Duke of Herrington

Chapter 179 'Big Smart' Steve...

Chapter 179 'Big Clever' Steve.
6 p.m., Valentine Town Hall, inside the Foreign Service.
In order to reflect strength and strength, as well as inclusiveness, after the final decision of Ted and the think tanks, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is a broken-toothed veteran of the Raging Fire Tribe!
Because of his appearance and figure, he looks powerful!With a height close to three meters, just standing in front of it makes people shudder!But they will not draw their swords against their friendly forces, which also shows tolerance!
So. The hardline diplomat was born!

And since he was transferred from the barracks and came here to take up his post, nothing happened.

The foreign affairs department connects with forces other than the Northern Territory, while the Knock Alliance now has only two forces, one is the Northern Territory, and the other is the Tomato Baron.

But Baron Tomato often came by himself, and Ted took this opportunity to sneak in fish, hold a banquet, and discuss matters while eating.

In other words, using the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deal with the Tomato Baron does not satisfy the stipulated 'principle of reciprocity'.

Only Ted or Chris can receive Baron Tomato.

However, Chris's serious appearance and serious personality are not suitable for dealing with diplomacy.
If he is really allowed to handle it, then there will be no allies in the northern border.

Because of this, Ted helped Broken Tooth handle most of the diplomatic matters.

Leading to the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is too leisurely, as for how leisurely.
So free that such a ferocious male creature, under the guidance of the moon elf beauty under his hand, even learned to embroider to cultivate his mind!
But today, it is an exception!Ted isn't home and Chris is busy with a political meeting!Nobody's coming to host the Tomato Baron!

So, just two hours before get off work at eight o'clock, the Northern Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally had an official guest!

Temporarily the only ally of the Alliance!Tomato Baron Ben West!
Since this person is an ally and a new race of the alliance, Broken Tooth is very polite to this guest.

But the cumbersome diplomatic etiquette that should be there still has to go through the motions.

So, after waiting for half an hour, they sat on the table and started talking.

When the staff poured the Coca-Cola, a specialty of the Northland, Broken Tooth smiled and asked, "I don't know if Baron Tomato came to us, what's the matter?"

Ben West came to the north for two things, one was to buy arms, and the other was to do things related to the army: "Of course! And it's not a small matter."

Based on recent events, Broken Tooth guessed and asked: "Oh? Excuse me, is it about the conflict on the southern border?"

If Duanya hadn't mentioned it, Baron Tomato would have completely forgotten about it!
Because he didn't believe that the goblin cavalry riding on the alpaca would smash the tank with a knife: "Hey, I'm not worried about that at all! I believe you will solve it! I came this time for other purposes, and I'm in a hurry."


"First of all, it's about the instructors! Benjamin's instructors are very good, and they turned this group of people who were muddling around into qualified fighters! However, the number of them is too small. If possible, I hope I can borrow some more. Of course, we pay for the wages! There are also subsidies”

As soon as he heard that he was here to borrow an instructor, Broken Tooth immediately took out some information from the military department, and searched for the instructor who was on vacation one by one: "Mr. Ben West is joking, we belong to the same alliance, and allies are obliged to share Military resources, your request is not difficult, we just have a group of recruits who have finished training, and the instructor team is a member of our special forces in the north, as good as instructor Benjamin."

Hearing this, Baron Tomato nodded with relief. Because he has no experience in training modern soldiers, he can only come to the northern border for help: "If this is the case, that would be great! We have recently taken in a lot of people and need more Soldiers came to maintain law and order, which really helped me a lot!"

After speaking, he took out a notebook from his pocket, and took out a pen to cross out something.
"Besides this, we also have some arms transaction orders, some of which I don't know if you will sell them or not."

Looking at Ben West's expectant eyes, Broken Tooth has already guessed that he is basically here to buy tanks and armored vehicles.

In order to verify his conjecture, he took the paper from Baron Tomato and checked it one by one.

These things have been approved by Ted and can be sold to members of the alliance, but Broken Tooth can't make up his mind about the last item.
"4 Sherman M35 tanks, 25 armored vehicles modified according to the corresponding model. Mr. Benwest, you want to form a reinforced armored battalion."

"That's true, but my goal is to form an armored division, but now I don't have that much money. The money used to buy things is still the share I just got"

"Well, I can indeed make decisions about the above items, but the last item must be approved by our lord, because these two items are not on the sale list, and I have no right to give you an answer."

