Duke of Herrington

Chapter 185 Anyone Can Do It!But you can't!

Chapter 185 Anyone Can Do It!But you can't!
I don't know if it's because of the better weather, or because of the appearance of a mysterious force from the north, the second prince Galen only feels full of strength!

Now, he had a premonition that Ye Man could be possessed and turn ten people with his big sword!

"Could it be that this is the buff brought by the high-quality food before the battle? I didn't expect that food can also bring buffs to soldiers in battle!"

In addition to being shocked, the second prince has no time to continue to sigh!Because the duel is about to begin!
Just before we start, there is one more job to do!

That is to choose the enemy!The eldest prince Andy looks like a weak chicken, he can only choose the E-rank desperado who has been starved for a month!Due to his face, he didn't announce it when he was dueling.
But in the second prince's round, you can continue according to the normal process!

At the same time, the administrator of the duel field came out, picked up a form and put it on the plywood in front of him, and asked Galen with a smile, "Your Highness Galen, what class do you want to challenge?"

"Choose the highest single-player level! S! This prince only needs a big sword to handle it!"

To be on the safe side, he didn't choose more than one dozen, but chose the highest difficulty for a single player!
In this mode, the second prince is still able to do a job with ease, which can not only satisfy the psychology of the audience above, but also prevent himself from losing face due to accidental mistakes in the battle.
After receiving the order from the second prince, the administrator immediately began to arrange: "No problem! Your Highness, the decisive battle will start in 5 minutes. Your Highness, please get ready."

Before the battle, it is necessary to exercise the muscles and bones!
However, looking from the stands, it looks like an old man warming up with unknown meaning before practicing Tai Chi, and also like a dung beetle that is accumulating energy before moving dung eggs~
The battle in the audience was about to break out, but on the stage, Steve looked calm, as if the overall situation had been settled, and there was no pressure at all: "Let me say, Ted, what difficulty should I choose for a while?"

"You?" Ted narrowed his eyes and yawned sleepily, seemingly casually, but actually made a meaningful suggestion: "Choose normal difficulty, B-level is fine."

For this proposal, Steve exhausted his entire IQ and failed to figure out the reason, so he lifted his coat again, glanced at the P90 in the clothes with his mouth, and asked, "Why? I brought 550 rounds of ammunition. ! There are eight grenades around my waist! Judging from my current 60% hit rate! I can handle at least 300 enemies.”

These words made Ted shake his head helplessly. It is unrealistic to want to explain his thoughts clearly to this kind of stunned youth, because the nobles here treat the people well just to put money on their faces, or they just do it. Make a show.

Steve will definitely not understand the principle of "take from the people, use for the people" for at least 20 years
Therefore, Ted could only say in a strange way: "Hey Steve, these are false names! If you go to a duel with a firearm from the era of crushing cold weapons, even if you kill all the gangsters with swords in the world, you won't be able to fight!" If it makes any sense, you might end up being labeled a devil!"

In the eyes of nobles, power comes first!The power to be powerful enough to instantly kill the enemy is to conquer!The expression Steve made also confirmed that he did not understand the thoughts of ordinary people: "Why is this?"

After getting along with him for this period of time, Ted discovered an interesting phenomenon, that is, when Steve was stubborn, forceful indoctrination would be useless, and he could only make sidelines.

"Ahem. Like the second prince, he learned how to fight with swords and swords from an early age, honing his skills and willpower on the battlefield. After 30 years, he is no more than one enemy with three! But you hold a gun to put it bluntly, a 12-year-old child can use A bullet from a submachine gun is as deadly as a 30-year-old!"

These words made Steve very dissatisfied, it was like saying that he was a brat! "According to you, I have no technical content at all? Can children do it?"

"Then what do you think? You just took advantage of technology. As the future emperor, you should advocate technology to change life, instead of abusing technology to cause unnecessary damage."

"Even if the opponent is a prisoner, you have to give them a decent death! Because you are the emperor, not an ignorant commoner! You are not an unselfish law enforcement officer! So you need to show mercy at a certain time! Although the result will not change! But what you do will subtly affect the people's loyalty to you!"

"A benevolent king is in trouble, and the people will give you a helping hand regardless of the consequences! If you do what you say, others will only call you a devil and a tyrant! Stay away from you."

Even if Ted's words are clear enough, Steve's deep-rooted thinking will not change for a while. Even if it changes on the surface, he will still be dissatisfied in his heart: "Why not? Sometimes, killing the enemy like this You can quickly achieve your goals!"

Ted had already figured out what Steve would say, so he took out the pistol in his waist and put it in Steve's hand: "If I think so, you are all dead."

