Duke of Herrington

Chapter 176 BOOM!

Chapter 176 BOOM!

Not far away, the second prince Galen heard a "death" duel!Immediately lead the surrounding melon-eating crowd to the front!

These days, everyone's dueling is just for entertainment, just for fun, either for a certain beautiful woman, or for some credit!Even if the conflict is deep, I will not risk my life.
In the empire, about 700 years have passed since the last duel of "life and death". During this period, the duels of the nobles were all with wooden weapons, mainly in martial arts or swordsmanship, and there was no such step as desperate at all. !

And now, with Ted's request for a 'split or die' duel, things get interesting!
Besides, at this time, it is very suitable for a bloody duel!If anyone can win in the duel, it will definitely boost the morale of the camp supported by the winner!
The goal of the eldest prince and the second prince is to eliminate the fifth prince and the young sixth prince first!and the Seventh Prince who just had a full moon
The latter two have already burped, and now only Steve is left!

Originally, the eldest prince and the second prince would deal with Steve's camp together, so as to avoid the fisherman's profit!
However, the idiot earl in front of him belongs to the camp of the eldest prince Andy. If he wins, it will be bad for the second prince Galen!If Ted wins, even if the morale of Prince Steve's camp improves, the threat posed to the second prince will be negligible.
After thinking about it, Galen decided to make a move against Andy!
In everyone's eyes, the real decisive battle belongs to the second prince Galen and the eldest prince Andy!Galen must not let Andy's momentum overwhelm him!

In order to overwhelm the eldest prince first, Galen planned to help Ted.

So he held a wine glass, pretended to be passing by, and came to Ted's side to say hello: "Earl Herrington! I don't think you have any attendants to follow, why don't you let my guards go out with you! They are all elites." Elite! There are 800 people! You can choose whatever you want!"

Ted didn't care how many people came or how strong the soldiers were. In front of him, they were all the same weak chickens!

Therefore, he directly rejected Galen's kindness: "Thank you, Second Prince, for your kindness, but this time, I plan to use my own ability to make the cripple and his henchmen regret it!"

As soon as these words came out, Galen only felt arrogance and arrogance!However, he looked at the young earl, and from his eyes, he could see confidence and contempt again.
In other words, can he really deal with a whole guard?
Now, the second prince was looking forward to it, and even if Ted didn't give him face, he forgave him.
Besides, he doesn't like the cripple of the First Prince either. At least on this point, they have reached a consensus.

"Then good luck to you!"

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, Second Prince"

In fact, Ted had been prepared for a long time. When the idiot Earl spoke, he selected several weapons with outrageous killing efficiency!

However, when he was about to sign the life-and-death contract, Steve learned of the news of the other party's dispatch of troops, so he quickly turned back, pulled Ted past him, and came to the corner to persuade him: "Hey! Ted, his There are 200 guards! How can you fight 200 people by yourself? Even if you hold a machine gun, it is difficult to deal with the enemy alone! Let's keep our strength and fight again later!"

Steve's understanding of modern weapons is still on firearms, and he doesn't know what is in Ted's gourd.

Ted shook his head, stretched out his right index finger and shook: "Why keep it, there are only 200 enemies, and they will be wiped out in the blink of an eye!"

Hearing the words "Ashes and smoke disappear in the blink of an eye", Steve suddenly thought of some kind of weapon with greater lethality: "What do you want to use? Could it be?"

"Do you still remember the Iron Fist guards who escorted you here?"

"Of course I remember! Combat literacy is no joke! It's easy to fight against a hundred with modern weapons!"

"Then do you still remember what is the 'sub-weapon' of the head of the Tekken regiment?"

Ted's words quickly reminded Steve of an unforgettable scene: "That's it."

It's just that if you take out such a powerful weapon now, will you expose your own technology in advance?Even though Steve himself knew that Ted was measured, he couldn't help but ask, "Don't we need to keep a low profile?"

Steve's concerns are valid, but
Even low-key is useless!Because of the caravan guards and store guards I sent, the weapons in their hands have now been seen!

It is estimated that many nobles with a lot of eyeliner already know about this!

The two are now wearing a pair of trousers, and Ted doesn't intend to hide this aspect: "Do you still remember, our caravan guards, and guards! The guy they are holding has been exposed! These nobles just don't know it for the time being. That’s all, when they return to their territory, they will know everything.”