"That's it"

"Well, if you would like to wait a little longer and have dinner, let's ask the lord what you mean, and I will give you an answer after the meal."

"Okay, then I'll try the special dishes of the northern border?"

"We're ready, we're ready to open anytime."

This is just a boring necessary diplomacy, arms orders and other military demands from allies.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when Ted received the news. After reading the news, he directly replied to the foreign department 'can sell'.

Because the tanks of the Xie Mantou M4 series don’t have any technical content. If you disassemble them, find a few experienced blacksmiths, and study them for a year or two, you can build them like cats and tigers!
The main secret of the northern border lies in industrialized assembly lines, precision lathes, and valuable technicians.
There is no need to hide secrets like tanks, and it is not a nuclear submarine or a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Besides, Baron Tomato didn't ask for blueprints, he just wanted to buy some special products from the northern border, and take a tank maintenance course by the way.

These are completely within the scope of Ted's acceptance, and do not touch the core interests.

At the end of the dinner, Baron Tomato received a receipt from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All the arms requested before were approved, and some weapons can even be delivered now.
Because the machine tool was updated, the efficiency and cost were greatly reduced, and Ted foresaw that the power of the alliance would increase, so he ordered the factory to run at full capacity to produce basic firearms without interruption.
If Baron Tomato doesn't come to buy any more, the arsenal will be completely full.

In addition, it is necessary to arm the believers of the Sun God Sect. They have the blessing of faith and are an armed force that cannot be ignored. Only when the Imperial Sect is completely eradicated can the Xueman Empire be controlled.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Baron Tomato saw that it was getting late, so he planned to stay in the newly built diplomatic embassy in the northern border for one night, and enjoy fully automatic toilets and hot showers!By the way, sleep on that soft bed for a long time!Then go back tomorrow morning with the delivery truck.

Of course, besides the arms he bought, there was also a special gift.

That is the tiered purchase total price reward set by Ted imitating the accumulated recharge in the game.

The reward for the first stage is an off-road vehicle independently developed and produced by Beijing!
With this personal vehicle, Ben West doesn't have to ride in that bumpy truck that makes his back ache
"Earl Herrington is really considerate, why not? Shall I discuss it with my ancestors again? Send a few more beauties to marry? Strengthen the relationship?"

Just when Baron Tomato was so excited and unable to fall asleep with the key in his hand, Ted, who was in the imperial capital, was full of sadness, unable to fall asleep in fear
Seeing Ted's appearance, Joseph turned off the invisibility camouflage, sat on the table and persuaded: "Sir, why don't I keep watch here and you sleep for a while?"

Ted waved his hands helplessly, and signaled, "Go to sleep. I can't sleep because I'm afraid of being attacked. I'm worried about Steve!"

Because of the different classes and the fact that Steve belongs to the royal family, his resting bedroom and Ted's bedroom are not in the same area, and the distance between them is 500 meters!So Ted and Joseph can't protect him at night!
Even if Ted wants to persuade Joseph to leave, he will not agree, because in the eyes of all the people in the north, the value of a prince is far less than that of Ted!

If the prince dies, you can support another one. If Ted is gone, everyone's hopes will be shattered!
Therefore, Joseph will not protect any prince.

This is the truth, but in order to let Ted fall asleep peacefully, Joseph still tried to persuade: "Steve? He didn't get drunk, and with the weapon you gave, as long as he is an adult who can reflect how much one plus one equals?" People, there will be no problem!"

"Having said that, I'm still worried"

"Don't worry, my lord, I'm sleeping with the pickup earphones on, if there is any movement, I will wake you up immediately."

"Well, I'll leave it to you"

Right now, worrying is just doing useless work, it's better to get a good night's sleep, if Steve is alive tomorrow morning, continue according to the plan, if he dies, hurry up and call the plane to run away!

500 meters away, according to Ted and the instructor's instructions, before going to bed, turn up the sound effect of the pickup headphones to the maximum, only in this way can he fall asleep.

When he fell asleep, the sound of snoring echoed throughout the palace, even waking up the second prince next door who was unconscious due to drunkenness!

Seeing this, the eldest prince excitedly ordered his church assassins to act immediately.

