it is resolved!

No creature will refuse the sweetness of the honey in the bear's hand!

Ever since, the witty little bear quickly opened the lid of the honey pot in his hand.
The next moment, the crystallization of labor from tens of thousands of bees was swept up by the moist breeze blowing in the forest, following the rhythm of everyone's breathing, it successfully penetrated into the nasal cavity!
The father bear who was standing at the front smelled the sweet smell first, and the terrifying smell disappeared immediately, and the pupils returned to normal.
"Xixiu. This taste. It seems to be not bad! Let the old man taste it!"

The last second, Dad Xiong, who was aggressive and ready to swallow his life, just smelled a little bit of honey!regained sanity
"Bah! Kiss a goose with you and snatch something to eat! Son's father, you are shameless! Ziliu is so sweet?"

Mama Bear stopped Papa Bear who was reaching for the honey jar!But I quietly stretched out my nails to scrape a little bit out of the little bear's honey pot and tasted it.
"Huh? The needle doesn't poke! Ziliu, goose, let me eat some more!"

Seeing this, Little Bear couldn't bear it!Quickly buckled the honey jar in his hand, held it in his arms and scolded angrily: "Dad! Mom! Xiong Er and Xiong Mei haven't eaten yet!"

This milky roar immediately woke up the adults who were about to eat.
Xiong Daxiong Er and Xiong Mei are the youngest bears in the family, and if they rob food with them, they will be punished severely by the patriarch!Not even my own parents!
Hearing the shout from Big Brother Xiong, there was an inexplicable commotion in the woods. Xiong Er and Xiong Mei quietly walked out of the woods behind them
"Hey! Brother, do you have something delicious in your hand?"

"Xiong Mei wants to eat too!"

Behind Xiong Da, Jessica just broke out in a lot of cold sweat!Fortunately, the little bear in front of him didn't repay his kindness!She just breathed a sigh of relief.
For a smart little bear, there is still a difference between a full meal and a full meal~
"Brothers and sisters! Come and eat! This food is much sweeter than big fish and meat!"

"Really? Brother, don't lie!"

While everyone was in a daze, a witty human took out half a tenderloin from the supplies~
Burn oil in front of everyone~
The big bears sitting together didn't know what happened. Before the little bears finished eating, they could only sit there and watch the humans in front of them busy.

"What is this human being doing?"

"I don't know! Are you juggling?"

"You have seen a lot, can you tell me?"

"If you want me to say, it must be worship! If a human being can do this kind of thing to food, it must be worshiping ancestors!"

The giant bear communicates with what it thinks is a very small voice, but as everyone knows, this 'tiny' voice can be heard clearly tens of meters away!
The human watched the cub eating honey and thought of his newborn brother.
Ever since life in the north has improved and the material has become richer, the family takes turns feeding him!The mountains of candies and chocolates at home made this child unwilling to eat
In order to prevent similar tragedies from happening, he is going to show his hand!
so!He is going to share his special skill - sweet and sour pork tenderloin with you~
Because semi-finished food is very convenient to process, and this person has obtained a special chef certificate, so it is not difficult to make this 'Northern Traditional Food'!

Just when the sugar color was fried and the fried golden meat pieces were thrown into the pot, the three little ones walked towards the side of the pot unconsciously
"Is this smell food?"

At this time, the big bears also gathered around!I thought this human being was juggling, but I never thought that this peculiar smell awakened the appetite of all the bears. Even if a few of them had just had a full meal, they did not resist the temptation and crawled over drooling.
"Zi Liu. This taste is very good!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Is there any part for us?"

Within 5 minutes of cooking, a plate of delicate sweet and sour pork tenderloin is ready!


Xiong Da put down the already empty honey jar in his hand, followed the scent and brought his younger siblings to the stove.
Looking at the saliva scattered all over the ground, you can raise a fish!

The human chef closed the lid and said, "How about it? Bears, do you want to eat?"