Now that it has been exposed, Steve has to worry about the issue of strength: "Do we have enough strength to fight against them?"

"Of course!" Ted gave a thumbs up and explained the situation in the territory: "Since the upgrade of our production line, the production capacity has increased again! Now half of the [-] regular army has become armored soldiers."

"So fast? How did you do it?"

"General Muller has realized this from the beginning. There are few people in the northern border. It is unrealistic to win by quantity. You can only take the elite route, so every soldier has a class! Learn how to be an armored soldier! And just Yesterday, they all learned! All on the tanks this morning! Getting in."

"How many elite soldiers do we have?"

"There are three armored divisions, one of which is guarding the border between us and the southern empire with the artillery brigade in the south, one is on standby outside the city, and the other...is undergoing final training and maintenance, and will be able to pick us up in the imperial capital in three days."

"Is it that sharp?"

"Of course! Since they have been exposed, scare them to death! Lose the desire to fight us! This will also reduce unnecessary casualties."

"Well, since you know what's in your mind, I'll just stay aside?"

"Just wait for my good news. Don't forget to be on your guard! A suspicious person approaches and kills him immediately!"


Because of the large number of people participating in this duel, it was scheduled for half an hour later.

But now, many servants are cleaning up the site, re-planning the site that was originally divided into several parts, and removing the baffles!Until the entire site is cleared!
"Hey, this place is so big, it's usually divided into several pieces! I didn't realize it."

While talking to himself, Steve took off his hat, and walked to a place far away from the crowd, one is to reduce the number of people who get rid of him and not be assassinated![-]. Because these people are too stinky!I haven't showered in ten thousand years!The sour smell was like a gust of wind, and it kept drilling towards Steve's nose!

He dared to say that if an assassin came, the body odor would definitely come before the sound.

The whole site is similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, except that the current one is a large circle with a diameter of 300 meters.
Suddenly, a harsh and sharp voice came: "Everyone, are you ready? In 2 minutes, the duel will begin!"

A duel of this magnitude is usually presided over by the emperor!It's just that after seeing Ted, the emperor hurriedly claimed that he was sick and left the stage. It is said that he returned to the palace to recuperate and will come back later.
Ted didn't care, because he knew that the human-faced spider controlling the emperor wouldn't do anything to him!
Timistrecu is not a fool either, she knows who Ted is and how terrifying his backer is!She doesn't want to be slapped to death by the ice dragon again!

So. He chose to take out the mark from the emperor's body and return the control to him!
As for myself, I have already absorbed enough energy to return to the peak of my strength!But in order to avoid meeting the ice dragon again, she intends to drive the controlled humans to build a giant ark for herself!
On the day of completion, drive south until the next continent!
It would take at least three days for the emperor to recover from the control of the human-faced spider!It is not an easy task to restore the deathly cold body to the normal body temperature of a human being.

As for the arena, there is a dedicated person to handle it, so there is no need to worry~
Just like now.
With the sound of the bugle echoing in the arena, everyone knew: the time has come!

"Yes, both parties are invited to enter!"

Just as Ted hung up his equipment and was about to enter the field, he felt as if something had tapped him on the shoulder.


"It's me! I'll go with you and help you out!"

"Just help me reload!"

"no problem!"

After 5 minutes, the two sides entered the field from the east and west entrances in an orderly manner.

To the west, there is the count idiot and his 200 pro-guards!A total of 201 people!Among these people, there are not only the elites of the knight class, but also many senior fighters, or powerful desperadoes.
To the east, only Ted and the invisible Joseph.

Above the platform, the second prince Galen suddenly received a secret report. After reading it, he stared at Ted in disbelief, pulled his cronies by the way, and immediately issued an order: "Let the troops assemble quickly! I want to try it myself!" Try what kind of magic weapon Earl Herrington possesses!"

Under the platform, as the sound of the drums ceased, the duel officially began!
In order to show everyone his useless military literacy, the idiot Earl insisted on sharpening his guns in front of the battle, learning and selling them with his military books: "Everyone! Fight according to the panacea! The shield soldiers are in the front and the spearmen are sandwiched in the middle! The archers are in the rear! "

If this idiot earl had commanded his troops to charge the moment the battle started, he might still be able to see Ted's face.

However, he chose the stupidest way!Bring everyone together for battle
On the other hand, Ted has no intention of showing any mercy to the enemy!