"The time has come! Now! You have to kill Steve and Earl Herrington! Leave no trace! The two of them are a scourge, as long as you don't get rid of them for a day! I can't sleep or eat!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, we have been assassinating for 30 years and have never failed! We will definitely wipe them out from this world!"

"Very good! If it succeeds this time, then I will make the two of you hereditary nobles!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

In the palace, the sound of snoring is still as rhythmic as the melody. If it is accompanied by a minor tune, it will be able to piece together the modern pop song "The Greatest Snore".

Regarding the thunderous snoring, Steve himself knew that the sound was very annoying. He was often reprimanded by his father since he was a child, and he was also talked about and ridiculed by other noble children behind his back!

He also asked Vadina how she endured her horrible snoring.Still able to sleep peacefully?
For humans or other races, even with two headphones, it is impossible to fall asleep.

It's just that the ancestors of the moon elves discovered a solution by accident when they were flirting with their spouses!Just pour the formula into warm water and let the snorer drink it, and within 24 hours, snoring will be gone.
As for why Steve didn't bring it out, it's because this thing needs to be mixed with the sweat of a loved one and then dried, and it has a certain timeliness. If it exceeds 36 hours, this thing will fail, so it is not suitable for carrying. Make a day in advance.


Just as Steve was falling into a deep sleep, thinking about the scene of having a good time with Vadina, the sound of footsteps at 60 decibels came from the pickup headphones, bringing him back to reality.

However, in order not to startle the snake, he is still learning how to snore, and continues to confuse other people

The sound of footsteps coming from the earphones was getting closer, and Steve slowly moved his hand under the pillow, and took out the Glock-33c with 18 rounds of magazines.

The only advantage of this thing is that it can be pulled out to shoot at any time. Although the accuracy of long-distance shooting is impressive due to the problem of the trigger pull, if someone passes by now, if it is an assassin, they will definitely cut their throats.

Since the throat is cut, it means that this is a close combat, and the distance between the two sides will not be too far.

And this gun is an excellent self-defense weapon, and at such a short distance, as long as you press and hold the trigger without letting go, and sweep out a rough outline, one or two of the 33 bullets will definitely stick to the enemy's face.

At that time, the originally passive situation will be under control again!

What's more, Steve doesn't only have this gun. He has one under his pillow and two in his clothes. If the magazine of this gun is empty, he can take out two as spares to increase the error tolerance rate.

It's just that Steve doesn't intend to use a gun to kill the enemy, even though he knows that the assassin may be a dead soldier, or an experienced assassin!He would still take chances and fantasize about finding out who was behind the scenes in front of his father!
So, Steve raised his left hand again, pulled out a flashbang, pulled the safety catch, squeezed the spring-loaded lever, and waited for the moment the door was pushed open.

'Dangdang.dang.Crunch. Creak.. Creak. Creak. '

In order to prevent his eyes from being blinded and his ears deafened, he put on sound-pickup noise-canceling headphones and special sunglasses when he was sleeping!
Moreover, he still has his eyes closed now, so he can do his best to protect himself from the flash bombs.

Now, this group of passers-by sneaked into his room quietly, which means that they are assassins, and the visitors are not good!

The next moment, the sound of a dagger rubbing against the cloth was heard. Steve heard the timing, kicked the quilt away, and threw the flash bomb in his hand!After doing this, he quickly lay down on the bed, closed his eyes with his sunglasses on and turned his back to the flashing light
'boom! ! ! 'The sound wave exploded!When the chemical fuel burns, it emits a sound as high as 190 decibels, causing the two assassins who came to assassinate him to lose their hearing instantly, and their eardrums were also pierced by this sharp sound!

The assassins covered their ears and kept cursing: "Fuck!"

In addition to the damage caused by the sound, there is also a strong light!
Because it was dark night, the pupils of the two were widened to the maximum, and they were not only deafened by the sudden strong light, but also blinded
Now!The time has come to reflect the achievements of Steve's training. If you want to impress the people around him, you must capture the assassin alive!

So... Steve turned around magnificently, ready to arrest the two assassins in front of him!
However, at this moment he thought of one thing clearly.
"Oh! They are deaf and blind, why should I ask questions! Damn!"

At the same time, the powerful alarm bell sounded, followed by the sound of police whistle and frequent footsteps, waking up all the sleeping people!
Ted had just fallen asleep, when he heard the chaos outside, he quickly got up and asked, "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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