As a member of the special forces, there must be no problem with his brain!If you want to live in peace with these big bears, you must deal with the little bears!

The plan of "trap the cubs and make their mother" is already clear: "Then can you ask your family to do us a little favor? Then we can treat you to dinner every day!"

"Really?" The leader, Xiong Da, stared at the food on the plate. If he hadn't felt the heat and felt that it was too hot, he would have started directly and smothered the sweet and sour tenderloin in one bite!
Xiong Da wiped off his saliva, raised his head and looked at the humans ahead.
As soon as I heard that I can have such delicious things to eat every day!The cubs immediately ran to the family and told the family behind them!

Seeing this, the family members are not happy either!
"Just for the brats? We don't have any?"

The food on the plate is delicious, even if you think about it with your heels, you know it is edible food!

Seeing that the big man in front of him wanted to negotiate terms with him, the chef was overjoyed, but he couldn't provide so much food!The current food is basically air-dropped, and the food of the team members is a problem, let alone sharing it with everyone.
"Ahem, cough, you are too big! We don't have that many raw materials!"

The big bears are not worried about raw materials, because the dense forest will solve everything: "We provide this... raw materials! You do it! Then we help you build that and so on."

"No. Just help us deal with the tree. If you can help us keep safe, I would be very grateful!"

"No problem! Just some trees! Besides, this land is the territory of our forest bears, you can enjoy it here!"

So far, the original acute problem has been solved!
If today's episode hadn't happened, these troubles might have been piled up in the future!It's not good for either party if unnecessary conflicts are triggered!
Now that everyone has exchanged mutual interests, conflicts will be reduced!You can even try to get along first, if you can get along peacefully, exchange some things with each other.
The Knox League will be bigger again!
"Since this is the case, then don't treat us as food!"

"How could it be! You only have so much meat on your body! The salmon in the river is 3 meters long! You can fill your mouth with one bite! That would be delicious!"

Hearing what the giant bears said, the small creatures present felt offended, but they didn't know what the problem was?

"This. Let's discuss it."

"No problem, let's think about it."

After a period of rigorous bargaining, the two parties finally reached a short-term agreement!

Although people in the north don't like to eat fish that swim in the water, you can still try something new for such a big fish!In addition, you can also enrich the 'Northern Recipes'!
Let the recipes that are already thick as a dictionary add a few more pages!

Recently, the river has been flooded with salmon, and the giant bears can't finish it. If the fish are allowed to flood, it will endanger the reproduction of other creatures. Other species living by the lake also know this, even if they open their mouths fish, and there is no way to eat them back to normal levels.
Now, there is a wave of people who can help everyone consume salmon and maintain natural balance, and they have no reason to say no!
"That's the deal with Huna. We are responsible for food processing. You help us deal with the big trees and provide salmon. We will take some away~"

"Ok, deal"

By the time everyone finishes processing the agreement, the sweet and sour pork is not so hot anymore~
The three little bears wanted to reach for it, but they felt something was wrong, but they didn't know what was wrong.
The little bears have never eaten hot food before. Even if the temperature of such hot food is right, it will still feel hot if you take it with your hands. Besides, it seems a bit disrespectful to use your hands directly.
Jessica saw the hesitation of the raging bears, and immediately took out a pair of chopsticks from the satchel she carried~
"In normal times, we would use this kind of tool when we eat ~ look forward to it!"

Now that the crisis is over, everyone can show their harmonious side. Jessica hugged the three little bears and patiently taught them how to use chopsticks.
"Ah! Mu! This way! Do you understand?"

"Mmm, it's delicious, have you learned it yet?"

Xiong Da shook his head, Xiong Er picked up the two sticks and put them in his hands, not knowing how to use them, only Xiong Mei!She picked up the chopsticks tactfully!The fork next to it has touched a piece of sweet and sour pork!


At this moment, the cubs ate cooked food, and the structure of their brain nerves also quietly changed at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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