The next moment, with the breeze blowing, he raised his right arm, opened his cloak, and raised an old and beautiful M32 grenade launcher from the side of his body.
This weapon has a capacity of six rounds. It uses a 433x40mm low-speed high-explosive fragmentation grenade of the model M46. The lethal radius is between 5 and 7 meters. It is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to deal with a group of enemies!
As for the difficulty of use, as long as you are a hunk, you can control this weapon. For Ted, there is no problem~
"This is just the beginning. From today, everyone in the empire will look at us with admiration!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Hey hey, watch it! Eat me a grenade! Go away"

Before this, Ted had only fired training ammunition and had never manipulated live ammunition, so when shooting, it was inevitable that there would be some deviations.
When the first two rounds were fired, I almost hurt the melon-eating crowd in the stands
Adhering to the concept of not harming innocents, Ted gripped the grenade launcher and aimed at the panicked enemy guards
At this time, the idiot Earl drew out his commanding sword and shouted, trying to use his eunuch-like cock-duck voice to boost morale: "Don't panic! Hold up your shield and move forward steadily! We have 200 men! Archers are accurate."


Before the idiot earl gave an order, he was hit by a grenade, and more than 200 people in the team of 20 lay down in an instant
After the earl was completely out of breath, an experienced old knight took over the command, quickly dispersed the team, and regrouped in a semicircle!

During this period, three more grenades precisely hit the crowd, and nearly half of the 200-man team suffered casualties.
The magazine has been emptied, and Ted is not going to reload, but is going to try the weapon behind him: "Well, Joseph, help me test our team's weapon, how about it?"

"no problem!"

As he said that, Joseph raised his hand and helped Ted unload the Carl-Gustaf recoilless gun he was carrying on his back, helped him set it up, and took out an 84x375mm FFV441 fragmentation high-explosive bomb by the way.
There are [-] prefabricated steel balls in this thing, it is a good choice for beating people
"Sir, reloading is complete, the tailpipe area is safe"

As usual, Joseph should line up the helmet of the shooter!However, Ted is not wearing a helmet. If this slap is taken, his marriage will be "tactically postponed"
"Target locked! Fire!"

Wait for Ted to pull the trigger!

With a sound of 'whoosh', before he could react, the shell flew out!By the time Ted came back to his senses, it had already exploded in front of the enemy!

The splashed steel balls smashed everyone in front of them into a sieve, the scene was bloody and bloody, and the body of one unlucky guy had already been smashed to pieces
It is not an easy task to clean up such a scene.

"Well, the effect is not bad, this thing can also be reused, and it can be used to expand the use of different types of shells! It is worth considering!"

"What do you mean, sir, can it be mass-produced?"

"Of course! It's a good choice to use it yourself or sell it to your allies."

"Okay! Then I will give you this proposal later"

New weapons like this must be used by special forces first, and they will be eliminated by regular troops when they have had enough fun. For Joseph, this thing is a new toy~
In the duel arena, there was no suspense in the duel, but now there is indeed no suspense
However, the predicted result is completely different from everyone's guess!
In the stands, only Steve was humming the northern tune leisurely and waving to the bottom.

As for the others. When they took out the grenade launcher from Ted and shattered the wall, they fell silent, and now they are all frozen in place, not knowing what to do.
In this situation, the second prince Galen, who originally wanted to test Ted's strength, immediately canceled the order just now.
And this sudden explosion sounded the alarm bell in the city, and the Royal Guard and other patrolling guards quickly approached the Colosseum.
Just when everyone thought the duel was over, a crossbowman picked up the weapon in his hand, dragged his pierced body up, and knelt down to prepare to shoot
His ears had been deafened by the blast, and he couldn't hear the drumbeat at the end of the duel, and he didn't know what happened. He only remembered the previous order.

Ted looked at the soldier who was sticking to his post, feeling quite emotional, shook his head helplessly, and said to Joseph beside him: "In future battles, try to adopt beheading tactics as much as possible, the more well-educated soldiers there are, the less troubles will come will be less”


Although the behavior of the soldier in front of him is commendable, it's just that he pointed his weapon at Ted and wanted his life!

Even if Ted is kind in some ways, he will not let the enemy take his life!

The next moment, he took out the SCAR-H rifle hanging on the right side of his body, switched to fully automatic mode, and emptied the magazine directly to show his respect.
"It's done, call it quits!"

(End of this chapter)

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