This understatement made Steve feel uncomfortable behind his back!Just as a gust of cold wind blew by, goosebumps appeared on his arms.
This flustered and funny look is like the dung beetle's astonishment when he heard that the cesspit in the next village was about to be filled up. By accident, he said: "Ah, according to you, then I should be happy?"

"That's natural! Fortunately, I'm not a demon, otherwise you would have been blasted to pieces by shells! Remember! You are the emperor! Those who have attained the Dao will be helped, but those who have lost the Dao will not be helped! If you are an ordinary person, you can do whatever you want." Go all out to implement the 'Law of the Dark Forest'! You can be as selfish as you want! Other nobles can do what you say! But you can't because you are the emperor"


After hearing so much from Ted, Steve suddenly realized!
At this moment, he also gained the maturity he should have at this age: "Thank you, Ted"

"You're welcome. If you don't know how to be an emperor, I can teach you! Just do as I tell you!"

It is not difficult to be an emperor, but to be a good emperor, like Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, is not a day's work!It takes years of experience to learn.

Just chatting for a few minutes, the battle below is over
The S-level outlaw lunatic is not as powerful as the second prince who has been fighting for many years, and Galen didn't even use the big sword in his hand!It's just a set of empty-handed combos!
'Connect', 'transform' and 'send'!Just throw the enemy in front of you!
This unlucky outlaw lunatic hit his head directly against the wall, and his neck was broken on the spot. Even if God came to the scene, it would be useless!
It's like a dung beetle meets a puddle of beetle!Wanting to rub it into a ball is simply a dream!
Since then, the second prince has completed his challenge, and the next one is Steve's turn!
Ted drank half a bottle of happy water, pointed at the corpse below, and reminded with a smile: "Okay, it's your turn! Remember! Don't overestimate yourself."

"I know! You have to follow the 'low-key' principle you mentioned! You have to give full play to your strength, not to be underestimated by everyone, and let everyone know that I am not a bloodthirsty monster!"

Such a standard answer made Ted very pleased: "Well, then I'll cheer you up here, how about it?"

"No problem! I will definitely complete the duel in the way of the North."

After finishing speaking, Steve snapped his fingers thoughtfully, like a dung beetle thinking about whether to 'eat' or 'drink' the next meal, the inspiration emerges!

On the surface, Steve followed Ted's ideas, but Ted always felt that things were not that simple!No one knows what unexpected things this idiot will do.

Time passed little by little, and Ted stuck his chin in the stands, pretending to be nonchalant and asked: "Hey, Joseph, what do you think. How will Steve deal with the enemy in a while?"

"It shouldn't be a guess, sir! Steve will definitely use the P90 he carries with him to fight a duel, beat the enemy into a sieve, and then turn around and leave to participate in the evening banquet."


"Eh? Sir, what do you mean?"

"I always felt something was wrong, because Steve's swearing expression made me feel uncertain."

"Don't worry, sir, Steve will still follow your opinion on certain matters! I dare say, unless the chicken can play basketball! Either he will definitely do what you want!"

"I hope so"

It stands to reason that it only takes 10 minutes to walk from the stands to the bottom!But now, nearly 20 minutes have passed since Steve left.

"But please don't make any trouble."

Suddenly the entrance to the duel field was opened, and Steve entered the duel field from the west gate.

At this moment, the setting sun is setting, and the blood-like setting sun is against the sandy and gravel site, which has a special style.
Everything seems to be in harmony, but some people are not happy.
Just like Joseph, he regretted what he just said, but he knew what he promised, so he picked up the small notebook that he carried with him, and wrote down a line: "Long-term mission: Find chickens that can play basketball, or spend less More than two and a half years to train a chicken to play basketball."

This task is easy on the earth, but it is difficult to change it here.

"Huh..." The breeze blew by, and a tumbleweed, accompanied by a few leaves, appeared in the field of vision untimely.

Immediately afterwards, the metal friction 'dangdang' sound of riding boots rubbing against the ground came out.

Everyone present frowned, picked up the binoculars and focused on the just opened door.
The next moment, a Steve wearing 'Arthur' denim clothing slowly walked out from the shadow of the setting sun.

"Hey, what did Steve see at our place?"

"Uh, it should be the first novel "Big Cousin in the Wilderness" that is officially released in the northern border with the authorization of the mayor."

"How did you know?"

"Because I watched it too."

"Hey" Ted could only let out a long sigh, and raised his right hand to cover his head.
The books that were taken out for photocopying at the beginning included not only science books, but also many folk novels.

In order to match the preferences of this group of people, and Ted deliberately put the label on the northern border, Mayor Christ chose such a set.
Unexpectedly, a stunned young man ushered in so soon.

Under the stands, in the duel arena, Steve slowly moved to the battle-ready position with a very pretentious pace, even wearing sunglasses and a big gold chain, saying, "You hit me!" 'Brother Martian's dancing moves are not enough to look good in front of Steve.

At this moment, he is like a dung beetle who has just contracted a cesspit in a Gobi village, exuding the breath of "I am the most awesome" from head to house.

Through the binoculars, even the emperor, who had seen the world, couldn't help but swear: "[email protected]#N¥M%D!Did Steve convulse? "

"Ahem. Your Highness Steve, may I ask what level of enemy you want to challenge?"

"Class A!"

I thought that Steve, with his shy appearance, would choose the highest difficulty of one-to-many, like Ip Man, to fight ten S-level outlaws, but he never expected that he would only fight one.
"Three people!"


Hearing that Steve was going to fight three people, the person in charge of ascending the throne gave Steve a high look.
Judging from the appearance, he didn't carry the big guy in Ted's hand, nor did he hang tactical equipment like a Christmas tree. He only had a top that looked like it would be blown away by the wind soon, but it was actually stable. hat.
Wearing jeans and a windbreaker, this kind of dress is rare in the empire, but it can also reveal a unique aesthetic flavor, especially when it matches the sunset and the unexpected tumbleweed.
Like a killer at dawn, he will kill you at any time!The breeze blowing even turned into a death spell!

"His Royal Highness Steve, your request has been registered, and you have 5 minutes to prepare."

"5 minutes? No problem!"

In the next second, he escaped from the backpack behind him with a thick and long black elliptical cylinder. After putting it in his mouth, he took out a golden lighter from his pocket
"It's not just a duel! Steve, what are you doing?" Ted couldn't laugh or cry!
"Um, sir, there is a chapter in the book where the main character Arthur fights three outlaws. I guess Steve wants to imitate that part."

"This is completely insane!"

There are cigarettes for sale in this world, but no cigars
There are also cigarettes for sale in the northern border, but because everyone was poor before, the smell of the stuff was really strong, so they didn't develop the habit of smoking. In addition, smoking is banned in the city, so if you want to smoke, you can only go out of the city.
Everyone was lazy and didn't try.
After a few months, the sales of cigarettes in the northern border were only 2 Dole, and I bought them back when Baron Tomato came.
In addition, the city hall did not get any tax from it, and lost a lot of money, which eventually led to the direct bankruptcy of the cigarette industry
The stick in Steve's mouth is most likely the moon grass incense powder that the moon elves use to refresh themselves.
One sip is equal to drinking half a cup of coffee, two sips is equal to refreshment!And after that, as long as you keep inhaling this gas, you will get the buff.

Taking the current experimental data as an example, it is not harmful to humans!Just like the sweet fart of the moon elves, you won't be addicted to it if you smell it more.

According to the reviews of people who have used it, it tastes similar to beef stew.

Exhaling a foul breath, Steve's attention was superimposed with a layer of buff!

As long as there is this layer of buff, his accuracy will be improved to a higher level.

The original 6% accuracy rate, plus the half bonus provided by the buff, in subsequent shots, his hit rate will increase to 90%!

Steve's weapon has six bullets, but the enemy has only three
In other words, from this point of view, Steve is not high-profile!He did follow Ted's advice!He could have seconded at least five. But he only chose three!It was completely within the scope of his ability, and he did not kill too much.

At the same time, he did not choose to use a submachine gun, nor did he carry a grenade, but only two revolvers!

So not too exaggerated
"This Steve, hey. If he said 60 points and passed the test, he really took the test with 60 points?"

Five minutes soon passed, and the three extrajudicial lunatics on the opposite side were also ready. They were wearing plate armor and holding battle axes, just like three Nord royal guards!
Even they are equipped with corresponding large round shields in their hands!
The difference from the regular round shields is that the surface of the round shields held by this group of people is also inlaid with a layer of iron!
Although this iron sheet is superfluous in the eyes of discerning people, for others, this iron sheet should be able to block the impact of the blast!

But this iron skin and plate armor are absolutely unable to withstand the attacks from guns.

If it is .22 or 9mm and .45ACP, at 10 meters, it may not be able to penetrate the thickened wooden board of the iron shield, but Steve is holding a Colt Python revolver with a 6-inch barrel. The matching bullet is .357magnum with additional charge
This thing can easily penetrate the iron shield, penetrate the iron armor by the way, and blow up a knight in costume, let alone these people in front of him
At this time, the sunset fell again, and the 5-minute preparation was over!
"The duel begins!"

The moment the person in charge dropped the token, Steve opened his eyes!Following the example of the protagonist in the novel, he used his fastest speed to pull the weapon out of the holster!

"Welcome to judgment!"

(End of this chapter)

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